Which of the following is a major difference between Levinsons and Valliants view on midlife?


  • Which of the following was one of the groups distinguished by Helson and her colleagues in the Mills College study?
  • Which of the following is consistent with the position of Margie Lachman and her colleagues regarding the differences in perspectives of younger and middle
  • Which of the following aspects of life do middle
  • Which of the following is a significant observation by neugarten regarding social clocks?

Developmental Psychology - Exam 5

When women experience stress, they are more likely to engage in:
a. A tend and befriend pattern
b. Aggressive behavior
c. A flight or fight response
d. Social distancing

a. A tend to befriend pattern

Most research studies indicate that the greatest change in personality traits occurs in:
a. Midlife
b. Late midlife
c. Late adulthood
d. Early adulthood

Identify the supertrait that encompasses traits such as soft-headed, trusting, and helpful, according to Big Five factors of personality.
a. Conscientiousness
b. Openness to experience
c. Agreeableness
d. Extraversion

Which of the following is NOT one of the main reasons that grandparents are thrust back into the "parenting" role they thought they had shed?
a. Parental divorce
b. Adolescent pregnancies
c. Drug use by parents
d. Filling the "empty nest

d. Filling the "empty nest

Which of the following statements about intergenerational relations is true?
a. Individuals who had conflicts with their parents in adolescence reported greater closeness with their parents in early adulthood
b. Similarity between parents and an adult chi

b. Similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics

Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes an individual as either self-satisfied or self-pitying?
a. Openness
b. Agreeableness
c. Neuroticism
d. Extraversion

The ____________ life-events approach emphasized the manner in which life events influence an individual's development depends not only on these events but also on mediating factors.
a. Contemporary
b. Standard
c. Cognitive
d. Assimilative

Guillermo has taught his apprentices all the specialized techniques he has developed over the years as a carpenter. According to Erikson, he has achieved ____________ generativity.
a. Biological
b. Parental
c. Work
d. Cultural

Sandra's mother is concerned about Sandra's lack of interest in marrying and having children. She told Sandra, "When I was your age, I had already found a good husband and settled down." Sandra and her mother:
a. Have different social clocks
b. Have diffe

a. Have different social clocks

Which of the following is a major difference between Levinson's and Valliant's view on midlife?
a. According to Levinson, only males experience midlife crisis
b. Valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience midlife as a crisis
c. Levinson

b. Valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience midlife as a crisis

According to the Big Five factors of personality, which of the following personality supertrait describes whether an individual is either secure or insecure?
a. Neuroticism
b. Agreeableness
c. Openness
d. Extraversion

Beck is careless, impulsive and disorganized. According to the Big Five personality factors, Becky will score low on ____________.
a. Openness to experience
b. Agreeableness
c. Neuroticism
d. Conscientiousness

Saeko has committed herself to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole through her connection with their children and grandchildren. According to Erikson, she is __________.
a. Self-absorbed
b. Generative
c. Stagnant
d. Apathetic

Abdiel has had three children, according to Erikson, he has achieved:
a. Biological generativity
b. Parental generativity
c. Biological stagnation
d. Cultural stagnation

a. Biological generativity

_____________emcompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation.
a. Self-actualization
b. Generativity
c. Self-absorption
d. Perpetuity

Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes whether an individual is fun-loving or somber.
a. Agreeableness
b. Openness to experience
c. Conscientiousness
d. Extraversion

According to research by Rossi, which of the following were found to have the closest relationships during their adult years?
a. Fathers and sons
b. Mothers and sons
c. Fathers and daughters
d. Mothers and daughters

It is common in nonindustrialized societies to:
a. Describe individuals as young or old but not as middle-aged
b. Describe individuals as middle-aged
c. Not have any words for "old" or "young"
d. Not give much importance to an individual's age

a. Describe individuals as young or old but not as middle-aged

When men face stress, they are more likely to respond in a:
a. Composed manner
b. Fight-or-flight manner
c. Stagnant manner
d. Tend and befriend manner

b. Fight-or-flight manner

According to the Big Five factors of personality, which of the following personality supertrait describes a person as either helpful or uncooperative?
a. Conscientiousness
b. Agreeableness
c. Openness
d. Extraversion

Identify the seventh stage of Erikson's life-span theory.
a. Intimacy versus isolation
b. Integrity versus despair
c. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
d. Generativity versus stagnation

d. Generativity versus stagnation

Identify the Big Five personality factor that classifies a person as either organized or disorganized.
a. Openness to experience
b. Extraversion
c. Conscientiousness
d. Agreeableness

Which of the following is a significant observation by Neugarten regarding social clocks?
a. Social clocks are more rigid than they were before
b. Individuals whose lives are synchronized with the social clocks are less stressed
c. Younger adults below 25

b. Individuals whose lives are synchronized with the social clocks are less stressed

A common complaint voiced by both adult children and their parents when adult children return home is a(n):
a. Lack of social interaction
b. Lack of career development
c. Increased strain on families
d. Loss of privacy

Don and Ellie have been married for over 30 years. Which of the following is likely to be MOST important in their relationship?
a. Romance
b. Passion
c. Physcal attraction
d. Security

Three prominent meanings are attached to being a grandparent. Which of the following is NOT one of these meanings?
a. Biological reward and continuity
b. A remote role
c. A financial strain
d. A source of emotional fulfillment

Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife crises:
a. Have been validated
b. Have been exaggerated
c. Have no cross-cultural validity
d. Have been underestimated

Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is true?
a. Siblings who were psychologically distant from each other in childhood tended to become close in adulthood
b. The majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are apathetic
c. Sib

d. It is rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood

Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes whether an individual is imaginative or practical?
a. Agreeableness
b. Extraversion
c. Conscientiousness
d. Openness to experience

d. Openness to experience

Erikson proposed that middle-aged adults face a significant issue which he termed ___________.
a. Intimacy versus isolation
b. Integrity versus despair
c. Generativity versus stagnation
d. Autonomy versus shame and doubt

c. Generativity versus stagnation

Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes whether a person is sociable or retiring?
a. Extraversion
b. Openness to experience
c. Conscientiousness
d. Agreeableness

In general, the argument that middle adulthood has advantages for women in nonindustrialized cultures is based on the idea that women in these cultures typically:
a. Delegate less tasks to younger ones as they age
b. Take on less administrative tasks as t

According to the Almeida & Horn study, which of the following is the difference in the experience of stressors between young adults and middle-aged adults?
a. Young adults experience daily stressors less frequently
b. Middle-aged adults experience lesser

d. Middle-aged adults experienced more "overload" stressors

Which theory is similar to the contemporary life-events approach in highlighting the importance of complex setting of our lives?
a. Bronfenbrenner's theory
b. Freud's psychoanalytic theory
c. Erikson's psychosocial theory
d. Piaget's cognitive development

a. Bronfenbrenner's theory

According to the contemporary life-events approach, the influence of life events also depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT the ______________.
a. Individual's cognitive capacity
b. Individual's adaptation
c. Life-stage context
d. Sociohistorical

a. Individual's cognitive capacity

Mr. Chang works at a boring but tense job. Stress about his job keeps him up late on most nights. Mr Chang is experiencing the stress of:
a. A major life event
b. A daily hassle
c. A middle-age development crisis
d. Psychological generativity

Which of the following is NOT one of the five big personality traits identified by Costa and McCrae?
a. Extraversion
b. Openness
c. Adaptability
d. Conscientiousness

Middle-age partners are more likely to view their marriage as positive if they:
a. Have a satisfying sexual relationship
b. Feel a high level of physical attraction toward their partner
c. Engage in mutual activities
d. Are religious

c. Engage in mutual activities

Trevor and Michelle's last child has just left home to attend college. According to research, this will most likely be a time when:
a. Trevor and Michelle will grow more emotionally distant
b. Michelle will feel depressed, but Trevor will not
c. They will

d. They will have increased marital satisfaction

Which of the following is the conclusion of the study conducted by Costa and McCrae on approximately 1,000 college-educated men and women aged 20 to 96?
a. Considerable stability occurs in the fiver personality factors
b. Extraversion is the most unstable

a. Considerable stability occurs in the fiver personality factors

According to Lachman, reserachers have found that on average a sense of personal control peaks in __________ and then declines.
a. Early adulthood
b. Midlife
c. Adolescence
d. Late adulthood

Diana is fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate with all her friends and acquaintances. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes this aspect of Diana's personality.
a. Extraversion
b. Conscientiousness
c. Neuroticism
d. Agreeableness

Which of the following Big Five personality factors describes a person as eitehr disciplined or impulsive?
a. Openness to experience
b. Conscientiousness
c. Neuroticism
d. Agreeableness

Middle adulthood is referred to as the sandwich generation because:
a. Life is very hectic and families rarely have a full meal together
b. People expect middle-aged adults to be both wise and mature as well as young and energetic
c. Middle-aged adults ar

d. Middle-aged adults may have to care for their own adolescent children as well as their elderly parents

Vaillant's research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be deat at 75 to 80 years of age were:
a. Chronic depression and cardiovascular disease
b. Diabetes and depression
c. Alcohol abuse and smoking
d. Smoking and obesity

c. Alcohol abuse and smoking

George Vaillant concludes that the _______ are a decade of reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood years.
a. Forties
b. Fifties
c. Sixties
d. Thirties

Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality?
a. Generativity
b. Extraversion
c. Transitivity
d. Stagnation

Cross-cultural studies show that in nonindustrialized countries the concept of middle age is:
a. Is not very clear, or in some cases absent
b. About the same as it is in industrialized countries like the United States
c. More finely discerned and consisti

a. Is not very clear, or in some cases is absent

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), the primary reason middle-aged and older women cited for wanting a divorce was:
a. Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse
b. Alcohol or drug abuse
c. Cheating
d. No obvious problems; they just fell out of love

a. Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse

Jacqueline nurtures and guides her children. According to Erikson, she has achieved _____________ generativity.
a. Biological
b. Parental
c. Work
d. Cultural

_____________ develops when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation.
a. Perpetuity
b. Generativity
c. Self-actualization
d. Stagnation

The timetaable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks, such as getting married, having children, or establishing themselves in a career is known as the ________________.
a. Interval measure
b. Life-event calender
c. Circadi

Lorenzo was born during the depression era in the U.S. Now he and others who were born at about the same time show greater cognitive decline that people born at later times. This illustrates that cohort effects are differences based on:
a. Gender
b. Histo

Which of the following biological reasons explains women's increased resistance to infections and degenerative diseases?
a. Estrogen production and the additional X chromosome
b. Lower cholesterol levels and improved lung function
c. Postmenopausal hormon

a. Estrogen production and the additional X chromosome

According to the cellular clock theory, after about 70 or 80 replications, the cell no longer can reproduce and the ____________ are dramatically reduced.
a. Mitochondria
b. Telomeres
c. Chromosomes
d. Sperm cells

___________ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live.
a. Life expectancy
b. Life span
c. Longevity
d. Life extension

Which of the following is called the "common cold" of mental disorders?
a. Schizophrenia
b. Alzheimer's disease
c. Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
d. Major depression

What is the average life expectancy for individuals born today in the United States?
a. 69.3 years
b. 72.3 years
c. 75.3 years
d. 78.3 years

According to a study by Coleman that compared the brains of adults at various ages, from the forties through the seventies, the:
a. Growth of dendrites increased
b. Growth of dendrites decreased
c. Number of axons increased
d. Number of neurons increased

a. Growth of dendrites increased

The term ________________ refers to the ability to focus on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant to the task at hand while ignoring others that are irrelevant.
a. Divided attention
b. Selective attention
c. Attention deficit
d. Sustained atten

Older adults have more difficulty determining the time required to step on the breaks when a traffic light suddenly turns red. This is because they have:
a. A decline in explicit memory
b. Slower perceptual speed
c. Inferior semantic memory
d. Lost the ab

b. Slower perceptual speed

______________ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing.
a. Evolutionary
b. Cellular clock
c. Free-radical
d. Hormonal stress

Researchers have extended the life of a human cell by:
a. Removing the cap of the DNA molecule
b. Injecting it with telomerase
c. Rearranging the DNA sequences
d. Splicing the 18th and 19th chromosome

b. Injecting it with telomerase

____________ is the most common chronic disorder in late adulthood.
a. Glaucoma
b. Diabetes
c. Arthritis
d. Kidney disease

A recent study revealed that _____________ improves the sleep profile of older adults.
a. High calorie diet
b. An inactive lifestyle
c. Regular exercise
d. Antidepressant medication

______________ becomes less frequent in males with age, occurring in every second to third attempt rather than every time.
a. Resolution
b. Orgasm
c. Arousal
d. Excitement

A common memory problem for older adults is _____________, in which individuals can't quite retrieve familiar information but have the feeling that they should be able to retrieve it.
a. Dementia
b. The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
c. Temporary memory los

b. The tip-of-the-toungue phenomenon

Remembering how to ride a bike without have to consciously think about it is a part of an individual's ____________ memory.
a. Declarative
b. Prospective
c. Implicit
d. Explicit

Your elderly aunt Marie was recently admitted to a nursing home where there is a "residents advisory board" made up of the people who live in the home. They consult with the staff on changes that affect their lives and help to plan the monthly activities.

a. Be happier than if she did not have any input into decisions affecting her life

_____________ is likely to delay biochemical alterations such as the age-related rise in cholesterol and triglycerides observed in both humans and animals.
a. Vitamin restriction
b. Calorie overload
c. Calorie restriction
d. Protein-restricted diet

An example of ____________ attention is the ability to focus on one voice among many in a crowded room or a noisy restaurant.
a. Selective
b. Divided
c. Sustained
d. Executive

Felicia is an American between 65-74 years of age. Her doctor should be most concerned about her developing ______________, the leading cause of death for her age group.
a. Cancer
b. Influenza
c. Lung disease
d. Cardiovascular disease

___________ is the global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning.
a. Paranoia
b. Dementia
c. Schizophrenia
d. Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following is NOT a biological theory explaining aging?
a. Cellular clock theory
b. Free-radical theory
c. Mitochondrial theory
d. Reverse neurogenesis theory

d. Reverse neurogenesis theory

Which of the following is NOT one of the major diseases that can impair the vision of older adults.
a. Myopia
b. Cataract
c. Glaucoma
d. Macular degeneration

Women are especially vulnerable to _____________, which is the leading cause of broken bones in women.
a. Osteoporosis
b. Arthritis
c. Osteomalacia
d. Muscular dystrophy

Frank, age 67, recites a poem that he learned in grade school, much to his amazement of his grandchildren. This is an example of Frank's ___________ memory.
a. Procedural
b. Episodic
c. Semantic
d. Functional

Alzheimer disease is a form of:
a. Major depression
b. A purely psychological decline in old age
c. Paranoia
d. Dementia

Which of the following countries had the lowest life expectancy in 2011?
a. South Africa
b. Singapore
c. Japan
d. United States

Reductions in ____________ have been linked to small declines in memory functioning and to the severe memory loss associated with Alzheimer disease.
a. Gamma-aminobutyric acid
b. dopamine
c. Acetylcholine
d. Adrenaline

Remembering where you went on vacation last summer is an example of ____________ memory.
a. Situational
b. Semantic
c. Prospective
d. Episodic

What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress?
a. Younger people have a slower restorative process after a stressful episode
b. Younger people have better coping strategies for dealing with stress
c. The pro

d. Older people keep stress hormones in their system for longer periods

A person with ____________ does not feel will, loses stamina easily, has a poor appetite, and is listless and unmotivated.
a. Obsessive compulsive disorder
b. Schizophrenia
c. Dementia
d. Major depression

Compared with elderly men, elderly women are LESS likely to have:
a. Arthritis
b. Hypertension
c. Visual problems
d. Hearing problems

Mrs. Hernandez has considerable pain and swelling in her wrists, fingers, and knees. It is becoming very difficult for her to maintain her usual routines as her stiffness increases. Mrs. Hernandez has _____________.
a. Arteriosclerosis
b. Diabetes
c. Arth

In 2011, which of the following countries had the highest life expectancy?
a. United States
b. Japan
c. Monaco
d. Sweden

In a classic study, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer found that an important factor related to health, and even survival, in a nursing home is:
a. The provision of emergency geriatric care
b. The availability to trained staff to care for the oldest-olds
c. T

c. The patient's feelings of control and self-determination

Salina walks with a marked stoop now that she is old. This is most likely due to _____________.
a. Bursitis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Arthritis
d. Diabetes

Which of the following statements about older workers is TRUE?
a. Older workers have more accidents than younger workers
b. Older workers have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers
c. Older workers are of considerably less value to a company th

d. Older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers

What is an allele?
a. An alternative form of a gene
b. The specific location of a gene on the chromosome
c. A particular chromosome in the human genome
d. A sequence of DNA that caps the chromosome

a. An alternative form of a gene

Which of the following is the leading cause of death in the 75 to 84 and 85 and over groups?
a. Cardiovascular disease
b. Kidney disease
c. Cancer
d. Hypertension

a. Cardiovascular disease

Although there are differences in the quality of care in nursing homes and other extended-care facilities in the United States, more than ____________ are considered to be seriously deficient.
a. One-quarter
b. One-third
c. One-half
d. Three quarters

Which of the following is true about attention?
a. The more difficult the competing tasks are, the more effectively older adults divide attention than younger adults
b. When the two competing tasks are reasonably easy, age differences among adults are min

b. When the two competing tasks are reasonably easy, age differences among adults are minimal or nonexistent

Which of the following statements regarding smell and taste in the elderly is true?
a. There is no sign of decline in these senses as we age
b. Older adults show a greater decline in their sense of taste than in their sense of smell
c. Smell and taste dec

c. Smell and taste declines less in healthy older adults than in their less healthy counterparts

_______ are the leading cause of injury deaths among adults who are 65 years and older.
a. Household fires
b. Falls
c. Motor vehicle accidents
d. Heart conditions

__________ is expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits practical judgement about important matters.
a. Enlightment
b. Wisdom
c. Proficiency
d. Competence

Which of the following statements about retirement is TURE?
a. Men spend less time planning for retirement than women do
b. Older adults with a long work history adjust to retirement more easily than those who have been in the workforce for a shorter peri

c. Higher level of financial assets and job satisfaction were more strongly linked to men's higher psychological well-being in retirement

Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _______________ attention.
a. Selective
b. Divided
c. Implicit
d. Executive

Which of the following biologial theories of aging states that people age because their cells' normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules?
a. Cellular clock theory
b. Free-radical theory
c. Telmerase-injection theory
d. Hormonal stress theory

Which of the following is a region of the adult human brain where neurogenesis has been documented?
a. Amygdala
b. Hippocampus
c. Prefrontal cortex
d. Hypothalamus

Which of the following is a similarity between Alzheimer and Parkinson disease?
a. Both are triggered by a deficiency of the important brain messenger chemical acetylcholine
b. Both are progressive in nature
c. Both affect only the elderly
d. Both are eas

b. Both are progressive in nauture

______________ involves an extensive loss of bone tissue.
a. Arteriosclerosis
b. Diabetes
c. Arthritis
d. Osteoporosis

Jace has been diagnosed with _____________, a condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve due to buildup of fluid in the eye.
a. Glaucoma
b. Cataracts
c. Retinopathy
d. Macular degeneration

___________ is a condition in which individuals may have relatively normal peripheral vision but be unable to see clearly what is right in front of them.
a. Glaucoma
b. Cataracts
c. Macular degeneration
d. Retinal hardening

The ___________ is involved in smell.
a. Hippocampus
b. Amygdala
c. Olfactory bulb
d. Prefrontal cortex

____________ refer the services that provide temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities, illnesses, or the elderly.
a. Respite care
b. Hospice care
c. Palliative care
d. Home health care

_____________ are DNA sequences that cap chromosomes.
a. Free radicals
b. Polymers
c. Telomers
d. Mitochondria

According to evolutionary theory, natural selection is linked to ________________ which is present in the earlier part of adulthood.
a. Reproductive fitness
b. Neurogenesis
c. Cognitive and perceptual fitness
d. Muscular and skeletal strength

Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with:
a. Parkinson's disease
b. Alzheimer disease
c. Dementia other than Alzheimer disease
d. Brain cancer

Gisela is suffering from a condition that involves thickening of the lens of her eyes. This causes her vision to become cloudy or distorted. Identify the condition that Gisela is suffering from.
a. Glaucoma
b. Nearsightedness
c. Macular degeneration
d. Ca

The __________ is one area that shrinks more than others with aging.
a. Prefrontal cortex
b. Amygdala
c. Hypothalamus
d. Premotor cotex

______________ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or some other aspect of the environment.
a. Selective
b. Sustained
c. Divided
d. Executive

The retention of information about the when and where of life's happenings is called _____________ memory.
a. Episodic
b. Prospective
c. Source
d. Semantic

Explicit memory is also called ______________ memory.
a. Collecitve
b. Procedural
c. Declarative
d. False

Which of the following is a similarity of the cellular clock, free-radical, and mitochondrial theories?
a. They attribute the process of aging to hormonal changes
b. They attempt to explain aging at the cellular level
c. They discount role of genetics in

b. They attempt to explain aging at the cellular level

Cynthia is 91 years old. Her optic nerves have got damaged due to buildup of fluid in the eye. The doctor has told her that her condition can be treated with eye drops. The disease that has impaired Cynthia's vision is:
a. Glaucoma
b. Cataracts
c. Retinop

A(n) _______________ states such preference as whether life-sustaining procedures should or should not be used to prolong the life of an individual when death is imminent.
a. Advance directive
b. Choice in dying
c. Oral will
d. Representation agreement

In the Gond culture of India, death is believed to be caused by:
a. Natural forces
b. An angry supreme being
c. The ill will of others in the community
d. Magic and demons

No, it can't be me. It's not possible," thinks Clara, when she hears the news of her terminal illness. Which of Kubler-Ross' stages of dying is Clara currently in?
a. Acceptance
b. Bargaining
c. Denial and isolation
d. Depression

Brain death occurs when:
a. All electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specified period of time
b. A person remains unconscious for a specified period of time
c. The lower regions of the brain stop functioning
d. The body loses the ability to b

a. All electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specific period of time

Deaths that are sudden, violent, or traumatic are likely to:
a. Produce less intense feelings in survivors than if the person died of a long illness
b. Produce a shorter grieving process for the survivors than if the person died of a long illness
c. Produ

c. Produce more intense feelings in survivors than if the person died of a long illness

In which of the following countries is cremation most popular?
a. The United States
b. Mexico
c. Canada
d. Japan

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross believed that when a person is dying of a terminal illness, depression is:
a. A temporary phase that friends and family should help the person through as quickly as possible
b. The first phase a person goes through when he or she lea

c. Part of the normal process of detaching the self from love objects

Which of the following was considered to be a clear sign of death in the past?
a. A flat EEG
b. Moderate brain stem function
c. Lack of higher cortical brain function
d. Rigor mortis

Which of the following is an example of active euthanasia?
a. Injecting a lethal dose of a drug
b. Turning off a respirator
c. Removing a heart-lung machine
d. Stopping antibiotics

a. Injecting a lethal dose of a drug

Today, death occurs most often among:
a. Older adults
b. Adolescents
c. Infants
d. Middle-aged adults

Josue has incurable cancer. However, he promises to lead a reformed life dedicated to God if God will spare his life. Josue is in which of Kubler-Ross' stages of dying?
a. Denial
b. Hope
c. Bargaining
d. Acceptance

A flat EEG (electroencephalogram) recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of ______________.
a. Rigor mortis
b. Euthanasia
c. Brain death
d. Paralysis

Hospices are a relatively recent approach developed to:
a. Cure illness and prolong life at all costs
b. Make the end of life as free from pain and anxiety as possible
c. Provide a place where people with no living relatives can die
d. Lower the cost of m

b. Make the end of life as free from pain and anxiety as possible

Terry is in the final stages of lupus, a condition which causes her severe pain and discomfort. At Terry's insistence, her caregiver takes the decision to end her pain by administering a lethal dose of a drug. This is an example of ______________ euthanas

Jamie lost his wife of many years. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. Holly Prigerson and her colleagues would label this as _______________.
a. Depressive grief
b. Extended grief
c. Abnormal grief
d. Prolonged grief

The _______________ portions of the brain often die sooner than the _____________ portions.
a. Lower; higher
b. Lower; middle
c. Higher; lower
d. Middle; lower

One study by Kim revealed that finding meaning in the death of a spouse was linked to:
a. A higher level of denial during bereavement
b. A higher level of fear during bereavement
c. A lower level of acceptance during bereavement
d. A lower level of anger

d. A lower level of anger during bereavement

Ada knows that she has liver cancer and will not live much longer. In her prayers, she asks God to let her live one more year, and she will promise to set everything right with her family and loved ones. Which of Kubler-Ross' stages of dying is Ada curren

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, when a dying person finally accepts the fact of impending death and becomes depressed about it, which of the following would be most appropriate?
a. Remind the person of all his or her positive life achievements
b. Tell

c. Allow the person to experience and work through the depression

Which of the following is true of the American attitude toward death?
a. Americans consider death of the biological body as the end of existence
b. Americans do not believe in a spiritual body that lives on after death
c. Belief in reincarnation is a defi

d. Americans are generally death avoiders and death deniers

Turning off a respirator or a heart-lung machine is an example of ___________ euthanasia.
a. Active
b. Deliberate
c. Passive
d. Sustained

Which of the following is Kubler-Ross' fourth stage of dying?
a. Depression
b. Acceptance
c. Bargaining
d. Anger

Active euthanasia is legal in the state of:
a. California
b. Florida
c. New York
d. Oregon

In 1900, most people died:
a. In a hospital, cared for by medical staff
b. In a nursing home
c. At home, cared for by their family
d. At a hospice

c. At home, cared for by their family

An advanced directive/living will must be signed when:
a. At least two medical professionals are present
b. A doctor and a lawyer are present
c. When an individual is told he or she has a life-threatening condition
d. When an individual is able to think c

d. When an individual is able to think clearly

According to 2008 data, in the United States, ___ percent of men and ____ percent of women 65 years of age and older are widowed.
a. 25; 66
b. 13; 41
c. 44; 32
d. 10; 23

Which of the following statements is an accurate criticism of Kubler-Ross's theory of dying?
a. She underestimates the among of time people stay in the anger stage
b. She did not consider that men and women go through each stage differently
c. She did not

c. She did not demonstrate the existence of the five-stage sequence

Angelique is in the terminal stages of cancer. She feels that the pain has now become unbearable, so she requests her doctor to end her life painlessly through medication. Which of the following acts is Angelique requesting her doctor to perform?
a. Aphas

Sometimes euthanasia is called:
a. "Honor killing"
b. "Mercy killing"
c. "Quick death"
d. "Violent death

Terry, a terminally ill cancer patient has, finally accepted the certainty of her death. She is now refusing to have any visitors to her hospital room, and spends most of her time crying and grieving. Which of the following stages of dying is Terry most l

_____________________ is a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible.
a. Asylum
b. Hospital stay
c. Hospice
d. Compassionate care

Which of the following statements about hospice care is true?
a. Hospice care emphasizes the need to limit the administration of painkillers to terminally ill patients
b. Hospice care mainly emphasizes efforts to cure an illness
c. Hospice care focuses on

d. Hospice care emphasizes palliative care

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which of the following is the first stage of dying?
a. Denial and isolation
b. Bargaining
c. Acceptance
d. Depression

If the cortical death definition were adopted, then physicians could claim a person is dead when his or her _____________ is no longer functioning.
a. Lower brain
b. Middle brain
c. Higher brain
d. Entire brain

In the USA, these are usually written by loved ones of the deceased to be published in newspapers or at the funeral home website as a tribute to the life of the deceased. It typically includes the birth date, date of death, and a brief summary of the life

The type of care that is designed to reduce pain and suffering and help individuals die with dignity is known as:
a. Curative care
b. Palliative care
c. Terminal care
d. Compassionate care

Van Alphen, Donker, & Marquet reported that in the Netherlands, ______________ was found to be main reason for requests for active euthanasia.
a. Pain
b. Depression
c. Anger
d. Acceptance of death

Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals to:
a. Be unaware of their condition
b. Limit their interaction with others
c. Know that they are dying
d. Distance themselves from family and friends

c. Know that they are dying

According to Kubler-Ross, ____________ is the stage of dying in which the person develops the hope that death can somehow be postponed or delayed.
a. Bargaining
b. Acceptance
c. Depression
d. Anger

Myette has just been told that she has breast cancer and that her tests show that the cancer has spread to her liver. Myette says, "I feel great. The lab obviously has my test results mixed up with someone else." According to Kubler-Ross, Myette is in the

Which of the following most resembles the grieving process?
a. A year-long period of major depression
b. A roller coaster ride of emotions
c. An orderly progression of stages
d. A period of negative feelings that lasts around three months

b. A roller coaster ride of emotions

Active euthanasia is legal in:
a. The Netherlands and Uruguay
b. Africa and India
c. Canada and Sweden
d. China and Japan

a. The Netherlands and Uruguay

Which of the following statements about a living will is FALSE?
a. It is a legally binding document
b. Only the terminally ill can write one
c. The individual must be in a clear state of mind when writing it
d. The document contains the individual's wishe

b. Only the terminally ill can write one

In which of the following states is active euthanasia not considered a crime?
a. Nevada
b. Texas
c. Washington
d. New York

Which of the following is the best description of the term "euthanasia?"
a. Easy death
b. Death wish
c. Voluntary death
d. Painless death

Basilio sustained severe and irreversible brain damage due to an accidental overdose of insulin. His wife and his children decided to remove the life-support system, and Basilio subsequently died. This is an example of:
a. Active euthanasia
b. Passive eut

____________ refers to a legal document that reflects the patient's advance care planning.
a. Last request
b. Dying will
c. Living will
d. Easy death order

___________ is the emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of someone we love.
a. Grief
b. Anger
c. Obsession
d. Denial

Which of the following is an advantage of a dying individual knowing that he or she is dying?
a. The person can seek more aggressive medical interventions
b. The person can move through the stages of dying more quickly
c. The person can construct more eff

d. The person has time to reflect on his or her life and make decisions about dying

In the United States today, more than 80 percent of all deaths occur:
a. Due to motor vehicle accidents
b. Due to infectious diseases
c. At home
d. In institutions or hospitals

d. In institutions or hospitals

Which of the following was one of the groups distinguished by Helson and her colleagues in the Mills College study?

Helson and her colleagues distinguished three main groups among the Mills women: family-oriented, career-oriented (whether or not they also wanted families), and those who followed neither path (women without children who pursued only low-level work).

Which of the following is consistent with the position of Margie Lachman and her colleagues regarding the differences in perspectives of younger and middle

Which of the following is consistent with the position of Margie Lachman and her colleagues regarding the differences in perspectives of younger and middle-aged adults? Most midlife adults feel their sense of control is frequently challenged by outside demands.

Which of the following aspects of life do middle

Which of the following aspects of life do middle-aged adults feel they have less control over? Middle-aged adults feel they have less control over their: children.

Which of the following is a significant observation by neugarten regarding social clocks?

Which of the following is a significant observation by Neugarten regarding social clocks? Individuals whose lives are synchronized with the social clocks are less stressed.

Which of the following was one of the groups distinguished by Helson and her colleagues in the Mills College study?

Helson and her colleagues distinguished three main groups among the Mills women: family-oriented, career-oriented (whether or not they also wanted families), and those who followed neither path (women without children who pursued only low-level work).

Which of the following is a significant observation by neugarten regarding social clocks?

Which of the following is a significant observation by Neugarten regarding social clocks? Individuals whose lives are synchronized with the social clocks are less stressed.

Which of the following is true of the sense of personal control in middle age?

Which of the following is true of the sense of personal control in middle age? The sense of personal control is frequently challenged by increased responsibility and the aging process.

Which statement best characterizes the nature of religion's influence on Americans lives?

Which statement best characterizes the nature of religion's influence on Americans' lives? The majority of Americans engage in some sort of spiritual practice. According to Victor Frankl, the three most distinct human qualities are freedom, responsibility, and: spirituality.


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