Which of the following questioning techniques is used to get the students to adopt your way of thinking group of answer choices?

The following dialogue occurs between Mr. Jimenez and a parent while discussing the benchmark data at a parent-teacher conference.

Mr. Jimenez: Thanks for coming, Ms. Lester. Cameron told me that he scored three goals at his soccer game last night.
Ms. Lester: Yes, I am very proud of him. Did Cameron take the state standardized reading test already?
Mr. Jimenez: No, it was a test created by the district.
Ms. Lester: How do these tests help him?
Mr. Jimenez: Teachers analyze the data from these tests, along with other information gathered about students, to plan appropriate instruction. I think this is a good time to discuss Cameron's reading skills by looking at this test and other information I have collected. Cameron reads very fluently and with great expression. He really shines when we perform readers' theater. Based on the test results, it looks like we need to focus on improving his skills in reading comprehension and higher-order thinking. (Mr. Jimenez and Ms. Lester continue to discuss Cameron's reading skills.)
Mr. Jimenez: Do you have any additional questions or concerns?
Ms. Lester: I looked into getting a tutor to help Cameron with reading, but he did not want to go by himself. Can you give me a list of other students who could use extra help with reading?

The most appropriate response from Mr. Jimenez to Ms. Lester's final question about tutoring is for him to make which of the following statements?

How can Questioning skills be used to promote student learning?

Steps for planning questions.
Decide on your goal or purpose for asking questions. ... .
Select the content for questioning. ... .
Ask questions that require an extended response or at least a "content" answer. ... .
Until you are quite skilled at classroom questioning you should write your main questions in advance..

What questioning techniques will be used to check for understanding and encourage higher level thinking?

Answer children's questions in a way that promotes HOT.
Level 1: Reject the question. ... .
Level 2: Restate or almost restate the question as a response. ... .
Level 3: Admit ignorance or present information. ... .
Level 4: Voice encouragement to seek response through authority..

How do we use questioning strategies to engage students?

Question Strategies.
Establish expectations early. ... .
Let students know who will be called on and why. ... .
Prepare meaningful questions in advance. ... .
Be cautious of asking "Are there any questions?" ... .
Wait for the answer. ... .
Reach non-responsive students with wait times. ... .
Encourage student-to-student interaction..

What are some questioning skills that teachers should develop to generate interaction?

One of the commonly used questioning techniques is to employ the 5W and 1H questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. While this questioning technique is useful to some extent, most of the 5W questions tend to be close ended and elicit factual responses.