Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews Quizlet

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Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews Quizlet

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Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews Quizlet

Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology

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Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews Quizlet

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Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews Quizlet

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

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Samir, an HR manager, is designing a training class for those working on the new cross-functional teams within her company. This class is aimed at improving group decision making and interpersonal relations. What method of delivery should Samir choose?



C.)role-playing, practice, and discussion

D.)computer-aided training


role-playing, practice, and discussion

How does an applicant tracking system aid an HR manager?

Multiple Choice

It can summarize the fundamentals of each job in the organization.

It can capture the work flow processes.

It can match key words on incoming resumes with key words in the job description.

It can help plan for the future by predicting retirements and turnover.

It can create data reports showing positive and negative results of each employee.

It can match key words on incoming resumes with key words in the job description.

When Jasmine interviewed for a position as a computer programmer, she was asked to take a test on a particular programming language. Jasmine took a(n) ______ test.

Multiple Choice







________________ is the purpose of the strategic human resource process.

Multiple Choice

Formulating human resource-sensitive strategic plans

Maintaining a stable workforce for minimum expense

Finding the human resources needed in a timely fashion

Getting optimal work performance to help realize the company's mission and vision

Informing the grand strategy

Getting optimal work performance to help realize the company's mission and vision

Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews?

Multiple Choice

Ask questions spontaneously to get the most straightforward answers from the candidate.

Do more than half of the talking to make sure you are sharing enough about the company and its culture.

After the interview, write a short report with a quantitative score of the candidate's qualifications.

Ask about the candidate's family to show personal interest.

The resume should be used for selection of interview candidates only; ignore it thereafter.

After the interview, write a short report with a quantitative score of the candidate's qualifications.

Tim has recently been laid off from his job. He was the one in his family who took care of health insurance. Which law will help him to continue to provide care for his family?

Multiple Choice

Patient Protection and Affordable Act

Family Medical Leave Act

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Civil Rights Act

Equal Pay Act

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

For years, a mathematics professor experienced abusive behavior at a community college where he taught. It began with a few deans spreading rumors and false accusations that threatened his job. The abuse was emotionally draining and took time and focus away from his job. The professor was the victim of

Multiple Choice

quid pro quo.

adverse impact.

disparate treatment.

reverse discrimination.



A specialist at FedEx who rides with couriers to learn about delivery time measurements and potential service problems is conducting a job

Multiple Choice







Typically the_________ clause in a union contract is tied to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' consumer price index (CPI).

Multiple Choice

cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)



union security


cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)

Which law restricts mandatory retirement?

Multiple Choice

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

Family Medical Leave Act of 1993

Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Lacey has a degenerative eye disease that is causing her to gradually lose her eyesight. When Lacey asked her employer, Ideal Accessories, to purchase a low-vision computer for her use at work, she was fired. Ideal Accessories has violated the

Multiple Choice

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Privacy Act.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Family and Medical Leave Act.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

As a sales manager, Tanya is conducting performance appraisals for her team members. To do so, she tracks each person's sales calls, amount of sales, and revenues on a quarterly basis. Tanya is using a(n) ______ system of appraisal.

Multiple Choice







Which of the following is the best statement of performance feedback?

Multiple Choice

"You're always doing personal stuff at work."

"Your last report contained seven errors which I think you could improve."

"That's the wrong way to sort those packages."

"You are really unmotivated at work lately."

"You've got to figure out how to improve your relationship with Susie."

"Your last report contained seven errors which I think you could improve."

Marlene works in a manufacturing facility, Carz Parts. Throughout the building there were posters and calendars of a sexually explicit nature, making Marlene very uncomfortable. Carz Parts

Multiple Choice

has a hostile work environment.

has no legal worries because none of the offensive materials are directed at Marlene.

is engaging in quid pro quo harassment.

practices sexual discrimination.

has no legal worries because Marlene is not suffering any economic injury.

has a hostile work environment.

_____ are subject to validity problems due to evaluator bias.

Multiple Choice

Personality appraisals

360-degree feedback forms

Trait appraisals

Objective appraisals

Behavioral appraisals

Trait appraisals

A Seattle-based software firm, Sysco, was growing rapidly and hiring frequently, but it primarily focused on campus recruiting at two Washington universities, UW and Seattle University. When one 45-year-old candidate did not get an interview after a phone screening, he went to the company's website and noted all of the young people in charge. Which law allows him to file a lawsuit against Sysco alleging discrimination?

Multiple Choice

Americans with Disabilities Act

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Age Discrimination in Employment

Civil Rights Act

Age Discrimination in Employment

Shay is preparing to go into her meeting with her supervisor, Jill, to discuss her annual evaluation. She knows that there have been a few times this year where she could have performed better and she does not want to get angry in the meeting. Last night and on the ride in this morning, she rehearsed what she anticipated Jill would tell her and what her response would be. Shay was trying to

Multiple Choice

resist being defensive.

practice being mindful.


ask for feedback.

engage in active listening.

identify her tendencies.

resist being defensive.

Dakota, a manager for a large trucking company, is beginning to evaluate his truck drivers but is unsure of which type of evaluation to use. He has data on the number of miles driven, customer complaints, number of traffic tickets, absences, and number of weight violations. How would you advise Dakota?

Multiple Choice

Convince him to use a behavioral appraisal to catalogue the customer complaints.

Tell him to complete a 360-degree feedback appraisal with input from multiple stakeholders.

Assure him that with the data he has, an objective appraisal would give feedback on how to evaluate and support the drivers.

Explain he should use subjective appraisal, as the data will not yield an effective evaluation.

Persuade him that forced ranking appraisal would be best because it would create competition.

Assure him that with the data he has, an objective appraisal would give feedback on how to evaluate and support the drivers.

Due to recent budget shortfalls, Muna is being forced to lay off 50 employees at her firm. She plans to offer a severance package that may be small, but it is still something. Muna also wants to be sure to protect the reputation of the company so that future layoffs will not be required. How will she be able to protect the reputation of the company while laying off so many employees?

Multiple Choice

She should complete an exit interview with each laid off employee.

Instead of laying off the employees, she should demote them so that payroll is less.

She should have the laid off employees sign a nondisparagement agreement.

She should transfer employees to jobs overseas at another location.

She should force retirements and then lay off until she reaches the number needed for the budget.

She should have the laid off employees sign a nondisparagement agreement.

How is artificial intelligence changing the recruiting process?

Multiple Choice

It can schedule interviews, screen and rank candidates, and administer ability tests.

It can assess attitudes and experiences related to a person's behavior.

It can measure personality traits and a need for achievement.

It can predict the performance of an individual on a test.

It can judge whether or not a person is answering a test truthfully.

It can schedule interviews, screen and rank candidates, and administer ability tests.

What is the benefit of a manager being evaluated by his or her subordinates?

Multiple Choice

It will give you an unbiased opinion of your management style.

It will let the subordinates know that you also are being evaluated.

It can provide information for the subordinate's performance appraisals.

It can be helpful for goal setting and personal growth.

It can let you know who respects you and who does not.

It can be helpful for goal setting and personal growth.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an incentive?

Multiple Choice

education reimbursements

profit-sharing plans


stock options


education reimbursements

To ________, Lance, an HR manager, used reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau for information about his industry's labor pool in his geographic area.

Multiple Choice

perform a job analysis

develop an affirmative action program

recruit from outside the organization

analyze human capital

recruit from inside the organization

recruit from outside the organization

Which of the following activities will impact human capital?

Multiple Choice



trusting relationships

lack of sleep

rich networks

lack of sleep

Billy has received a mediocre evaluation for the second year in a row. He knows that he has made improvements, but his supervisor just does not seem to notice or in Billy's opinion, care. Billy likes his job and wants to keep it. He listens to what his supervisor says and then his supervisor asks Billy to prepare a written response. Before Billy leaves the room to prepare the response, how should he respond to his supervisor?

Multiple Choice

He could detour the conversation by asking for something positive.

He could argue each point and offer a defense.

He could accept responsibility and make a change.

He could just repeat back what he heard.

He could take deep breaths and then respond nonjudgmentally.

He could take deep breaths and then respond nonjudgmentally.

Which of the following is NOT one of the soft skills employers often find lacking in many Millennial applicants?
A. professional appearance
B. familiarity with social media
C. manners
D. punctuality
E. ability to communicate

B. familiarity with social media

____________ includes the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce.
A. Personnel development
B. Contingency planning
C. Job analysis
D. Human resource management
E. Performance appraisal

D. Human resource management

What is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews?

Question: Which of the following is a good suggestion for managers when conducting interviews? Plan which questions you want to ask, and ask them to every interviewee. Do more than half of the talking to make sure you are sharing enough about the company and its culture.

Which of the following is the most widely used interview technique quizlet?

Explanation: C) Interviews are the most widely used selection procedure. Not all managers use tests, reference checks, or situational tests, but most interview a person before hiring. 2) 4) According to the text, selection interviews are classified by all of the following factors EXCEPT ________.

What is the benefit of a manager being evaluated by his or her subordinates quizlet?

What is the benefit of a manager being evaluated by his or her subordinates? It will give you an unbiased opinion of your management style. It will let the subordinates know that you also are being evaluated.

What means that anyone can be dismissed at any time for any reason at all or for no reason?

At-will employment is an employer-employee agreement in which a worker can be fired or dismissed for any reason, without warning, and without explanation.