Which of the following is not an appropriate statement for the emt to make on a patient care report?

When you arrive at the receiving​ facility, the nurse asks your partner for a verbal report of the​ patient's condition. This is in addition to the radio report your partner gave to the hospital en route.​ Afterwards, you ask your partner why you must give a second verbal report and a written report to the receiving nurse. What is the best reason to provide both​ reports?The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act​ (HIPAA) requires ambulance services to do all of the following except​:

The nurse may have to perform critical interventions on the patient before you complete your written report.

You have received the following order from medical​ control: "Administer one tablet of nitroglycerin under the​ patient's tongue." Which of the following is the best​ response?

​"Order received. One nitroglycerin tablet under the​ patient's tongue."

Which of the following agencies assigns and licenses radio​ frequencies?

Federal Communications Commission

When giving a radio report to the​ hospital, which of the following would be the first​ patient-specific information​ provided?

the patient is a 55- year old male

When giving a radio report to the​ hospital, which of the following would be the first​ patient-specific information​ provided?

the patient is a 55- year old male

Why is it important that your radio report to the receiving facility be​ concise?

The emergency department needs to know quickly and accurately the​ patient's condition.

While on the scene with an elderly chest pain​ call, you notice that your partner gets on one knee when talking to the seated patient. What is the best reason for an EMT to kneel down beside the​ patient?

The EMT does not want to appear threatening or intimidating to the patient.

You are en route to the hospital with a​ 22-year-old male patient who has suffered a very embarrassing injury to his genitalia. Which method of contacting the receiving facility will afford the patient the most​ privacy?

Providing the receiving hospital with all information via a cell phone

Which of the following is one the most common situations in which an EMT may be​ liable?

Patient refusal of treatment and transport

You have an urgent transmission you need to make to the dispatch center. Which of the following is the appropriate way to communicate​ this?

Listen to the frequency first to avoid stepping on another transmission.

you suspect that a​ 6-year-old female patient with multiple bruises and a broken wrist was abused. The stepmother states the patient fell down the stairs. The patient is crying and sheepishly nods in agreement with the​ stepmother's statements. How should you document this situation in the patient​ report?

Document any pertinent information that was said by the stepmother and child exactly in quotations.

Which of the following is not part of a medical radio​ report?

Estimated time of arrival

Which of the following is not appropriate for inclusion in the radio report to the receiving​ hospital?

Name of the​ patient's health insurance provider

You are treating a patient with a possible fractured ankle. The patient appears to be in a lot of pain and is uneasy. As you are getting ready to splint the​ patient's leg, he asks you if it is going to hurt. Which of the following is the best​ response?

​"I will do my​ best, but it may hurt while we put the splint​ on."

How many parts does a standard medical radio report have as described in your​ textbook?

1) Which of the following best describes a base station?
A) Two-way radio a fixed site
B) Device used to receive and then aplfity transmissions that must be carried over long distances
C) Two-way radio that can be carried on a belt clip
D) Two-way radio mounted in a vehicle

A) Two-way radio a fixed site

2) Which of the following best describes radio?
A) Two-way radio at a fixed site
B) Two-way that is mounted in a vehicle
C) A device that receives and amplifies signals that must be sent over a long distance
D) Two-way that can be carried on a belt clip

B) Two-way that is mounted in a vehicle

3) Which of the following best describes a portable radio?
A) Two-way radio at a fixed site
B) A device that receives and amplifies signals that must be sent over long distances
C) Two-way radio that can be carried on a belt clip
D) Two-way radio that is mounted in a vehicle

C) Two-way radio that can be carried on a belt clip

4) Which of the following best describes a repeater?
A) A two-way radio that can be carried on a belt clip
B) A two-way radio that is mounted in a vehicle
C) A two-way radio at a fixed site
D) A device that receives and amplifies a signal that must be carried over long distances

D) A device that receives and amplifies a signal that must be carried over long distances

5) You are treating a 32-year-old man who is deaf. You need to find out why he called for an ambulance, What is the best way to communicate with this patient?
A) Make sure the patient can see your lips when you speak
B) Call for an interpreter to meet you at the hospital
C) Use hand gestures to pantomine what you are trying to say
D) Speak very loudly in case he has a little hearing

A) Make sure the patient can see your lips when you speak

6) Which of the following agencies assigns and licenses radio frequencies?
A) The Transportation Security Administration
B) The United States Department of Transpotation
C) The Federal Communications Commission
D) The Federal Trade Commission

C) The Federal Communications Commission

7) Which of the following may vary from locality to locality?
A) Terms used to acknowledge a radio transmission
B) When a radio report is required

C) Terminology for expressing the priority level of the transport or response mode
D) All of the above

8) which of the following is NOT considered a principle of proper radio usage in EMS?
A) Use plain English
B) Speak as quickly as possible
C) Make sure the radio is on before speaking
D) Speak with your lips 2 to 3 inches from the microphone

B) Speak as quickly as possible

9) During your radio report to the hospital, which of the following peices of information should NOT be relayed?
A) Baseline vital signs
B) Patient's status
C) Patient's age
D) Patient's name

10) How many parts does a medical radio report have?
A) 12
B) 5
C) 10
D) 8

11) Which of the following is NOT part of a medical radio report?
A) Estimated time of arrival
B) Patient's response to medical care provided
C) Address at which patient was located
D) Unit identification

C) Address at which patient was located

12) Which of the following information does NOT need to be provided to the dispatcher?
A) Estimated time arrival at hospital
B) When you arrive at the hospital
C) Which hospital you are transporting to
D) When you depart from the hospital

A) Estimated time arrival at hospital

13) Which of the following tasks should be performed first upon ariving at the scene of an emergency?
A) Locate the patient
B) Begin the initial assessment
C) Advise dispatch that you have arrived on the scene
D) Identify all potential hazards

C) Advise dispatch that you have arrived on the scene

14) When giving a radio report to the hospital,which of the following should be stated first?
A) The patient is having a heart attack
B) The patient is complaining of chest pain
C) The patient has taken nitroglycerin
D) The patient is a 55-year-old male

D) The patient is a 55-year-old male

15) Which of the following is NOT appropriate for inclusion in the radio report to the receiving hospital?
A) Name of the patient's health insurance provider
B) The patient's mental status
C) Pertinent past illnesses
D) Physical exam finding

A) Name of the patient's health insurance provider 

16) You have received an order from medical direction that you feel would be dettrimental to your patient. Which of the following should you do?
A) Call a different hospital for orders
B) Question the physician
C) Carry out the order but document that you disagreed with it
D) Contact your supervisor for advice

B) Question the physician

17) Medical direction has requested that you administer 70 grams of activated charcoal to an overdose patient. Which of the following should you do next?
A) Document the order in writing before carrying it out
B) Administer the medication without delay
C) Repeat the order back to the physician to make sure you understood correctly
D) Prepare the medication and then call the hospital back to re-confirm the order

C) Repeat the order back to the physician to make sure you understood correctly

18) Which of the following does NOT need to be communicated to the dispatch center?
A) You are stopped to get lunch
B) You are staged and awaiting arrival of law enforcement
C) You have arrived on the scene
D) You have arrived at the hospital

A) You are stopped to get lunch

19) You are treating a patient with a possible fractured ankle. The patient appears to be in a lot of pain and is uneasy. As you are getting ready to splint the patient's leg, he asks you if it is going to hurt. Which of the following is the best response?
A) "If you're stressed out like this it's going to hurt a lot more."
B) "It doesn't matter, we have to do it anyway."
C) "Relax, this is not a painful procedure."
D) "I will do my best, but it may hurt while we put the splint on."

D) "I will do my best, but it may hurt while we put the splint on."

20 You are responding to a nursing home for an 85-year-old patient complaining of difficulty breathing. How would you initiate contact with this patient?
A) Pick up the patient's wrist and begin taking her pulse
B) Place yourself at eye-level, identify yourself, and ask the patient what she would like to be called
C) Sit on the foot of the bed and ask the patient what's up
D) Stand near the head of the bed and shout to make sure the patient can hear you

B) Place yourself at eye-level, identify yourself, and ask the patient what she would like to be called

21) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way of dealing with a patient who does not speak the same language as you do?
A) Use a manual that provides translation
B) Contact dispatch for assistance in finding a translator
C) Avoid communicating with the patient so there is no misunderstanding of your intentions
D) Use an interpreter

C) Avoid communicating with the patient so there is no misunderstanding of your intentions

22) You are on the scene of an adult male in cardiac arrest. The patient's wife is upset and is asking you if her husband is going to be okay. How should you answer the patient's wife?
A) "Your husband is in cardiac arrest and people usually do not survive in these circumstances."
B) "Please wait in the other room. We'll let you know as soon as we know something."
C) "Yes,he will be fine."
D) "Your husband's heart has stopped. We're doing everything we can, but we don't know that will happen yet."

D) "Your husband's heart has stopped. We're doing everything we can, but we don't know that will happen yet."

23) Which of the following best describes the importance of effective communication of patient information in the verbal report?
A) Changes in the patient's condition can be communicated
B) Patient treatment can be based on this information
C) Additional information that was not given in the radio report can be provided
D) All of the above

24) Which of the following best describes the position you should take when dealing with a cooperative patient who is sitting in a chair?
A) Stand behind the patient's chair
B) Sit or kneel at the same level as the patient
C) Sit on the floor at the patient's feet
D) Stand next to the chair

B) Sit or kneel at the same level as the patient

25) You are attempting to place a non-rebreather on a patient who is experiencing difficulty breathing. The patient is anxious and does not want to mask on his face. Which of the following is the best course of action?

C) Explain the importance of oxygen and ask the patient to at least try to leave the mask on,but that if he can't tolerate it you can try another method

26) Your elderly male patient tells you his name is Joe Smith. Which of the following is the best way to address him?

A) Sir
B) Mr.Smith
C) Smitty
D) Joe

27) Your patient is a 25-year-old complaining of abdominal pain. Which of the following is NOT beneficial in establishing effective communication with him?
A) Ask the parents to leave the room
B) Tell the truth
C) Make eye contact
D) Get down on the patient's level

A) Ask the parents to leave the room

28) You have an urgent transmission you need to make to the dispatch center. Which of the following is the appropriate way to communicate this?
A) Interrupt less urgent radio traffic to get your message across
B) Listen to the frequency first to avoiding stepping on another transmission
C) Speak loudly to convey the urgency of the message
D) Use the phrase, "Attention,attension,I have priority traffic."

B) Listen to the frequency first to avoiding stepping on another transmission

29) Which of the following is appropriate when communicating patient information to the hospital?

C) Avoid extraneous information that does not assist the emergency department staff in preparing receive the patient

30) Your patient is a 43-year-old woman with chest pain. You have called the communications center and asked for an ALS unit to be dispatched to your location. While en route, the ALS unit calls for a report. Which information is most important to the ALS unit at this time?
A) The patient's level of consciousness and chief complaint
B) Patient's medications
C) Patient' past medical history
D) The length of time you have been on the scene

A) The patient's level of consciousness and chief complaint

31) For which of the following reasons is it NOT appropriate to give a patient's name over the radio?
A) It is a violation of the patient's privacy and confidentiality
B) The radio transmission may be heard by others not involved in the patient's care
C) It is not pertinent to patient care
D) All of the above

32) After giving your radio report to the hospital, your patient loses consciousness. Which of the following should you do next?
A) Notify dispatch of a change to emergent transport mode
B) Reassess the patient
C) Immediately notify the hospital of a change in patient priority
D) None of the above

33) You are transporting a city council to the hospital after he injured his shoulder playing basketball at his gym. His left shoulder is swollen, deformed, and bruised. There is pain and tingling when the patient attempts to use his hand. He has a pulse of 92, a respiratory rate of 20, and a blood pressure of 132/88. Which of the following should NOT be included in the radio report?

C) Notifying the hospital to have extra security for a VIP

34) You have received the following order from medical control: Administer one tablet of nitroglycerin under the patient's tongue. Which of the following is the best response?
A) "Roger, order received."
B) "Order received. One nitroglycerin tablet under the patient's tongue."
C) "Copy. Administering medication now."
D) "Clear. Will advise of any changes in patient's condition."

B) "Order received. One nitroglycerin tablet under the patient's tongue."

35) Which of the following statements regarding eye contact with a patient is NOT true?
A) It shows you are interested in the patient
B) Eye contact is always appropriate
C) It shows you are attentive
D) It shows you are confident

A) It shows you are interested in the patient

36) Which of the following is part of the minimum date set developed by the US DOT for purposes of data collection in conducting research?
A) Patient's insurance coverage
B) Patient's name
C) Amount charged for ambulance services
D) Time of arrival at the patient

D) Time of arrival at the patient

37) The portion of the patient care report in which the EMT writes his description of the patient's presentation, assessment findings, treatment and transport information is called the:
A) Narrative
B) Deposition
C) Text
D) Data set

38) Which of the following in NOT an objective element of documented patient information?
A) Position in which patient was found
B) Patient's age
C) Patient's complaint of nausea
D) Patient's blood pressure

C) Patient's complaint of nausea

39) Which of the following should be documented as subjective patient information?
A) Symptoms
B) Description of the surroundings
C) Medications
D) Signs

40) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate statement for the EMT to make on a patient care report?
A) The patient has a history of asthma
B) The patient was having an asthma attack
C) The patient had wheezes that were audible without using a stethoscope
D) The patient complains of difficulty breathing

B) The patient was having an asthma attack

41) To which of the following individuals can a patient care report be given without prior written authorization?
A) Anyone in the patient's family
B) No one
C) Emergency department triage nurse
D) Anyone in the patient's family who is over the age of 18

C) Emergency department triage nurse

42) Which of the following can be correctly noted as a chief complaint?
A) The patient stated that she felt sick
B) The patient was found sitting in the driver's seat of a full-size sedan
C) The patient was confused
D) The patient had a respiratory rate of 44

A) The patient stated that she felt sick

43) Where should the details of a refusal of treatment be recorded?
A) In the refusal of treatment section
B) In the narrative
C) A & B
D) Refusals do not require a patient care report

44) Which of the following is the correct manner for making a correction on a patient care report?
A) Use typing correction fluid to cover up the error and write over it
B) Blacken out the entire error and draw an arrow to the connect information
C) Draw a single line through the error and initial it
D) Get a credible witness to co-sign your patient care report

C) Draw a single line through the error and initial it

45) Which of the following does NOT need to be documented regarding a patient refusal or treatment?
A) The patient's mental status
B) That you advised the patient to call back if he changed his mind
C) That you informed the patient of the consequences of refusing care
D) Any insulting remarks the patient made to you

D) Any insulting remarks the patient made to you 

46) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate use of patient care report information?
A) Referral to Alcoholics Anonymous, support groups for domestic abuse,and similar social services
B) Billing and insurance
C) TO conduct research
D) Education and quality assurance for EMS personnel

A) Referral to Alcoholics Anonymous, support groups for domestic abuse,and similar social services

47) In which of the following circumstances is a fully documented patient care report NOT necessary?
A) There are multiple patients from an office building evacuation
B) A patient who says that someone else called EMS and he does not want any assistance
C) A patient who is transported but refuses to give any identifying information
D) A patient who is treated but not transported

A) There are multiple patients from an office building evacuation

48) Which of the following are possible consequences of using medical terminology about which you are unsure of the meaning in your patient care report?
A) Negative impact on patient care
B) Loss of credibility
C) Embarrassment
D) All of the above

49) Upon being dispatched, your dispatcher states the time, "1816 hours." Which of the following is acceptable when documenting your time of arrival on the scene?
A) use the clock in the ambulance to establish the arrival time
B) Rely on the dispatcher for the accurate time of arrival
C) Check your watch as you pull up to the scene
D) Estimate the amount of time it took you to get from your starting location to the scene

B) Rely on the dispatcher for the accurate time of arrival

50) Under which of the following circumstances is it acceptable to use plain English, rather than medical terminology, in your patient care report?
A) When you are uncertain of the meaning of the term
B) When you are uncertain as to the spelling of the term
C) When your meaning can be made clearer by avoiding unnecessary technical jargon
D) All of the above

51) Which of the following is NOT appropriate to document on your patient care report?
A) The patient's mental status
B) The patient's skin color
C) The patient's attitude
D) The patient's race

C) The patient's attitude

52) An EMT who writes an untrue statement about a patient that damages that patient's reputation can be sued by the patient for:
A) Being unprofessional
B) Libel
C) Slander
D) Negligence

53) You have responded to a call at a government office building. One of the office workers became very upset during a fire drill and experienced an episode of difficulty breathing. As your partner is speaking with the patient, who is not sure she wants to be transported, an individual wearing civilian clothes approaches you and states she is a security guard in the building. she asks you for the "yellow copy" of your patient care report. Which of the following should you do?

A) State that you are unable to comply with the request due to patient confidentiality

54) Patient data includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Mechanism of injury
B) The nature of the dispatch
C) The patient's medications
D) The patient's chief complaint

B) The nature of the dispatch

55) Which of the following information on a patient care report is NOT considered run data?
A) Location of the call
B) Time of arrival at the receiving dacility
C) Chief complaint
D) Other EMS units on the scene

56) Which of the following is the most common situation in which an EMT may be liable?
A) Failing to get the receiving physician's signature on the patient care report
B) Inaccurate recording of times and mileage
C) Failure to document all of a patient's medications on the patient care report
D) Patient refusal of treatment and transport

D) Patient refusal of treatment and transport

57) Which of the following pieces of legislation applies to use of information on a patient care report?

58) Medical documentation is an important part of the patient care process for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A) Provides the media with information about the patient's condition
B) Contributes data for research
C) Provides evidence of care provided
D) Detecting trends in the EMS system

A) Provides the media with information about the patient's condition

59) Which of the following is NOT a reason for routine review of patient care reports in a quality improvement program?
A) Assess conformity to patient care standards
B) Satisfy requirements of the shift supervisor
C) Review excellent patient care
D) Review poor patient care

B) Satisfy requirements of the shift supervisor

60) An objective statement made in a prehospital patient care report meets all of the following criteria EXCEPT:
A) Can be verified
B) Measurable
C) Biased
D) Observable

61) Which of the following should NOT be included in a patient care report?
A) Pertinent negative findings
B) The patient's subjective statements
C) Chief complaint
D) Radio codes

62) The Health Insurance Portability and Acountability Act (HIPAA) requires ambulance services to do all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Report child abuse
B) List personnel who may read patient care reports
C) Place patient care reports in a locked box
D) Safeguard patient confidentiality

63) Not finding a sign or symptom that you would expect to find under the circumstances in called a:
A) Double negative
B) Pertinent negative
C) Chief negative
D) False negative

64) Which of the following should be placed in quotes in the patient report?
A) Mechanism of injury
B) Patient's expressed consent
C) List of patient's medications
D) Chief complaint

65) The patient's impression of what is wrong with him is which of the following types of information?
A) Subjective
B) Objective
C) Prejudiced
D) Biased

66) The U.S Department of Transportation has issued specifications for all of the following types of ambulances EXCEPT:
A) Type II
B) Type III
C) Type I
D) Type IV

67) Which of the following describes Fowler's position?
A) Sitting up
B) Lying face down
C) Lying on the left side with the hips and knees flexed
D) Lying on the back with the feet elevated

68) which of the following devices is used for long-distance carries,high-angle,or off-road rescue?
A) Stair chair
B) Reeve's stretcher
C) Stokes stretcher
D) Scoop stretcher

69) Which of the following is the primary reason why ambulances should have two oxygen supply systems?
A) To provide oxygen to the patient in the event vehicle breakdown
B) To have a backup system in the event of failure of the primary system
C) To provide oxygen to two patients at one time
D) To ensure a supply of oxygen for long-distance transports

C) To provide oxygen to two patients at one time

70) An oxygen system used for prehospital care should have a regular device capable of delivering at least______liters per minute of oxygen.
A) 10
B) 25
C) 15
D) 12

71) The fixed suction unit in the ambulance should provide an air flow of at least______liters per minute at the end of the tubing.
A) 300
B) 30
C) 10
D) 15

72) With a fixed suction system, a vacuum of at least_______mmHg must be reached within______seconds of clamping the tubing.
A) 300;3
B) 200;4
C) 300;4
D) 200;3

73) Occlusive dressings must be carried on an ambulance to treat which of the following injuries?
A) Tension pneumothorax
B) Open pneumothorax
C) Impaled object in the eye
D) Amputations

74) The medical acronym EMD stands for which of the following?
A) Emergency medical driver
B) Emergency medical doctor
C) Emergency medical dispatch
D) Emergency medical director

C) Emergency medical dispatch

75) Safety studies have shown that drivers of other vehicles do not usually see or hear ambulances or other emergency vehicles until they are within_______feet of it.
A) 100 to 150
B) 200 to 250
C) 150 to 200
D) 50 to 100

76) The placement for ambulance sirens is:
A) In the vehicle grille
B) On the roof of the cab
C) On the rear corners of the patient compartment
D) Mounted on the hood

77) Tests have shown that______ambulance operators tent to speed up by 10 to 15 miles per hour when the siren is sounding.
A) inexperienced
B) younger
C) privately employed
D) None of the above

78) Regarding the use of emergency sirens, which of the following is FALSE?
A) Dense shrubbery may block the sound of the siren
B) You should assume that other drivers cannot hear the siren
C) The sound of the siren may increase the patient's anxiety
D) Ambulance operators are not affected by siren noise

D) Ambulance operators are not affected by siren noise

79) Regarding ambulance warning devices, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The use strobes is controversial
B) The large lights on the outermost corners of the ambulance box should blink alternately
C) Four-way flashers should not be used as emergency lights
D) In most states it is illegal to drive at night with only one headlight

B) The large lights on the outermost corners of the ambulance box should blink alternately

80) The process of combining the patient and patient-carrying device into a unit ready for moving and transporting the patient is called:
A) Loading
B) Immobilizing
C) Packaging
D) Wrapping

81) In order to hold a patient securely,a patient-carrying device should have at least______straps.
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 5

82) Which of the following transport positions is indicated for the patient in shock?
A) Left lateral recumbent
B) Feet elevated 12 to 24 inches above the head
C) Recumbent
D) Sitting

83) Which of the following conditions is NOT a high priority for transport?
A) Glasgow coma scale score of 12
B) Amputation of fingers distal to the metacarpals
C) Penetrating trauma to the thigh
D) A patient in shock

B) Amputation of fingers distal to the metacarpals 

84) Which of the following would be considered patient comfort supplies on an ambulance?
A) Facial tissues
B) Nasal cannular for oxygen administration
C) Stair chair
D) Long spine board

85) A typical fixed oxygen delivery system consists of all of the following EXCEPT:
A) An 8,000 liter replacement cylinder
B) A reducing valve and yoke
C) A two-stage regulator
D) A 3,000 liter reservoir

A) An 8,000 liter replacement cylinder

86) Which of the following is NOT essential equipment on an ambulance?
A) Portable suction unit
B) Portable oxygen tanks
C) An automatic transport ventilator
D) Pediatric oxygen administration devices

C) An automatic transport ventilator

87) Chemical cold packs are carried on the ambulance for treatment of which of the following?
A) Abdominal pain
B) Seizures
C) Snake bites
D) Musculoskeletal injuries

D) Musculoskeletal injuries

88) Which of the following is a purpose for carrying sterilized alumimum foil on an ambulance?
A) To keep a newborn warm
B) To control major arterial bleeding
C) To care for amputated parts
D) None of the above

A) To keep a newborn warm

89) Most states statutes allow an emergency vehicle operator to do which of the following on emergency calls?
A) Exceed posted speed limits if life and property are not endangered
B) Drive around lowered cross-arms at a railroad crossing
C) Be exempt from liability in the event of a collision
D) Pass a stopped school bus with its red flashers on

A) Exceed posted speed limits if life and property are not endangered

90) Which of the following contributes most significantly to the occurrence of ambulance crashes?
A) Time of day
B) Size of the vehicle
C) Speed of the vehicle
D) Weather conditions

91) Operators of emergency vehicles must drive with the safety of others in mind. This is known as driving:
A) Defensively
B) With emergency privilege
C) As a public servant
D) With due regard

92) Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the emergency medical dispatcher?
A) Providing medical direction to the responding units
B) Coordinating with other public safety agencies
C) Prioritizing calls that come in
D) Providing emergency instructions to the caller

A) Providing medical direction to the responding units

93) You are at the scene of a vehicle collision and have found that there is one patient who is in stable condition. At this point,the call can be categorized as:
A) An unfounded call
B) No longer a true emergency
C) A non-incident
D) Triaged

B) No longer a true emergency

94) Full immobilization of a trauma patient, including placing a cervical collar and securing the patient to a backboard,should take place at which of the following points in time?
A) Enroute to the hospital
B) After checking for cervical range of motion
C) Prior to moving the patient to the ambulance
D) Prior to the initial assessment

C) Prior to moving the patient to the ambulance

95) At which of the point should you complete your patient care report?
A) As soon as you are free from patient duties
B) As soon as you arrive at the hospital
C) At the end of your shift
D) Enroute to the hospital

A) As soon as you are free from patient duties

96) Which of the following should be checked with the vehicle engine turned off?
A) Warning lights
B) Battery
C) Windshield wiper operation
D) Dash mounted gauges

97) Which of the following is TRUE corcerning disinfection?
A) A solution of 1 part household bleach to 100 parts water is an effective disinfectant for healthcare purposes
B) High level disinfection destroys all sources of infection
C) A low-level disinfectant will kill germs on ambulance floors and walls
D) All of the above

C) A low-level disinfectant will kill germs on ambulance floors and walls

98) Which of the following is the most common type of rescue across the United States?
A) Farm rescue
B) Hazardous materials response
C) Water rescue
D) Vehicle rescue

99) Which of the following is NOT a phase of the extrication process?
A) Disentanglement
B) Gaining access to the patient
C) Simplification
D) Terminating the rescue

100) Which of the following is a common reason the EMT-Bs are struck by motor vehicles at the scene of motor vehicle collisions on roadways?
A) Drivers who are angry at being delayed deliberately take out their frustrations on rescue workers
B) Drivers are distracted by the scene of the collision and dot not pay attention to what they are doing
C) EMT-Bs often lose track of what they are doing and wander into traffic
D) All of the above

B) Drivers are distracted by the scene of the collision and dot not pay attention to what they are doing

101) Which of the followibg is an unsafe behavior that contributes to must injuries at the scene of vehicle collisions?
A) Using improvevised tools
B) Not wearing proper protective gear
C) Antagonizing bystanders
D) Unknowwingly walking into hazardous materials situations

B) Not wearing proper protective gear

102) Which os the following is the highest priority during extrication?
A) Controlling major bleeding
B) Maintaining the patient's airway
C) Ensuring your personal safety
D) Gaining access to the patient

C) Ensuring your personal safety

103) The EMT-B National Standard Curriculum provides which of the following specialized rescue training certifications?
A) Hydrodynamic
B) Hazardous materials
C) Vehicle
D) None of the above

104) Which of the following is NOT an example of a specialty rescue team?
A) Confined space
B) Advance cardiac life support
C) High angle rescue
D) Water rescue

B) Advance cardiac life support

105) Which of the following phases of extrication comes before the other three?
A) Gainging access to the patient
B) Sizing up the situation
C) Preparing for the rescue
D) Recognizing and managing hazards

C) Preparing for the rescue

106) Which of the following pahsesof extrication follows the other three?
A) Recognizing ang managing hazards
B) Stabilishing
C) G the vehicle
D) Immobilizing and extricating the patient

D) Immobilizing and extricating the patient

107) Which of the following activities should NOT occur during the scene size up?
A) Determining the extent of the patient's entrapment
B) Determininf the mechanism of injury
C) Providing airway management
D) Determining the need for additional resources

C) Providing airway management

108) Which of the following is an reason that the doors are removed rather than extricating patients through an open window?
A) To allow for proper spinal immobilization
B) To avoid criticism from bystanders
C) To avoid being cut by glass
D) All of the above

A) To allow for proper spinal immobilization

109) Which of the following will allow the EMT-B to suspect a higher risk of internal injury in a motor vehicle collisions?
A) Time of day the accident occurred
B) Bent steering wheel
C) Weather conditions
D) Flattened tires

110) At which of the following points does the "golden hour" begin?
A) When the patio\eint reaches surgery
B) Arrival at the scene
C) Time of the injury
D) Dispatch

111) An unresponsive patient is found sitting in the front seat of a vehicle with his legs pinned under the dash. Once his legs have been freed, which of the following methods should be used for removal of the patient?
A) Rapid take-down
B) Scoop stretcher
C) Rapid extrication technique
D) Kendrick extrication device

C) Rapid extrication technique

112) Which of the following best describes the important of the EMT-B understanding the extrication process?
A) To anticipate any dangerous steps in the extrication process
B) To provide direction to the rescue technicians if they appear to be making errors
C) To take over the extricaton process if requested by the rescue technicians
D) All of the above

A) To anticipate any dangerous steps in the extrication process

113) You are at the scene of a motor vehicle collision in which a single vehicle has collided with a three. You note that the driver's side airbag has deployed. Which of the following is recommended by airbag manufacturers?

C) Lift the airbag and inspect the steering wheel for damage

114) A 38-year-old male patient is the driver of a car that has collided with a cement bridge abutment at a moderate of speed.He is conscious and oriented and is complaining of severe neck pain. Your rapid trauma assessment reveals no other immediate concerns. Which of the following is the best method for extricating this patient?
A) Rapid extricating
B) The Kendrick extrication device
C) Direct lift and carry to along backboard
D) A moldable aluminum back support

B) The Kendrick extrication device

115) You have arrived at the scene of a motor vehicle collision to find that there are several critically injured patients. Which of the following should you do first?
A) Begin triage of all patients before deciding on additional resources
B) Begin to care for the patient closest to your vehicle
C) Begin extrication of the most critically injured patient
D) Call for additional rescue units and transpoting ambulance

D) Call for additional rescue units and transpoting ambulance

116) Which of the following human factor can lead to an inbcreased risk of injury for an EMT-B at the scene of a vehicle collision?
A) Careless attitude toward personal safety
B) Physical problems that impede strenuous effort
C) Lack of proficiency in the use of rescue tools
D) All of the above

A) Careless attitude toward personal safety

117) Which of the followingcan serve as appropriate eye protection for an EMT-B on the scene of an extrication
A) Face conforming goggles
B) Prescription eyeglasses
C) A plastic face shield of the type use for BSI
D) All of the above

A) Face conforming goggles

118) Which of the following is the best protection for an EMT-B's body during an extrication operation?
A) Firefighting turnout coat
B) A thick firefroop blanket draped around the shoulders
C) A thick wool coat
D) Nylon jacket with asbestos lining

A) Firefighting turnout coat

119) Which of the following provides the best protection for the EMT-B's hands during a vehicle rescue operation?
A) Fabri work gloves with non-slip palms
B) Elbow-length chemical rescue
C) Double-thickness latex gloves
D) Leather gloves

120) Which of the followingis a common hazard associated with the inner circle of a typical auto extrication?
A) Flying glass and metal fragments
B) Penetrating injury from extrication tools
C) Carbon monoxide poisoning
D) A & C

A) Flying glass and metal fragments

121) Which of the following is adequate protection for the EMT-B's while at the scene of an auto extrication?
A) A standard constructrion hardhat
B) A Nomex hood
C) A firefighting helmet
D) A watch cap

A) A standard constructrion hardhat

122) Under which of the following conditions are safety vest with reflective trim effective in increasing the visibility of the EMT-B?
A) On cloudy days
B) On sunny days
C) At night
D) All of the above

123) Which of the following is an advantage of removing the roof of a vehicle that has sustained major damage in a collision?
A) It creates a large exit through which to remove the patient
B) It makes the entire interior of the vehicle accessible
C) The EMT-B can better access the patients
D) All of the above

124) Once access to the patient is gained, which of the following is the next goa during an auto extrication?
A) Disentanglement of the patient
B) Initial assessment and rapid trauma exam
C) Extrication of the patient from the vehicle
D) Stabilization of the vehicle

B) Initial assessment and rapid trauma exam

125) Which of the following is the key role of the EMT-B at the scene of an auto extrication?
A) Rescue technician
B) Incident command
C) Safety officer
D) Patient advocate

126) Which of the following is the concern when you are caring for a patient who has been in a vehicle collision?
A) Treating life-threating injuries
B) Helping law enforcement get the driver's name and insurance information
C) Your own safety
D) Preseving evedince, such as alcohol beverage bottles and vehicle positioning

127) Which of the following is an important reason for controlling spectators at the scene of an extrication incident?
A) They may get injured
B) Respect for the patient's privacy
C) They may interfere with rescue efforts
D) All of the above

128) Which of the following measures can the EMT-B take to create a safer extrication scene?
A) Setting up road flares around hazards such as spilled fuel
B) setting up road flares every 10 feet for a safe distance to divert traffic away from the collision?
C) Drop road flares from the ambulance as you are approaching the scene
D) B & C

B) setting up road flares every 10 feet for a safe distance to divert traffic away from the collision? 

129) Upon arrival at the scene of a motor vehicle collision, you find a vehicle that is on fire. The fire is confined to the engine compartment and the hood is tightly closed. Which of the following is the best course of action?

C) Let the fire burn and concentrate on extricating the patient

130) You have arrived at the scene of a vehicle collision in which there are utility wires down around the vehicle. The three occupants appear dazed and other responding units have not yet arrived. Which of the following is the best course of action?

A) Stay at a distance and caution the occupants to stay inside the vehicle

131) Whicj of the following may be a source of ignition when an ambulance is parked off the roadway in a field of dried grass?
A) Catalytic converter
B) Leaking coolant
C) Battery
D) Mobile radio

132) Which of the following is the rule of thumb for determining the stability of a vehicle that has been involved in a collision?
A) It is stable if the transmission is in "Park" or the parking brake is on
B) It is stable if it is upright on all four wheels
C) It is stable if the ignition is turned off
D) It should only be considered stable after assessment by trained rescue personnel

D) It should only be considered stable after assessment by trained rescue personnel

133) Which of the following is a good choice for preventing further injury to a patient during auto extrication?
A) A disposable blanket
B) A sheet
C) Placing your body over the top of the patient
D) None of the above

134) Which of the following should the EMT-B consider when protecting a patient during extrication?
A) Weather
B) Noise
C) Debris
D) All of the above

135) Which of the following should NOT used to protect a patient during extrication?
A) Goggles
B) A respiratory mask
C) Industrial hearing protectors
D) Plastic blanket

136) Which of the following methods should the EMT-B use first to attempt to access a patient in a vehicle while awaiting arrival of a rescue crew?
A) Using a pry-bar to release the Nader pin in the door latch
B) Trying aal of the vehicle's doors to see if they will open
C) Using a heavy tool to break the window closet to the patient
D) Using a spring-loaded punch to break the rear window

B) Trying aal of the vehicle's doors to see if they will open

137) Vehicle glass that ius designed to break into small pieces rather than shattering into sharp fragments is called:
A) Plexiglass
B) Alloy glass
C) Tempered glass
D) Leaded glass

138) If the steering wheel must be displaced during an extrication in which the airbag has not deployed, which of the following actions is recommended by airbag manufacturers?

B) Disconnecting the battery cables

139) Which of the following agencies have developed regulations for dealing with hazardous materials emergencies?
C) DOT and FCC

140) The most basic level of hazardous material training is the________level.
A) awarness
B) operations
C) specialist
D) technician

141) In which of the following setting should the EMT-B be alert to the possibility of hazardous materials emergencies?
A) Farm sevice agencies
B) Shipping ports
C) Manufacturing industries
D) All of the above

142) Which of the following are desirable characteristics of the "safe zone" in a hazardous materials incident?
A) Downwind, uphill from the spill
B) Downwind, downhill from the spill
C) Upwind, n the same level as the spill
D) Upwind, uphill from the spill

C) Upwind, n the same level as the spill

143) Which of the following is NOT the role of the first arriving EMT-B at the scene of a possible hazardous materials emergency?
A) Requesting special resources to respod
B) Rescue any victims still in the are of the spill
C) Recognition if a hazardous materials emergency
D) Establishing a safe zone

B) Rescue any victims still in the are of the spill

144) In which of the following zones is the EMT-B expected to be staged at the scene of a hazardous materials incident?
A) Warm zone
B) Hot zone
C) Cold zone
D) Ground zone

145) Which of the following should be considered during the scene size up of a hazardous materials emergency?
A) Identification of the substance
B) Potential for spread of the substance
C) The properties and potential dangers of the substance
D) All of the above

146) Wich of the following is NOT an acceptable way of attempting to idetify a hazardous materials?
A) Asking the drver of the tractor-trailer truck involved in the incident
B) Checking the material safety data sheet
C) Collecting a sample of the material for laboratory analysis
D) Use of binoculars to obtain information from the placard on a container

C) Collecting a sample of the material for laboratory analysis

147) Wich of the following is a resource for specific actions to be taken by personnel dealing with a hazardous materials incident?
A) Food and Drug Administration toll-free hotline
B) Medical dictionary
C) Medical protocols
D) Emergency response guidebook

D) Emergency response guidebook

148) When seeking expert advice on how to proceed at a hazardous materials incident, which of the following information is important to provide?

A) The amount of the subtance involved
B) Your level of EMS certification
C) Your background in chemistry
D) Both A & B

A) The amount of the subtance involved

149) Wich of the following is NOT a reponsibility of an EMT-B at the scene of a hazardous materials emergency?
A) Rehabilitation of the hazmat team
B) Staying in the cold zone
C) Treated injured patients
D) Decontaminating injured victims

D) Decontaminating injured victims

150) Which of the follwing is NOT a desirable characteristic of the rehabilitation sector of a hazardous materials incident?
A) Large enough to accommodate multiple rescue crews
B) Located in the warm zone
C) Allowance for rapid re-entry to the emergency operation
D) Protected from weather elements

B) Located in the warm zone

Which of the following should be left out of a patient care report?

Your PCR should never leave the reader asking questions, such as why an ambulance was called, what the initial patient's condition was upon arrival or how the patient was moved from the position they were found in to your stretcher and ultimately to the ambulance.

Which of the following is not an appropriate way of dealing with a patient who does not speak the same language as you do?

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way of dealing with a patient who does not speak the same language as you do? Avoid communicating with the patient so there is no misunderstanding of your intentions.

Which of the following is the most important responsibility of the EMT?

Safety - personal safety is the most important responsibility of the EMT followed closely by the safety of other members of the rescue team, patient, and bystanders. Assessment - before treatment can begin, the EMT must identify what is wrong with the patient.

Why is an effective verbal report at the hospital so important?

Your HEAR report allows the hospital to allocate resources and staff to the highest priority patients. If you do not give them an adequate or accurate picture they cannot triage the department effectively.


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