Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

d) Meats

Dietary proteins come from animal and plant food sources. Milk, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes (peas, beans, and peanuts), nuts, and components of grains are good sources of proteins. Animal sources contain all the essential amino acids and thus are sources of complete proteins. Green vegetables, citrus fruits, and roots and tubers are sources of vitamins and carbohydrates and will not help overcome protein deficiency.

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Personal Health

2nd EditionKerry J Redican, Phillip B Sparling

106 solutions

Bouillon, apple juice, and gelatin


Clear liquid diets contain foods that are clear liquids at room temperature or body temperature, such as gelatin, fat-free broth, bouillon, ice pops, clear juices, carbonated beverages, regular and decaffeinated coffee, and tea. Full liquid diets contain all the items on a clear liquid diet, but also include milk and milk drinks, custards, puddings, plain frozen desserts, pasteurized eggs, cereal gruels, vegetable juices, and milk and egg substitutes.

bouillon, apple juice, and gelatin

Clear liquid diets contain foods that are clear liquids at room temperature or body temperature, such as gelatin, fat-free broth, bouillon, ice pops, clear juices, carbonated beverages, regular and decaffeinated coffee, and tea. Full liquid diets contain all the items on a clear liquid diet, but also include milk and milk drinks, custards, puddings, plain frozen desserts, pasteurized eggs, cereal gruels, vegetable juices, and milk and egg substitutes.

"Can you share an example of what you ate yesterday?"

Healthy adult client on average require 1,800 to 2,400 cal/day. Unless the caloric intake includes an appropriate mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, the person may be marginally nourished or malnourished. In other words, consuming 2,400 calories of chocolate, exclusive of any other food, is not adequate to sustain a healthy state. By asking the client for an example of the foods eaten, the nurse can help the client plan effectively. It is important to teach clients about healthy nutrition, so this response is most appropriate. The other responses from the nurse are not correct.

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Medical Language

4th EditionBSN MA, Susan Turley

2,246 solutions

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Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Law and Ethics for Health Professions

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Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Medical Assisting Review: Passing The CMA, RMA, and CCMA Exams

7th EditionJahangir Moini

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Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Medical Terminology for Health Professions

8th EditionAnn Ehrlich, Carol L Schroeder, Katrina A Schroeder, Laura Ehrlich

1,792 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN quizlet?

Introduction to Global Health

2nd EditionKathryn H Jacobsen

116 solutions

Which of the following is the best indicator that a patient needs TPN?

Which laboratory test is the best indicator of a client in need of TPN? Explanation: Assessment of serum albumin level is the best indicator of a client in need of total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Clients whose levels are 2.5 g/dL or less are at severe risk for malnutrition.

Which of the following would be a reason for a patient to receive a TPN?

TPN is used when all or part of a person's digestive system does not work. A person may need TPN because of a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that severly linits the ability of their digestive tract. A person may not be able to swallow food, move the food through the digestive system, or absorb nutrients from the food.

What are common indications for the use of parenteral nutrition?

Indications for total parenteral nutrition.
Inadequate absorption resulting from short bowel syndrome..
Gastrointestinal fistula..
Bowel obstruction..
Prolonged bowel rest..
Severe malnutrition, significant weight loss and/or hypoproteinaemia when enteral therapy is not possible..

What lab value indicates TPN is effective?

CORRECT. A serum albumin of 4.0 is within normal and desired range (3.5 to 5.0 g/dL) and indicates a therapeutic effect of TPN.