Which of the following is one of the ways used to encourage collaboration among new team members

Rande expresses her aggravation with Jona's position on the partnership. Is this statement true or false?


Which are of the following is one of the three key questions to ask in order to create a productive agenda?

1. What are the goals of the meeting?

Which of the following is the most common non-voice use of smartphones for business professionals under age 40?


True or False: The only thing a person needs to receive a message is technical compatibility with the person who's sending the message.


How can employers limit the inappropriate use of technology and social media on the job?

Establish and enforce clear policies for all employees.

Which of the following is an expected behavior on job?

Communicating ethically.

The ability to send vast amounts of data instantly, globally, and constantly is refereed to as:

Radical connectivity

Improving your communication skills will enhance your career because:

A. You'll need to connect with decision makers outside of your area of expertise.
B. The higher you rise in an organization, the more important your communication skills will be.
C. Having great ideas wont help you much, unless you can communicate them effectively.
D. All of these (all of the above)

Which of these is one of the ways mobile tools have enhanced productivity and collaboration in the workplace?

By increasing access to information

True or False: In order to increase the chances of successful message delivery, communicators should consider audience expectations.


How does mobile connectivity create more engaging experience for users?

Though the use of interactivity

True or False: Employee blogs can expose confidential information about a firm and damage the firms reputation.


True or False: The habits you exhibit while using your mobile device exemplify your attitude toward the people around you.


Group members who are motivated mainly to fulfill personal needs play a __________.

Self-oriented role

Which of the following is the most important to cover in close of a meeting?

Remind participants that follow-up work is needed

True or False: The outcome of collaborative writing is usually inferior to what a single individual can produce.


Conducting successful virtual meetings requires ________ before the meeting and ________ during the meeting.

more planning, more diligence

Which of the following is a tool used by effective listeners to increase focus on the speaker?

Staying focused on the speaker and content.

During which phase of the listening process does the listener acknowledge hearing the message through non-verbal clues?

Responding (my guess)

Which of the following is an informal standard of conduct shared between group members, guiding member behavior?


True or False. The business aspect of a dinner meeting usually begins after entrée plates have been removed.


Which of the following is one of the three key questions to ask in order to create a productive agenda?

What are the goals of the meeting?

Rande expresses her feeling that the meeting resulted in a very ______ outcome.


Click on the sentence that uses correct punctuation. Choose one.

Peter has many hobbies: writing letter, reading mysteries, and collecting stamps.

Click on the sentence that uses punctuation correctly. Choose one.

In addition to Old Glory, several flags have flown over what is now Texas: Spanish, Mexican, Texan, and Confederate.

One of the following items contains a comma splice, another is a run-on ( or fused) sentence, and a third is correct. Click on the item that is correct. Chose one answer.

The Amish movement stems from the Mennonite church; it was founded by Jacob Ammon in 1698.

One of the following items contains a comma splice, another is a run-on ( or fused) sentence, and a third is correct. Click on the item that is correct. Chose one answer.

Bill spent all day in the library; however, he failed to finish his report.

Click on the sentence that uses punctuation correctly. Click one answer.

Richard and John Plantagenet were medieval English kings; there were sons of Henry II.

Choose the item that uses a comma or commas correctly. Choose one answer.

Located on Oahu and famous for its tropical beauty, Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii.

Click on the sentence that uses punctuation correctly. Choose one answer

Chaucer set his Canterbury Tales in fourteenth-century England; nonetheless, the speak quite clearly to twentieth-century America.

Click on the sentence that uses punctuation correctly. Choose one answer.

With the Saint Lawrence, the Great Lakes form one of the world's longest inland waterways; in fact it stretches over 1,100 miles.

Click on the sentence that uses punctuation correctly. Choose one answer

As he painted, his friends critiques his work.

Choose the sentence that uses correct punctuation. Choose one

Pasteur is famous for several medical milestones: vaccines for rabies in milk, now called pasteurization; and the germ theory of infection.

Choose the item that uses a comma or commas correctly. Choose one answer..

Nicholas check his hair constantly, for he thinks all the women in his office are looking at him.

Choose the item that uses a comma or commas correctly. Choose one

A British colony for more than 150 years, Hong Kong became part of the People's Republic of China near the end of 20th century.

Choose the item that uses comma or commas correctly..

Someone once said, and I believe it was Ovid, that love is a kind of warfare.

Click on the item below that contains a comma splice.

Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany about 110 kilometers from there is Wittenberg, where he nailed his ninety-five theses to the door.

One of the following items contains a comma splice, another is a run-on ( or fused) sentence, and a third is correct. Click on the item that is correct. Chose one answer.

After driving all night, all we wanted to do was go to bed, for we were exhausted.

As an approach to resolving conflict during team activities, a ________ proposes that both sides can satisfy their goals (at least to some extent) and seeks to minimize losses for everyone involved.

C) win-win strategy

Explanation: C) If you approach conflict with the idea that both sides can satisfy their goals to at least some extent (a win-win strategy), you can minimize losses for everyone.

Which of the following requires working together to meet complex challenges and is a key skill in a wide variety of professions?

A) Collaboration

Explanation: A) Collaboration is working together to meet complex challenges and is a prime skill expected in a wide range of professions. It's a virtual guarantee that you will need to collaborate in at least some of your work activities.

In participative management

A) employees are involved in the company's decision making.

Explanation: A) Participative management's aim is to improve decision making and efficiency by including employees in the decision-making process.

Which of the following is one of the advantages of using cross-functional teams for problem solving?

B) The diversity of opinions and experiences can lead to better decisions

Explanation: B) Problem-solving teams and task forces assemble to resolve specific issues and then disband when their goals have been accomplished. Such teams are often cross-functional, pulling together people from a variety of departments who have different areas of expertise and responsibility. The diversity of opinions and experiences can lead to better decisions, but competing interests can lead to tensions that highlight the need for effective communication.

All of the following EXCEPT ________ are elements of the group development process.

A) anticipation
B) emergence
C) brainstorming
D) reinforcement

Answer: A) anticipation

Explanation: A) According to the textbook, teams evolve through the following five stages: orientation, conflict, brainstorming, emergence, and reinforcement.

6) Which of the following is one of the disadvantages of teams?

C) Hidden agendas

Explanation: C) Some team members may have a hidden agenda—a private, counterproductive motive, such as a desire to take control of the group, to undermine someone else on the team, or to pursue a business goal that runs counter to the team's mission.

A ________ usually has a long life span and typically deals with regularly recurring tasks.

C) committee

Explanation: C) Committees are formal teams that usually have a long life span and can become a permanent part of the organizational structure.

Which of the following is an informal standard of conduct shared between group members, guiding member behavior?

D) Norms

Explanation: D) Productive teams tend to develop clear norms, informal standards of conduct that members share and that guide member behavior.

Which one of the following is NOT a dysfunctional team role?

C) Initiating

Explanation: C) Controlling, withdrawing, attention seeking, and diverting are dysfunctional, self-oriented roles that mainly fulfill individual rather than team needs.

Which type of team member role is most likely to work to help a team reach its goals?

E) Task-oriented

Explanation: E) Most likely to contribute to team goals are members who assume team-maintenance roles to help everyone work well together and those who assume task-oriented roles to help the team reach its goals.

Which type of communication barrier could be the result of multitasking?

Noise and distractions

Which of the following is the result of people receiving more information than they can process?

Information overload

What is the concept of communicating openly to give all participants access to the information they need to accurately process the messages they receive


Which of the following can help employees determine the right course of action to take in an ethical dilemma?

A code of ethics

Why is it important to get feedback from audience members after they receive a message?

- To help the audience remember the message
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the message
- To ensure the verbal and nonverbal messages are consistent
- To determine if the audience is motivated to respond
ANSWER: ????

True or False: Employee blogs can expose confidential information about a firm and damage the firm's reputation.


To actually receive a message, a person needs to do all of the following EXCEPT

comprehend the message

Which of the following is an expected behavior on the job?

Communicating ethically

What is the ability to relate to the needs of others?

Emotional intelligence

Which of the following is one way to increase the chance that your message is received by the audience?

Consider the audience's expectations for delivery

Which of the following approaches to conflict will allow all sides to satisfy at least part of their goals, and minimize losses for everyone?


The best time to distribute an agenda for a meeting is

before the meeting

When conducting business over a meal, when does the business aspect of the meal begin?

After the entrée is finished

________ focuses on the process and outcomes of communication, whereas ________ delivers criticism with no guidance to stimulate improvement

Constructive feedback; destructive feedback

Formal meetings are conducted according to ________, a time-tested method for planning and running meetings effectively.

parliamentary procedure

Which of the following is one of the ways used to encourage collaboration among new team members?

Allow members bonding time

If group members seem resistant to change, which of the following will encourage them to share their concerns?


Which of the following should be defined before shaping the direction and content of the meeting?


When an organization links employees with a supplier or customer that shares their interest, what type of network has been developed?

Community of practice

Because phone calls lack the visual richness of face-to-face conversations, you'll need to use ________ to convey confidence and professionalism.

attitude and tone of voice

True or False: After the​ meeting, Syl claims that Daniel did have a​ point, and that Bob will more than likely continue to discuss​ Daniel's personal life outside of the office. Is this statement true or​ false?



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