Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

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Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

American Government

1st EditionGlen Krutz

412 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

269 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

Criminal Justice in America

9th EditionChristina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole

105 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

American Corrections

11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

160 solutions

The phenomenon of ______________ is referred to as the "revolving door".
a. former elected officials taking lobbying jobs

b. movement of experienced workers from one interest group to another

c. interest group success on one issue, followed by identification of a new issue, followed by success on that issue, etc.
d. interest group officials achieving such a high profile that they are then elected to public office

e. Congress dealing with a seemingly endless series of interest groups

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

American Government

1st EditionGlen Krutz

412 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

American Corrections

11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

160 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

Criminal Justice in America

9th EditionChristina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole

105 solutions

Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

269 solutions

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Which of the following makes it difficult to regulate interest groups Quizlet

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Terms in this set (28)

Someone who lobbies on behalf of a company that he or she works for as part of his or her job is ________.

an in-house lobbyist

How are collective goods different from private goods?

Collective goods offer broadly distributed benefits, while private goods offer particularized benefits.

Why might several competing corporations join together in an association?

because there is often strength in numbers

because they often have common issues that may affect an entire industry

because they can all benefit from governmental policies

(all of the above)

What benefits do private and public interests bring to society? What are some disadvantages of private and public interests?

Citizens have the opportunity for private and collective goods. Many private goods are given to the elite and not distributed properly and unfortunately many collective goods are not funded properly.

What type of incentives appeal to someone's concern about a cause?

purposive incentives

Which of the following is the best example of a solidarity benefit?

joining a group to be with others like you

What are some ways to overcome collective action problems?

Incentives that help overcome collective action problems include material, solidary, and purposive benefits. These are often offered by group leaders. Sometimes, political, economic, or social disturbances help overcome collective action problems by mobilizing groups.

Why do some groups have an easier time overcoming collective action problems?

Some of them are smaller, with less people they have similar opinions. This leads to free riding being more difficult. Also, financial variables affect groups in different ways which directly correlates to a groups resilience against collective action problems.

What changes have occurred in the lobbying environment of the past three or four decades

there is more professional lobbying, many interesting in lobby both the national government and the states, a fragmentation of interests has taken place
(All of the above)

Which of the following is an aspect of iron triangles?

a symbiotic relationship among Congressional committees, executive agencies, and interest groups

What does group participation provide to citizens?

By joining interest groups, individuals can participate in ways that go beyond simple voting. They can interact with others with similar views. They can become civically engaged by becoming more connected to their communities, they can participate in protests and letter-writing campaigns, and they can inform others about the issues.

Why don't lower income groups participate more in the interest group system?

Many citizens who fall in the lower income groups may have to work more, or work multiple jobs, therefore, they may feel like they do not have time. Their financial stability also affects their ability to pay dues.

What are some barriers to participation?

Numerous barriers prevent people from participating in politics. Some people lack time or other resources to participate. Lower-income individuals and groups may lack the necessary civic skills to participate effectively. Institutional barriers like voter identification laws may disproportionately affect some people more than others.

Which of the following is true of spending in politics?

The Supreme Court has opposed restrictions on spending on politics.

What is a difference between a PAC and a super PAC?

Conservative interests favor PACs over super PACs.

How do interest groups lobby the juridical branch?

They may lobby the executive branch about judicial issues or they will file amicus briefs. This is a document that presents legal arguments why the court should make a decision a certain way.

How do interest groups and their lobbyists decide which lawmakers do lobby? And where do they do so?

By supporting candidates and encouraging them to sponsor the laws that they are in favor of. Certain lawmakers can be targeted due to their rank or importance.

Revolving door laws are designed to do which of the following?

prevent lawmakers from utilizing their legislative relationships by becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office

In what ways are lobbyists regulated?

Certain activities are prohibited, contributions must be disclosed, & lobbying is prohibited immediately after leaving office.
(all of the above)

How might disclosure requirements affect

Certain activities are not allowed, for example, one cannot lobby immediately following leaving office. Contributions must also be disclosed.

How might we get more people engaged in the interest group system?

Encouraging citizens in the idea that their voice has a significant impact on our nation and that their voice needs to be heard.

See interest groups good or bad for democracy? Defend and explain your answer.

Interest groups are good for democracy because they give a voice to the people. Democracy is a government by the people, therefore it is important that regular citizens, not just political elites, are able to share their viewpoints on various legislation.

Why does it matter how we define interest group?

It is important because interest groups are a voice of the people, but not all people are represented in interest groups. Due to social and economical factors the loudest voices may not be the majority's opinion.

How do collective action problems serve as barriers to group formation, mobilization, and maintenance? If you where a leader, how would you overcome these problems?

Collective action gives benefit to a large group, not necessarily just the people that are speaking up. If this was the case, and I was a leader, I would be very forward about what the individuals would gain from being a part of the outspoken individuals, besides the outcome they might get because others worked hard on their behalf.

Is it possible to balance the pursuit of private goods with the need to promote the public good? Is this balance a desired goal?

Yes and I believe it is possible because, private goods are usually more abundant that public goods, but they are not given to any one other than the elite. If we could find a balance in this, more people would benefit from both .

How representative are interest groups in the United States? Do you agree that "all active and legitimate groups have the potential to make themselves heard" or is this potential and illusion? Explain your answer

I think that interest groups are not fully representative of the citizens as a whole, because the interest groups consist of more elite individuals, rather than middle or lower class. I believe that all interest groups are heard but I don't believe that all interest groups are actively listened to.

Evaluate the citizens united decision. Why might the court have considered campaign contributions a form of speech? Would the founders have agreed with the decision? Why or why not?

They could have looked at spending as free speech because instead of supporting something with word they were supporting it with economic resources, still showing their support for their cause. I do not believe that the founders would have agreed, because speech is not the same as resources due to not all individuals having the same access to resources, throughout our country.

How do we regulate interest groups and lobbying activity? What are the goals of these regulations? Do you think these regulations achieve their objectives? Why or why not? If you could alter the way we regulate interest group activity and lobbying, how might you do so in a way consistent with the constitution and recent Supreme Court decisions?

Groups have to register with the government, there can be no contact between members of Congress and the lobbyist, and executive branch members cannot receive gifts from lobbyists. The goal of these regulations due to past instances where lobbyists have used their financial resources to alter political situations. I do not think that they achieve their objectives due to elites finding ways around the laws and regulations. Politics are still highly influenced by financial contributions.

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Why is it difficult to measure the influence of interest groups quizlet?

Interest groups are uncertain when gauging measures for public opinions because it is difficult to know which people are apart of a specific group and who has been pressured to support the group.

How is interest group lobbying regulated quizlet?

How is interest group lobbying regulated? Lobbying firms must disclose how much each of their clients pay annually. An interest group must disclose which employees spend more than 20 percent of their time lobbying. Lobbying firms must annually disclose who their clients are.

What are some criticisms of interest groups quizlet?

What are the criticisms of interest groups? Some interest groups have out of proportion influence compared to the size of the group. It is hard to tell how many people a group really represents. Many groups don't represent the views of the people they say they represent.

What is the main obstacle preventing the formation of interest groups quizlet?

The collective action problem is the main obstacle preventing interest groups from forming.