Which of the following is part of the micro environment of a firms marketing environment?

Which of the following is part of the micro environment of a firms marketing environment?



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1)Which of the following is part of the microenvironment of a firm's marketing environment?

A)the suppliers who work with the company

B)the political state of the country in which the firm exists

C)the different demographic trends in the market

D)the technological resources available to the company

E)the cultural forces that exist in a society


2)Demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces form the ________ of

an organization.



C)supply chain

D)internal environment

E)marketing intermediary network


3)The responsibility for setting a company's mission, objectives, broad strategies, and policies

primarily lies with its ________.

A)research department

B)human resource managers

C)top management

D)marketing managers

E)finance department


4)Which of the following is part of the microenvironment of a company's marketing environment?

A)a changing demographic picture that requires the firm to make product adaptations

B)a new technology that would ensure significant cost-cutting if implemented in the firm


uilding close relationships with its extensive network of suppliers

D)a set of environmental sustainability laws that significantly impact the company's production


E)a set of laws that require the company to scale down its telemarketing calls to customers


5)Which of the following would be placed in the 'Publics' category in the microenvironment?

A)newly formed companies that become competitors in the industry


anks, investments analysts and stockholders influencing the company's ability to obtain


C)a retailer that agrees to sell the products manufactured by a firm

D)FedEx and UPS delivering packages for Amazon

E)an advertising firm that develops a marketing campaign for a client


6)________ are distribution channel firms that help a company find customers or make sales to them.



C)Logistics firms


E)Credit companies



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Which of the following is part of the micro environment of a firms marketing environment?

Part 1




1. “________ fever” results from the convergence of a wide range of forces in the

marketing environment—from technological, economic, and demographic forces to

cultural, social, and political ones.

a. Marketing

b. Cultural

c. Technographic

d. Millennial

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 117

2. The ______________________ consists of the actors and forces outside marketing

that affect marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful

relationships with its target customers.

a. marketing organization

b. marketing system

c. marketing network

d. marketing environment

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 118

3. Which of the following terms best describes the environment that includes the forces

close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers—the company,

suppliers, marketing channel firms, customer markets, competitors, and publics?

a. microenvironment

b. macroenvironment

c. global environment

d. networked environment

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 118

4. All of the following would be considered to be in a company’s microenvironment


a. marketing channel firms.

b. political forces.

c. publics.

d. customer markets.

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 118

Which of the following is a part of the micro environment of a company's marketing environment?

Six components of micro environment are: Company, Suppliers, Marketing Intermediaries, Competitors, General Public and the Customers.

What is the micro environment in marketing?

the factors or elements in a firm's immediate environment which affect its performance and decision-making; these elements include the firm's suppliers, competitors, marketing intermediaries, customers and publics.

Which of the following is considered part of a company's marketing intermediaries?

independent firms which assist in the flow of goods and services from producers to end-users; they include agents, wholesalers and retailers; marketing services agencies; physical distribution companies; and financial institutions.

Which of the following is not part of the micro environment of a sport business?

A company's competitors are not part of its microenvironment.