Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?

Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?

Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?

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Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?
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Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?
Chapter 7: Motivation: from concepts to applications
Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?
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43) The two most common forms of representative participation are ________ and board representatives.A) quality circlesB) work councilsC) employee unionsD) task teamsE) cross-functional teams

44) The main drawback of representative participation as an employee involvement measure is that ________.

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45) Woodworth & Baines is a retail chain that has taken up numerous measures to improve employee attitude,motivation, and organizational performance. New training programs, employee engagement initiatives, and anemployee welfare council were the three main strategies implemented as part of the employee empowermentprogram. Norman Kilner was one of twenty employees nominated to the employee welfare council where theywere required to interact with the management to promote the interests of the employees. Additionally, the jobroles of these twenty employees were vertically enhanced to give them more autonomy in the organization.However, six months into the employee empowerment program, a survey by HR revealed no actual change inemployee attitudes. Similarly, a survey conducted by the production manager revealed that work productivityhad not increased by any substantial measure either. Which of the following, if true, would best explain thisoutcome?

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  • School Pamukkale University - Denizli Vocational School of Social Sciences
  • Course Title MGT 340
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Uploaded By porto2222
  • Pages 22
  • Ratings 95% (55) 52 out of 55 people found this document helpful

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39) Which of the following is the distinct characteristic of participative management programs?A) joint decision makingB) representative participationC) performance normsD) establishment of work councilsE) autocratic decision makingAnswer:Explanation:A) The distinct characteristic common to all participative management programs isjoint decision making, in which subordinates share a significant degree of decision-makingpower with their immediate superiors.A

40) Participative management is a method of management where ________.C

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Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?

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Explanation:C) Participative management is joint decision making, in which subordinates sharea significant degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors.41) The two major forms of employee involvement are participative management and ________.C

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42) Representative participation is characterized by ________.E

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43) The two most common forms of representative participation are ________ and boardrepresentatives.A) quality circlesB) work councilsC) employee unionsD) task teamsE) cross-functional teamsAnswer:Explanation:B) The two most common forms of representative participation are work councilsand board representatives.B

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Organizational studies and human resource management, Profit sharing, Gainsharing

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Which of the following is the distinctive characteristic of participative management programs?

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What are the characteristics of participatory organization?

Ethical Dimensions: Participatory management has ethical dimensions and based on morals, principles and values. In this form of management, every one is treated equally when it comes to organizational decision making. It is based on employee empowerment, responsibility sharing and delegation of authority.

What are the examples of participative management?

Let's explore the most common types through these participative management examples:.
Consultation. As the name suggests, managers ask individuals for their inputs before making a decision or implementing changes. ... .
Joint Decision-Making. ... .
Employee-Owned. ... .
Delegating Power. ... .
Motivating Teams. ... .
Fostering Collaboration..

What is the participative style of management?

What Is Participative Leadership? Participative leadership is a management style in which managers invite their whole team into most decision-making processes. All team members are given information regarding company decisions and are able to give their input before a final decision is made.

What is participative management quizlet?

Participative management. A style where management and employees make decisions together (employees participate).