Which of the following is an effective way of handling a childs misbehavior According to most child psychologists?

Directions: Please complete to the best of your abilities prior to the review on Monday. This is a good indication of whatto study but you should also study all notes and text book chapters as well. – Thank you. Mr. Ochs1.The primary reason for increases in speed of thought as one approaches middle childhood is due tomyelinationofthe of the neuron’s axons.2.If women were told before a math test, that the test was standardized so that women and men have equalopportunity to score well it would reduce the effect ofstereotype effect.3.Mary thinks that she is a good person. This observation reflects Mary’sself esteem.4.

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6.Dorothy is enrolled in a preschool where she spends much of her time in unstructured activity. She plays withdifferent toys she chooses, and her teacher facilitates rather than teaches. Which of the following approaches is

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7.The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations is called theFlynneffect.8.It deos not mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are buacese of the way the brain usesinformationprocessing9.Someone may meet the diagnosis for Intellectual Disability if they score below 70 on anIQ test and have difficultywith theirADL’s– adaptive functioning10.According to psychoanalytic theory, theIDstrives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs.11.Jacob is a third-grader and has a disability that has caused him to be separated from his peers during the school day.

A gender role is a set of expectations that prescribe how males and females should think, act and feel. Psychologists have investigated how children develop their sense of gender identity and their knowledge of gender roles.

A gender role is a set of expectations that prescribe how males and females should think, act and feel. Psychologists have investigated how children develop their sense of gender identity and their knowledge of gender roles.

What term is defined as the sense of being male or female?

Gender Identity. the perception of oneself as male or female.

We can examine issues of gender, sex, sexual orientation, and sexuality through the three major sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

What refers to the social and psychological aspects of being male or female?

Gender. Refers to the social and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male. ( May also be seen on a continuum of femininity and masculinity)

Which of the following is an effective way of handling a child’s misbehavior?

Which of the following is an effective way of handling a child’s misbehavior, according to most child psychologists? Time out, in which the child is removed from a setting that offers positive reinforcement. You just studied 80 terms!

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood is: initiative versus guilt.

Which activity is the best example of functional play?

Functional play can be defined as play with toys or objects according to their intended function (e.g., rolling a ball, pushing a car on the floor, pretend to feed a doll).

What is the term for play that involves simple repetitive?

Functional Play. play that involves simple, repetitive activities typical of 3-year-olds, for example skipping (involves being active, instead of creating something) Constructive Play.

What term describes helping behavior that benefits others?

Prosocial behavior refers to “voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit another individual or group of individuals” (Eisenberg and Mussen 1989, 3). This definition refers to consequences of a doer’s actions rather than the motivations behind those actions.

What are the 3 major theories of gender development?

Given the ubiquitous influence of gender in a person’s life, a number of theories have been developed to explain gender development. These theories can be generally divided into three families: biological, socialization, and cognitive.

What is structural theory in gender?

Structuralist theories of gender or sex are generally based on, or attempt to demonstrate, a relationship that is expressed in terms of the structural formula: men are to culture what women are to nature, or men are to women what culture is to nature.

Who invented gender schema?

Developed by Sandra Bem (1981, 1983), gender schema theory explains the development and consequences of sex typing or how children acquire sex-defined characteristics (i.e., preferences, skills, personality traits, behaviors, and self-concepts) that are aligned with gender.

What is Positive Psychology & Why is it important?

Positive psychology is important because discovering what leads people to live more meaningful lives can translate to better strategies for managing mental illness, correcting negative behaviors, and increasing our happiness and productivity.

How many sexes are there?

Based on the sole criterion of production of reproductive cells, there are two and only two sexes: the female sex, capable of producing large gametes (ovules), and the male sex, which produces small gametes (spermatozoa).

Is the cultural social and psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity and femininity?

Figure 14.11 Gender refers to the cultural, social, and psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity and femininity. … Gender roles are the behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits that are designated as either masculine or feminine in a given culture.

Which of the following is most likely a function performed by a childs peer group that would be difficult?

Which of the following is most likely a function that a child's peer group performs which is difficult for a sibling to do? it helps a child master anxieties and conflicts.

What is undemanding parenting style?

The neglectful or uninvolved style of parenting is undemanding and unresponsive. These parents typically don't respond at all their child's needs and usually won't be available when the child needs them. Some neglectful parents reject their children outright – and do their best not to get involved at all.

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling while being accepting and responsive?

Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parents are high on control and demandingness, and also high on responsiveness and warmth. They set clear standards for their children but accept “a reciprocal responsibility to be as responsive as possible to their children's reasonable demands and points of views” [3, p. 46].

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling while als o being rejecting and unresponsive?

Authoritarian parents tend to take a more unresponsive, or parent-centered role, and are generally demanding while exerting a high level of control over their children.