Which of the following most directly contributed to the major pattern depicted on the map quizlet?

"The first we heard [while Smith was exploring the James River in May] was that 400 Indians the day before had assaulted the fort and surprised it. . . . With all speed we palisadoed [built barricades around] our fort;... The day before the ship's departure the king of [the] Pamunkey sent [an] Indian... to assure us peace, our fort being then palisadoed round, and all our men in good health and comfort, albeit... it did not so long continue."[By September] most of our chiefest men [were] either sick or discontented, the rest being in such despair as they would rather starve and rot with idleness than be persuaded to do anything for their own relief without constraint. Our victuals being now within eighteen days spent, and the Indian trade decreasing, I was sent to the mouth of the river to Kegquouhtan, an Indian town, to trade for corn, and try the river for fish, but our fishing we could not effect by reason of the stormy weather. The Indians, thinking us near famished, with careless kindness offered us little pieces of bread and small handfuls of beans or wheat for a hatchet or a piece of copper. In like manner I entertained their kindness and in like... offered them like commodities, but the children, or any that showed extraordinary kindness, I liberally contented with free gift of such trifles as well contented them."

Smith's description of the Pamunkey people's interactions with the Virginia colonists best serves as evidence of which of the following characteristics of American Indians along the Eastern Seaboard in the 1600s?

"The first we heard [while Smith was exploring the James River in May] was that 400 Indians the day before had assaulted the fort and surprised it. . . . With all speed we palisadoed [built barricades around] our fort;... The day before the ship's departure the king of [the] Pamunkey sent [an] Indian... to assure us peace, our fort being then palisadoed round, and all our men in good health and comfort, albeit... it did not so long continue."[By September] most of our chiefest men [were] either sick or discontented, the rest being in such despair as they would rather starve and rot with idleness than be persuaded to do anything for their own relief without constraint. Our victuals being now within eighteen days spent, and the Indian trade decreasing, I was sent to the mouth of the river to Kegquouhtan, an Indian town, to trade for corn, and try the river for fish, but our fishing we could not effect by reason of the stormy weather. The Indians, thinking us near famished, with careless kindness offered us little pieces of bread and small handfuls of beans or wheat for a hatchet or a piece of copper. In like manner I entertained their kindness and in like... offered them like commodities, but the children, or any that showed extraordinary kindness, I liberally contented with free gift of such trifles as well contented them."

The Virginia colonists´ interactions with American Indians, as described in the excerpt above, most directly contributed to which of the following?

"The first we heard [while Smith was exploring the James River in May] was that 400 Indians the day before had assaulted the fort and surprised it. . . . With all speed we palisadoed [built barricades around] our fort;... The day before the ship's departure the king of [the] Pamunkey sent [an] Indian... to assure us peace, our fort being then palisadoed round, and all our men in good health and comfort, albeit... it did not so long continue."[By September] most of our chiefest men [were] either sick or discontented, the rest being in such despair as they would rather starve and rot with idleness than be persuaded to do anything for their own relief without constraint. Our victuals being now within eighteen days spent, and the Indian trade decreasing, I was sent to the mouth of the river to Kegquouhtan, an Indian town, to trade for corn, and try the river for fish, but our fishing we could not effect by reason of the stormy weather. The Indians, thinking us near famished, with careless kindness offered us little pieces of bread and small handfuls of beans or wheat for a hatchet or a piece of copper. In like manner I entertained their kindness and in like... offered them like commodities, but the children, or any that showed extraordinary kindness, I liberally contented with free gift of such trifles as well contented them."

Smith most likely wrote his account for which of the following reasons?

"For the increase of shipping... from thenceforward, no goods or commodities whatsoever shall be imported into or exported out of any lands, islands, plantations, or territories to his Majesty belonging... but in ships or vessels as do... belong only to the people of England... and whereof the master and three-fourths of the mariners at least are English...."And it is further enacted... that... no sugars, tobacco, cottonwool, indigos, ginger, fustic, or other dyeing wood, of the growth, production, or manufacture of any English plantations in America, Asia, or Africa, shall be... transported from any of the said English plantations [colonies] to any land... other than to such other English plantations as do belong to his Majesty."

Which of the following most directly led to the passage of the Navigation Act of 1660 ?

"For the increase of shipping... from thenceforward, no goods or commodities whatsoever shall be imported into or exported out of any lands, islands, plantations, or territories to his Majesty belonging... but in ships or vessels as do... belong only to the people of England... and whereof the master and three-fourths of the mariners at least are English...."And it is further enacted... that... no sugars, tobacco, cottonwool, indigos, ginger, fustic, or other dyeing wood, of the growth, production, or manufacture of any English plantations in America, Asia, or Africa, shall be... transported from any of the said English plantations [colonies] to any land... other than to such other English plantations as do belong to his Majesty."

In the 1760s many English colonists in North America reacted to imperial governance by

"For the increase of shipping... from thenceforward, no goods or commodities whatsoever shall be imported into or exported out of any lands, islands, plantations, or territories to his Majesty belonging... but in ships or vessels as do... belong only to the people of England... and whereof the master and three-fourths of the mariners at least are English...."And it is further enacted... that... no sugars, tobacco, cottonwool, indigos, ginger, fustic, or other dyeing wood, of the growth, production, or manufacture of any English plantations in America, Asia, or Africa, shall be... transported from any of the said English plantations [colonies] to any land... other than to such other English plantations as do belong to his Majesty."

Which of the following most likely motivated Parliament to pass the law in the excerpt?

"That a British and American legislature, for regulating the administration of the general affairs of America, be proposed and established in America, including all the said colonies; within, and under which government, each colony shall retain its present constitution, and powers of regulating and governing its own internal police, in all cases whatsoever." That the said government be administered by a President General, to be appointed by the King and a Grand Council, to be chosen by the representatives of the people of the several colonies, in their respective assemblies, once in every three years."

The key concern that Galloway's plan was designed to address was the

"That a British and American legislature, for regulating the administration of the general affairs of America, be proposed and established in America, including all the said colonies; within, and under which government, each colony shall retain its present constitution, and powers of regulating and governing its own internal police, in all cases whatsoever." That the said government be administered by a President General, to be appointed by the King and a Grand Council, to be chosen by the representatives of the people of the several colonies, in their respective assemblies, once in every three years."

The excerpt most strongly suggests that in 1774 which of the following was correct?

Which of the following was a significant long term result of the major pattern depicted on the map?

A significant long-term result of the major pattern depicted on the map was which of the following? The North and West developed a strong relationship because they were linked through transportation networks. The South sought to industrialize to keep up with the North and West as they continued to modernize.

Which of the following factors contributed most directly to the end of slavery in the United States?

Which of the following factors contributed most directly to the end of slavery in the United States? The Union victory in the Civil War led to the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.

What contributed most directly to the change in the number of Africans transported to the New World after 1800?

which of the following contributed most directly to the change in the number of africans transported to the new world after 1800? the outlawing of hteinternational slave trade by great britainand the united states.

Which of the following most directly contributed to the decision in Philadelphia referenced in the excerpt to build a specific meeting house for the new preachers?

Which of the following most directly contributed to the decision in Philadelphia referenced in the excerpt to build a specific meeting house for the new preachers? Religious pluralism was more accepted in the middle colonies and particularly in the colony of Pennsylvania than elsewhere.