Which of the following information items is not needed to open a cash account for a customer?

1. Name, address and the name of representative of the business operator handling personal information:

Name: Seven Bank, Ltd.
Address: 6-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Name of Representative: Masaaki Matsuhashi

2.Purpose of Use for Personal Information

Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information , Seven Bank shall only use personal information provided by customers (including such processed information based on which specific individual cannot be identified unless cross-referenced with other information) for the following services and within the scope required to achieve the expressed purpose of use.

  1. Description of Services
    1. Deposits, foreign exchanges, money exchanges, loans and associated services
    2. Other services that permit banks to perform operations and their associated services (including services in which future bank processing is permitted)
  2. Purpose of Use

    Type of Information

    Purpose of Use

    Application information and transaction information of customers

    ・For processing applications for opening accounts, financial products such as loans or services

    Identification information and transaction information of customers

    • For identity verification based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, etc., or for confirming the eligibility for use of financial products and services, etc.
    • For providing financial products and services, as well as for responding to inquiries.
    • For confirming the eligibility for and implementing campaigns
    • For determining the use and managing transactions, such as management of the due date of deposit transactions and loan transactions, etc.
    • For making reports on transaction results and deposit balances, etc.
    • For processing administrative matters concerning transactions with the customers
    • For providing information to a third party within the scope required to carry out related services, such as providing personal information to an authorized (member) personal credit information agency in conducting the credit business, etc.
    • For exercising rights or performing duties based on an agreement with the customer or in accordance with relevant laws, etc.
    • For all types of proposals related to products and services of alliance partners, etc.
    • For all types of proposals related to financial products and services, such as sending direct mails, etc. (*)
    • For assessing appropriateness of providing financial products and services, such as assessment based on the principle of suitability, etc.
    • For preventing financial crimes by way of data analysis (*)
    • For market research, such as identifying the advertisement which led to applications, etc. (*)
    • For carrying out consigned services appropriately when all or some of the personal information processing services have been consigned from another business operator, etc.

    Security camera data of customers

    ・For preventing financial crimes by data analysis

    Telephone call log, address, terminal information, etc. of customers

    ・For identifying identify thefts, etc.

    Transaction information of customers and voice data of inquiries from customers

    ・For researching and developing financial products and services by carrying out data analysis and questionnaires, etc.

    Any and all information of customers

    ・Otherwise for carrying out customer transactions appropriately and smoothly

    These include usage by way of analyzing the transaction information, browsing history, attribute information, etc. of the customers.

In accordance with Article 13-6-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Banking Act and other relevant provisions, Seven Bank shall not use, or provide to any third party, information on customers' debt repayment capability, which has been provided by a personal credit information agency, for any purposes other than investigating their debt repayment capability. Also in accordance with Article 13-6-7 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Banking Act and other relevant provisions, Seven Bank shall not use, or provide to any third party, customers' special nonpublic information, such as information on race, creed, family origin, registered domicile, health and medical, or criminal records concerning customers, for any purposes other than appropriate management of the business and other necessary purposes.

3.Proper Acquisition etc. of Personal Information

Seven Bank shall use proper and legal means to acquire personal information of customers and use such personal information in an appropriate manner within the scope required to achieve the purpose of use as specified in item 2.

Seven Bank may acquire personal information from sources such as the following:

[Examples of sources of personal information]

  1. Personal information provided directly by customers by way of documents they fill in and submit to us, such as application forms for opening deposit accounts (or by way of data they enter via the forms on the Seven Bank website).
  2. Personal information provided by third parties such as joint users (e.g., clearing houses) and personal credit information agencies.
  3. Personal information contained in telephone conversations with customers on the occasion of receiving their inquiries and questions (we may record telephone conversations with customers for the purpose of improving the quality of our response and confirming the content of conversations).

4.Information related to individuals

Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, Seven Bank shall receive the provision of the following information related to individuals held by third parties as personal information in order to use them for the following purposes:

  • Seven Bank shall receive the provision of information related to telephone number, email address, terminal information, account information, address, etc. from third parties and link such information to the relevant customer's personal information, and use such information for the purpose of identifying identify theft, etc.

5.Discontinuation of Use of Direct Mail, etc.

Regarding the solicitation concerning the sale of Seven Bank products and services using direct mail or through telephone calls, etc., Seven Bank shall take the following measures to immediately discontinue the use or provision of personal information for said purposes after receiving a request from a customer to discontinue service.

  1. Items that can be discontinued
    Sales information that is distributed through advertisements and printed materials, etc.
  2. Procedure to discontinue service
    Use the contact information below to make your request.

    [Contact Center (Japanese)]
    0088-21-1189(Toll Free) or 03-5610-7730(charged)
    Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
    (Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)
    [Contact Center (English)]
    0120-937-711 (Toll Free) or 03-5610-7791 (charged)
    Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
    (Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)

6.Handling Sensitive Information

Based on the Guidelines Regarding Protection of Personal Information in the Finance Sector , Seven Bank shall not acquire or use, or provide to any third party, customers' sensitive information except in the cases specified in the aforementioned guidelines.

7.Maintaining Accuracy of Personal Data

Seven Bank shall strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal data within the scope required to achieve the expressed purpose of use. Please report any changes to registered items immediately.

8.Security Control Measures

Seven Bank shall take appropriate security control measures to prevent the loss, falsification and leakage of personal information provided by the customer.

(Establishment of the Basic Policy)

  • For the purpose of ensuring the appropriate handling of personal information, Seven Bank has established Personal Information Protection Policy concerning "compliance with laws and regulations, etc." and "requests from customers for disclosure, correction and suspension," etc.

(Maintenance of Rules concerning Handling of Personal Information)

  • Seven Bank has established management rules with regard to the handling methods such as acquisition, use and provision, etc. of personal information, as well as the managers and persons in charge and their duties, etc.

(Measures for Organizational Safety Control)

  • Seven Bank has established internal rules and manage [personal information] based thereon.
  • Seven Bank has appointed persons in charge to manage the handling of personal information, and established the system for monitoring personal information and for reporting and handling any case of leakage, etc. or possibilities thereof.
  • Seven Bank regularly conducts verification of the status of handling personal information in order to prevent leakage, loss or damage thereof and otherwise ensure the safety control.

(Personnel Safety Management Measures)

  • Seven Bank enters into non-disclosure agreements concerning personal information with all executives and employees who handle customers' personal information.
  • Seven Bank trains all executives and employees who handle customers' personal information about the importance of protecting personal information, and clarifies the roles and duties of each such executives and employees.
  • Seven Bank monitors the compliance of personal information management procedures by all executives and employees who handle customers' personal information.

(Physical Safety Management Measures)

  • Seven Bank implements access controls in accordance with the internal rules.
  • Seven Bank has introduced the system to identify and authenticate the users of customers' personal information and to record and analyze accesses thereto.
  • Seven Bank conducts recording and analysis of the status of operation of information system for handling customers' personal information.
  • Seven Bank monitors and audits the information system for handling customers' personal information.
  • Seven Bank takes technical measures to prevent leakage, etc. of customers' personal information.

(Understanding of the external environment)

Seven Bank stores a part of customers' personal information in the United States, Singapore, Ireland and Belgium using cloud service. In addition, some customers' personal information may be stored in some of the European countries, the United States, Chile, Taiwan or Singapore, although the destination of the storage cannot be specified given that the provider of the cloud service does not disclose the country of storage. Furthermore, Seven Bank allows such subcontractors who have their head office in China access to personal information stored in servers located in Japan to the extent necessary for such subcontractors to execute the business subcontracted to them (no personal information is stored in China).

Seven Bank is fully aware of the system for protection of personal information in the United States, Europe, China, Chile, Taiwan and Singapore, and implements strict safety management measures.

Summary of primary points of the system for protection of personal information of each country can be found on the following web page of Personal Information Protection Commission:

Personal Information Protection Commission:

9. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information

When outsourcing the handling of personal information in accordance with the outsourcing of services, Seven Bank shall conclude an agreement with the outsourcee (which is selected based on the standards prescribed by Seven Bank) concerning the handling of personal information and shall outsource the services so that the personal information is not used for any other service which is not outsourced by Seven Bank, and so that security control measures are taken and maintained in accordance with the Seven Bank Privacy Policy and related rules and regulations.

10.Joint Use of Personal Data

As indicated below, Seven Bank shall jointly use personal information in accordance with item 3 in paragraph 5 of Article 27 as prescribed in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

  1. Personal data items that are jointly used
    Items that contain information related to the issuer of a bad check (the same shall apply hereafter for the acceptor of a bill of exchange) or person with an overdue bill and information related to the applicant who wishes to open a checking account, as shown below.
    1. Name of said issuer (For corporate customers: the name of the corporation, the name of a corporate representative or the position title of corporate representative)
    2. Trade name of said issuer if applicable
    3. Address (location for corporate customers) (including postal code)
    4. Name of applicant who wishes to open a checking account (For corporate customers: the name of the corporation, the name of a corporate representative or the position title of corporate representative. Trade name of said applicant if applicable)
    5. Date of birth
    6. Occupation
    7. Capital (Only for corporate customers)
    8. Type of said bill or check and face amount
    9. Either a bad check notice (First bad check) or notice for suspension of service (Suspended service)
    10. Exchange date (Date presented)
    11. Paying bank (including the department or branch name)
    12. Credit bank (including the department or branch name)
    13. Reason for insufficient funds
    14. Date service was suspended
    15. Clearinghouse where the paying bank (manned outlet) of the bad check or overdue bill is involved, and the bankers association that is connected to said bill of exchange location
      (Note)When there is a discrepancy between the information related to items 1 through 3, noted on a bad check or an overdue bill, or the information registered in the paying bank, the information noted on said bad check or overdue bill is included.
  2. Scope of Joint Users
    1. Each clearinghouse
    2. Financial institution involved with each clearinghouse
    3. Personal Credit Information Center that is set up or operated by the Japanese Bankers Association
    4. Each bankers association that is a special member of the Japanese Bankers Association (including the inquiry center for persons with suspended service in each bankers association) Note that a list of joint users is posted on the website of the Japanese Bankers Association
      https://www.zenginkyo.or.jp/abstract/clearing/ (Japanese only)
      Which of the following information items is not needed to open a cash account for a customer?
  3. Purpose of Use
    Securing smooth circulation of checks and bills, and the credit assessment of one's own business for financial institutions
  4. Names of the people responsible for the management of personal data Bankers association that is connected to the clearinghouse where the paying bank (manned outlet) of the bad check or overdue bill is involved
    (The address and the name of the representative of each Bankers association can be found on the website of Japanese Bankers Association (https://www.zenginkyo.or.jp/abstract/clearing/
    Which of the following information items is not needed to open a cash account for a customer?

11.Procedure for Disclosure Request

The procedure for requesting the disclosure, etc. (such as notice of the purpose of utilization, disclosure, correction, etc., as well as discontinuation of use) of personal data that is retained, stipulated in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, is as described below.

  1. Applicable items for disclosure, etc.
    Personal data that is retained by Seven Bank, records provided by a third party
  2. People that are eligible to request disclosure, etc.
    1. Customer himself/herself
    2. Legal representative of the customer when the customer is a minor or an adult ward
  3. Customer service counter
    Use the contact information to make your request for the disclosure of information, etc.
    [Contact Center (Japanese)]
    0088-21-1189(Toll Free) or 03-5610-7730(charged)
    Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
    (Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)
    [Contact Center (English)]
    0120-937-711 (Toll Free) or 03-5610-7791 (charged)
    Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
    (Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)
  4. Disclosure fee, etc.
    The following fees are charged for disclosure requests, etc. The fee is debited to the customer's deposit account. (Customers without a deposit account must send a postal money order.)

    Information for which requests for disclosure, etc. can be made

    Fee (including consumption tax)

    Name, sex, date of birth, telephone number, email address, occupation (Name of employer and telephone number)

    1,100 Yen

    Balance after transaction (item, account number and balance)*1 for specified day

    1,100 Yen

    Transaction history*2 for 1 month

    1,100 Yen

    Contact the Contact Center for the disclosure of information not listed above.

    *1. Specified day:Each day that is specified.
    *2. 1 month:The term shall be calculated in the calendar year. (e.g. For a transaction history between April 25, 20XX, and May 20, 20XX, it shall be calculated as 2 months.)

  5. Response and processing time of disclosure request, etc.
    We shall respond to and process your request to disclose information, etc. within a reasonable time frame after receiving your written request either by providing electromagnetic records or in writing, whichever is selected by the customer. Note that we may respond directly to the customer even if the requesting party is a legal representative.
  6. Purpose of use for personal information acquired using the disclosure request
    For personal information acquired by Seven Bank using the disclosure request procedure, we shall perform a review of said request, verify the identity of the customer or legal representative, charge a fee for the disclosure and respond to said disclosure request, etc.

12.Contact information for questions, concerns or complaints concerning the handling of personal information

Use the contact information below to submit your inquiry (including inquiries concerning the provision of information concerning the personal information protection system of the foreign country of destination of the overseas money transmission made in accordance with the instruction by a customer) or complaint concerning Seven Bank's handling of personal information.

[Contact Center (Japanese)]
0088-21-1189(Toll Free) or 03-5610-7730(charged)
Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
(Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)
[Contact Center (English)]
0120-937-711 (Toll Free) or 03-5610-7791 (charged)
Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
(Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)

13.Provision and Use of Personal Information by a Personal Credit Information Agency and Their Affiliated Members

  1. Seven Bank shall obtain the consent of the customer as stipulated below using an application form and agreement, etc., in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 27 as prescribed in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, when personal information is provided to or is used by a personal credit information agency and their affiliated members (including Seven Bank).
    • <1>When personal information from the customer (including agreement details that are registered by the affiliated members of said agencies, information about the repayment status, etc., non-payment information registered by said agencies and public record information such as bankruptcy, etc.) is registered with a personal credit information agency to which Seven Bank is a member or with a personal credit information agency that is affiliated with said agency, Seven Bank shall use that information in order to assess the credit of the business. (Assessment refers investigating the repayment capacity or a new address. However, it is limited to investigating the repayment capacity for information concerning repayment capacity in accordance with Article 13-6-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Banking Act. The same shall apply hereafter.)
    • <2>The following personal information (including history) shall be registered with a personal credit information agency to which Seven Bank is a member, and said information shall be used by said agency, or by an affiliated member of a personal credit information agency that is affiliated with said agency, in order to assess the credit of one's own business.

    Registered Information

    Registered Term

    Name, sex, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, occupation (Name of employer and telephone number)

    Term for which any of the following information is registered

    Including agreement details such as the borrowing amount, the borrowing date and the final repayment date, and the repayment status (including the facts about arrearage, subrogated payment, procedure for forced recovery, cancellation and full repayment, etc.)

    During the agreement term and a term that shall not exceed 5 years from the date when the agreement was concluded (from the date of full repayment when full repayment has not been made)

    The date when the personal credit information agency, to which Seven Bank is a member, were used, and the agreement or the details of that application, etc.,

    A term that shall not exceed 1 year from the date of said use

    Non-payment information

    A term that shall not exceed 6 months from the date of non-payment for the first bad check, and a term that shall not exceed 5 years from the date when service was suspended for suspended service

    Public record information

    A term that shall not exceed 10 years from the date when the bankruptcy was filed, etc.

    Information related to receiving a complaint concerning registered information and its investigation

    Term of said investigation

    Information reporting loss or stolen identity verification documents

    A term that shall not exceed 5 years from the date of the report

  2. Regarding personal credit information agencies to which Seven Bank is a member, Seven Bank shall jointly use personal information, as indicated below, in accordance with item 3 in paragraph 5 of Article 27 as prescribed in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
    • <1>Personal data items that are jointly used
      Information posted in public records (Name, address, intention of bankruptcy, date, etc.)
    • <2>Scope of joint users
      Members of the Personal Credit Information Center and Japanese Bankers Association

      (Note)Personal Credit Information Center is a personal credit information agency set up and operated by the Japanese Bankers Association. Eligibility and membership are described below.

      a.A bank that is a full member of the Japanese Bankers Association
      b.Banks not listed in item "a." or a financial institution that is considered the equivalent of a bank by laws and ordinances.
      c.A government related financial institution or an organization that conforms to this d.A credit guarantee corporation that was established based on the Credit Guarantee Corporation Act.
      e.A corporation, which operates a credit business related to individuals, that is recommended by a member for which item a., b. or c. applies.

    • <3>Purpose of use
      Credit assessment of one's own business for a member of the Personal Credit Information Center.
    • <4>Names of the people responsible for the management of personal data Japanese Bankers Association
  3. The above personal information as well as other personal information may be mutually provided to and used by personal credit information agencies and their affiliated members within the scope required to protect and ensure the proper use of personal information by maintaining accurate and up-to-date information, processing complaints and monitoring the strict compliance with standards for members affiliated with the personal credit information agencies, etc.
  4. Aforementioned personal credit information agency
    The aforementioned personal credit information agencies are described below. Eligibility and the names of members, etc. of each agency are posted on the website of each agency. Note, the disclosure of information registered at a personal credit information agency is carried out by each agency (Seven Bank does not disclose that information).

What information is needed to open a new cash account?

What you need to open a bank account.
A valid, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or a passport. ... .
Other basic information, such as your birthdate, Social Security number or Taxpayer Identification Number, or phone number..
An initial deposit is required by some banks, too..

What is not required to be included on the new account form?

What is not required to be included on the new account form? Explanation: A new account application must include the customer's name, physical address, and date of birth. The only signature required on the new account application is the principal's.

Which of the following information is needed to open a new customer account?

Customer Accounts.

Which of the following procedures are required at or prior to opening a new options account?

Prior to opening an options account, the new account form must be completed (There is no requirement for a customer signature) and the customer must be sent the latest Options Disclosure Document (ODD). This is a pamphlet entitled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options" and is basically an options primer.