Which of the following is an example of research done at the social level of analysis Quizlet

Which scenario would be most relevant to interpersonal behavior researchers, who work at the social level of analysis?

a. Mike and his twin both struggle with depression, even though they are very different in other ways

b. Kojos son just turned three an is able to use language more and more each day, but he tendss to call all animals "horsey" even though they are cows or giraffes.

c. Charlotte suffered a stroke last year and although she recovered fairly well, one side of her body is partly paralyzed, which has interferred with her ability to play tennis with her friends.

d. Tawnys boyfriend does not treat her very well, but every time she comes close to breaking up with him, he persuades her to give him another chance.

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PS 101 QUIZ 1

Terms in this set (48)

Which of the following are the major tenets of Darwin's theory of evolution?

➤ Members of the species that have adaptive changes are most likely to survive
➤ Members of the species that survive are most likely to reproduce.
➤ Species change over time.

➤ An animal born with a mutation that is not adaptive will be helped by its family.

Match the school of psychological thought with its founding contributor(s).

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

John B. Watson and B. F. Skinnerbehaviorism
➤ behaviorism

Sigmund Freudpsychoanalytic
➤ psychoanalytic

Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang KöhlerGestalt
➤ Gestalt

George Miller and Ulric Neisser
➤ cognitive

Identify the following ways in which a good psychologist views new and surprising conclusions of research studies.

Correct Answer
➤Using critical thinking
➤With amiable skepticism

Incorrect Answer
➤ Trusting findings if they are published in the newspaper
➤ Accepting findings discussed by TV experts

Lila suspects that drinking alcohol may lead to better productivity, and she does research online to see whether she is correct.

If she is influenced by confirmation bias, which of the following will take place?

Correct Answer
➤ She will dismiss websites that claim alcohol hurts productivity, saying they are invalid sources.
➤ She will seek out websites that describe the benefits of alcohol to productivity.
➤ She will mostly forget the websites that claim alcohol makes people less productive.

Incorrect Answer
➤ She will use critical thinking when looking at all studies, regardless of their conclusions.

Match the school of psychological thought with its key beliefs.

Behavior is influenced by conflicts in the unconscious mind.
➤ Psychoanalytic

Behavior is influenced by people's ability to observe, remember, and analyze—not just by the rewards and punishments they have received.
➤ Cognitive

Experiences should not be broken down into their constituent parts.
➤ Gestalt

An experience can be analyzed by looking at the individual pieces that make it up.
➤ Structuralism

It is important to understand how the mind has adapted to perform certain tasks that allow us to survive.
➤ Functionalism

Which of the following represent the study of psychology from a social level of analysis?

Correct Answer
➤ How volunteering with others affects a person's perception of the poor
➤ How living in a friendly neighborhood affects helping behavior
➤ How being an esteemed member of a school group affects bullying

Incorrect Answer
➤ How light in a room affects the brain's circadian rhythms
➤ How playing the piano affects learning mathematics
➤ How growing up in a certain ethnic group affects ideas about gender roles

Psychological science uses research to study the mind, brain, and behavior. Sort the following topics that psychologists address into the following three areas of study.

➤ Cooperation
➤ Mating

➤ Hormonal activity
➤ Neurochemical processes

➤ Thought
➤ Memory

Which of the following would represent a Gestalt approach?

Correct Answer
➤ Believing that two people can see one thing in different ways
➤ Seeing pictures in cloud shapes

Incorrect Answer
➤ Describing a sketch of a cityscape as a series of lines and boxes
➤ Describing a sound by talking about its pitch, its tone, and its clarity

Which of the following illustrates the study of psychology from a biological level of analysis?

Correct Answer
➤ How a pregnant woman's hormone levels can affect her newborn's nervous system
➤ How prenatal vitamins can affect the mental health or personality of the newborn
➤ How pregnant women reading aloud can affect their children's prenatal brain development

Incorrect Answer
➤ How pregnant women reading aloud can affect their children's language development
➤ How pregnant women listening to music can facilitate memory in their newborns
➤ How a small child makes friends

Match the school of thought with the psychologist's request.

"Tell me what you did in response to the change in plans."
➤ Behaviorism

"Tell me about your dreams."
➤ Psychoanalytic

"Tell me how you arrived at your decision."
➤ Cognitive

Match the topic of study to the level of analysis.

Studying how international students adapt to Western universities
➤ Cultural

Studying how having siblings affects development of friendly behavior
➤ Social

Studying how happiness level can affect one's experience of college classes
➤ Individual

Studying how hormone levels affect behavior in pregnant rats
➤ Biological

Identify the level of analysis that accompanies each focus.

Brain systems ►
Neurochemistry ► BIOLOGICAL
Genetics ►

Personality differences ►
perception and cognition ► INDIVIDUAL
behavior ►

Interpersonal behavior ►
Attitudes of others ► SOCIAL

Thoughts ►
Actions ► CULTURAL
Behaviors ►
( In different societies and cultural groups )

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the origins of psychology.

In ancient times, philosophers such as Plato and ARISTOTLE were already debating whether our psychological traits were the product of biology—that is, NATURE—or of influences like education, experience, and culture—in short, NURTURE. Another classic question is the relationship between mental activity and brain function; today this is known as the MIND/BODY problem.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the human genome.

The human genome is the basic genetic code, or blueprint, for the transfer of traits from parents to offspring through HEREDITARY TRANSMISSION. Studying this code MAY IN TIME REVEAL ways to partially correct genetic defects after birth. It is already clear that behavior is rarely controlled by a SINGLE GENE. Rather, almost all behavior involves MULTIPLE GENES, and often specific ENVIRONMENTAL factors influence how genes are expressed.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about a form of bias in thinking.

People often make sense of events by coming up with or offering explanations.
When the facts on which an explanation is based are available before the event but the explanation is only given afterward, the explanation may represent HINDSIGHT bias. An example would be EXPECTING A SOCCER TEAM TO WIN, BUT THEN EXPLAINING THEIR LOSS BY GIVINGbut REASONS WHY IT WAS TO BE EXPECTED.
Explanations are more convincing when they can be used to PREDICT events. An example of this would be CORRECTLY PREDICTING A POLITICAL CANDIDATE'S VICTORY WHERE EVERYONE ELSE EXPECTED A LOSS.

A child in a classroom is not keeping up with the rest of the class. She gets a headache during group work, which she finds stressful. A team of psychologists works together to solve her problem.
Match the psychologists with their corresponding actions.

Studies how stress causes the child to experience headaches
► Health psychologist

Studies how the child's friends at school might be preventing her from concentrating
► Social psychologist

Determines whether the child's character traits make group work harder for her than for other students
► Personality psychologist

Administers tests to assess the child's readiness for the work being asked of her
► Developmental psychologist

A psychologist is interested in how people interact with each other while playing a virtual simulation of life called Second Life. In this simulation, each user creates an avatar and interacts with other people's avatars. Users may be from all different cultures.

If the study only examines the actions of avatars, not the players behind them, what subfields of psychology might be involved in this research?

Correct Answer
► Behaviorist
► Cultural

Incorrect Answer
► Psychoanalytic
► Humanistic

Which of the following might a researcher in cognitive neurosciences study?

Correct Answer
►People's perceptions of others.

Incorrect Answer
►Overt behavior

Children who have received a particular hospital treatment plan appear to be afflicted by the same side effects: They are stunted in growth, suffer from severe anxiety, and experience difficulty with problem solving.

Match the psychologists with their corresponding actions when studying these children.

Looks at how their brains were affected by the hospital treatment
► Biological psychologist

Studies the children's errors with problem-solving
► Cognitive psychologist

Compares their stunted growth to normal children's growth
► Developmental psychologist

Studies how the hospital setting created severe anxiety
► Clinical psychologist

A shopper buys a brand-name over-the-counter allergy medication because of past good results with it, and because it's what the shopper is used to buying. She makes the purchase even though she sees a cheaper generic version with the same exact same formulation of ingredients, and even though she recently saw a TV story about how generics are just as good as the brand-name products they imitate.
Which of the following biases is the shopper falling victim to?

Correct Answer
► Taking mental shortcuts
► Ignoring evidence

Incorrect Answer
►Seeing relationships that do not exist
►Accepting after-the-fact explanations

Which of the following represent the study of psychology from an individual level of analysis?

Correct Answer
► How personality type affects health
► How visualization affects recalling what grocery store items to buy
► How a person reacts to unexpected disappointment

Incorrect Answer
► How hormone therapy affects a person's mood
► How having visitors affects nursing home residents
► How growing up in a coal mining community affects work ethic

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage on the beginnings of experimental psychology.

Experimental psychology began with WILHELM WUNDT, who gathered objective data on people's REACTION TIMES and subjective data from people describing their experiences. EDWARD TITCHENER used only the latter approach, called the method of INTROSPECTION, to develop a psychological theory known as STRUCTURALISM.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage on functionalism.

Functionalism began with WILLIAM JAMES, who argued that STRUCTURALISM'S emphasis on the mind's component parts left out the mind's role in enabling us to adapt to our ENVIRONMENT. This view drew inspiration from CHARLES DARWIN'S theory of EVOLUTION through natural selection.

What behaviors did humans develop—and still exhibit—because they were evolutionarily adaptive at one point in time?

Correct Answer
► Using language
► Enjoying the taste of sweets and fatty foods
► Being able to suspect that someone is lying

Incorrect Answer
► Going to the gym to exercise

Identify the statements as either a belief held or not held by B. F. Skinner.

Correct Answer
► Mental processes are simply another form of behavior.
► Learning takes place through repeated responses to environmental stimuli.

Incorrect Answer
► Understanding mental process is crucial for understanding behavior.
► Most important human behaviors are innate, not learned.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about how people are unaware of their own inadequacies.

The psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger theorize that a person who is INCOMPETENT in a field will naturally be a POOR judge of his or her own level of competence. That is why people often think they are MORE competent than they really are.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about humanistic psychology.

The two founding figures of humanistic psychology are Carl Rogers (shown) and ABRAHAM MASLOW. The humanistic approach emphasizes the BASIC GOODNESS of human beings. A later outgrowth was the POSITIVE psychology movement, which was launched by MARTIN SELIGMAN. This movement focuses on personal traits such as CREATIVITY AND HOPE.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about career prospects in psychology.

According to 2014 U.S. Census data, people with undergraduate majors in psychology were employed in a wide range of fields, with particular concentrations in social services, management, education, and HEALTH CARE. The perception that psychology majors have POOR employment prospects may be due to the scarcity of jobs with "psychologist" in the title. Reasoning based on that kind of evidence could be considered bias introduced by A MENTAL SHORTCUT.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the use of brain imaging in psychology.

The use of brain imaging to study the brain's performance of psychological functions dates back to the LATE 1980s. One such technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown that, rather than being DISRUPTED OVER THE ENTIRE BRAIN, functions related to specific feelings, thoughts, and actions are LOCALIZED TO SPECIFIC AREAS.

Which of the following major advances in the field of psychology have advanced our understanding of the biological basis of human behavior?

Correct Answer
► Development of brain imaging
► Understanding brain chemistry
► Mapping the human genome

Incorrect Answer
► Psychoanalysis
► Cognitive psychology

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about William James.

William James, one of the founders of FUNCTIONALISM, started his career as a professor of PHYSIOLOGY, only to find that he was more interested in psychology, which he pursued from a PHILOSOPHICAL perspective, rather than a medical one.

Match each bias with the correct example.

Danny tips a waiter more than he normally would because last night Danny saw a character on his favorite TV show tip very generously.
► Availability heuristic

A baseball scout who is impressed by a minor-league player cites his strong build and classic form at the plate, ignoring the player's high strikeout rate.
► Confirmation bias

A teacher supervising a group project asks the students to rate everyone's contributions, including their own. Jan rates her own work as more valuable than any other group member rates her work.
► Failure to see own inadequacies

Liz tucks a feather into each shoe when she runs track races, claiming this custom helps her win.
► Seeing relationships that do not exist

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about a posited relationship between people's culture and how they think.

According to Richard Nisbett and his colleagues, people from European and North American countries tend to be more ANALYTICAL than people from ASIAN countries. For one thing, Westerners tend to see phenomena as SIMPLER COMPONENTS, whereas Easterners tend to see phenomena as INHERENTLY COMPLICATED WHOLES.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about employment opportunities for psychologists.

The most common employment setting for psychologists, besides a four-year college or university, is A HOSPITAL OR OTHER HEALTH SERVICE FACILITY. About 1 in 10 end up in A PRIVATE CORPORATE SETTING, EITHER FOR-PROFIT OR NONPROFIT. less than 6 percent end up in INDEPENDENT PRACTICE.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the origins of psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud, originally trained in MEDICINE, began his career working with people suffering from neurological symptoms, such as PARALYSIS. In some cases he came to suspect psychological causes. He developed a theory in which UNCONSCIOUS MENTAL FORCES could give rise to physical symptoms. To bring these forces to the surface, Freud relied on the analysis of PATIENT'S DREAMS and on a technique called FREE ASSOCIATION.

Sean grew up in the city and is well equipped to solve everyday problems in the city. Sean's cousin, who grew up in the country, is well equipped to solve everyday problems on the farm.

Which of the following factors explain some of the boys' differences in problem solving?

Correct Answer
► Evolution of human culture
► Adaptability

Incorrect Answer
► Biological development

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about historical views of the brain.

The ancient EGYPTIANS regarded the HEART, not the brain, as the seat of the mind. By contrast, the ancient GREEKS AND ROMANS knew that brain injury could cause mental impairment. Around 1500, LEONARDO DA VINCI performed dissections of the brain and theorized that all sensory messages arrive at a single location in the brain.

Match the types of psychologists with the topics they might study.

Studies speed of processing new information
►Cognitive psychologist

Studies changes in morals over a lifespan
► Developmental psychologist

Studies enduring characteristics of people
► Personality psychologist

Studies how underlying brain structure and genetics influence cognitive functioning and behavior
► Biological psychologist

Identify the following actions that involve the process called critical thinking.

Involves Critical Thinking
► Using logic to decide if someone else's argument makes sense
► Using a balance of openness and wariness in judging what you read
► Using factual evidence to decide whether a food is good for you

Does Not Involve Critical Thinking
► Using your intuition to decide if someone is trustworthy
► Using introspection to discover how you feel about something

Which of the following represent the study of psychology from a cultural level of analysis?

Correct Answer
► How living in the Midwest affects family values
► How ethnicity affects the way people celebrate holidays
► How a strict religious upbringing affects adult personality

Incorrect Answer
► How receiving chemotherapy as a child affects brain development
► How playing afterschool sports affects people's transition to college
► How a person's favorite book genre affects creativity

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about a research-related subfield in psychology.

Industrial/organizational psychology is the study of psychology as it relates to THE WORKPLACE. This includes both questions about how workers are best MOTIVATED and questions about how to minimize ACCIDENTS.

Which of the following are components of psychological science?

Correct Answer
►Study of the mind
►Study of behavior
►Study based on research
►Study of the brain

Incorrect Answer
►Study based on common sense
►Study based on intuition

A shopper buys a brand-name over-the-counter allergy medication because of past good results with it, and because it's what the shopper is used to buying. She makes the purchase even though she sees a cheaper generic version with the same exact same formulation of ingredients, and even though she recently saw a TV story about how generics are just as good as the brand-name products they imitate.

Which of the following biases is the shopper falling victim to?

Correct Answer
► Taking mental shortcuts
► Ignoring evidence

Incorrect Answer
► Accepting after-the-fact explanations
► Seeing relationships that do not exist

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the relationship between mental activity and behavior

According to BEHAVIORISM, what matters is what people do, and how ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES teach them to act one way rather than another. By contrast, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY psychology investigates MENTAL PROCESSES, including learning through OBSERVATION alone.

Match each bias with the correct example.

Danny tips a waiter more than he normally would because last night Danny saw a character on his favorite TV show tip very generously.
► Availability heuristic

A teacher supervising a group project asks the students to rate everyone's contributions, including their own. Jan rates her own work as more valuable than any other group member rates her work.
► Failure to see own inadequacies

Liz tucks a feather into each shoe when she runs track races, claiming this custom helps her win.
► Seeing relationships that do not exist

A baseball scout who is impressed by a minor-league player cites his strong build and classic form at the plate, ignoring the player's high strikeout rate.
► Confirmation bias

Which of the following are components of psychological science?

Correct Answer
► Study of the mind
► Study based on research
► Study of behavior
► Study of the brain

Incorrect Answer
► Study based on common sense
► Study based on intuition

Complete the passage about subjectivity and objectivity.

The difference between subjective and objective phenomena in psychology is, more or less, the difference between people's INNER EXPERIENCES, such as the taste of chocolate or a dream about zombies, and their OUTWARD BEHAVIOR, such as their response when offered a choice between soup and salad. It is easier to study OUTWARD BEHAVIOR scientifically, because the data are open to PUBLIC inspection.

Match the person with his or her historical contribution to the field of psychology.

Established structuralism
►Edward Titchener

Established functionalism
►William James

Founded modern experimental psychology
►Wilhelm Wundt

Introduced evolutionary theory
►Charles Darwin

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