Which of the following is not a typical threat to an incumbent running for re-election?

The republican party was the dominant force in Texas politics for the most of the twentieth century? true or false?

Compared to other Southern states, Texas has a large African American population? True or false?

The main role of the precinct convention is to select delegates for the county-level convention? True or false?

Poll tax, such as those used in Texas, disenfranchised poor voters? true or false?

To register o vote in Texas, a person must have been a resident of Texas for at least thirty days? true or false?

Reapportionment involves the determination of how district lines will be drawn in each state for the state legislature and Congress? True or false?

Republicans have won every statewide election in Texas since 1994? True or False?

Interest Groups typically have more time, money,and expertise to offer politicians than do average citizens? true or false?

To avoid conflict of interest, all lobbyists in Texas are required to represent only a single client? True or false?

Gaining access to politicians through personal connections is a violation of Texas State laws? True or false?

Most PAC spending in Texas respresents

Which of the following is NOT a typical threat to an incumbent running for reelection?

Lobbyists can do all of the following except

Testify before legislative committees

The largest and most effective public employee interest group in Texas is made up of

The Texas Medical Association is best described as what kind of interest group?

Which of the following is not a description of an interest group?

It is typically active only at the national level of government

Interest groups are often powerful in states

The most costly item for most political campaigns is 

Redistricting in Texas Occurs

According to political scientist Daniel Elazar, Texas's political culture is traditionalistic and

Which of the following is not a requirement to vote in Texas?

A ______ was a tax charged to voters as a prerequisite for registration to vote

The ____ election decides who is elected to an office.

A(n) _____ occurs when the winner of a primary election fails to win an absolute majority of the votes cast.

The _____ is a meeting held by a political party following is precinct conventions for the purpose of electing delegates to its state convention.

The most local voting district is called the ______

The process by which our parents, teacher, and others influence our identification with a political party is referred to as 

Providing a label that helps voter identify those seeking office is an important function of _______

The most important role for political parties in Texas elections is to

Offer the candidate a label by which he or she can identify with the voters

Which party dominated Texas politics throughout most of the twentieth century?

Interest Groups have strategic advantages over individuals in championing their issues to politicians. Please list four of those advantages.

-money -time -known(credible) -expertise

There are different interest groups in Texas that represents different issues. please list four of the different types of interest groups in Texas

-Professional -Business -Civil Rights -Public Employee

A primary election elects those who will be participating in the general election

A special election is held outside of the normal election periods. For example, in the case of death an election will be held in order to fill the position.

The general election decided which candidate will be elected to a specific office.

What is the difference between an interest group and a political action committee?

An interest group attempts to achieve a certain goal through political means, whereas a PAC provides the interest groups with necessary resources in order to carry out their goal.

List at least three roles of a Political Action committee.

-funding for interest groups -provide credibility -

Explain at least four function of political parties in the State of Texas.

-political parties act as a label by which a candidate can identify with voters. -fund candidate campaigns -Lead "get out the vote" drives -They also fund radio and media advertisements for campaigning, which prove to be the most expensive.

What is the difference between Reapportionment and Redistricting?

Reapportionment determines the amount of votes members of congress will have in each state. Redistricting is when the district lines are drawn in each state for the state legislature and congress.

What is the difference between a closed primary election an an open primary election?

A closed primary election requires the voters to have a specific political affiliation, democrat or republican. An open primary election doesn't call for any specific political affiliation.

Please explain the major function of why citizens participate in elections

Citizens participate in elections in order to get who they want in office. They each have specific views and they elect a candidate based on those views.

Explain four used of interest groups to policy makers in Texas

Interest groups basically do all the work for the policy makers. They have much more time than they do to research certain interest. They also have the money already available to achieve their certain goal. Interest groups have the ability to use their credible partners, lobbyists in order to get their views to policy makers. Lastly, they have expertise on the topic already.

Which of the following is not a common way for interest groups to gain access to policy makers?

Which of the following is NOT a common way for interest groups to gain access to politicians and policy makers? provide bribes to lawmakers.

Which US Supreme Court case in 2009 created the opportunity for organizations opposed to powerful incumbents not disclose their donors quizlet?

bundling. Which U.S. Supreme Court case in 2009 created the opportunity for organizations opposed to powerful incumbents NOT disclose their donors? political action committee. Which of the following is the best example of a public interest group?

Which US Supreme Court case in 2009 created the opportunity for those opposed to powerful?

Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States regarding campaign finance laws and free speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010.

Which of the following features are most important to an interest group that seeks to be influential and effective?

Which of the following features are most important to an interest group that seeks to be influential and effective? promote consumer, environmental, and general public issues.