Which of the following radiographs would be the best to demonstrate pleural effusion?

Which of the following radiographs would be the best to demonstrate pleural effusion?

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Which of the following radiographs would be the best to demonstrate pleural effusion?

Which of the following radiographs would be the best to demonstrate pleural effusion?

Review articleState-of-the-art: Radiological investigation of pleural disease


Conventional CXR remains the initial investigation of choice.

US identifies pleural fluid and nodularity, and should be used to guide procedures.

CT scan is best for further assessment of pleural disease: thickening or fluid.

In malignant disease newer MRI sequences and PET may provide prognostic information.


Pleural disease is common. Radiological investigation of pleural effusion, thickening, masses, and pneumothorax is key in diagnosing and determining management. Conventional chest radiograph (CXR) remains as the initial investigation of choice for patients with suspected pleural disease. When abnormalities are detected, thoracic ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) can each play important roles in further investigation, but appropriate modality selection is critical.

US adds significant value in the identification of pleural fluid and pleural nodularity, guiding pleural procedures and, increasingly, as “point of care” assessment for pneumothorax, but is highly operator dependent. CT scan is the modality of choice for further assessment of pleural disease: Characterising pleural thickening, some pleural effusions and demonstration of homogeneity of pleural masses and areas of fatty attenuation or calcification. MRI has specific utility for soft tissue abnormalities and may have a role for younger patients requiring follow-up serial imaging. MRI and PET/CT may provide additional information in malignant pleural disease regarding prognosis and response to therapy.

This article summarises existing techniques, highlighting the benefits and applications of these different imaging modalities and provides an up to date review of the evidence.







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What imaging is used for pleural effusion?

Conventional chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) scanning are the primary imaging modalities that are used for evaluation of all types of pleural disease, but ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have a role in selected clinical circumstances.

What is the best test to diagnose pleural effusion?

Posteroanterior and lateral chest radiographs usually confirm the presence of a pleural effusion, but if doubt exists, ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scans are definitive for detecting small effusions and for differentiating pleural fluid from pleural thickening.

What type of chest radiograph may be useful in evaluating pleural effusion?

Standard posteroanterior and lateral chest radiography remains the most important technique for initial diagnosis of pleural effusion.

How do you scan for pleural effusion?

A pleural ultrasound exam may be performed as part of a complete lung ultrasound exam, such as the BLUE protocol,27 or a focused exam to evaluate a suspected or known pleural effusion seen on chest radiograph or CT scan.