Which of the following presidential candidates would be most likely to encourage voters to engage in retrospective voting quizlet?

Which of the following groups reported the highest levels of voter registration and turnout in 2016?

people with annual incomes under $10,000

people with annual incomes between $20,000 and $29,999

people with annual incomes of $150,000 and above

people with annual incomes between $40,000 and $49,999

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Terms in this set (102)

What group of voters saw the largest increase in voter turnout in 2008?

Young African- Americans

Which of the following political systems comes closest to that of a true democracy?

ancient Greece

Conventional Participation

common actions, considered culturally acceptable at a given time in history, that communicate preferences through established institutions. (Voting)

Unconventional Participation

actions that are less common, take place outside established institutions, and/ or challenges cultural norms. (Sit- ins)

Which of the following would be considered a form of conventional political participation?


Freedom Rides

a series of political protests against segregation by Blacks and Whites who rode buses together through the American South in 1961. It challenged cultural norms and was a bold tactic that can be meet with violent repression.

Which of the following was the civic rights movement known for?

unconventional forms of participation like sit-ins and marches

In which of the following forms of protests would Americans be MOST likely to participate?

Signing petitions

Which of the constitutional amendment did unconventional participation contribute to the passage of?

The 26th Amendment which lower the voting age to 18.

Which of the following forms of unconventional participation was MOST effective in bringing about legislative policy change?

Civil rights activism

Which of the following activities would Americans be LEAST likely to participate in?

Working for a campaign.

Social Economic Status

A division of population based on occupation, income, and education. It's a good predictor of the likelihood that an individual will engage in conventional political participation.

Which factors are MOST likely to increase the chances that a citizen will participate in politics?

resources and motivation

People would be more likely to participate in the political process in which of the following cases?

when someone asks them to get involve.

The lowest voter turnout rate by education level was among which group of Americans in 2016?

those who did not complete high school.

Which of the following considerations tend to diminish differences in voter turnout due to race?

socioeconomic factors

Among which racial group was turnout lowest in 2016 presidential election?

Hispanic Americans

Which of the following groups reported the highest levels of voter registration and turnout in 2016?

people with annual incomes of $150,000 and above

According to Zeynep Tufekci, why is the size of a protest no longer a good measure of a political movement's success.

Today's digital technology makes it far easier to get people together.

Why was protest size more meaningful before the age of social media?

A large protest signified a complex organization capable of months or planning and preparation.

Why does the author suggest that President Bush was right to ignore the antiwar protests that occurred before the U.S invasion of Iraq?

The protestors were unable to translate their movement into success at the ballot box

According to the author, how should we measure the significance or success of a protest

one that serves as the initial spark of future action, whereas an unsuccessful protest is one that signifies the end point of a movement.

How do protestors typically measure effectiveness?

They believe that attention from the media and the public are good measures of effectiveness.

Which of the following would be an extreme protest method?

Setting a car on fire

Why, according to the reporter, do extreme methods make protest movement less effective?

Extreme methods can cause a backlash by making it harder for observers of bystanders to identify with the protestors.

What do Shankar Vedantam say is the dilemma facing protestors?

visibility vs. effectiveness

Historically, what has been the benefit of local protestors?

Influenced members of congress

What are the three factors that the article cites as determining the success of a protest?

messaging, nonviolence, and organization

Why was the Tea Party movement effective?

It has a strong organization, and its name and message resonated with the American public.

How do core members use messaging to benefit a protest movement?

They can use messaging to persuade others to join the movement.

Why are non-violent protests more successful than violent protests?

Violent protests reduce voter turnout; nonviolent protests do not.

Which of the following protest movements does the article describe as having a strong organization and a commitment to nonviolence?

the Woman's March

In the 2016 presidential election, roughly what percentage of Democrats and Republicans alike voted for their own party's nominee?

more than 85%

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the strength of patrician loyalty?

Only major events or issues cause voters ro reevaluate their patrician loyalties.

In 2010, what percentage of voters identified themselves as pure independents?


What probably hurt Senator John Kerry' election chances the MOST in the 2004 presidential race?

his reputation as a flip-flopper

Prospective voting

voting decision on forecasts of future political behavior. Requires voters to trust candidates to fulfill campaign promises and realize goals once elected.

Retrospective voting

evaluate candidates based on their experience on past performance.

If you decide to vote for a candidate because you like what she has promised to do once in office, you are engaging in what type of voting?


Which of the following would be MOST important consideration in prospective voting?

campaign promises

Which of the following candidates would be the MOST likely to encourage the public to engage in retrospective voting?

an incumbent up for election when the economy is strong.

balancing the ticket

Presidential campaigns strategically select running mates who can attract voters from different geographic regions or racial groups.

Why did the McCain campaign select Sarah Palin as the Republican vice- presidential candidate in 2008?

to balance the ticket

According to the txt, what personal characteristics of presidents like Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy helped them to connect with American voters?

their speechmaking abilities

Voter support for incumbents is strongly related to which of the following?

financial security

What does the Consumer Confidence Index use to predict presidential election results?

voter's views on the economy

voter turnout

the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election

Which of the following statements BEST describes historical trends in voter turnout?

There has been a general decrease in turnout in U.S elections, with a few exceptions (such as the 2018 midterms)

Social capital

Democratic and civic habits of discussion, compromise, and respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations.

According to political scientist Robert Putnam, how did the political environment of the 1950s and 1960s differ from that of the present?

Social capital and civic engagement were higher than they are today

Which campaign tactic has been on the decline since the rise of the new media?

canvassing voters door-to-door

How did the 26th Amendment affect voter turnout?

It expanded the right to vote to include those least likely to exercise it.

Which of the following countries had the lowest voter turnout between 1960 and 2000

United States

In which of the following ways is the US attempting to make it easier for people to participate in elections?

offering convenience voting

What was the purpose of the Motor Voter Act?

to make it easier to re-register to vote

voter fatigue

The condition in which voters grow tired of all candidates by the time Election Day arrives, and may thus be less likely to vote.

midterm election

Elections held midway between presidential elections.

Which of the following aspects of the US electoral system can affect voter turnout?

voter fatigue

Single- member districts contribute to which of the following?

voters' resistance to "wasting" votes

Which of the following countries has mandatory voting but does not enforce it?


What might supporters of mandatory voting argue?

Voting is a civic duty.

Which of the following might be considered a disadvantage of mandatory voting

Uninformed voters could skew election results

According to the article, which factor has the GREATEST impact on voter turnout?

voter access laws

What is the Cost of Voting Index?

a collection of data that helps determine the time and effort it takes to vote in each state

Based on the data in the Cost of Voting Index, which state has the "easiest" voting system?


Which state had the LOWEST voter turnout in 2016?


What did the research conclude?

that each factor that restricts access to voting would cause turnout to decline by 3.3%

What change did the research suggest would help increase voter turnout the MOST?

easing the burden of voter registration

On average, what percentage of the voting- age population turns out to vote in Sweden


What's the difference between the turnout from the voting- age population and the turnout form registered voters in the US?

around 31%

What option BEST describes eligible voters

Citizens over 18 years old who are not felons

What do states with the highest voter turnout rates have in common?

they have the same-day registration

What is the MOST common reason people give for not registration vote?

They haven't gotten around it

How does the automatic voter registration system work in Oregon

Anyone who interacts with the DMV is automatically added to the states voter roll and then given a chance opt out through the mail.

Which statement MOST accurately describes voter turnout in Oregon during 2016?

About 37% of new voters who were automatically registered to vote were under the age of 30

In addition to increasing voter turnout, what is another benefit of automatic voter registration

more accurate and cheaper voting systems

Why is voter participation in elections at all levels of government in the United States important?

It promotes the stability of our democracy, it is an opportunity to vote one's preferences, and it is a measure of the accountability of elected representatives

Voter participation rates in the US are lowest in what type of election?

local elections

Which of the following demographic groups exhibits the highest rate of participation in the US elections?

Elderly voters

Which of the following statements represent the views of those who support voter identification laws?

Showing a valid form of ID to vote increases public trust in election outcomes

Which of the following groups is most affected by voter identification laws?

lower-income, young, and minority voters

Voter participation in the us is

among the lowest percentages

country with highest


country experienced the largest overall decline?

the united kingdom

highest rate of increase in turnout

happened between 2000-2004


consistent until last election

Racial group who always votes


Greatest increase

African American

Consistent rates

Latinos and Asians

How much did participation in US presidential elections among voters aged 18-29 change between 2012 and 2016

Increased by 1%

Potential environmental hazard of fracking

reduced air quality


the immediate economic impact does not outweigh the potential long-term environment hazard

Why is it important to be more educated before voting

initiatives do not have partisan cues, which can provide shortcuts for decisions

What component of democratic government do elections serve?

legitimacy and accountability

political legitimacy

Acceptance by the governed that the claim to authority by those who govern is justified.

The founders designed the electoral process to do which of the following?

ensure that the government has political legitimacy

How often does the constitution require elections to be held?

every two years

Which of the following is a method used by parties to select presidential nominees

the cacuse system

How do most states currently select their presidential nominees?

they are selected by voters in direct primaries

How much does senate goes up for reelection every two years?


state ballot

by gathering enough signatures to run


ideological fidelity

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Which factors are most likely to increase the chances that a citizen will participate in politics? Time and money. People would be more likely to participate in the political process in which of the following cases? When someone asks them to get involved.

What increases voter turnout in an election quizlet?

To increase voter turnout in the United States, I would suggest these options: move to all-mail voting, hold elections on weekends, automatically register voters, and pass federal law that further reduces impediments to voter registration. Why does age affect whether a citizen will vote?

What is retrospective voting?

Retrospective voting at the party level In this context, electoral accountability is said to exist when citizens can retrospectively hold politicians accountable, and reward or punish them with their vote (e.g. Zelle 1995; Gidengil et al. 2001; Bélanger 2004; Dassonneville, Blais, and Dejaeghere 2015).


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