Which of the following is one of the three major types of research methods discussed in the text?

Focus Groups

This is when a select group of people gather to talk about a particular topic.  They can also be called discussion groups or group interviews (Dawson, 2019).  They are usually lead by a moderator  to help guide the discussion and ask certain questions.  It is critical that a moderator allows everyone in the group to get a chance to speak so that no one dominates the discussion.  The data that are gathered from focus groups tend to be thoughts, opinions, and perspectives about an issue.

Advantages of Focus Groups

  • Only requires one meeting to get different types of responses.
  • Less researcher bias due to participants being able to speak openly.
  • Helps participants overcome insecurities or fears about a topic.
  • The researcher can also consider the impact of participant interaction.

Disadvantages of Focus Groups

  • Participants may feel uncomfortable to speak in front of an audience, especially if the topic is sensitive or controversial.
  • Since participation is voluntary, not every participant may contribute equally to the discussion.
  • Participants may impact what others say or think.
  • A researcher may feel intimidated by running a focus group on their own.
  • A researcher may need extra funds/resources to provide a safe space to host the focus group.
  • Because the data is collective, it may be difficult to determine a participant's individual thoughts about the research topic.


There are two ways to conduct research observations:

  • Direct Observation: The researcher observes a participant in an environment.  The researcher often takes notes or uses technology to gather data, such as a voice recorder or video camera.  The researcher does not interact or interfere with the participants.  This approach is often used in psychology and health studies (Dawson, 2019).
  • Participant Observation:  The researcher interacts directly with the participants to get a better understanding of the research topic.  This is a common research method when trying to understand another culture or community.  It is important to decide if you will conduct a covert (participants do not know they are part of the research) or overt (participants know the researcher is observing them) observation because it can be unethical in some situations (Dawson, 2019).

Open-Ended Questionnaires

These types of questionnaires are the opposite of "multiple choice" questionnaires because the answer boxes are left open for the participant to complete.  This means that participants can write short or extended answers to the questions.  Upon gathering the responses, researchers will often "quantify" the data by organizing the responses into different categories.  This can be time consuming because the researcher needs to read all responses carefully.

Semi-structured Interviews

This is the most common type of interview where researchers aim to get specific information so they can compare it to other interview data.  This requires asking the same questions for each interview, but keeping their responses flexible.  This means including follow-up questions if a subject answers a certain way.  Interview schedules are commonly used to aid the interviewers, which list topics or questions that will be discussed at each interview (Dawson, 2019).

Theoretical Analysis

Often used for nonhuman research, theoretical analysis is a qualitative approach where the researcher applies a theoretical framework to analyze something about their topic.  A theoretical framework gives the researcher a specific "lens" to view the topic and think about it critically. it also serves as context to guide the entire study.  This is a popular research method for analyzing works of literature, films, and other forms of media.  You can implement more than one theoretical framework with this method, as many theories complement one another.

Common theoretical frameworks for qualitative research are (Grant and Osanloo, 2014):

  • Behavioral theory
  • Change theory
  • Cognitive theory
  • Content analysis
  • Cross-sectional analysis
  • Developmental theory
  • Feminist theory
  • Gender theory
  • Marxist theory
  • Queer theory
  • Systems theory
  • Transformational theory

Unstructured Interviews

These are in-depth interviews where the researcher tries to understand an interviewee's perspective on a situation or issue.  They are sometimes called life history interviews.  It is important not to bombard the interviewee with too many questions so they can freely disclose their thoughts (Dawson, 2019).


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