Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder quizlet?

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Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

956 solutions

Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder quizlet?


1st EditionArlene Lacombe, Kathryn Dumper, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins

580 solutions

Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder quizlet?

Essentials of Psychology

3rd EditionJeffrey S. Nevid

245 solutions

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Terms in this set (52)

antisocial personality disorder

marked pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others
(psychopath/ sociopath)

What are characteristics of someone with antisocial personality disorder?

-behaviors diminish later in life, after age 40
-self centered
-lack empathy
-temp aggressive
-lack remorse
-occurs more frequently in men

What is the age of onset of antisocial personality disorder?

must be at least 18 years old and have exhibited one or more childhood behavior characteristic of conduct disorder before the age of 15

ASPD strongly associated with

alcohol/ drug abuse

What is related to impulsive aggression?

serotonin deficiency and low dopamine levels

Who exhibit more antisocial behavior than others?

adolescent and adult men with XYY sex chromosome

Why would you need to protect other patients and staff when taking care of these patients?

because they can be verbally and physically abusive if their expectations are not met

What is the most effective intervention for priority care?

group interventions, as well as anger management.
families need help in recognizing the patient's responsibility for his or her actions

What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder ?

a pattern of social and interpersonal deficits
perceived as strikingly odd or strange in appearance and behavior
void of any close friends
greater rates for men

Are traits more or less severe than symptoms of schizophrenia?

similar but less severe

What are some symptoms of SPD?

magical beliefs*
perceptual aberrations
referential thinking

Avoidant personality disorder

avoiding social situation with interpersonal contact with others
-timid/ shy
-sensitive to negative comments
-chronic low self esteem

_________ appear extremely sensitive to negative comments and disapproval and appraise situations more negatively than others do

avoidant personality disorder

______ may help reduce symptoms

social skills training

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

does NOT demonstrate obsession and compulsions but rather a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control
-attempts to maintain control with attention to rules, trivial details, lists, and procedures

Characteristics of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

-need to control others
-difficulty completing tasks because they are so involved with details
-tense and joyless mood
-tightly controlled expression of emotions
-higher education and income

which disorder is associated with higher education employment and marriage?

obsessive compulsive personality disorder

what is the etiology of OCPD

parental over-control and overprotection
distinct limits on behavior
deep sense of responsibilities to others
play viewed as shameful and irresponsible

What is the management of OCPD?

short term antidepressant or axiolytic

Narcissistic Personality

grandiose, arrogant, begins in childhood, believes they are superior and unique, handles criticism poorly, cannot show empathy, occurs more often in men, often found in professionals, snobbish

What is narcissistic personality disorder caused by?

overindulgence by parents- commonly occurs in children and among first-born boys
children of parents with disorder have higher than usual risk of developing the disorder

Paranoid personality

-longstanding suspiciousness and mistrust of persons in general
-assign responsibility to others
-avoid relationships in which they are not in control
-hold grudges

What are characteristics or paranoid personality?

-typical emotional responses are anger and hostility
-outwardly argumentative and abrasive
-internally feel powerless**, fearful, and vulneravle
-disturbed thought process
-2nd highest PD**
-if already have another psychotic disorder they wouldnt assign you this diagnosis!*

Schizoid personality

-expressively impassive and interpersonally unengaged
-unable to experience the joyful aspects of life
-introverted and reclusive
-lifelong ongers
-interests are directed at objects, things, and abstractions
-engage primarily in solitary activities
-mathematics or engineering
no magical thinking

How are schizoid personality disorder different from schizotypal personality disorder?

schizoid disorder: flat, colorless, dull vs schizotypal: more dramatically eccentric

Histrionic personality

attention seeking
draw attention to themselves
quick to form new friendships, then quick to becoming demanding, strong dependency need
-appearance is provocative and speech is dramatic, attempt to control relationships by their seductiveness, need for constant attention: quickly alienates their friends, become depressed when they are NOT the center of attention

ultimate treatment for histrionic personality disorder

ultimate treatment goal is to correct the tendency to expect others to fulfill all of their needs

Dependent personality

-cling to others
-difficult decision making
-withdrawal from adult responsibilities by acting helpless
-need excessive advice and reassurance
-"gullible by friends"
-suicide and alcoholism

_________ prone to developing this disorder

persons with chronic physical illness in childhood

how should a nurse care for patients with dependent personality

support them in making their own decisions by resisting the urge to tell them what to do

how should a nurse care for patients with dependent personality

support them in making their own decisions by resisting the urge to tell them what to do

__________ rarely disagree with others and are easily persuaded, warm, tender, and non competitive

dependent personality disorder

Paranoid personality disorder: SUSPECT

S: Spouse fidelity suspected
U: Unforgiving (bears grudges)
S: Suspicious of others
P: Perceives attacks (and reacts quickly)
E: "Enemy or friend" (suspects associates, friends)
C: Confiding in others feared
T: Threats perceived in benign events

Schizoid personality disorder: DISTANT

D: Detached (or flattened) affect
I: Indifferent to criticism and praise
S: Sexual experiences of little interest
T: Tasks (activities) done solitarily
A: Absence of close friends
N: Neither desires nor enjoys close relations
T: Takes pleasure in few activities

Schizotypal personality disorder: ME PECULIAR

M: Magical thinking or odd beliefs
E: Experiences unusual perceptions

P: Paranoid ideation
E: Eccentric behavior or appearance
C: Constricted (or inappropriate) affect
U: Unusual (odd) thinking and speech
L: Lacks close friends
I: Ideas of reference
A: Anxiety in social situations
R: Rule out psychotic disorders and pervasive developmental disorder

Antisocial personality disorder: CORRUPT

C: Conformity to law lacking
O: Obligations ignored
R: Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
R: Remorse lacking
U: Underhanded (deceitful, lies, cons others)
P: Planning insufficient (impulsive)
T: Temper (irritable and aggressive)

Borderline personality disorder: AM SUICIDE

A: Abandonment
M: Mood instability (marked reactivity of mood)

S: Suicidal (or self-mutilating) behavior
U: Unstable and intense relationships
I: Impulsivity (in two potentially self-damaging areas)
C: Control of anger
I: Identity disturbance
D: Dissociative (or paranoid) symptoms that are transient and stress-related
E: Emptiness (chronic feelings of)

Histrionic personality disorder: PRAISE ME

P: Provocative (or sexually seductive) behavior
R: Relationships (considered more intimate than they are)
A: Attention (uncomfortable when not the center of attention)
I: Influenced easily
S: Style of speech (impressionistic, lacks detail)
E: Emotions (rapidly shifting and shallow)

M: Made up (physical appearance used to draw attention to self)
E: Emotions exaggerated (theatrical)

Narcissistic personality disorder: SPECIAL

S: Special (believes he or she is special and unique)
P: Preoccupied with fantasies (of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)
E: Entitlement
C: Conceited (grandiose sense of self-importance)
I: Interpersonal exploitation
A: Arrogant (haughty)
L: Lacks empathy

Avoidant personalty disorder: CRINGES

C: Certainty (of being liked required before willing to get involved with others)
R: Rejection (or criticism) preoccupies one's thoughts in social situations
I: Intimate relationships (restraint in intimate relationships due to fear of being shamed)
N: New interpersonal relationships (is inhibited in)
G: Gets around occupational activity (involving significant interpersonal contact)
E: Embarrassment (potential) prevents new activity or taking personal risks
S: Self viewed as unappealing, inept, or inferior

Dependent personality disorder: RELIANCE

R: Reassurance required for decisions
E: Expressing disagreement difficult (due to fear of loss of support or approval)
L: Life responsibilites (needs to have these assumed by others)
I: Initiating projects difficult (due to lack of self-confidence)
A: Alone (feels helpless and discomfort when alone)
N: Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support)
C: Companionship (another relationship) sought urgently when close relationship ends
E: Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: LAW FIRMS

L: Loses point of activity (due to preoccupation with detail)
A: Ability to complete tasks (compromised by perfectionism)
W: Worthless objects (unable to discard)

F: Friendships (and leisure activities) excluded (due to a preoccupation with work)
I: Inflexible, scrupulous, overconscientious (on ethics, values, or morality, not accounted for by religion or culture)
R: Reluctant to delegate (unless others submit to exact guidelines)
M: Miserly (toward self and others)
S: Stubbornness (and rigidity)

paranoid disorder

mistrust and suspicion


disinterest in others


eccentric ideas and behavior


social irresponsibility, disregard for others, deceitfulness, and manipulation of others for personal gain


intolerance of being alone and emotional dysregulation


attention seeking


underlying dysregulated, fragile self esteem and overt grandiosity


avoidance of interpersonal contact due to rejection sensitivity


submissiveness and a need to be taken care of

obsessive compulsive

perfectionism rigidity and obstinacy

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Which of the following is a characteristic of the avoidant personality disorder?

The three primary symptoms of avoidant personality disorder are feelings of inadequacy, social inhibition, and excessive sensitivity to rejection or criticism.

What type of disorder is avoidant personality disorder?

What is avoidant personality disorder? Avoidant personality disorder is one of a group of conditions known as personality disorders. These disorders, in general, are enduring patterns of behavior out of keeping with cultural norms that cause emotional pain for an individual or those around them.

Which of the following is a characteristic of antisocial personality disorder quizlet?

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder are callous, deceitful, and impulsive. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are emotionally unstable and impulsive and have feelings of emptiness.

Which trait is common among avoidant obsessive

Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior. They include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.