Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

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Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

346 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology

7th EditionJames Fitzsimmons, Mona Fitzsimmons

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Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

346 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

346 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology

7th EditionJames Fitzsimmons, Mona Fitzsimmons

103 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

346 solutions

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Terms in this set (100)

The seven human resource functions include strategy and planning, employee and labor relations, risk management and worker protection, rewards, talent management, staffing, and equal employment opportunity; while the three different roles of human resources are administration, operational/employee advocate and staffing.
True or False


Quality of talent is a factor of the external environment in an organization and competitive forces is a factor of the internal environment in an organization.


The formula for calculating the potential ROI for a new HR
activity = operating cost for anew or enhanced system for a time period + one-time cost of acquisition and implementation
x value of gains from productivity improvements for the time period.


Effective (good) strategies often rely on managers to closely assess current conditions and develop a game plan that enables the firm to overcome obstacles and sustain success


Human capital management is the design of formal systems in an organization to manage human talent for accomplishing organizational goals.


Unit labor cost is computed by dividing the total cost of workers by their total levels of output; while productivity measures quantity and quality of work done.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, amended in 1978 and 1986,prohibits discrimination in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment against all individuals of age 50 or older working for employers having 20 or more workers.


Title VII is the foundation on which all other nondiscrimination legislation rests.


The EEOC recommends that employers consider the following reasonable accommodations for employees' with disabilities: voluntary substitutes and shift swaps, exception to dress and grooming rules, and allowances for payment of union dues or agency fees.


The HR forecasting methods consists of a combination of mathematical estimates and judgmental simulation models.


Which of the following is true of the administrative role of human resource departments?

It focuses on record keeping, including essential legal paperwork and policy implementation.

Which of the following is true of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

It was passed in 2002 by Congress to make certain that publicly traded companies follow accounting controls that could reduce the likelihood of illegal behavior.

Typically, the review of an organization's environmental analysis/strategic plans is the first step of which planning process?

HR planning

Equal employment opportunity is a broad-reaching concept that essentially requires employers to make:

status-blind employment decisions.

Which of the following best defines the term 'effectiveness'?

The ability to produce a specific desired effort or result that can be measured

The U.S. is faced with a number of Human Resource Management challenges today; the textbook identified which set of the following?

competition, changing workforce, globalization and technology

Which of the following best describes a bona fide occupational qualification?

It provides a legitimate reason why an employer can exclude persons on otherwise
illegal bases of consideration.

Ken, a brand manager at Media Labs LLC., is formulating a strategic plan for his organization. He has identified the organizational mission and formulated a SWOT analysis of the business. Which of the following is most likely to be Ken's next step in the strategic planning process?

Establish goals and objectives

Which of the following best exemplifies quid pro quo type of sexual harassment?

A supervisor giving a pay hike to an employee who performed sexual favors

Which of the following is true of executive orders 11246, 11375, and 11478?

They require federal contractors to take affirmative actions to compensate for historical discrimination against women, minorities, and handicapped individuals.

The five human resource management competencies and careers include all of the following with the exception of _____________________________.

stimulating knowledge

______________________ is an effective method of managing a talent surplus; while________________________ is an effective method for managing a talent shortage.

freezing hiring, outsourcing to a third party

Estimating Internal Supply for next year = _____________________________.

Current staffing level - Projected outflows this year + Projected inflows this year

The _____ eliminates the statute of limitations for employees who file pay discrimination claims under the Equal Pay Act.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Out of the following list of the four types of assets that organizations must manage to be successful, ________________is not one of them.


_____ occurs when an employment practice that does not appear to be discriminatory has a disproportionately adverse effect on individuals with a particular characteristic; while _____ occurs when members of a group are treated differently from others.

Disparate impact, disparate treatment

In the balanced scorecard framework, utilization of capital is classified under ___________.

Financial measures

The single-most important aspect of chapter reading & study is the student's _________________ of the context.


The three components of traditional diversity training do not include __________.

Leadership awareness

A person who is responsible for performing a variety of human resource activities is known as a ____________________________.

human resource generalist

Which of the following components of job description is a concise statement of the general responsibilities and components that make the job different from others?

General summary

Which of the following needs of employees do motivators, described by the two-factor theory, primarily try to fulfill?

Esteem needs

Organizations recruit in multiple labor markets depending on the jobs they need to fill. Which one of the following is not included in the industry-specific markets?


Which of the following is true of the labor force participation rate?

It is the percentage of the population working or seeking work.

Which of the following describes the view both employees and outsiders have of the organization and should be seen as part of organizational marketing?

employment branding and image

Which one of the following most commonly recognized components of job satisfaction was not included in the textbook?


Dave, who works with GoPhone LLC, is responsible for managing job analysis in his organization. He is currently gathering and reviewing data. Which of the following should typically be Dave's next step?

Developing job descriptions and job specifications

Which of the following is a fundamental purpose of an application form?

It acts as a basic employee record for applicants who are eventually hired.

Lack of fit between a person and a job is most likely to result from:

mistakes in evaluating the person's KSAs.

In her interview for a position as a bartender at a luxury hotel bar, Megan was asked "What would you do if one of the customers started slurring her words and began making off-color jokes that other customers in the bar could hear?" Such types of questions are typically asked in which one of the following interviews?


________ is the study of the way work moves through an organization.

Workflow analysis

________ involves broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed; ________ is the process of shifting a person from job to job, and ________ is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning, organizing, controlling, or evaluating the job.

Job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment

The _____ includes all individuals available for selection, if all possible recruitment strategies are used.

labor force population

To avoid such a high-level of employee turnover, organizations should consider using all of the following approaches with the exception of:

job hopping

__________ is a systematic way of gathering and analyzing information about the content, context, and human requirements of jobs.

Job analysis

The impact of turnover is widespread in an organization; therefore, factors such as: ________________________________________ should be considered when estimating the cost of turnover to an organization?

separation, vacancy and replacement costs

Evaluating __________________ is not one of the factors to consider when doing recruiting measurement and metrics.


There are two kinds of executive search firms; _____ firms charge a fee regardless of the success of the search.


___________________ is a positive emotional state resulting from evaluating one's job experiences.

Job satisfaction

The difference between JD and JS is: _____ identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job; while ______ list the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an individual needs to perform a job satisfactorily.

job description; job specification

Methods employers use to address absenteeism can be placed into several categories and based on the list below _________________ is not one of them.

presenteeism approach

With the exception of ____________________________, the talent acquisition function in any organization may be concerned with some or all of the following activities:

social screening, pre-determining candidates, and reporting outcomes,

Angus has been a bus driver for a tour bus company for the last 15 years and has an excellent driving record. Last year, Angus was on medical leave for 8 weeks due to a back injury which has left him in chronic pain. If Angus has an accident while driving one of the tour buses because of the effects of his prescription pain medication and if passengers are injured, the company might be liable for:

negligent retention.

A(n) _____ is a selection and development device composed of a series of evaluative exercises and tests in which candidates are evaluated by a panel of trained raters.

assessment center

____________________ is associated with the development of the need theory-which identifies five basic human needs and ____________________ is associated with the equity theory which emphasizes perceived fairness of inputs/outcomes.

Abraham Maslow; J. Stacy Adams

T or F
If an employer lists the designation EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in its employment advertisements, itindicates that the employee has a policy of complying with equal employment regulations.


T or F
A self-directed team is formed to address specific problems, improve work processes, and enhance the overall quality of products and services; and a special-purpose team is composed of individuals who are assigned a cluster of tasks, duties, and responsibilities to be accomplished.


T or F
The psychological contract refers to the written expectations that both employees and employers have about the nature of their work relationships.


T or F
The most common external recruiting sources are media sources, competitive sources, employment agencies, labor unions, and job fairs.


T or F
The use of screening software and confidentiality and privacy matters are legal issues in Internet recruiting.


T or F
The performance-reward linkage described in the expectancy theory of motivation refers to employees' beliefs that working harder will lead to better performance.


T or F
The advantages of work teams are improved productivity, increased employee involvement, greater trust-learning and knowledge diversity; however, transitioning to work teams is a process which normally takes time and includes forming, storming, norming, performing and agreeing.


T or F
The primary internal sources for recruiting are job posting, organizational databases, employee-focused recruiting and outside labor markets.


T or F
The ADA prohibits the use of preemployment medical exams, except for drug tests, until a job has been conditionally offered.


T or F
The three major factors that affect individual performance in organizations can be statedin the following manner: Performance (P) = Ability (A) × Effort (E) × Stability (S)


T or F
Some of the disadvantages of Internet Recruiting include reaching out to diverse backgrounds, helping recruiters reach passive job seekers and saving time and money.


T or F
Some of the key criterion for evaluating possible job candidates includes internships and a desirable grade point average.


T or F
The four common types of selection tests are integrity, ability, performance and emotional intelligence.


T or F
The most widely accepted Big Five personality framework consists of the following characteristics-openness to experience, neuroticism, aggressiveness, extroversion and conscientiousness.


T or F
Global organizations can be staffed in many ways, including with expatriates, host-country nationals, and second-country nationals.


T or F
All training should be evaluated regardless of delivery method because all training is effective.


T or F
Research shows the average training investment per employee/per year is approximately $1,802.


T or F
According to Matthew Knowles's classic work on adult learning, adults learn differently than younger people; thereby he suggested four principles for designing training for adults.


Companies should consider using the multisource/360-degree appraisal feedback evaluation primarily as a talent management tool.
You Answered True
Correct Answer False

Correct Answer False

T or F
Individual-centered career planning requires an employee to take charge of his/her career and chart a path of advancement through his/her organization; while organization-centered career planning focuses on the natural progression of people between jobs in the organization.

Correct! True

T or F
Sell-or-buy relates to the succession planning decisions made by organizations when determining whether to develop competitive human resources or to hire individuals who are already developed from somewhere else.


With the ranking method, the ratings of employees' performance are distributed along a bell-shaped curve, and the forced distribution method lists the individuals being rated from highest to lowest based on their performance levels and relative contributions.


Supervisor development centers tend to focus on coaching, modeling, and executive education; while leadership development focuses on basic management responsibilities, time management and human relations training. T or F


Performance standards should be established while the work is being performed and should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
Correct! False

Correct! False

The three types of performance information refer to results-based information as sales volume; behavior-based information as timeliness of response; and trait-based information as dispositions.
Correct! True

Correct! True

The ADDIE Model framework has five distinct phases that supports the instructional systems design process, which one is responsible for the content solidification, instructional materials and pilot testing?


Which one of the following is not one of the three sources used to analyze/assess training needs?

Incompatibility analysis

The first step in the succession planning process is to:

define the positions that are critical to the organization's strategy.

Which of the following is not a true statement about the benefits of a performance appraisal?

Provide answers to non-work-related questions.

Effective training design focuses on which of the following three elements?

Learner characteristics, instructional strategies, and training

The responsibility of designing and maintaining a performance appraisal system belongs to which one of the following?

HR Unit

Which of the following is true of the administrative and developmental roles of performance appraisals?

The rater plays the role of a judge in an administrative role and plays the role of a coach in a developmental role.

Typically, an organization assesses the strengths and weaknesses of its employees through various screening processes. Which one is not one of the three common ways to conduct such development needs analysis?

preparatory centers

Which of the following is a common mistake made by organizations during succession planning?

Allowing the CEO to direct the planning process

Identifying the most important jobs in a company that provides a long-term competitive advantage describes which one of the following terms?

strategic talent management

Once training requirements have been identified using needs analyses, training objectives and priorities can be established by _____________________________ which indicates the current and desired employee capabilities.

conducting a "gap analysis."

________________________________is a true statement about on-the-job training (OJT)?

It can disrupt regular work in an organization

Companies can reduce risks and increase the rewards of talent management by adopting an approach that relies on all the following except:

the imbalance of ownership over career development between companies and workers

Succession planning prepares for the ______________________ that creates holes in the hierarchy that need to be filled by other qualified individuals.

inevitable movement of personnel

The four stages for on-the-job training include all except ____________________.


Leadership development promotes ______________; a relationship in which experienced managers in a company aid individuals in the earlier stages of their careers.

Management mentoring

Rater errors are common in performance management, for instance, the _____________ effect occurs when a rater scores an employee high on all job criteria because of performance in one area and the _____________ effect occurs when a low rating on one characteristic leads to an overall low rating.

halo, horns

To qualify as a tax-preparer for a seasonal job at a tax-preparation chain, Martin must answer written questions on tax terminology covered in the e-learning course provided by the company. This evaluation best exemplifies a ____________________________ measure.


__________________________ is typically the first stage in implementing a guided self-appraisal system using MBO and ________________________ is the last stage.

Job review and agreement; continuing performance discussions

Performance management is a series of activities designed to ensure that the organization gets the performance it needs from its employees. At a minimum, a performance management system should do all of the following except:

Conduct performance appraisal and document personnel records every other year.

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Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

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Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

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Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization Quizlet

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

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Which of the following is part of the internal environment of an organization?

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