Which of the following is one of the components in Sternbergs triarchic theory of intelligence quizlet?

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Howard Gardner proposed eight independent intelligences (linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist), as well as a possible ninth (existential intelligence). The different intelligences of people with savant syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and certain kinds of brain damage seem to support his view. Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory proposes three intelligence areas that predict real-world skills: analytical (academic problem solving), creative (trailblazing smarts), and practical (street smarts). Critics note research that has confirmed a general intelligence factor, which widely predicts performance. But highly successful people also tend to be conscientious, well-connected, and doggedly energetic, with both ability and motivation counting.

Those who become highly successful tend also to be conscientious, well-connected, and doggedly energetic. K. Anders Ericsson and others report a 10-year rule: A common ingredient of expert performance in chess, dance, sports, computer programming, music, and medicine is "about 10 years of intense, daily practice". Becoming a professional musician or an elite athlete requires, first, native ability. But it also requires years of practice—about 11,000 hours on average, and a minimum of 3000 hours. The recipe for success is a gift of nature plus a whole lot of nurture.

They avoid being hijacked by overwhelming depression, anxiety, or anger. They can read others' emotional cues and know what to say to soothe a grieving friend, encourage a workmate, and manage a conflict. They can delay gratification in pursuit of long-range rewards. Thus, emotionally intelligent people more often succeed in relationship, career, and parenting situations than do academically smarter but less emotionally intelligent people (Cherniss, 2010a,b; Czarna et al., 2016; Miao et al., 2016). They also tend to be happy and healthy (Sánchez-Álvarez et al., 2016; Schutte et al., 2007, 2016). Aware of these benefits, school-based programs have sought to increase teachers' and students' emotional intelligence

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Terms in this set (34)

According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, which of the following is NOT one of the three components of intelligence?

Spatial intelligence
(Analytic, creative, and practical)

On which commonly used IQ test would a person receive a score on verbal intelligence, performance intelligence, and overall intelligence?

Weschler Tests

According to heritability estimates, what % of the variability in IQ can be explained by genetics

About half

Howard Gardener's theory can best be described as a theory of

multiple intelligences

Which type of intelligence seems to be more influences by environmental factors?

crystallized intelligence

Hank is an exceptional cars salesman. He is good at "reading" people and is often able to personally connect with a customer in ways that lead to a sale. If Gardner were to evaluate Hank he would expect that Hank was high in_______ intelligence.


Mac has spent years working as a plumber. Before, he attended a trade school to learn his skills. He relies on his_____ intelligence when installing a water heating system.


Andy took a job placement test, resulting that he would be best suited to work in a team work environment. The test indicated he was stable, outgoing, friendly. Two weeks later he took the same test again. Results suggested a career with an independent work style because he was introverted and hard to get along with. This test was an _____

non reliable

Michael is 8 years old. His mental age is 6 years old. With this info his IQ is calculated at__


Anna works for her brothers in their shop where they repair small engines. Although she has enjoyed technical work she worries that shell never be as good as them at preparing because she's a girl. Anna's fear illustrates _____

stereotype threat

An external reward one is driven to pursue is an


Which approach to motivation argues that biological, unlearned patterns of behavior are the driving force behind your behaviors?

instinct theory

Which theory of motivation centers on the concept of homeostasis?

drive-reduction theory

According to Maslow, which of the following needs takes precedence over the others?


Deciding to join a school club with the goal of making new friends is an example of

approach social motives

The three elements of an emotion are

thoughts, physical arousal, expression

Which classic theory of emotion suggests that emotions are registered after body becomes aroused?

James-Lange theory

Which structure in the brain tastes incoming stimuli and reacts immediately to danger and threat?


Which of the following facial expressions is your brain likely to react most quickly to?

angry face

Which of the following is not a typical function of emotions?

cardiovascular function

(motivational, social, coping functions)

Which of the following is not a domain of emotional intelligence (EI)?

emotional vocabulary

Which theory explains why people injected with Botox can experience reductions in emotional intensity?

facial-feedback theory

Motives that guide us toward seeking positive social rewards are called __ social motives, while those that guide us to behaviors in order to move away from negative social consequences are known as __ social motives.


Which type of need must be met first according to Maslow's hierarchy?


___ is the tendency of the body to maintain a steady state of functioning.


Kelly is motivated by money and the many things she can buy with it. Toby is motivated by his understanding that doing good things are important. His actions reflect his belief. Which theory incorporates both these types of motivational causes?

expectancy-value theory

Of the following, which statement best expresses the order of events related to the James-LAnge theory

we see a threat, our hearts race, we feel fear

According to research humans respond quickest to __ emotional stimuli.


The __ is the part of the brain that initially registers emotion.


When you are hiking in the mountains you see a mountain lion. If you were to react as the Cannon-Bard theory suggests, which would be your response?

you would experience physiological changes and a feeling of fear simultaneously

Which is not a basic emotion

(anger, fear, surprise)

According to ________, facial expressions can determine our emotional experience.

facial-feedback theory

which of the following individuals would be more likely to express shame or guilt?

Mei from Japan

Johanna is an exchange student from Norway staying with a family in Costa Rica. Which emotion may she have the most difficulty recognizing in her host family?


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Which of the following is one of the components in Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

According to the triarchic theory, intelligence has three aspects: analytical, creative, and practical. Analytical intelligence. Analytical intelligence is involved when the components of intelligence are applied to analyze, evaluate, judge, or compare and contrast.

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Sternberg's theory of intelligence includes analytical, practical, and creative intelligence. Analytical intelligence is the type of intelligence used to problem solve.

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states that intelligence comes in three forms; analytical, creative, and practical.