Which of the following is not one of the four main roles performed by marketing communication?

1) The coordination of marketing communication efforts to influence attitudes or behavior is known as ________.

A) promotion

B) advertising

C) marketing

D) public relations

E) the communication model

2) Which of the following is NOT one of the four main roles performed by marketing communication?

A) to inform

B) to entertain

C) to persuade

D) to remind

E) to build relationships

3) ________ is a strategic business process that marketers use to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs over time to targeted audiences.

A) Integrated marketing communications (IMC)

B) A push strategy

C) A pull strategy

D) Database marketing

E) Experiential marketing

4) The concept of ________ marketing communication suggests that the company must blend the marketing communication forms carefully to make sure the message is consistent, clear, and compelling.

A) coordinated

B) integrated

C) mass

D) segmented

E) single channel

5) Every point of contact a company or brand has with a consumer is called a(n) ________.

A) touchpoint

B) channel

C) promotion

D) integration

E) feedback

6) Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and buzz building activities are all ________.

A) channels that should be integrated under the concept of integrated marketing communications

B) channels focused more on interactive marketing than traditional marketing

C) promotional tools used for push strategies but not pull strategies

D) promotional tools used for pull strategies but not push strategies

E) promotional tools adapted for use in mass marketing

7) As a part of IMC, marketers do which of the following?

A) use only one or two elements of the promotion mix at a time

B) identify what information customers want and how, when, and where they want it

C) focus on one-to-one marketing to the exclusion of mass marketing

D) focus on increasing profit margins rather than lifetime value of a customer

E) produce promotions in-house instead of using outside agencies

8) Which of the following is NOT a traditional form of marketing communication?

A) public relations

B) out-of-home

C) strategic positioning

D) advertising

E) sales promotion

9) Which of the following is NOT a form of one-to-one marketing?

A) social networking

B) direct marketing

C) database marketing

D) trade sales promotion activities

E) personal selling

10) Which of the following specifies that a source, message, medium, and receiver are the elements necessary for communication to occur?

A) the IMC process

B) the communication model

C) the hierarchy of effects

D) the AIDA model

E) the experiential model

11) According to the communication model, ________ is the process of translating an idea into a form of communication that will convey the desired meaning.

A) sourcing

B) messaging

C) encoding

D) signifying

E) sending

12) According to the communication model, the ________ is an organization or individual that sends a message.

A) medium

B) source

C) messenger

D) feedback

E) decoder

13) Marketers often hire celebrities as spokespersons for their products, thus associating the ________ of the message with an attractive, exciting, or admirable person.

A) source

B) medium

C) coding

D) decoding

E) receiver

14) Which of the following is NOT true about the message in the communication model?

A) It may include both verbal and nonverbal elements.

B) It is the actual communication going from sender to receiver.

C) It must be carefully crafted to connect with a variety of people when it is delivered through advertising.

D) It will be understood in the same way by all receivers.

E) It is often individualized when it is delivered by a salesperson.

15) In the communication model, the ________ can be any organization or individual that intercepts and interprets a message.

A) medium

B) receiver

C) source

D) encoder

E) noise source

16) In terms of the communication model, ________ is the process whereby a receiver assigns meaning to a message.

A) sourcing

B) encoding

C) decoding

D) feedback

E) receiving

17) The communication model acknowledges that messages can be blocked by ________, which is anything that interferes with effective communication.

A) media

B) feedback

C) noise

D) encoding

E) decoding

18) In terms of the communication model, ________ is a reaction to a message that helps the source gauge the effectiveness of the message.

A) looping

B) feedback

C) translating

D) encoding

E) decoding

19) For marketers, which of the following is associated with the feedback stage of the communication model?

A) the variety of media available to carry the message

B) the use of frame-of-reference encoding

C) the need for continuous quantitative measurement

D) the need to seek out customer complaints

E) the need to check the reality of customers' unsolicited feedback

20) A company's total marketing communications mix consists of a special blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to communicate customer value and build customer relationships. This is also called ________.

A) direct marketing

B) integrated marketing

C) competitive marketing

D) the promotion mix

E) target marketing

21) Which of the following is NOT an element of the promotion mix?

A) public relations

B) personal selling

C) sales promotion

D) product

E) direct marketing

22) With which type of marketing communication does the marketer have the greatest level of control over the message?

A) word-of-mouth communication

B) advertising

C) public relations

D) direct marketing

E) personal selling

23) With which type of marketing communication does the marketer have the lowest level of control over the message?

A) word-of-mouth communication

B) advertising

C) public relations

D) direct marketing

E) personal selling

25) Contests and coupons are both types of ________.

A) indirect marketing

B) sales promotion

C) personal selling

D) public relations

E) advertising

26) Which of the following is the nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor using the mass media?

A) direct marketing

B) sales promotion

C) public relations

D) advertising

E) direct selling

27) Advertising has some shortcomings. What is NOT one of them?

A) It is impersonal.

B) It can be very costly.

C) It does not allow the marketer control over when the message will appear.

D) It sometimes suffers from a credibility problem.

E) It does not make the audience feel the need to respond.

28) Unlike other forms of promotion, ________ is intended to stimulate immediate action rather than build long-term loyalty from a customer.

A) sales promotion

B) guerrilla marketing

C) advertising

D) word-of-mouth communication

E) personal selling

29) ________ is the element of the promotion mix that involves direct interaction between a company representative and a customer.

A) Word of mouth

B) Public relations

C) Advertising

D) Personal selling

E) Sales promotion

30) A company is implementing ________ when it airs a television commercial to millions.

A) interactive marketing

B) viral marketing

C) mass communication

D) personal communication

E) buzz

31) Which of the following statements about advertising is true?

A) Advertising is personal communication from an identified sponsor using the mass media.

B) Consumers perceive advertising as always having a high level of credibility.

C) Advertising can be used to establish and reinforce a distinctive brand identity.

D) Advertising tends to be comparatively inexpensive.

E) Advertising always relies on factual information.

32) ________ components of the promotion mix do not seek a short-term increase in sales. Instead, with these communication activities, the company tries to maintain a positive image of an organization and its products.

A) Personal selling

B) Sales promotion

C) Public relations

D) Word of mouth marketing

E) Direct marketing

33) Today's consumers are increasingly getting information from one another rather than from the original source. This new communication landscape is referred to as ________.

A) the groundswell

B) evangelist marketing

C) integrated marketing communications

D) stealth marketing

E) the infiltration

35) WOM stands for ________.

A) with original marketing

B) weak owners' market

C) word of mouth

D) word of marketing

E) without original marketing

36) Buzz that comes from a deliberate buzz marketing campaign is called ________, while buzz that occurs without a deliberate campaign from the marketer is called ________.

A) virtual WOM; viral WOM

B) viral WOM; virtual WOM

C) organic WOM; amplified WOM

D) amplified WOM; organic WOM

E) direct WOM; indirect WOM

37) Activities that deliberately deceive consumers or involve lying on behalf of clients are referred to as ________.

A) virtual marketing

B) viral marketing

C) buzz marketing

D) stealth marketing

E) word of mouth marketing

39) Viral marketing primarily uses which of the following communication channels?

A) billboards

B) print media

C) radio

D) cable television

E) the Internet

40) Viral marketing is most closely related to which of the following?

A) buzz building

B) personal selling

C) shilling

D) public relations

E) direct marketing

41) A ________ is a loyal customer who works for a brand for free.

A) shiller

B) stealth marketer

C) brand ambassador

D) public relations specialist

E) brand avatar

42) Which of the following refers to Internet-based platforms that allow users to create their own content and share it with others who access these sites?

A) integrated media

B) social media

C) virtual media

D) stealth media

E) geospatial platforms

43) Blogs, wikis, and podcasts are all examples of ________.

A) traditional media

B) social media

C) virtual worlds

D) review sites

E) geospatial platforms

44) Which of the following social media sites was originally designed to connect college students with their friends?

A) Second Life

B) LinkedIn

C) Facebook

D) Twitter

E) Avatar

45) Which of the following is a service that lets users post short text messages to followers who subscribe to their microblog?

A) Second Life

B) LinkedIn

C) Facebook

D) Twitter

E) Yelp

46) An avatar is a ________.

A) site that creates a connection between a consumer and a brand

B) mobile app with increasing popularity

C) type of geospatial platform

D) tweet of more than 140 characters

E) graphic representation of a user

48) Yelp and TripAdvisor are both examples of ________.

A) virtual worlds

B) geospatial platforms

C) product review sites

D) social networking sites

E) avatars

49) Which of the following were designed to allow users to alert their friends of their exact whereabouts via their mobile phones?

A) virtual worlds

B) geospatial platforms

C) product review sites

D) social networking sites

E) avatars

50) Which of the following is NOT a step in developing a promotional plan?

A) identifying the target audiences

B) designing the marketing mix

C) establishing communication objectives

D) determining the communication budget

E) evaluating the effectiveness of the communication program

51) After determining its communication objectives, the company's next step in developing a promotional plan is to ________.

A) identify the target audiences

B) determine its marketing communication budget

C) design the promotion mix

D) decide on a push or pull strategy

E) identify its product's phase in the product life cycle

52) The series of stages through which a marketer attempts to guide a consumer is called the ________.

A) promotional mix

B) marketing mix

C) hierarchy of effects

D) AIDA model

E) push-pull model

53) The ________ step in the hierarchy of effects calls for marketers to inform the target market that there is a new brand on the market using simple, repetitive advertising in a variety of media.

A) awareness

B) knowledge

C) demand

D) desire

E) purchase

54) Which of the following is NOT a step in the hierarchy of effects?

A) create awareness

B) inform the market

C) create demand

D) create desire

E) build loyalty

55) Which of the following is the last step in the hierarchy of effects?

A) create demand

B) create desire

C) encourage purchase

D) build loyalty

E) establish a relationship

Answer: D

56) In which step of the hierarchy of effects would a marketer most likely use celebrity endorsements and status appeals?

A) create awareness

B) inform the market

C) create desire

D) encourage purchase

E) build loyalty

57) In which step of the hierarchy of effects would a marketer most likely rely on samples and coupons?

A) create awareness

B) inform the market

C) create desire

D) encourage purchase

E) build loyalty

59) Though the ________ method of setting an advertising budget is simple to use and helps management think about the relationships among promotion spending, selling price, and profit per unit, it wrongly views sales as the cause of promotion rather than the result.

A) percentage-of-sales

B) competitive-parity

C) bottom-up

D) objective-task

E) push-pull

60) A florist who decides to budget five percent of last year's sales for promotional activities is using which of the following budgeting techniques?

A) bottom-up

B) objective-task

C) competitive-parity

D) percentage-of-sales

E) push-pull

61) Which method of setting an advertising budget is based on analyzing competitors' spending?

A) the percentage-of-sales method

B) the top-down method

C) the bottom-up method

D) the objective-task method

E) the competitive-parity method

64) Which of the following is an example of a bottom-up technique for developing promotional budgets?

A) the competitive-parity method

B) the objective-task method

C) the percentage-of-sales method

D) the pull-push method

E) the AIDA method

65) Which promotional mix strategy directs marketing efforts toward final consumers?

A) push

B) pull

C) flighting

D) pulsing


66) Which promotional mix strategy directs marketing efforts toward market channel members?

A) push

B) pull

C) flighting

D) pulsing


67) Which of the following is typically true during the introduction stage of the product life cycle?

A) Personal selling is the primary promotional tool in the consumer market.

B) The pull strategy is implemented more frequently than the push strategy.

C) Publicity is not effective.

D) Sales promotion may be used to encourage trial.

E) Sales promotion is more successful than advertising.

68) Which of the following is typically true during the growth stage of the product life cycle?

A) The use of advertising decreases.

B) Product benefits are the focus of promotions.

C) The use of sales promotion to encourage trial increases.

D) Spending on most aspects of promotion decreases.

E) The tool of public relations is rarely used.

69) In the maturity phase of the product life cycle, the primary promotional objective is to ________.

A) create product awareness

B) encourage product trial

C) build product credibility

D) inform the public of product benefits

E) persuade consumers to switch brands

70) Which of the following is typically true during the decline stage of the product life cycle?

A) Advertising expenses increase.

B) Sales promotion efforts are increased.

C) Public relations efforts are the promotional focus.

D) Personal selling costs are increased.

E) Spending on all elements of the promotion mix is reduced.

71) In which phase of the product life cycle are sales driven by the loyalty of a small group of customers?

A) growth

B) introduction

C) awareness

D) maturity

E) decline

72) In the AIDA model, the D stands for ________.

A) demand

B) desire

C) data

D) do-it-yourself

E) decoding

73) Which of the following types of communication programs is typically the easiest to evaluate?

A) public relations

B) word of mouth marketing

C) personal sales

D) sales promotion

E) advertising

74) Which of the following types of communication programs is typically the most difficult to evaluate?

A) public relations

B) online advertising

C) personal sales

D) sales promotion

E) advertising

75) Which of the following is a benefit of multichannel promotional strategies that blend traditional promotional activities with online buzz building activities?

A) Online buzz building activities are clearly effective.

B) Marketers have more opportunities to convert customers.

C) Marketers can more easily control the brand message.

D) It is easy to measure the results of online buzz building activities.

E) Budgeting for mutlichannel strategies is more straightforward than for single channel strategies.

76) Delia's is a clothing retailer that targets teenage girls. It runs coordinated promotions for its catalogs, its Web site, and its retail outlets. Delia's works to make sure its public relations activities as well as its sales promotions harmonize with its advertising in all venues. From this information, you can infer that Delia's is using ________.

A) viral marketing

B) stealth marketing

C) integrated marketing communication

D) word of mouth marketing

E) database marketing

77) Tara Keegan owns Live Well, a small chain of health stores offering a variety of natural health products and related services. In order to implement integrated marketing communications, Tara has hired a marketing communications director, whose job it will be to ensure that each ________ will deliver a consistent and positive message to consumers about the company.

A) public relations message

B) touchpoint

C) advertisement

D) logo

E) media vehicle

79) In terms of the communication model, the animated M&M candies in television commercials ________.

A) are representatives of the source

B) are feedback mechanisms

C) are the medium

D) introduce noise

E) encode the message

81) An ad for Maybelline age-minimizing makeup in Ladies' Home Journal magazine featured actress Melina Kanakaredes and offered readers a $1-off coupon when they try the new makeup. In terms of the communication model, the medium of this ad is ________.

A) Melina Kanakaredes

B) Ladies' Home Journal

C) readers who redeem the $1-off coupon

D) Maybelline

E) the target market to whom Melina Kanakaredes appeals

83) Chevrolet runs a promotion whereby consumers can redeem two free single-day ski lift tickets at their local dealer through a test-drive promotion. According to the communication model, the people coming into the dealership to test-drive a vehicle are the ________.

A) encoders

B) message

C) source

D) medium

E) feedback

84) A new pizza restaurant is opening in town. The owners of this restaurant decide to place an advertisement in the town newspaper announcing the date of their big opening. The owners of the restaurant are using ________.

A) mass communications

B) a push strategy

C) word-of-mouth communications

D) public relations

E) one-to-one marketing

85) An email from Amazon.com offers free shipping on your next purchase of more than $35. This is an example of ________.

A) sales promotion

B) personal selling

C) public relations

D) stealth marketing

E) viral marketing

86) A.Y. McDonald, a manufacturer of pumps and plumbing valves, employs regional salespeople to sell its products to wholesalers and cities. This is an example of ________.

A) sales promotion

B) personal selling

C) public relations

D) direct marketing

E) advertising

88) When FedEx communicates with its target markets through the use of a print medium such as Newsweek magazine, it is using which element of the promotion mix?

A) sales promotion

B) personal selling

C) word of mouth marketing

D) direct marketing

E) advertising

90) A newspaper article discussed a lawsuit in which independent video stores accused Blockbuster of engaging in an illegal conspiracy to drive them out of business. What promotion element would Blockbuster most likely use to improve its corporate image, which has been tarnished by these accusations?

A) sales promotion

B) personal selling

C) public relations

D) direct marketing

E) stealth marketing

92) A manufacturer of a variety of technological devices asked its marketing department to develop inexpensive methods of building and maintaining brand awareness and excitement. The marketing department then recruited consumers who were early adopters of technological devices to spread the word about the company's new products. This is an example of ________.

A) public service activities

B) shilling

C) evangelist marketing

D) stealth marketing

E) direct marketing

93) If you visit www.diamondsareforever.com, you can design your own ring. This site, which is operated by De Beers, then allows you to email a picture of your ring to friends and relatives. This way, they can share in the excitement and be informed of the Web site's existence. De Beers is using ________.

A) shilling

B) viral marketing

C) stealth marketing

D) direct marketing

E) virtual marketing

95) Business-to-consumer companies are more likely to emphasize a ________ strategy, while business-to-business companies are more likely to emphasize a ________ strategy.

A) pull; push

B) push; pull

C) push; pulse

D) pulse; pull

E) pulse; push

97) Glasis is a type of paint made specifically for use on cars. An ad in Motor Trend magazine advising consumers to request their body shops use Glasis paint is an example of how a company uses ________.

A) viral marketing

B) stealth marketing

C) buzz marketing

D) a push strategy

E) a pull strategy

100) An established retail clothing store in a town with a large university wants to quickly increase the number of college students who shop at the store. Which of the following would be the best way to offer a sales promotion to this target market?

A) run coupons in the local daily newspaper

B) buy an online ad on the university newspaper's homepage announcing a 10% discount for students who show a school ID

C) produce a commercial and buy airtime on local television channels

D) sponsor an organization or event at the university in a public relations effort

E) use shilling to create buzz for the store

24) The use of short-term incentives to encourage the immediate purchase or sale of a product or service is called ________.

A) indirect marketing

B) sales promotion

C) personal selling

D) public relations

E) advertising

99) Vitamin drinks are in the growth stage of their product life cycle. This means that promotion for vitamin drinks most likely focuses on ________.

A) encouraging trial through sales promotion

B) creating public awareness through public relations

C) encouraging customers to switch brands through sales promotion

D) stressing product benefits through advertising

E) using competitive-parity strategies

98) A commercial for Martox compares the speed with which Martox soothes an upset stomach to the speed of Tums antacids. The commercial also emphasizes that Martox is less expensive than Tums. Martox is most likely at which stage of the product life cycle?

A) introduction

B) growth

C) maturity

D) awareness

E) decline

96) An ad in a professional journal targeted to an audience of dentists asked dentists to recommend Crest toothpaste to their patients. It offered toothpaste samples that dentists could buy at cost to give to their patients to encourage patients to take better care of their teeth. The manufacturer of Crest toothpaste was using ________.

A) viral marketing

B) stealth marketing

C) a push strategy

D) a pull strategy

E) public relations

94) Toward the end of the fiscal year, the owner of a small company came back from lunch concerned because he had learned that a business targeted to the same customers as his was planning on spending $150,000 on promotion. As soon as he arrived at the office, he called his financial manager and said, "I want to budget $150,000 for next year's promotion." Which method of promotional budgeting did the owner want to use?

A) the objective-task method

B) the percentage-of-sales method

C) the competitive-parity method

D) the bottom-up method

E) the pull-push method

91) Marketers for Alive!, a new sports energy drink, have hired teams of college students to encourage friends and classmates on campus to try the new product. The students have been directed by Alive! to promote the new drink without revealing that they are contracting with the company. Alive! is most likely to be accused of which of the following unethical marketing strategies?

A) falsification

B) shilling

C) evangelist marketing

D) viral marketing

E) defacement

87) A newspaper article announced that VoiceStream Wireless, the nation's sixth-largest wireless carrier, was changing its name to T-Mobile and that to begin the makeover process it had replaced spokesperson Jamie Lee Curtis with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Of which element of the promotion mix is this an example?

A) sales promotion

B) advertising

C) public relations

D) personal selling

E) product

78) The decision to use a cleaning genie to communicate the strength and power of Mr. Clean cleaning liquid is representative of the ________ process of the communication model.

A) sourcing

B) encoding

C) feedback

D) decoding

E) messaging

82) Which of the following best explains why a forty-year-old woman and a fifteen-year-old boy would interpret an ad for an age-minimizing makeup differently?

A) They respond in contrasting ways to different media.

B) They are not equally susceptible to noise.

C) They follow different communication models.

D) They have different frames of reference.

E) One is not as likely as the other to provide feedback.

In terms of the communication model, the source of this ad is ________.

A) Melina Kanakaredes

B) Ladies' Home Journal

C) readers who redeem the $1-off coupon

D) Maybelline

E) the target market to whom Melina Kanakaredes appeals

63) The ________ method of promotional budgeting is based on determining spending necessary to accomplish specific promotion goals.

A) percentage-of-sales

B) competitive-parity

C) top-down

D) pull-push

E) objective-task

62) Which of the following statements about the competitive-parity method of budgeting is true?

A) It is the most commonly used bottom-up method for budgeting.

B) It works because it relies on dynamic market shares that change annually.

C) It is the only top-down budgeting method used to determine promotional budgets.

D) It is considered the most logical budgeting method.

E) It mirrors the best thinking of others in the business.

34) Which of the following refers to everyday people participating in marketing by sharing their opinions with their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances?

A) personal selling

B) buzz

C) indirect marketing

D) stealth marketing

E) shilling

58) Which of the following is an example of a top-down budgeting technique used to determine how much a firm will allocate to its promotional activities?

A) the objective-task method

B) the percentage-of-sales method

C) the push-pull method

D) the AIDA method

E) the price lining method

38) Which of the following is NOT considered an unethical buzz marketing strategy?

A) infiltration

B) creating evangelist programs

C) shilling

D) comment spam

E) stealth marketing

47) Which of the following is true of virtual worlds?

A) They are among the most popular product review sites.

B) They are likely to replace Twitter.

C) They are the most popular tool for stealth marketing campaigns.

D) They are a booming marketplace for virtual goods paid for in actual money.

E) They use "dashboards" so businesses can monitor the locations of avatars.

89) A representative from a nationally known cookie manufacturer is at a local supermarket distributing samples of a new flavor of cookie that the company has just introduced. The cookie manufacturer is implementing ________ in giving away samples of the cookie.

A) personal selling

B) stealth marketing

C) sales promotion

D) direct marketing

E) shilling

What are the four roles of marketing communication?

Traditionally known as the promotional element of the four Ps of marketing (product, place, price, and promotion), the primary goal of marketing communication is to reach a defined audience to affect its behavior by informing, persuading, and reminding.

What is the role of marketing communication?

Marketing communication takes new customers for brands by building awareness and encouraging trials. Marketing communication maintains a brand's current customer base by reinforcing their purchase behavior by providing additional information about the brand's benefits.

Which is not one of the elements of the marketing communications mix?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Telemarketing is NOT a part of marketing communication mix.

What are the four major communication functions quizlet?

The four major communication functions are encoding, decoding, response, and noise.


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