Which of the following is a stimulus that encourages people to focus on some specific aspect of their lives such as their financial well being or the environment?

Consumer behavior is a process. As part of this process, we study ____ which are descriptive characteristics of a population.

Consumer behavior is a process. In the study of this important topic, we learn that the ____ is a transaction in which 2+ organizations or people give and receive something of value.

A _____ identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product during the three stages of consumption process.

Evolving from a mass culture in which many consumers share the same preferences to a diverse one in which we each have infinite # of choices makes it important to.....

Identify distinct market segments and develop specialized messages for those groups.

In many cases, marketers use the ___ rule, where ____ percent of the users account for ____ percent of sales.

A marketer of a new fragrance decides to focus on young urban women between 16-25 w/ above-avg. income. Which market segment base has this target mkt been defined??

People with a feeling of shared well being, shared risks, common interests and common concerns , which come from consuming the same kinds of objects.

The most important feature of the consumption community is that it gives the consumer a sense of identity and belonging to some larger group.

Tracks specific consumers' buying habits closely and crafts products and messages tailored precisely to people's wants and needs based on this information.

Market Segmentation Strategies

Allows an organization to target its product, service, or idea only to specific groups of consumers rather than to everybody-- even if it means that other consumers who don't belong to this target market aren't exposed to it.

Diapers come in pink versions for girls and blue for boys. This is an example of _____ distinction in product marketing.

Many organizations focus on establishing relationships with customers. Which scenario best describes the nostalgic attachment relationship a consumer may feel with a product/ service?

Each year Martha sends a Currier and Ives Christmas card to her grandchildren because she remembers how much the same brand card meant to her when she received one from her own grandmother.

Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Family Structure

Important demographic variables help market researchers identify what makes one consumer the same as or different from others.

Product helps to establish a user's identity

Product is part of the consumers daily routine.

Product elicited bond of warmth/ passion/ strong emotion

Product serves as a link with past self. ex. favorite childhood cereal

A ____ is defined as something a person must have to live or achieve a goal.

The distinction between a "happy" and "meaningful" life brings up an important question for market researchers, but before we answer that questions, we need to know that a _______ is a specific manifestation of a need that personal and cultural factors determine.

The fascination with Peeps, a creepy little candy chick, demonstrates one of the fundamental premises of the modern field of consumer behavior. The fundamental premise is:

People often by products not for what they do, but what they mean.

People choose between competitors largely because of their _____- meanings that have been carefully crafted with the help of legions of rock stars, athletes, slickly produced commercials, and many millions of dollars.

When a product or service satisfies our specific needs or desires, we may reward it with many years of _____, which is a bond between product and consumer that is difficult for competitors to break.

The United Nations defines a metropolitan area with a total populace of more that 10 million individuals as a _______. By 2011, there were already 20 such areas in the world

The popularity of chat rooms where consumers can go to discuss various topics with like-minded "Netizens" around the world grows every day, as do immersive ______ such as Second Life, Habbo Hotel, and Kaneva.

"Hello Kitty" inspired web sites now share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Which term describes the fans involved in the C2C online activity?

Technology and culture have created a new "always on" consumer. These consumers grew up "wired" in a highly networked, always-on world. The term for these consumers is...

Which is true of megacities or tends in regional population?

Research shows that by the year 2030 more than 2 billion people will live in slums adjacent to megacities.

When they monitor blips in Google queries for words such as flu and fever, they can identify areas in the US that have been hit by outbreaks even before local authorities notice a rise in hospital admissions. This is example of...

Big Data influences what we know and do.

3 of the most important dimensions discussed in this chapter include product usage, demographics, and _____.

Psychographics (attitudes, aspirations)

Tj wants to treat Alex to an expensive dinner. He packs his lunch MWF. He plans to forego lunch on TR. What has TJ "created" in anticipation for this expenditure?

We estimate what we will consume over time to decide what to do in the present. I.e - skipping lunch if you know you're eating a big dinner

Naturally out of habit or routine; regular and common

husband and wife take common views and act as joint decision makers

Accommodative Purchase Decision

different preferences and cannot agree on a purchase 

_____ describes the choices we make with little or no conscious effort.

What is the utilitarian approach to ethical decision making?

-moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest number -focus on decisions that optimize the satisfaction for the greatest number of people

Willingness to move towards a goal or away from a threat/ Pain receptors.

Jessie is grocery shopping and passes an end cap with ketchup and suddenly realizes she has little left at home. She grabs some Heinz to replace the one that is almost empty. At what level of involvement is Jessie making her decision?

inertia, uncaring, mobility, obsession, compulsion

Luke owns several new suits. One day at the office, he notices an especially nice suit worn by a coworker and decides he needs to buy a new suit. What problem recognition has taken place?

A consumer who moves his or her ideal state upward is experiencing

What term describes a web site or app that helps to filter/organize online market info so that consumers can identify and evaluate alternatives more efficiently?

People associate foods with categories such as fattening, healthy, breakfast, lunch, etc. The success of marketer's _____ depends on their ability to persuade a consumer to consider its product within a given category. (Drinking soda for bkfst/ orange juice all day)

Much of the current work in behavioral economics demonstrates how a nudge, described as ______, can result in dramatic effects.

Deliberate change by an organization that intends to modify behavior.

A prime is a stimulus that encourages people to focus on some specific aspect of their lives such as their financial well-being or environment. Which is not an example of a prime or a study of prime-related behavior?

Richard made certain assumptions instead of conducting an extensive information search for a product. He assumed that the selection at Zany Zack's was more than sufficient, so he did not bother to shop at any other stores.

A simple _____ that changes how people act is to switch from asking consumers to "opt in" to a program to asking them to "opt out" of a program they don't want to participate in.

Much of the emerging work in behavioral economics focus on the role of _____, which is a strategy that involves using cues in the environment that make consumers more likely to react in a certain way even though they are unaware of these influences.

Option with the largest # of positive attributes.

allows consumer to take into account the relative importance by weighting.

Jessie goes shopping for towels and a rug and leaves with a full cart. How do marketers describe these unplanned purchases?

Due to ______, a consumer is more likely to comply with a requirement than to make the effort not to comply.

Patti buys expensive makeup because she thinks its higher quality. Which term applies to Patti's shortcut for decision making?

Shortcut to decision making; Rule of thumb

Luke works for a small start up bank. Organizational structure is flat and collective decision making is the norm. He's fed up with the firm's copying machine constant breakdowns and approaches his fellow employees about buying a new one. His role is...

represents the notion that decision makers are "bound" or restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions

Autonomic family decision making

(husband and wife independently make the same decision, each doing it about one-half the time)

A type of information and/or labor sharing in which a task is outsourced to a large community of people, possibly volunteers, rather than to a small group of contracted specialists.

decisions involving both partners
i.e. vacations

Consumer's mood, amount of cash on hand (temporary things)

utilizes strategy mixes that are not store-based to reach consumers and complete transactions. It occurs via direct marketing, direct selling, and vending machines

Point-of-purchase Stimuli (POP stimuli)

Can be an elaborate product display or demonstration, a coupon-dispensing machine or an employee who gives out free samples to boost impulse purchases


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