Which of the following is an example of the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome quizlet?

Note: Select an answer for each question, then click the “Evaluate Quiz” button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

  1. Refer to the graph below. According to the graph, which of the following would be likely to report the greatest degree of happiness with the state of their lives?

    Which of the following is an example of the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome quizlet?

      a. A person earning less than $40,000 annually
      b. A person earning about $75,000 annually
      c. A person earning about $80,000 annually
      d. A person earning more than $150,000 annually
  2. The response activated by the sympathetic nervous system is sometimes called

      a. fight or flight.
      b. react and release.
      c. rest and recover.
      d. catharsis.
  3. Studies showing that patients with spinal cord injuries experience less intense emotions support the

      a. Cannon—Bard theory.
      b. two-factor theory of emotion.
      c. James—Lange theory.
      d. facial feedback hypothesis.
  4. Which hypothesis is consistent with Schachter and Singer’s study of physiological arousal and emotional experience?

      a. Activation of the central nervous system facilitates emotional experience.
      b. Activation of the somatic nervous system dampens emotional experience.
      c. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects emotional experience.
      d. Deactivation of the frontal lobe along with visual overstimulation enhances emotional experience.
  5. According to the textbook, studies have shown that yawning may be a signal of

      a. a need for oxygen in the blood.
      b. a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood.
      c. early-onset schizophrenia.
      d. an increase in arousal or interest.
  6. Evidence from studies about the emotional processing of the basic outlines of facial features supports the idea that

      a. the emotional expressiveness of our facial features has been declining.
      b. our brains evolved to understand only the most complex facial expressions.
      c. our brains are highly attuned to detecting emotions from facial expressions.
      d. our faces are able to communicate emotions even in the complete absence of facial expressions.
  7. According to the theory of natural selection, we evolved to both represent emotions with our faces and quickly interpret emotional facial features in order to

      a. find a mate.
      b. improve our chances of survival.
      c. identify people by name.
      d. make meaningful social connections.
  8. Which sequence supports the “folk psychology” approach to emotional responses?

      a. A girl is arguing with her best friend. She feels her muscles tense, then she gets angry.
      b. A woman walks past a group of laughing children. She smiles, and smiling makes her happy.
      c. A man learns that his dog is ill. He is overcome with sadness, and at the same time his eyes fill with tears.
      d. A boy walking in the dark hears footsteps behind him. He feels afraid, then begins to sweat.
  9. It has been shown across numerous studies that the best predictor of happiness and survival for adults is

      a. quantity and quality of exercise.
      b. level of annual income.
      c. quality of social relationships.
      d. commitment to religious faith.
  10. The amygdala is the key brain structure for producing

      a. reward.
      b. fear.
      c. happiness.
      d. sadness.
  11. Which of the following statements is true?

      a. The left somatosensory cortex is highly activated during times of anger and fear.
      b. Emotions of love activate the same network of brain areas as do most other positive emotions.
      c. The orbitofrontal cortex appears to be the brain’s “happy center,” responding most to positive emotions.
      d. Different emotions are associated with different patterns of activation in various regions of the brain.
  12. When studying veterans who had developed combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Bremner and colleagues concluded that

      a. a lower pain tolerance might be a precursor for developing the disorder.
      b. a small right hippocampus might be associated with the development of the disorder.
      c. a background of emotional abuse might be a precursor for developing the disorder.
      d. a background of physical abuse might be a precursor for developing the disorder.
  13. Disruption of a person’s ability to experience a range of emotions, as a result of brain damage, is called

      a. region of interest disorder.
      b. emotional syndrome.
      c. stress immunization.
      d. general adaptation syndrome.
  14. One problem with the use of the polygraph to detect lying is that the test

      a. cannot differentiate between stress-based physiological arousal and lying.
      b. measures the potential for a person to lie but isn’t able to determine what they are lying about.
      c. is accurate only for people who feel remorse for what they have done.
      d. can be beaten with some guided practice.
  15. According to Hans Selye, what is the order of stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

      a. Release stage → resistance stage → relaxation stage
      b. Release stage → resistance stage → retrieval stage
      c. Alarm reaction → adaptation stage → exhaustion stage
      d. Alarm reaction → exhaustion stage → adaptation stage
  16. A study by Ursin and colleagues of military recruits, both before and after parachute training, revealed that on jump days they released the hormone _______ from the _______ gland.

      a. cortisol; pineal
      b. epinephrine; mammary
      c. cortisol; adrenal
      d. epinephrine; pineal
  17. Weiss’s so-called “executive rat” experiment provided evidence that the most important aspect of the environment tied to a rat’s stress response was the

      a. predictability the shock.
      b. magnitude of the shock.
      c. place on the body where the shock was delivered.
      d. size of the “executive” rat.
  18. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale has been used by psychologists to

      a. determine whether stressful events have an impact on physical and mental health.
      b. understand how important social relationships are to reducing stress.
      c. rate people on their ability to avoid stressful social events.
      d. measure people’s ability to report stressful events accurately.
  19. The study of psychological and neural influences on the immune system and its influences on behavior is known as

      a. health psychology.
      b. psychiatry.
      c. psychoneuroimmunology.
      d. psychopathology.
  20. In general, a large amount of stress leads to

      a. suppression of the immune system.
      b. down-regulation of cytokines.
      c. up-regulation of inflammatory agents.
      d. an increase in the immune response.
  21. The stress system calls for body reactions in humans that

      a. are only helpful to us in the short term.
      b. are best managed over an extended period of time.
      c. lead to increased resilience over long periods of time.
      d. promote the long-term health of the immune system.
  22. Though the type A / type B dichotomy resonates in popular culture, it is quite possible that the personality dimension that accounts for our stress reactions is

      a. openness.
      b. conscientiousness.
      c. neuroticism.
      d. agreeableness.
  23. Concentrating on soothing stimuli and practicing progressive muscle relaxation are the two key elements of

      a. relaxation training.
      b. mindfulness-based stress reduction.
      c. meditation.
      d. emotional therapy.
  24. According to the practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), “being in the present moment” helps us

      a. let go of the past permanently.
      b. find solutions to everyday problems.
      c. be more accepting of negative feelings.
      d. reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  25. A person who has grown increasingly unhappy and unable to perform well at work, maintain close friendships, and stay healthy is most likely suffering from

      a. tobacco addiction.
      b. alcoholism.
      c. brain damage.
      d. withdrawal.

Which of the following is an example of the alarm reaction stage of the General Adaption Syndrome quizlet?

which of the following is an example of the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome? a burst of energy enables hassan to run fast when he sees a skunk in his path.

Which of the following is an example of general adaptation syndrome?

Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome? Latricia has been lost in the woods for days. After such a long period of anxiety and fear, Latricia collapses by a tree.

What are the stages of general adaptation syndrome quizlet?

The GAS consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. The first stage of the general adaptation syndrome, in which the person experiences a burst of energy that aids in dealing with the stressful situation.

What are the 3 stages of general adaptation syndrome?

General adaption syndrome, consisting of three stages: (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) exhaustion. Alarm, fight or flight, is the immediate response of the body to 'perceived' stress.