Which of the following is an accurate statement about adolescents development of formal operational thinking?

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Terms in this set (75)

Which of the following best defines adolescence?

the transitional period between childhood and adulthood

At what ages do the two major brain growth spurts occur?

13-15 and 17-18

During a growth, which is (are) likely to grow first

hands and feet

During adolescence, boys are more advanced than girls in which of the following aspects of physical development

size of heart and lungs

Which group of hormones is responsible for the development of the sex organs

estrogen in females and testosterone in males

Which hormone is responsible for normal brain development and overall rate of growth


Which hormone is responsible for changes at puberty, particularly the development of the secondary sex characteristics in girls?

adrenal androgen

Which gland prompts the release of hormones from the other endocrine glands?


During puberty the pituitary glands signals the adrenal glands to increase production of androgens. What is the term for this process


Which of the following best defines menarche?

the onset of menstruation at puberty

Which of the following is a change in primary sex characteristics which takes place during puberty

formation of a uterus

Which of the following is an example of changes in secondary sex characteristics during puberty?

growth of the breasts

What is the term for the onset of the menstrual cycle


Which of the following is the earliest sign of puberty for a female

changes in breasts and pubic hair

The changes in the patterns of physical growth and development that are known as the secular trend are most likely caused by which of the following?

improvements in nutrition and health care

According to current research, which of the following accounts for the secular trend in development worldwide?

improvements in nutrition and health care

In which of the following groups has the average age of menarche remained the same over the past 6 decades?

white girls in the u.s.

Which of the following statements about menarche is correct?

menarche typically occurs 2 years after the beginning of indicators such as changes in the breast and pubic hair

Which of the following is a true statement regarding obesity and puberty

obesity is likely to be positively correlated with early puberty in girls

Dawn has just turned 13 years old, and she recently experienced menarche. If Dawn becomes sexually active, will she be at risk for pregnancy?

possibly. although irregular menstrual cycles are the norm for some time, pregnant is still possible

Of the following events in boys' puberty, which typically occurs earliest?

growth of the genitals

Which of the following is true of spermarche?

it typically occurs between 13 and 14 years of age, but the production of viable sperm does not happen until a few months later

Which of the following groups is more likely to have a negative body image, get into trouble at school and with peers, and engage in delinquent behavior

early maturing girls

Which of the following groups is more likely to occupy leadership roles but also be at increased risk for alcohol or drug use?

early maturing boys

Which of the following is likely to be characteristic of a girl who experienced the major physical changes of puberty by age 10

trouble at home and at school

Which of the following factors is most likely to influence whether or not teens become sexually active across cultures?

social factors

Which of the following statements about adolescent sexual activity is correct?

teens who are involved in sports or after school activities have lower rates of sexual activity than teens who do not participate in such activities

Approximately ___ of female 15-19 year olds in 2008 reported being on the pill


In the US, which of the following sexually active groups is most likely to use condoms

african americans

Which of the following statements about sex education programs is correct

there is no clear consensus on the effectiveness of sex education programs

Which of the following statements is true regarding adolescent pregnancy in the U.S.?

the number of births to unmarried teens has increased over the past 4 decades

What is the overall annual teenage pregnancy rate for 18 to 19 year olds in the U.S.

70 per 1,000 teens

Which of the following statements about teen pregnancy is true

pregnancy is most likely to happen after a girl leaves high school

How many teen pregnancies end in abortion?


Which of the following is one of the stages of crisis of teen pregnancy

the escalation phase

Which of the following statements best summarizes the research as to the causes of homosexuality?

the research does not clearly point to either genetics or environment, but rather indicates that sexual orientation is a result of both genetic and environmental factors

What is the concordance rate of homosexuality in fraternal twins?


What is the concordance rate of homosexuality in identical twins


Most people probably begin to have some awareness of their sexual orientation at what point in their lives?

middle childhood

Which of the following terms applies to a person whose psychological gender does not match their physical sex


Thomas has been transgendered for as long as he can remember. He has begun living full time as Trina and has started taking hormone supplements. Trina plans to have gender reassignment surgery next year. Which of the following terms best describes Trina?


What is the correlation between risk-seeking behavior and the media?

teens who are most strongly influenced by media portrayals of risky behavior are more likely to engage in sensation seeking

According to your textbook, among teenagers, sensation seeking appears to be LEAST associated with which of the following?

tobacco use

Among teenagers, what is the most commonly used illicit drug?


Of the following, which would be the LEAST effective strategy for parents who want to prevent children from smoking?

punish teens who are found to be smoking

Which of the following is a characteristic of anorexia nervosa?

extreme dieting

The core feature(s) of anorexia nervosa is (are) _____________

intense fear of weight gain, extreme dieting, and obsessive exercising

The eating disorder bulimia nervosa is characterized by

episodes of binge eating that are followed by purging activities

Which of the following is associated with bulimia?


Use of laxatives, exercise, and vomiting are most closely associated with which of the following


Tooth decay among bulimic teens is caused by which of the following?

repeated vomiting

Which of the following comorbid conditions has been proposed by theorists as a possible explanation for the development of eating disorders in our society?

specific phobia

Which of the following terms describes an excessive need for control of the environment?

obsessive compulsive personality disorder

Which of the following may create a developmental pathway for adolescent depression?

growing up with a depressed parent

Which of the following factors is likely to contribute to the development of depression among adolescents?

genetic factors

What percentage of high school students in the U.S. have seriously considered suicide?


Why are girls less likely to complete suicide?

they tend to use means that are less successful

Which of the following is recognized as a common factors among suicide completers?

Altered mental state through alcohol, drugs, or emotional upset

What is Piaget's fourth stage of cognitive development?

formal operations

Piaget, through his fourth stage, believed that adolescence is the time when children's main task is to learn which of the following?

to think abstractly

14 year old Muhammed won a contest sponsored by the local newspaper to celebrate a championship basketball game. The object of the contest was to determine how many words could be made from the word 'score'. Which newly developed ability of formal operational thought would have been most helpful to Muhammed?

the ability to search systematically and methodologically for the solutions to a problem

Charlene has achieved formal operational thought & is about to attempt Piaget's pendulum task. What can she do that she was UNABLE to do when she was still in the concrete operations stage?

evaluate the effects of multiple factors in systematic, methodical fashion

Which of the following is a component of adolescent egocentrism, according to Elkind?

the personal fable

Whenever Jean walks by a mirror or any reflective surfacehe stops to make sure that his hair looks good and that his clothes look acceptable to his peers. Which principle is at work here?

elkind's theory of the imaginary audience

Which of the following is an accurate statement about adolescents' development of formal operational thinking?

formal operational reasoning adolescents to understand figurative language, such as metaphors

According to your text, high school students perform better than elementary school students in memory task experiments because they

can apply previously learned memory strategies to the new task

Which of the following best summarizes the research of Brown and Day regarding text learning in adolescence?

the ability to summarize a text improves gradually during the second half of adolescence

Which statement best describes the transition from elementary school to high school?

students experience losses in academic achievement in academic achievement and self esteem

If Marla wants to be the best clarinet player in the band, she is motivated by which type of goal?


DeShaun wants to learn calculus so he can become an engineer. He is motivated by which type of goal


Which of the following is the best example of a child who has ability goals for academic achievement?

Cindy hopes to score higher on her college entrance exam than any of her brothers and sisters

According to your text, which of the following is a factor that influence adolescent adjustment to secondary school?

the perception that the teachers and the school are impersonal and unsupportive

Which of the following best explains what shapes girls' desire to take advanced math and science classes?

their own abilities and belief in the acceptability of these subjects for girls

What percentage of U.S. high school students receive a diploma


What is Piaget's stage of cognitive development that emerges between ages 12 and 16?

formal operation

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Which of the following is the best description of adolescence quizlet?

Which of the following best defines adolescence? The transitional period between childhood and adulthood.

Which best defines adolescence?

Adolescence is the transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding obesity and puberty quizlet?

19) Which of the following is a true statement regarding obesity and puberty? Obesity is likely to be positively correlated with early puberty in girls.

What is adolescent operational?

1 : the period of life when a child develops into an adult : the period from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age of majority (see majority sense 2a) He struggled through his adolescence. 2 : the state or process of growing up. 3 : a stage of development (as of a language or culture) prior to maturity.


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