Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by US federal regulations quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by U.S. federal regulations? The research team must obtain IACUC approval for the proposed research procedures prior to starting the work.


What best describes the purpose of IRB?

The purpose of IRB review is to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in the research.

What is the primary purpose of the 3Rs concept from Russell and Burch ?’?

According to Russell and Burch, the ultimate aim of the 3Rs was to abolish inhumanity (or distress), and thereby achieve humanity, which explains the title of their book. They distinguished between direct and contingent inhumanity.

Which statement best describes what an IRB is responsible for reviewing?

Terms in this set (7)

– FDA states that IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects.

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg Code quizlet?

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg Code: It was created in response to the harms caused by Nazi researchers around the time of the Second World War.

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by U.S. federal regulations? The research team must obtain IACUC approval for the proposed research procedures prior to starting the work.

Which of the following most accurately describes an institutional conflict of interest?

Which of the following most accurately describes an institutional conflict of interest? It occurs when an institution’s financial or non-financial interests could interfere with its research activities.

Which of the following most accurately describes the main purpose of the OMB circulars?

Which of the following most accurately describes the main purpose of the OMB Circulars? They outline the rules for the financial management of sponsored projects.

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg co?

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg Code: It was created in response to the harms caused by Nazi researchers around the time of the Second World War.

What are 3Rs respectively in animal experimentation?

The 3 Rs stand for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement. Replacement alternatives refer to methods which avoid or replace the use of animals.

What best describes the purpose of the IRB quizlet?

What is the purpose of Institutional Review Board (IRB)? The purpose it to give ethical approval to the study.

Which of the following most accurately describes the responsibilities of a trainee?

Which of the following most accurately describes the responsibilities of a trainee in the mentoring relationship? The trainee must take an active role in the relationship and clearly communicate needs and expectations. Takes a sincere interest in the growth and development of a trainee.

Which of the following most accurately describes technological momentum?

Which of the following most accurately describes technological momentum? It is a system’s inertia or resistance to change. Michael McFarland argues that proximity is one reason why researchers have an obligation to help the public.

Which of the following most accurately describes the main goal of RCR education and training quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes the main goal of RCR education and training? To promote greater awareness of proper research practice and research ethics.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes review process for grant proposals?

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the review process for grant proposals? Funding agencies usually have committees, often with external reviewers, that assess the quality of the proposal. … The identity of the author is revealed to the reviewer.

Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis?

Which of the following most accurately describes the “reproducibility crisis?” It is a problem that can potentially affect any research field.

What does RCR stand for quizlet?

CITI- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Which of the following most accurately describes voluntary committed cost sharing?

Which of the following most accurately describes voluntary committed cost sharing? It means that the cost share is quantified in the proposal but not required by the sponsor.

Which of the following most directly contributed to the establishment of the National Research Act and the creation of the Belmont Report quizlet?

Which of the following most directly contributed to the establishment of the National Research Act and the creation of the Belmont Report: The Tuskegee Study.

Which of the following most accurately describes Allocability quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes allocability? It refers to how direct expenses are calculated based on the benefit to the project. What are the main elements necessary for ensuring that costs are appropriately charged?

Which statement most accurately describes a conflict of commitment quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes a conflict of commitment? It occurs when outside activities interfere with obligations to one’s primary employer.

Which of the following most accurately describes a conflict of conscience?

Which statement most accurately describes a conflict of conscience? It occurs when an individual’s personal beliefs could affect the performance or outcome of research. It occurs when financial interests bias research. It occurs when researchers have two or more responsibilities to complete at the same time.

Which of the following most accurately describes the practice of ghost authorship? It is a situation where the individual who wrote the manuscript is not listed as an author.

What is the main function of the Bayh Dole Act quizlet?

What is the main function of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 as it relates to academic institutions? Your answer : It allows institutions to have control over the intellectual property from federally-funded research.

Which of the following most accurately describes an 2 CFR Part 200.425 2 audit?

Which of the following most accurately describes an 2 CFR Part 200.425(2) audit? It is an annual audit of an organization that receives over a certain threshold of federal funds each year.

Which of the following is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct?

Among the options mentioned, good mentoring is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct.

What does considering the Three Rs refinement mean?

Refinement alternatives refer to the modification of husbandry or experimental procedures to minimize pain and distress, and to enhance the welfare of an animal used in science from the time it is born until its death.

What does considering the Three Rs reduction mean?

3 Rs must be considered when evaluating proposals

This means that animals should only be used when there are no alternatives. Any harm to animals must be minimised, and weighed against the benefit to humans or other animals.

What are the 3 Rs in the environmental ethics?

Recycling and Garbage Bins

Garbage and recycling bins help illustrate the three Rs—Refuse or Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle–for lessening plastic waste in the environment.

What best describes the purpose of the IRB?

This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects. The purpose of IRB review is to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in the research.

What is the IRB quizlet?

An IRB consists of a group of scholars from various departments who are mandated to review proposals to ensure that they comply with ethical guidelines and write a summary of proposed risks to subjects. … You just studied 2 terms!

What best describes the purpose of the IRB psychology?

What is the purpose of an institutional review board (IRB)? Judge overall risk/benefit of research projects, determine whether appropriate safeguards are being implemented in research.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes a fundamental feature of mentoring?

Which of the following statements most accurately describes a fundamental feature of mentoring? It is a mechanism to transmit ethical standards of professional conduct. … Mentors can teach trainees about aspects of academic life that are not covered in textbooks.

Which statement best describes what an IRB is responsible for reviewing?

Terms in this set (7)

– FDA states that IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects.

When authors summarize the work of others they typically should?

When authors summarize the work of others, they typically should: Provide a condensed (shorter) version of the original material. Proper paraphrasing of a sentence written by someone else may be accomplished by: Using your own words and writing voice to express the idea conveyed in the sentence.

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by US federal regulations quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by U.S. federal regulations? The research team must obtain IACUC approval for the proposed research procedures prior to starting the work.

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg Code quizlet?

Which statement most accurately describes the process leading to the development of the Nuremberg Code: It was created in response to the harms caused by Nazi researchers around the time of the Second World War.

Which of the following comes closest to describing the purpose of an IRB?

Which of the following comes closest to describing the purpose of an IRB? In order to conduct research involving human subjects a university must send research through an institutional review board (IRB).

What does RCR stand for in research?

The responsible conduct of research (RCR) is essential to good science. RCR promotes the aims of scientific inquiry, fosters a research environment that enables scientists to work together toward common goals, and promotes public confidence in scientific knowledge and progress for the public good.

Which of the following most accurately describes the green revolution?

Which of the following most accurately describes the Green Revolution? It involved mobilizing a technological system to improve food production.

Which of the following most accurately describes data lifecycle management DLM quizlet?

Whether there is ongoing communication about goals and responsibilities. Which of the following most accurately describes data lifecycle management (DLM)? It refers to the tools and processes for handling data during a research study and after it concludes.

What is true about the use of animals in research?

Animals are good research subjects for a variety of reasons. They are biologically similar to humans and susceptible to many of the same health problems. Also, they have short life-cycles so they can easily be studied throughout their whole life-span or across several generations.

Which of the following is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct quizlet?

Among the options mentioned, good mentoring is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct.

Which of the following most directly contributed to the establishment of the National Research Act and the creation of the Belmont Report quizlet?

Which of the following most directly contributed to the establishment of the National Research Act and the creation of the Belmont Report: The Tuskegee Study.

Which of the following most accurately describes the main goal of RCR education and training quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes the main goal of RCR education and training? To promote greater awareness of proper research practice and research ethics.