Which of the following is not one of the principal challenges of international networks

  1. 21) A force in the
    environment to which businesses must respond and that influences the direction
    of the business is called a business A)
    driver. B) threat. C) process. D) matrix.

    Answer: A

  2. 22) The major dimensions of
    international systems architecture include each of the following except A) the
    global environment. B) corporate global strategy. C) technology platform. D) transborder data flows.

    Answer: D

  3. 23) General cultural factors
    driving global business are A) global
    communication and transportation technologies, a global knowledge base, and
    global social norms. B) the development of global markets, political
    stability, and a global workforce. C) the rise of the global workforce,
    political stability, and a global knowledge base. D) the rise of a global
    workforce, global economies of scale, and global production and operations.

    Answer: A

  4. 24) Global coordination of
    all of the major business functions permits the location of business activity
    according to A) social norms and values.
    B) comparative advantage. C) competitive threat. D) knowledge base.


  5. 25) Which of the following
    is not one of the main organizational issues facing firms who are seeking to
    globalize? A) choosing a global strategy B) organizing the global business
    structure C) organizing the systems management
    D) defining the global environment

    Answer: D

  6. 26) Making judgments and
    taking action on the basis of narrow or personal characteristics is referred to
    as A) localization. B) cooptation. C)
    particularism. D) prejudicial.

    Answer: C

  7. 27) Which of the following restricts the flow
    of personal information to countries that do not meet strict European
    information laws on personal information? A) Free Trade Agreement B) European Union Data Protection Directive
    C) United Nations Privacy Act D) European Transborder Data Flow Act

    Answer: B

  8. 28) General challenges and
    obstacles to global business systems are typified by A) different technology
    standards, shortages of skilled consultants, and social expectations. B) brand-name expectations, language
    differences, and commercial regulations. C) different work hours,
    transborder data and privacy laws, and different technology standards. D)
    different communications standards, language differences, and network

    Answer: B

  9. 29) Which of the following
    is not a specific challenge to global business system? A) shortages of skilled
    consultants B) language differences C)
    different telecommunication standards D) different data transfer speeds


  10. 30) To avoid the cost and
    uncertainty of moving information across national boundaries, most multinational
    firms A) maintain a master database at their head offices. B) develop a master
    system that meets the standards of all the countries concerned. C) use
    microwave satellite transmission to move data. D) develop separate systems within each country.

    Answer: D

  11. 31) German companies A) do not recognize the profit until the
    project is completely finished and they have been paid. B) recognize
    profits before the project is finished. C) recognize profits when the project
    is initialized. D) do not recognize the profits until they have been formally

    Answer: A

  12. 32) Most large companies
    with overseas operations have inherited A) recently built technology platforms
    for international systems. B)
    batch-oriented reporting from independent foreign divisions to corporate
    headquarters. C) transaction-oriented reporting based at the home office
    for overseas business. D) global marketing systems developed domestically.

    Answer: B

  13. 33) In terms of global
    business strategy and structure, a domestic exporter will use a policy of A) some dispersed sales, with centralized
    production, accounting, human resources, and strategic management. B)
    centralized production and accounting with decentralized marketing and human
    resources. C) centralized production, accounting, marketing, and human resources.
    D) dispersed production and marketing, with centralized accounting, human
    resources and strategic management.

    Answer: A

  14. 34) Most companies pursuing
    a global strategy begin as A) domestic
    exporters. B) multinationals. C) franchisers. D) transnationals.

    Answer: A

  15. 35) A company that controls
    finances in the home country and decentralizes production, sales, and marketing
    operations to other countries is using a ________ strategy. A) domestic
    exporter B) franchising C) transnational
    D) multinational

    Answer: D

  16. 36) In terms of global
    business strategy and structure, a multinational company will use a policy of
    A) mixed sales and marketing, with centralized production, accounting, human
    resources, and strategic management. B) centralized production, accounting, marketing,
    human resources, with strategic management. C) dispersed production,
    accounting, human resources, with centralized strategic management, and
    marketing. D) dispersed production and
    marketing, with centralized accounting and strategic management.

    Answer: D

  17. 36) In terms of global
    business strategy and structure, a multinational company will use a policy of
    A) mixed sales and marketing, with centralized production, accounting, human
    resources, and strategic management. B) centralized production, accounting, marketing,
    human resources, with strategic management. C) dispersed production,
    accounting, human resources, with centralized strategic management, and
    marketing. D) dispersed production and
    marketing, with centralized accounting and strategic management.

    Answer: D

  18. 38) In terms of global
    business strategy and structure, a franchise company will use a policy of A)
    centralized production, accounting, marketing, human resources, with strategic
    management. B) dispersed production, accounting, human resources, with
    centralized strategic management, and marketing. C) dispersed production and
    marketing, with centralized accounting, human resources and strategic
    management. D) dispersed production,
    marketing, and human resources, with centralized strategic management and

    Answer: D

  19. 39) Which of the following
    is not one of the primary types of system configuration discussed in the
    chapter? A) decentralized B) duplicated C)
    coordinated D) networked

    Answer: C

  20. 40) In terms of global
    business strategy, the governance of ________ firms has been likened to a
    federal structurestrong central management core of decision making, but
    considerable dispersal of power and financial resources. A) domestic exporter
    B) multinational C) franchiser D)

    Answer: D

  21. 41) Of the following, which
    is not one of the three central principles recommended in this chapter for a
    firm organizing itself for international business? A) Organize value-adding
    activities along lines of comparative advantage. B) Establish a single office
    responsible for international systems and a global CIO position. C) Disperse production and marketing to
    regional centers and establish a single center for world headquarters and
    strategic management. D) Develop and operate systems units at each level of
    corporate activityregional, national, and international.

    Answer: C

  22. 42) In centralized systems
    A) development occurs at the home base and operations are handed over to
    autonomous units in foreign locations. B) each foreign unit designs its own
    unique solutions and systems. C) systems development and operations occur in an
    integrated and coordinated fashion across all units. D) systems development and operations occur totally at the domestic
    home base.

    Answer: D

  23. 43) In duplicated systems A) development occurs at the home base and
    operations are handed over to autonomous units in foreign locations. B)
    each foreign unit designs its own unique solutions and systems. C) systems
    development and operations occur in an integrated and coordinated fashion
    across all units. D) foreign units design the solutions and systems used at the
    domestic home base.

    Answer: A

  24. 44) In networked systems A) development occurs
    at the home base and operations are handed over to autonomous units in foreign
    locations. B) each foreign unit designs its own unique solutions and systems. C) systems development and operations occur
    in an integrated and coordinated fashion across all units. D) foreign units
    design the solutions and systems used at the domestic home base.

    Answer: C

  25. 45) In decentralized systems
    A) development occurs at the home base and operations are handed over to
    autonomous units in foreign locations.
    B) each foreign unit designs its own unique solutions and systems. C)
    systems development and operations occur in an integrated and coordinated
    fashion across all units. D) foreign units design the solutions and systems
    used at the domestic home base.

    Answer: B

  26. 46) Domestic exporters
    typically have highly ________ systems. A) duplicated B) centralized C) networked D) decentralized

    Answer: B

  27. 47) Multinational companies
    tend to have ________ systems. A) duplicated B) centralized C) networked D) decentralized

    Answer: D

  28. 48) Franchise companies have
    typically had ________ systems. A)
    duplicated B) centralized C) networked D) decentralized

    Answer: A

  29. 49) Transnational companies
    have tended to use a ________ systems configuration. A) duplicated B)
    centralized C) networked D)

    Answer: C

  30. 50) The network systems
    structure is the most visible in ________ services. A) production B) financial C) marketing D) software

    Answer: B

  31. 51) Effective networked systems must have a A) powerful telecommunications backbone. B)
    culture of shared applications development. C) shared management culture that
    crosses cultural barriers. D) both B and C. E) A, B, and C. F) none of the above.

    Answer: E

  32. 52) Two of the management
    challenges in developing global systems are listed in your text as A) (1)
    managing the privacy concerns of different countries and (2) coordinating
    applications development. B) (1) creating a financial structure that will
    operate internationally and (2) managing the privacy concerns of different
    countries. C) (1) agreeing on common user requirements and (2) managing the
    privacy concerns of different countries. D)
    (1) coordinating software releases and (2) introducing changes in business

    Answer: D

  33. 53) Which of the following
    is not one of the principal management challenges in developing global systems?
    A) encouraging local users to support global systems B) coordinating
    applications development C) defining an
    acceptable test plan D) agreeing on common user requirements

    Answer: C

  34. 54) Logically related tasks
    to produce specific business results best defines A) information systems. B) business processes. C) SOPs. D) core

    Answer: B

  35. 55) The way to identify core
    business processes is to conduct a A) cost-benefit analysis. B) work-flow
    analysis. C) business process analysis. D)
    feasibility analysis.

    Answer: C

  36. 56) As a firm moves from local
    option systems to regional and global systems A) agency costs increase. B) coordination costs decrease. C)
    transaction costs increase. D) both transaction and agency costs increase.

    Answer: A

  37. 57) systems Which are worth
    sharing on a transnational basis, from a cost and feasibility point of view? A) only systems that support functions that
    are absolutely critical to the organization B) core systems and worthwhile
    provincial systems C) core systems and any financial systems that can be easily
    integrated with each other D) financial and accounting systems

    Answer: A

  38. 58) Based on your reading of
    the chapter, why should companies avoid creating an allencompassing, new global
    system when moving towards global operations? A) These may fail due to lack of
    visibility. B) It is difficult to quantify and explain the benefits of
    information systems that are that large. C) "Grand design" approaches
    typically fail to identify centers of excellence. D) Opposition is strengthened because of requirements for huge

    Answer: D

  39. 59) The ability of global
    systems to optimize the use of corporate funds over a much larger capital base
    means that A) capital in a surplus region can be moved efficiently to expand
    production of capital-starved regions. B) capital costs can be accounted or
    spread over a larger base of constituents. C)
    costs can be amortized over a larger customer base. D) value chains can be
    synchronized more effectively.

    Answer: C

  40. 60) Which of the following is not one of the
    main benefits to implementing global systems? A) superior management and
    coordination B) vast improvements in operation C) new economies of scale at
    production facilities D) reduced
    hardware costs

    Answer: D

  41. 61) When developing a global
    system, bringing the opposition of local groups into the process of designing
    and implementing the solution without giving up control over the direction and
    nature of the change is called A)
    cooptation. B) change management. C) implementation. D) advocacy.

    Answer: A

  42. 62) A global firm can
    develop transnational centers of excellence as an effective technique to A)
    ensure connectivity between regional systems. B) encourage user support of
    global systems. C) effectively identify
    global business processes. D) develop a merit-based hierarchy among
    regional groups.

    Answer: C

  43. 63) In relation to global
    systems building, the Internet A) allows the seamless flow of information
    through the enterprise. B) affords local groups stable broadband access. C) has reduced some networking problems.
    D) all of the above.

    Answer: C

  44. 64) A critical necessity for
    ensuring the integration of local systems into a global system is A) adherence to data and technical
    standards. B) use of standard hardware at the local level. C) use of
    standard user software at the local level. D) all of the above.

    Answer: A

  45. 65) VPNs A) use the public Internet for
    communications. B) may not be able to support large numbers of remote users,
    due to the variable traffic on the Internet. C) provide many of the same
    services as private networks. D) all of
    the above.

    Answer: D

  46. 66) Which of the following is not one of the
    principal problems of international networks? A) network capacity B) poor
    quality of international service C)
    network standards D) regulatory constraints

    Answer: C

  47. 67) Sixty-eight percent of
    the world's mobile phone subscriptions are in A) developing countries. B) Europe. C) the United States. D) the
    United States and Canada.

    Answer: A

  48. 68) Software localization is
    the process of A) translating a user interface into a second language. B)
    converting software programming to run on a different platform. C) converting software to operate in a
    second language and with local conventions. D) modifying software so that
    it can be adopted in other countries without engineering changes.

    Answer: C

  49. 69) Which types of systems
    are widely used by manufacturing and distribution firms to connect to suppliers
    on a global basis? A) TPS systems B) EDI
    systems C) CRM systems D) none of the above

    Answer: B

  50. 70) The chapter outlines
    three steps in developing an effective global system solution. Which of the
    following is not one of these steps? A)
    Identify outdated legacy systems to be replaced. B) Identify the core
    systems to coordinate centrally. C) Choose a developmental approach:
    incremental, evolutionary, or other. D) Define the core business processes.

    Answer: A

Which of the following is not one of the principal problem of international networks?

Chapter 15.

Which of the following are global challenges and obstacles to global business systems?

5 Common Challenges of International Business.
Language Barriers. ... .
Cultural Differences. ... .
Managing Global Teams. ... .
Currency Exchange and Inflation Rates. ... .
Nuances of Foreign Politics, Policy, and Relations..

Which types of systems are widely used by manufacturing?

Manufacturing Execution. Systems (MES) Inventory and Warehouse Management Systems..
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) Enterprise Asset Management Systems (EAM).
RFID Asset Tracking. Systems. Quality. Systems..

Which of the following has the second highest percentage of internet users based on its total population in the world?

Global number of online users 2022, by country As of 2022, China had over one billion internet users, more than any other country in the world. India ranked second, as close to 933 million Indians accessed the internet via any device.