Which of the following is mandatory for certain health professionals to practice in their field?


Which of the following is a synonym for "good manners"?


Another term for legal responsibility is


A medical-surgical nurse is going off shift and giving her report to the nurse coming on duty. She is clearly and accurately describing the conditions of the patients she cared for during her shift. This is an example of what skill?


Which document serves as a guideline about professional behavior and etiquette for employees?

The office policy manual.


A pledge for physicians that remains influential today is


Ethics may be defined as

principles, standards, and a guide to conduct.


Unethical behavior is always


What is the purpose of formalized codes of ethics in the health care profession?

To increase the competence within the profession.


Which of the following is not a patient's responsibility in the physician-patient relationship?

Refer other patients to the physician


Dr. Giles and his practice manager are considering charging interest on unpaid balances. Which law says the doctor must first tell the patients of this change in policy?

Regulation Z of the Consumer Protection Act


Reciprocity may apply to


A valid out-of-state license is accepted as the basis for issuing a license in a second state without reexamination. This is called


If a mentally incompetent person enters into a contract, the agreement may be set aside or validated at a later date. In this case, the agreement is said to be


A practice act __________________________.

All of these are part of a practice act.


A patient leaves the hospital before their physician discharges them. This is referred to as leaving


According to the AHRQ, patients who are most likely to leave the hospital against physician's orders are

those who have a substance abuse problem.


The National Practitioner Data Bank may disclose information to which of the following groups?


Which brochure applies to both hospital and health care visits and encourages high quality care?

Patient Care Partnership: Understanding Expectations, Rights, and Responsibilities.


A new employee in a large medical practice is looking for the professional etiquette staff members are expected to follow. Which would be the best source for learning these rules?

The office policy manual.


A provider breaches duty of care to a patient. This element of negligence is defined as


What is the difference between a subpoena and subpoena duces tecum?

A subpoena duces tecum requires that documents and records be brought to court.


The failure to act when one should is called


A plea made for a case to be reviewed by the higher court occurs in the ______ phase of a lawsuit.


A deposition may be taken in which phase of the lawsuit?


In an informal proceeding of arbitration, each side presents evidence and witnesses. In the dispute resolution method, referred to as med-arb, who resolves the dispute if the two parties are unable to reach an agreement after mediation?


Which HIPAA standard requires providers and their business associates to put in place policies and procedures that ensure privacy of the health record?


Which HIPAA standard requires that all providers secure a unique provider identity number?


A medical assistant who is recording data in a patient's medical record maintains confidentiality at all times. Which of the following describes this practice?

Not releasing patient information to unauthorized individuals.


The first federal law to specifically deal with the privacy of health care records was

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


While privacy is not directly expressed in the amendments to the Constitution, which of the following is one of the amendments that the U.S. Supreme Court has used to cover privacy issues?


Which of the following court cases first declared that a constitutional right to privacy was implied?


Which HIPAA standard requires providers to protect electronically transmitted and otherwise stored personal health information?


Which federal law made substantive changes to HIPAA?


Which of the following court cases held that federal privacy laws like HIPAA may preempt stricter state privacy laws?

OPIS v. Florida Agency for Health Care Administration


The statutes in all 50 states that govern the practice of medicine are called _______.


Information held confidential within a protected relationship


Explaining a procedure to a patient is an example of


A health care professional that is certified may find the scope of practice for that profession in the ______________ Practice act.


An obstetrician will be held to the same standard of care as other obstetricians.

Direct patient contact is not always necessary for establishing a duty.


The plaintiff in a lawsuit is the:

party filing the civil charges


which of the following aspects of patient care is the most vital factor in the issue of informed consent?


which of these credentials is mandatory for certain health professionals to practice in their field?


A surgeon removes the wrong kidney from a patient. The patient can sue under which of the legal doctrines?

Res Ipsa Loquitur "The thing Speaks for Itself"


Both parties in the physician-patient relationship have certain rights and responsibilities. Which of the following is a physician responsibility?

Exercise his or her best professional judgment in all cases


Which of the following credentials is a voluntary, national examinations that shows the level of competency?


unwritten or unspoken agreement whose terms result from the actions of the parties involved


May be written or oral, but all terms of the contract are explicitly stated.

Which of the following are primary mandates of practice acts?

Primary mandates of medical practice acts are to: Define what is meant by "practice of medicine" in each state. Explain requirements and methods for licensure. nProvide for the establishment of medical licensing boards.

Which of the following are most common reasons for loss of license to practice for health care practitioners?

The Most Common Reasons Doctors Lose Their Medical Licenses.
Substance Abuse. Licensing authorities expect physicians to be sober and clear-of-thought when practicing medicine. ... .
Insurance Fraud. ... .
Prescription Drug Violations. ... .
Patient Abuse. ... .
Unethical Behavior..

Is licensure considered voluntary or mandatory write your response below?

Licensure may be defined as a mandatory credentialing process established by a gov- ernment entity, usually at the state level. If a profession is licensed, it is illegal for an individual to practice the profession without a license.

What is a practice ACT quizlet?

Medical Practice Acts. Laws established in all 50 states that define the practice of medicine as well as requirements & methods for licensure in a particular state.


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