Which of the following is a series of standards adopted by the International Organization for Standardization?

Anttila, J. and Jussila, K. (2017), “ISO 9001: 2015 – a questionable reform: what should the implementing organisations understand and do?”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 28 Nos 9/10, pp. 1090-1105.

Bendell, T. (2000), “The implications of the changes to ISO 9000 for organisational excellence”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 11-14.

Biesiok, G., Wyród – Wróbel, J. and Świętek – Bysko, A. (2016), “„wykorzystanie analizy IPA w badaniach satysfakcji z opakowań kosmetyków”, Marketing i Rynek, No. 7, pp. 18 -29.

Boiral, O. (2012), “ISO 9000 and organizational effectiveness: a systematic review”, Quality Management Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 16-37.

Carnerud, D., Jaca, C. and Bäckström, I. (2018), “Kaizen and continuous improvement – trends and patterns over 30 years”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 371-390.

Casadesus, M. and Gimenez, G. (2000), “The benefits of the implementation of the ISO 9000 standard: empirical research in 288 Spanish companies”, The TQM Magazine, Vol. 12 No. 6, pp. 432-441.

Casadesus, M. and Karapetrovic, S. (2005), “Has ISO 9000 lost some of its lustre? A longitudinal impact study”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 25 No. 6, pp. 580-596.

Cort, G. (2010), “Chair’s technical message: the ISO 9000 ecosystem”, available at: https://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/fetch/−8835176/8835194/8835203/N993_-_Chairs_Technical_Message%2C_The_ISO_9000_Ecosystem.pdf?nodeid=9492775&vernum=−2

Dahlgaard, J.J. and Dahlgaard-Park, S.M. (2004), “The 4P quality strategy for breakthrough and sustainable development”, European Quality, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 6-19.

Dahlgaard-Park, S.M. and Dahlgaard, J.J. (2010), “Organizational learnability and innovability a system for assessing, diagnosing and improving innovations”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 153-174.

Dahlgaard-Park, S.M. and Dahlgaard, J.J. (2008), “A strategy for building sustainable innovation Excellence - A danish study”, in: Zink, K.J. (Ed.), Corporate Sustainability as a Challenge for Comprehensive Management, Physica – Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 77-94.

Dahlgaard, J.J., Pettersen, J. and Dahlgaard-Park, S.M. (2011), “Quality and lean health care: a system for assessing and improving the health of health care organisations”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 22 No. 6, pp. 673-689.

Eskildsen, J. and Dahlgaard, J. (1998), “A practical diagnosis of business excellence”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 24-28.

Fonseca, L. and Domingues, J.P. (2017), “ISO 9001: 2015 edition-management, quality and value”, International Journal of Quality Research, Vol. 1 No. 11, pp. 149-158.

Fonseca, L.M., Domingues, J.P., Machado, P.B. and Calderón, M. (2017), “Management system certification benefits: Where do We stand?”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 10No No. 3, pp. 476-494.

Gaspar, M.L., Popescu, S.G., Dragomir, M. and Unguras, D. (2018), “Defining strategic quality directions based on organisational context identification; case study in a software company”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, No. Vol. 238, pp. 615-623.

Gotzamani, K. (2010), “Results of an empirical investigation on the anticipated improvement areas of the ISO 9001: 2000 standard”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 687-704.

Gutiérrez, L.J.G., Torres, I.T. and Molina, V.B. (2010), “Quality management initiatives in Europe: an empirical analysis according to their structural elements”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 577-601.

Hallström, K.T. (2004), Organizing International Standardization: ISO and the IASC in Quest of Authority, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham-Northampton.

Hansen, K., M. and Pedersen, R., T. (2012), “Efficiency of different recruitment strategies for web panels”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 238-249.

Hoel, T. and Chen, W. (2018), “Interaction between standardisation and research: a case study”, International Journal of Standardization Research, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 22-38.

Hua, J. and Chen, W.Y. (2019), “Prioritizing urban rivers' ecosystem services: an importance-performance analysis”, Cities, Vol. 94, pp. 11-23.

Kafel, P. and Nowicki, P. (2014), “Functioning of environmental and quality management systems after registration of management standard certification: Case study of polish organizations”, International Journal for Quality Research, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 505-516.

Karapetrovic, S., Fa, M.C. and Saizarbitoria, I.H. (2010), “What happened to the ISO 9000 luster? An eight-year study”, Quality Control and Applied Statistics, Vol. 55 No. 3, pp. 227-228.

Manders, B., de Vries, H.J. and Blind, K. (2016), “ISO 9001 and product innovation: a literature review and research framework”, Technovation, Vols 48/49, pp. 41-55.

Olsen, P. and Borit, M. (2013), “How to define traceability”, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 29, pp. 142-150.

Riviezzo, A., Nisco, A. and Napolitano, M., R. (2009), “Importance-performance analysis as a tool in evaluating town Centre management effectiveness”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 37 No. 9, pp. 748-764.

Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P. and Guimarães, R.A. (2009), “ISO 9001 certification research: questions, answers and approaches”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 38-58.

Saraiva, M., Novas, J.C., Ferreira, O. and Pires, A.R. (2017), “ISO 9001 quality management systems: Literature review”, TMQ – Techniques, Methodologies and Quality, No. 8, pp. 11-43.

Seddon, J. (1997), In Pursuit of Quality: The Case against ISO 9000, Oak Tree Press, Dublin.

Seddon, J. (2000), The Case against ISO 9000, Oak Tree Press, Dublin.

Serhan, H. and Kabèche, D. (2017), “Analysis of ISO 9001 paradox of knowledge codification using the activity system model: Tensions in practices and expansive learning”, International Journal of Standardization Research, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 37-56.

Sever, I. (2015), “Importance-performance analysis: a valid management tool?”, Tourism Management, No. Vol. 48, pp. 43-53.

Sowa, P., Pędziński, B., Krzyżak, M., Maślach, D., Wójcik, S. and Szpak, A. (2015), “The Computer-Assisted web interview method as used in the national study of ICT use in primary healthcare in Poland – reflections on a case study”, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Vol. 43 No. 1, pp. 137-146.

Spring, B., M. (2016), “Standards management in the Twenty-First century: architectural challenges and management opportunities”, International Journal of Standardization Research, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 34-44.

Tarí, J.J., Molina-Azorín, J.F. and Heras, I. (2012), “Benefits of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards: a literature review”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 297-322.

Urban, W. (2012), “ISO 9001 as a tool for supporting strategic advantages”, Transformations in Business and Economics, Vol. 3 No. 11, pp. 57-71.

West, J. (2007), “Using the whole ISO 9000 family of quality management system standards”, Quality Engineering, No. 19, pp. 385-392.

Wright, J.D. and Marden, P.V. (2010), “Survey research and social science: history, current practice, and future prospects”, in: Marsden, P.V. and Wright, J.D. (Eds), Handbook of Survey Research, Emerland, Bingley.

International Organization for Standardization (2015), ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems – Requirements, ISO, Geneva.

Which of the following is a series of standards adopted by the International Organisation for standardization to spell out acceptable criteria for quality systems?

The ISO 9000 family is a set of five quality management systems (QMS) standards that help organizations ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service.

What is a set of quality standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization?

ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements needed to maintain an efficient quality system. They are not specific to any one industry and can be applied to organizations of any size.

Which of the following is a set of international standards that pertains to the quality and performance of office equipment that contains reused components?

ISO - ISO/IEC 24700:2005 - Quality and performance of office equipment that contains reused components.

Which ISO standard contains guidelines for performance improvement?

ISO - ISO 9004:2000 - Quality management systems — Guidelines for performance improvements.