Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems development projects

failure of systems integration

inadequate user involvement

None of these

continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

size of company

failure of systems integration

inadequate user involvement

None of these

continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

size of company


System Analysis and Design A self check digit is useful in detecting

None of these

transcription errors only

Random errors only

All of these

transposition errors only

None of these

transcription errors only

Random errors only

All of these

transposition errors only


System Analysis and Design Programmers refer to the items needed to reach a problem's goal as the _____

None of these




Out put

None of these




Out put


System Analysis and Design System design aid should primarily

help analyse both data and activities

None of these

help in programming

help in documentation

generate code

help analyse both data and activities

None of these

help in programming

help in documentation

generate code


System Analysis and Design Which of the following does not occur in phase - 4 of the system development life cycle (SDLC)

conduct interviews

None of these

test the new system

train users

acquire hardware and software

conduct interviews

None of these

test the new system

train users

acquire hardware and software


System Analysis and Design The primary tool used in structured design is a:

structure chart

program flowchart


data-flow diagram

structure chart

program flowchart


data-flow diagram


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36 vote

Asked on      2021-06-17 12:24:18 by Guest | Votes 36 | Views: 1016 | Tags: computer science     | system analysis and design     | system analysis and design basics     | Add Bounty

Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of a systems development project ?

A).  inadequate user involvement

B).  failure of systems integration

C).  size of company

D).  continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

E).  None of the above

There are three stages involved when analyzing the initiation of an information systems project.

Answer: Option 2 Let'

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What type of failure occurs when Oracle fails due to an operating system or computer hardware failure?

Answer: Option 2 Let'

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Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Success is how much a person bounces up after hitting the bottom. Assumptions : I. Success requires conscious efforts without being discouraged by failure. II. Failure cannot be considered an acceptable thing.

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The project manager asked Vivek, "How much time will you take to finish this project?"

Answer: Option 2 The project manager enquired of Vivek how much time he would take to finish that project.

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Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?

Answer: Option 1 Let'

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Answer: Option 1 Let'

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Which of the following device is used to connect two systems, especially if the systems use different protocols?

Answer: Option 3 Let'

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Situation in which one project is accepted while rejecting another project in comparison is classified as

Answer: Option 2 Situation in which one project is accepted while rejecting another project in comparison is classified as mutually exclusive. Mutually inclusive means the events cannot occur independently. For...

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Answer: Option 2 Accessibility factor determines who has the right to access different types of IT systems and information.

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Which factor ensures your IT systems are functioning correctly and providing accurate information?

Answer: Option 3 Reliability factor ensures your IT systems are functioning correctly and providing accurate information. The term reliability in psychological research refers to the consistency of a research study...

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What is a factor of failure of the system development project?

A failure to plan, lead, manage and monitor the project is a core factor that results in their implementation failure, because the ERP system is complex, and project teams are required to collaborate with top management, different departments, users and consultants during implementation process.

What are the factors of system development?

The success of system development is most often gauged by three primary indicators: the number of days of deviation from scheduled delivery date, the percentage of deviation from the proposed budget, and meeting the needs of the client users.

What is system development failure?

A failed systems development project refers to a finished software or hardware project that doesn't meet the requirements of the customer or the business. It may also refer to a systems development project that remains unfinished due to a lack of resources or funding.