Which of the following is a piece of code or software designed to lie in wait on a system until a specified event occurs?

 . Question 32 (2 points) Given that 8 employees have the following Promotion possibilities: Lower, Middle-A, Middle-B, Upper-C, Upper-B, Upper-A, Supervisor, Executive, Manager, AVP, SVP, VP, Presid...

BonesNoBones.csv: "Date","BonesDay","Day_of_Week","Weather_NYC" "11/11/2021","No Bones Day","Thursday","Cloudy" "11/09/2021","Bones Day","Tuesday","Sunny" "11/08/2021","Bones Day","Monday","Sunny" "11...

BonesNoBones.csv: "Date","BonesDay","Day_of_Week","Weather_NYC" "11/11/2021","No Bones Day","Thursday","Cloudy" "11/09/2021","Bones Day","Tuesday","Sunny" "11/08/2021","Bones Day","Monday","Sunny" "11...

BonesNoBones.csv: "Date","BonesDay","Day_of_Week","Weather_NYC" "11/11/2021","No Bones Day","Thursday","Cloudy" "11/09/2021","Bones Day","Tuesday","Sunny" "11/08/2021","Bones Day","Monday","Sunny" "11...

BonesNoBones.csv: "Date","BonesDay","Day_of_Week","Weather_NYC" "11/11/2021","No Bones Day","Thursday","Cloudy" "11/09/2021","Bones Day","Tuesday","Sunny" "11/08/2021","Bones Day","Monday","Sunny" "11...

BonesNoBones.csv: "Date","BonesDay","Day_of_Week","Weather_NYC" "11/11/2021","No Bones Day","Thursday","Cloudy" "11/09/2021","Bones Day","Tuesday","Sunny" "11/08/2021","Bones Day","Monday","Sunny" "11...

Wait long enough, and what is old is new again.

This is often true in the case of cybercriminals, who make headlines for using cutting-edge techniques, though it's sometimes the older, more well-known attacks that do the most damage. Whether it's a sophisticated social engineering attack or a tried-and-true Trojan, security professionals have to be ready for anything.

Organizations cannot depend on antimalware protection to defend sensitive and proprietary data and systems from attacks. Even security programs with substantial budgets and the latest tools need to ensure infosec teams understand the fundamentals of malware terms and types. This foundational knowledge provides teams with integral context needed to interpret automated alerts or other functions of security tools that AI alone may not supply.

Armed with a working knowledge of malware terms and techniques, security professionals are in a better position to intervene at the first indicator of infection. Take this malware quiz to measure and reinforce your comprehension of cybercriminal tactics, trends and tools.

This was last updated in February 2021

Dig Deeper on Threats and vulnerabilities

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    Which of the following is a piece of code or software designed to lie in wait on a system until a specified event occurs?

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  • School University of Texas
  • Course Title ITSY 2442
  • Pages 14
  • Ratings 80% (5) 4 out of 5 people found this document helpful

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Question 11 / 1 ptsWhich of the following is a general term for software that is inherently hostile, intrusive, orannoying in its operation?Correct!MalwareAdwareScarewareWorm

Question 21 / 1 ptsWhich of the following laws was originally passed to address federal computer-related offensesand the cracking of computer systems?

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Question 31 / 1 ptsWhich of the following types of malware is a piece of code or software that spreads from systemto system by attaching itself to other files, and is activated when the file is accessed?

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VirusRootkitQuestion 41 / 1 ptsWhich of the following types of viruses is designed to change its code and "shape" to avoiddetection by virus scanners?

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Question 51 / 1 ptsWhich of the following types of viruses is a piece of code or software designed to lie in wait on asystem until a specified event occurs?Correct!Logic bombMacro virusMultipartite virusPolymorphic virus

Question 61 / 1 ptsWhich of the following types of viruses infects using multiple attack vectors, including the bootsector and executable files on a hard drive?

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Question 71 / 1 ptsWhich of the following types of viruses infects and operates through the use of a macrolanguage built into applications, such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Office?

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Michael Matuszek

Which of the following is a piece of code or software that spreads from system to system by attaching itself to other files?

A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program, computer boot sector or document and changes how a computer works. A virus spreads between systems after some type of human intervention.

Which of the following types of malware is a piece of code or software that spreads from system to system?

One of the most common types of malware, worms spread over computer networks by exploiting operating system vulnerabilities. A worm is a standalone program that replicates itself to infect other computers, without requiring action from anyone.

Which of the following is a general term for software that is inherently hostile intrusive or annoying in its operation?

Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. The expression is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code.

Which of the following types of viruses possesses code allowing it to hide and mutate itself in random ways that prevent detection?

A polymorphic virus includes an encrypted payload and a mutation engine. The encryption hides the malicious payload from scanners and threat detection software, which are left to identify the virus by its decryption routine.