Which of the following is a guideline that should be utilized when developing an inspirational appeal quizlet?

Two studies - Ohio State Initiating structure - task focused Consideration - subordinate focused

The Ohio State leadership studies sought to identify the observable behaviors of leaders instead of identifying personality traits. According to the findings of these studies, leaders exhibit two types of behaviors to facilitate goal accomplishment. These behaviors were labeled consideration and initiating structure. Consideration is subordinate focused behavior (people orientated) while initiating structured behavior is task focused. Initiating Structure is the degree to which a leader defines and organizes his role and the roles of followers, is oriented toward goal attainment, and establishes well-defined patterns and channels of communication. Consideration is the degree to which a leader shows concern and respect for followers, looks out for their welfare, and expresses appreciation and support

University of Michigan
Production-oriented leader Employee-oriented leader

The Michigan State leadership studies were initiated by Renis Likert. The objective of these studies was to identify the principles and types of leadership styles that led to greater productivity and enhanced job satisfaction among workers. The Michigan State studies produced similar findings in terms of leader behavior as the Ohio State studies, identifying two broad leadership styles - an employee orientation style and a production orientation style. They also identified three critical characteristics of effective leaders - task-oriented behavior, relationship-oriented behavior and participative leadership. Although the contributions of the Michigan studies should be acknowledged, the Michigan dimensions of employee-centered leadership and production-centered leadership were much less frequently studied in empirical research

Both the Michigan State and Ohio state studies conclude that consideration (or employee orientation) correlates more strongly with follower satisfaction (with their job, with their leader etc). While an initiating structure (or production orientation) correlates more strongly with performance or effectiveness (follower perceptions of their leader's performance, their groups performance etc). These findings were supported, in general, by the Meta-analysis carried out by Judge and colleagues. However, in their findings Consideration was more strongly related to leader effectiveness than initiating structure, although both correlations were moderately strong in magnitude.

Formal (or position) Power (Usually leaders hold these)
-Coercive Power- snegative
- Reward Power
- Legitimate Power- j from being boss
Personal (or informal) Power
-Expert Power
-Referent Power

Coercive power—the ability to punish, and this can include threats. For example, a supervisor threatens to write a memorandum to an employee's file for being late all the time.

Reward power—the ability to provide incentives or other things valued, such as pay raises, bonuses, and promotions. For example, an employee receives a merit pay increase.

Legitimate power—the ability to make a request and get a response due to the nature of the roles between two people (e.g., boss and direct report, a favor-doer and a favor-recipient); it is based upon structural level in the organization or a feeling of obligation. For example, an employee completes a sales report for his boss.

Expert power—the ability to influence others due to knowledge or a special skill set or expertise. For example, the information technology department has special skills to troubleshoot computer problems for a manager.

Referent power—the ability to influence based upon others' identification with the individual and followers' desire to emulate them; it is based on liking, respect, and admiration. For example, volunteers work hard for a political candidate that they admire.

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