Which of the following is the best definition of an information system group of answer choices?





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Terms in this set (195)

Which of the following is the best definition of an information system?

A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization

All of the following are new technology-related trends in MIS except

co creation of business value

Inadequate database capacity is an example of the ________ dimension of business problems.


A database into which employees manually input customer names and addresses is riddled with errors and you have been charged with rectifying the situation. In considering the organizational dimensions of this problem, you should consider:

the business processes in place governing the manual input of the data

Perhaps the most frequent error in problem solving is

rushing to judgement about the nature of a problem

A firm that must invest in a new information system in order to comply with federal legislation is investing to achieve which of the following business objectives?


Telepresence is an example of which of the following?

virtual meeting

All of the following describe the effects of globalization except

increases in transaction costs

An example of raw data from an automobile manufacturer would be:

1 Subaru Outback sold January 7, 2015 in Mount Kisco, New York for $25,000

All of the following are examples of environmental actors in an information system except


An example of a business using information systems for supplier intimacy is:

JCPenney's information system that allows its contract manufacturers to see what garments have been sold and need to be replaced.

Which of the following fields deals with behavioral issues, as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm?

management informations systems

To make sure they stock clothes that their customers will purchase, a department store implements a new application that analyzes spending levels at their stores and cross-references this data to popular clothing styles. Which of the following business objectives is this information intended to support?

customer intimacy

The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are:

input, processing, and output

Which type of system would you use to determine what trends in your supplier's industry will affect your firm the most in five years?


What analytical framework discussed in the chapter helps understand and evaluate the benefits and uses of collaboration tools?

time/space matrix

What is the most important benefit of an enterprise application?

enabling business functions and departments to share information

Which type of system would you use to forecast the return on investment if you used new suppliers with better delivery track records?


A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house-hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions would fall into the category of a/an:


The term management information systems refers to a specific category of information systems serving

middle management functions

Second Life is an example of a(n)

virtual world

A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm


Instant messaging, videoconferencing, and shared screens are all examples of ________ collaboration tools.


Which of the following best describes the type of information systems FWO implemented, as discussed in the chapter case?

cloud collaboration services

Which of the following types of systems could be used to enable different firms to work collaboratively on a product?


________ support making decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.


Which of the following would be primarily responsible for enterprise-wide governance and usage of information to maximize the value of an organization's data?


Employees that assist with paperwork at all levels of the firm are called:

data workers

Cisco's WebEx is an example of which of the following types of collaboration tools?

online meeting

An information system can enable a company to focus on a market niche through:

intensive customer data analysis

Which of the following can force a business and its competitors to compete on price alone?

transparent marketplace

You are the production manager for a manufacturer of bicycle parts. Which of the following tools or technologies would you use to improve production precision?

CAD software


compares the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes against strict standards

All of the following are psychological aspects of quality except

effective marketing

Which of the following illustrates the use of information systems to achieve product differentiation?

A PC manufacturer's use of information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production schedules

The reduction of errors to 3.4 defects per million opportunities is central to the concept of:

six sigma

Which of the following is not a true statement about value webs?

Value webs are inflexible and cannot adapt quickly to changes in supply and demand

When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a ________ strategy.

market niche

In a ________ system configuration, separate information systems are designed and managed by each foreign unit.


Which of the following statements about 3-D printing is not true?

Unlike traditional techniques, 3-D printing results in some wasted material

Which of the following illustrates the use of information systems to focus on market niche?

A hot tub dealer's use of information systems to determine which models and options its customers are most likely to buy

The idea that the more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the marginal gain in output, until a point is reached where the additional inputs produce no additional output, is referred to as:

the law of diminishing returns

The U.S. Department of Commerce developed a(n) ________ framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to legally use personal data from EU countries.

safe harbor

CVS refers to:

eyestrain related to computer display screen use.

Which of the following is not a U.S. federal law affecting private institutions?

Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act

________ are not held liable for the messages they transmit.

regulated common carriers

What percent of global Internet users use Google Search and other Google services?

nearly 80 percent

TRUSTe is an example of which of the following?

online seal program

According to a Wall Street Journal study, all of the following websites installed tracking files on visitor computers except:


According to the ________, you should take the action that produces the least harm.

risk aversion principle

A(n) ________ model of informed consent permits the collection of personal information until the consumer specifically requests that the data not be collected.

opt out

Which of the following is not true about the changes to EU data protection rules proposed in 2012?

the new rules would reject the right o be forgotton

The use of computers to combine data from multiple sources and create digital dossiers of detailed information on individuals is called:


In the information age, the obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the preservation of existing values and institutions fall within the moral dimension of

property rights and obligations

A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split between the two types of machines, is called a(n) ________ architecture.

two tiered client server

Which of the following is a visual programming tool and environment for creating applications that run on Microsoft Windows operating systems?

visual basic

Which of the following types of computer is used for weather forecasting on a national or worldwide scale?


You use ________ to predict when a computer hardware system becomes saturated

capacity planning

Running a Java program on a computer requires

a java virtual machine to be installed on the computer

Which of the following is not an essential characteristic of cloud computing?

open source software

________ describes the practices and technologies used to minimize the environmental effects of manufacturing and managing computing devices.

green computing

Microsoft Word is an example of

word-processing software

Linux plays a major role in supporting business information systems, and has garnered about ________ of the U.S. server market.

25 percent

All of the following are features of smartwatches except a(n)


Software that organizes, manages, and processes business data, such as data concerned with inventory, customers, and vendors, is called:

data management software

The select operation:

creates a subset consisting of all records in the file that meet stated criteria

In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are

select, project, and join

A table that links two tables that have a many-to-many relationship is often called a(n)

intersection relation

Access is a

DBMS for desktop system

Data mining is a tool for allowing users to:

find hidden relationships in data

Hadoop is a(n)

open-source software framework designed for distributing data-processing over inexpensive computers

The process of streamlining data to minimize redundancy and awkward many-to-many relationships is called


Businesses use ________ tools to search and analyze unstructured data sets, such as emails and memo

text mining

Which of the following allows users to add, change, delete, or retrieve data in a database?

data manipulation language

Detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant is called

data scrubbing

MongoDB and SimpleDB are both examples of:

NoSQL databases

Based on your reading of the examples in the chapter, what would be the best use of RFID for a business?

managing the supply chain

Which type of network serves a small group of computers, allowing them to share resources and peripherals without using a dedicated server?

peer to peer

What service converts IP addresses into more recognizable alphanumeric names?


A LAN could be used to connect all of the following except:

all of the computers in a city

A network that spans a city, and sometimes its major suburbs as well, is called a:


Instant messaging is a type of ___________ service


Which of the following is a challenge posed by Wi-Fi networks?

Susceptibility to interference from nearby wireless systems

The "Internet of Things" refers to:

a vision of a pervasive web in which common objects are connected to and controlled over the Internet.

The total amount of digital information that can be transmitted through any telecommunications medium is measured in:


Which of the following enables multiple users to create and edit web documents?


A keylogger is a type of:


Redirecting a web link to a different address is a form of:


Statements ranking information risks and identifying security goals are included in a(n):

security policy

Which of the following defines acceptable uses of a firm's information resources and computing equipment?

an AUP

Specific security challenges that threaten corporate servers in a client/server environment include:

hacking, vandalism, and denial of service attacks

Which of the following statements about wireless security is not true?

Bluetooth is the only wireless technology that is not susceptible to hacking by eavesdroppers.

Pharming involves:

pretending to be a legitimate business's representative in order to garner information about a security system

All of the following countries are popular sources of malware attacks except:


A digital certificate system

uses third-party CAs to validate a user's identity

Which of the following is not an example of inefficiencies in the supply chain?

high switching costs

A supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases follows a ________ model.

pull based

Which of the following is not an example of a next-generation enterprise application?

social CRM

The business value of an effective supply-chain management system includes all of the following except:

increased inventory levels

Enterprise application vendors are now including ________ features such as tools for data visualization, flexible reporting, and ad hoc analysis as part of the application.

business intelligence

A distortion of information about the demand for a product as it passes from one entity to the next across the supply chain is called the ________ effect.


Implementing enterprise software from Oracle enabled Alcoa to achieve all of the following except:

obtain lower prices for raw materials

You have been asked to implement enterprise software for a manufacturer of kitchen appliances. What is the first step you should take?

select the functions of the system you wish to use

Varying a product's price according to the supply situation of the seller is called ________ pricing.


Which of the following is the fastest growing form of location-based service in 2015?

on demand economy firms

Which of the following best describes the digital social graph?

a mapping of all online social relationships

The effort required to locate a suitable product is called:

search costs

Information ________ exists when one party in a transaction has more information that is important for the transaction than the other party.


Which of the following dimensions of e-commerce technology involves engaging consumers in a dialog that dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual?


Which of the following dimensions of e-commerce technology has the potential to raise the quality of information?

information density

Which dimension of quality means that a decision should reflect a rational process?


GDSS are designed to

implement structured methods for organizing and evaluating ideas

________ help media firms store and manage unstructured digital data such as photographs, images, videos, and audio files.

digital asset management systems

What type of model asks what-if questions repeatedly to determine the impact on outcomes of changes in one or more factors?

sensitivity analysis

An inference engine is:

a strategy used to search through the rule base in an expert system

CAD workstations

provide design engineers with precise, three-dimensional representations of their models.

In ________, descriptions of past experiences of human specialists, represented as cases, are stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a new case with similar parameters.


Changes in hardware, software, documentation, or production to a production system to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing efficiencies are termed:


The primary tool for representing a system's component processes and the flow of data between them is the

data flow diagram

To show each level of a system's design, its relationship to other levels, and its place in the overall design structure, structured methodologies use:

structure charts

Which of the following is not a typical tool or technique used in responsive design?

table based layouts

Which is the last step in developing a new information system?


Groups of objects are assembled into software components for common functions, which can be combined into large-scale business applications, in which type of software development?

component based development


transfers raw data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used

Walmart exemplifies the power of information systems coupled with excellent business practices and supportive management to achieve which of the following?

operational effiency

Verizon's implementation of a web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real-time information, such as customer complaints, is an example of:

improved decision making

The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most of a company's members is called its:


As discussed in the chapter opening case, the San Francisco Giants are taking advantage of wireless technology to do which of the following?

enhance fan experience

A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives?


Which type of system would you use to determine the five suppliers with the worst record in delivering goods on time?


A wiki is a type of collaborative:


The use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called:

e business

IBM Connections is an example of which of the following?

enterprise social networking tool

Which type of system would you use to change a production schedule if a key supplier was late in delivering goods?

SCM system

Caterpillar Corporation is example of which of the following:

domestic exporter

All of the following are ways to improve quality except:

implementing a new information system

The ________ strategy is characterized by heavy centralization of corporate activities in the home country of origin.

domestic exporter

In network economics, the value of a commercial software vendor's software products:

increases as more people use them

To what competitive force did the printed encyclopedia industry succumb?

substitute products or services

Redesigning and automating business processes can be seen as a double-edged sword because

increases in efficiency may be accompanied by job losses

Which of the following protects the authors of a book from having their work copied by others?

copyright law

All of the following laws apply to actions by the federal government except:

the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

Which of the following is not a file-sharing service?


Linux is

an example of open source software

ZipRealty, which combines Google Maps with real estate data, is an example of:

a mashup

What would be a reason for using a workstation rather than a personal computer?

when you need more powerful computational abilities

Software that manages the resources of the computer is called:

system software

Common data quality problems include all of the following except:

Internet connectivity problems

A one-to-one relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends

in two short marks

The smallest unit of data a computer can handle is called a:


A(n) ________ is a structured survey of the accuracy and level of completeness of the data in an information system.

data quality audit

The most appropriate wireless networking standard for creating PANs is:


IPv6 was developed in order to:

create more IP addresses

Which organization helps define the overall structure of the Internet?


Which of the following statements about passwords is not true?

authentication cannot be established by the use of a password

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

imposes responsibility on companies and management to safeguard the accuracy of financial information.

A firewall allows the organization to:

enforce a security policy on data exchanged between its network and the Internet.

Data from which of the following is not used as an input by analytical CRM applications?


A network of organizations and business processes for procuring raw materials, transforming these materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers is called a(n):

supply chain

Which of the following would not be considered a contact point?


Which of the following Internet business models involves creating an online digital environment that enables people with like interests to share information?

community provider

Which of the following best illustrates the advertising revenue model?

Pandora provides free service with limited play and advertising.

Which of the following statements about B2B e-commerce is not true?

B2B e-commerce represents approximately 10% of the overall B2B marketplace

In a data flow diagram, external entities are represented by

square boxes

Users prefer systems that:

are oriented to facilitating organizational tasks and solving business problems.

Which of the following is an important skill for an accounting major?

An understanding of online transaction and reporting systems

Which of the following is a global network that uses universal standards to connect millions of different networks around the world?

the internet

________ technology allows a videoconference participant to give the appearance of being present at a location other than his or her true physical location


Which of the following refers to the purchase or sale of goods and services over the Internet?

e commerce

The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called:

best practices

________ systems are those in which development occurs at the home base, but operations are handed over to autonomous units in foreign locations.


"Look and feel" copyright infringement lawsuits are concerned with:

the distinction between an idea and its expression

Which of the following is not protected by copyright law?


An analyst asked to perform capacity planning for a system would need to take into account all of the following factors except:

the purchase price of a new computer hardware equipment

The logical view of a database:

presents data as they would be perceived by end users

________ integrate(s) disparate channels for voice communications, data communications, instant messaging, email, and electronic conferencing into a single experience.

unified communications

Which of the following specifically makes malware distribution and hacker attacks to disable websites a federal crime?

National Information Infrastructure Protection Act

The measurement of the number of customers who stop using or purchasing products or services from a company is called:

churn rate

Geoadvertising sends ads to users based on their:

GPS locations

Which types of decisions are more prevalent at lower organizational levels?

structured decisions

Which of the following types of systems development is characterized by significantly speeding the generation of information requirements and involving users at an intense level in the systems design?


Which of the following is an example of a business using information systems to create new products and services?

Apple's creation of the iPad

Which of the following is not a true statement with respect to business processes?

The efficiency of a business firm is not related to its business processes

Internet technology:

makes it easy for rivals to compete on price alone

_________ prohibits an organization from collecting any personal information unless the individual specifically takes action to approve information collection and use.

the opt in model

In order to manage their relationship with an outsourcer or technology service provider, firms need a contract that includes a(n):


In terms of the data relationships found by data mining, associations refers to:

occurences linked to a single event

Which signal types are represented by a continuous waveform?


An independent computer program that copies itself from one computer to another over a network is called a


According to the case study on Unilever, over a ten-year period, Unilever reduced the number of ERP systems it had from ________ to ________.

250; 4

Which of the following best illustrates the sales revenue model?

Apple accepts micropayments for single music track downloads

To automate routine tasks to help firms search for and filter information for use in electronic commerce and supply chain management, a firm would most likely use:

intelligent agents

The process of creating workable information systems in a very short period of time is called:


In choosing the best solution for a business problem, all of the following are important considerations except:

the ability to forget about the problem once it has been solved

Identifying potential customers for the businesses' products or services is an activity associated with the ________ function.

sales and marketing

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Each week, the number of acceptable-quality units of a drug that are processed by a machine is observed: > 100, 50–100, 1–50, 0 (indicating that the machine was broken during the week). Given last week’s observation, the probability distribution of next week’s observation is as follows. $$ \begin{array}{l} {>100} {50-100} {1-50} {0}$\end{array}$ \left[ $$ \begin{array}{cccc}{>100} & {50-100} & {1-50} & {0} \\ {.8} & {.1} & {.05} & {.05} \\ {.1} & {.6} & {.1} & {.2} \\ {.1} & {.1} & {.5} & {.3} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} & {1}\end{array} $$ \right] $$ For example, if we observe a week in which more than 100 units are produced then there is a .10 chance that during the next week 50– 100 units are produced. a. Suppose last week the machine produced 200 units. On average, how many weeks will elapse before the machine breaks down? b. Suppose last week the machine produced 50 units. On average, how many weeks will elapse before the machine breaks down?

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What is the best definition of information system?

information system, an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products.

What is an information system quizlet?

What is an information system? An integrated human-machine system that combines hardware, software, databases, and telecommunications networks. It collects and processes data into information used for decision making at all levels of the organization.

What is known as information system?

An information system is the information and communication technology (ICT) that an organization uses, and also the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes.

Which of the following are part of the definition of an information system?

“Information systems are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, typically in organizational settings.”


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