Which of the following led directly to the extent of Buddhist influence indicated on the map?

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Questions 1-4 refer to the following information.

"After the Tencteri came, in former days, the Bructeri; but the general account now is, that the Chamavi and Angrivarii entered their settlements, drove them out and utterly exterminated them with the common help of the [neighboring] tribes, either from hatred of their tyranny, or from the attractions of plunder, or from heaven's [favorable] regard for us. It did not even grudge us the spectacle of the conflict. More than sixty thousand fell, not beneath the Roman arms and weapons, but, grander far, before our delighted eyes. May the tribes, I pray, ever retain if not love for us, at least hatred for each other; for while the destinies of empire hurry us on, fortune can give no greater boon than discord among our foes."

Germania, Publius Cornelius Tacitus, ca. 98 C.E.

1. Which of the following conclusions about imperial treatment of "barbarian" (foreign) peoples in the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. is most directly supported by the passage?

A. Empires encouraged rival tribes to destroy one another to reduce threats to the state.

B. Empires welcomed migrations of barbarian peoples as sources of military manpower or economic productivity.

C. Empires used military force against all neighboring barbarian peoples as a means of expanding their influence.

D. Empires used religion to convert barbarian peoples so that they might become friendlier to the state.

2. The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Roman society?

A. Disgust for barbarian peoples

B. Concern about barbarian attacks

C. Absence of Stoicism among the aristocracy

D. Maintenance of large armies

3. Which of the following contributed LEAST to the decline of the Roman Empire?

A. Civil wars between rivals for the throne

B. Incursions of barbarian peoples into the empire

C. The persistence of the senate as a body of government in the empire

D. Demographic weakness on account of diseases and epidemics

4. Which of the following is a treatment of barbarian peoples by civilized societies in the period 600–1450 C.E. that is similar to the treatment of barbarian peoples by civilized societies between 600 B.C.E. and 600 C.E.?

A. Barbarian peoples were converted to the religions of their host societies.

B. Barbarian peoples were utilized as soldiers in their host societies.

C. Barbarian peoples were uniformly relegated to a servile status through the laws of their host societies.

D. Barbarian peoples were often invited by their host societies to rule instead of the societies' own ruling classes.

Questions 5-8 refer to the following information.

Spread of Buddhism c. 500 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.

5. Which of the following was a direct result of the spread of Buddhism shown on the map?

A. Indian princes and kings largely ceased their support of Buddhist monasteries by 600 C.E.

B. Merchant activity between India and Southeast Asia increased.

C. Missionaries brought Buddhism outside of India via major trade routes.

D. Chinese emperors under the Tang Dynasty passed decrees banning Buddhist practices.

6. Which of the following led directly to the extent of Buddhist influence indicated on the map?

A. Invasions of Northern India by the Kushanas and Hunas

B. Royal edicts declared by Emperor Asoka and his successors

C. Japanese Imperial sponsorship of monasteries and monks

D. Strong trade routes linking South, Central, and East Asia

7. Which of the following contributed most to the decline of Buddhism in India after 600 C.E.?

A. The strengthening of the influence of the caste system across the subcontinent

B. The domination of Indian Ocean trade routes by Arab merchants

C. The lack of a well-defined role for women in Buddhist hierarchies

D. The rise of the Gupta Empire

8. Which of the following most inspired the emergence of Buddhism?

A. The strength of Indian rulers

B. The strict adherence to Hindu castes and their legal restrictions

C. The penetration of Greek philosophies into India

D. The strength of trade routes between India and the rest of the world


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