Which of the following reasons best describes why much of the data provided by foreign governments is suspected with respect to reliability group of answer choices?

_____ is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful to marketing decision making.

A. Marketing reach

B. Market skimming

C. Marketing research

D. Market data analysis

E. Market development

Marketing research

Unisys Corporation's planning steps for international marketing research calls for collecting and assessing various types of information. Which of the following types of information is the organization most likely to be interested in if it gathers information related to profitability for the division's products, inflation, business cycle trends, and the like?

A. Economic and demographic.

B. Cultural, sociological, and political climate.

C. Overview of market conditions.

D. Summary of the technological environment.

E. Competitive situation.

Economic and demographic.

Unisys Corporation's planning steps for international marketing research calls for collecting and assessing various types of information. Which of the following types of information is the organization most likely to be interested in if it gathers information related to ecology, safety, and leisure time and their potential impacts on the division's business?

A. Economic and demographic.

B. Cultural, sociological, and political climate.

C. Overview of market conditions.

D. Summary of the technological environment.

E. Competitive situation.

Cultural, sociological, and political climate.

Unisys Corporation's planning steps for international marketing research calls for collecting and assessing various types of information. Which of the following types of information is the organization most likely to be interested in if it conducts a general noneconomic review of conditions affecting the division's business?

A. Economic and demographic.

B. Cultural, sociological, and political climate.

C. Overview of market conditions.

D. Summary of the technological environment.

E. Competitive situation.

Cultural, sociological, and political climate.

Which of the following best describes the basic difference between domestic and foreign market research?

A. The cost of foreign market research.

B. The willingness of the respondents to give information.

C. The broader scope of research for foreign research.

D. The complexity of the governing rules.

E. The ability to get accurate pricing data from foreign markets.

The broader scope of research for foreign research.

Bert Wong has decided to pursue a marketing research effort to acquire information before his company makes a strategic relocation move to the West Coast. Which of the following marketing research process steps would be the first step that Bert's company (and marketing researchers) should take as it embarks on the research effort?

A. Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

B. Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

C. Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.

D. Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

E. Gather relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.

Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

Which of the following is the first step of a market research process?

A. Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.

B. Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

C. Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

D. Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

E. Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.

Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

Harry and his team have undertaken a marketing research study to help their company expand in the Eastern European region. Which of the following marketing research process steps is Harry likely to end his research efforts with?

A. Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

B. Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

C. Effectively communicate the results to decision makers.

D. Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

E. Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.

Effectively communicate the results to decision makers.

Which of the following is the last step of a market research process?

A. Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

B. Effectively communicate the results to decision makers.

C. Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

D. Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

E. Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.

Effectively communicate the results to decision makers.

Once the researcher has defined the research problem and established research objectives, the researcher must next:

A. effectively communicate the problem and objectives to decision makers.

B. analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

C. determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.

D. assess the suitability of available statistical methods for analyzing the data.

E. evaluate the cost and benefits of the research effort.

determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.

Ben Grissom has decided to use information collected by the U.S. government in his upcoming research project on cultural trends. This is an example of using a _____ data source.

A. referential

B. secondary

C. tertiary

D. parallel

E. derived


Which of the following types of data are commercial sources, trade associations, management groups, and state and local governments a good source of?

A. Referential data

B. Secondary data

C. Tertiary data

D. Parallel data

E. Derived data

Secondary data

Which of the following reasons best describes why much of the data provided by foreign governments is suspected with respect to reliability?

A. The data in foreign countries are usually written in a foreign language and there are translation difficulties that are often insurmountable.

B. The size of the sample and the technique used for sampling may be faulty.

C. Official statistics are sometimes too optimistic, reflecting national pride rather than practical reality.

D. The data in foreign countries is usually not safeguarded.

E. The data tend to be incomplete, and outdated.

Official statistics are sometimes too optimistic, reflecting national pride rather than practical reality.

Which of the following countries comes a close second to the United States with respect to the quantity and quality of the marketing-related data available?

A. Brazil

B. Australia

C. China

D. Japan

E. Kenya


Harry leads the international marketing department of a smartphone manufacturer, Myfone. Myfone has recently decided to expand its presence in Brazil. As part of the marketing research effort, Harry has decided to use data on competitors provided by independent market research agencies located in Brazil. Which of the following problems is Harry likely to face?

A. Defining the research problem.

B. Communicating the results.

C. Availability of data.

D. Storage of data.

E. Relevance of data.

Availability of data.

Which of the following is a problem associated with the use of secondary data?

A. Defining the research problem.

B. Communicate the results.

C. Reliability of data.

D. Storage of data.

E. Relevance of data.

Reliability of data.

Which of the following questions should be asked by a marketing researcher when trying to establish the reliability of secondary data sources in the international arena?

A. How much does the data cost?

B. What language is used in the host country?

C. Does the host country's government encourage marketing research?

D. Who collected the data?

E. Was the data available on the Internet?

Who collected the data?

Which of the following questions should a marketing researcher ask when trying to establish the reliability of secondary data sources in the international arena?

A. How much does the data cost?

B. What language is used in the host country?

C. Does the host country's government encourage marketing research?

D. How were the data collected?

E. Was the data available on the Internet?

How were the data collected?

Which of the following questions should be asked by a marketing researcher when trying to establish the reliability of secondary data sources in the international arena?

A. How much does the data cost?

B. What language is used in the host country?

C. Does the host country's government encourage marketing research?

D. For what purposes were the data collected?

E. Was the data available on the Internet?

For what purposes were the data collected?.

_____ data refers to the data that has been collected specifically for the particular research project at hand.

A. Derived

B. Primary

C. Referential

D. Bipolar

E. Cohort


Which of the following is one of the two basic types that marketing research methods can be grouped into?

A. Analytical research

B. Qualitative research

C. Descriptive research

D. Deductive research

E. Basic research

Qualitative research

In _____ research, usually a large number of respondents are asked to reply, either verbally or in writing, to structured questions using a specific response format or to select a response from a set of choices.

A. quantitative

B. analytical

C. descriptive

D. deductive

E. explanatory


Before launching its latest line of environment-friendly and child-friendly wooden toys, a toy manufacturer gave samples of those toys to a large and culturally diverse set of families. It then conducted a survey where the parents were asked to rate the toys on a step-wise scale of "not satisfied" to "extremely pleased." This is an example of _____ research.

A. quantitative

B. analytical

C. descriptive

D. deductive

E. explanatory


Before launching its latest line of health drinks, a beverage manufacturer provided free samples of the health drinks to a large and culturally diverse set of families. It then conducted a survey where the participants were asked about their first impression about the drinks. This is an example of _____ research.

A. qualitative

B. analytical

C. descriptive

D. deductive

E. explanatory


Which of the following statements is true about qualitative research?

A. It provides the marketer with responses that can be presented with precise estimations.

B. It includes recording consumers' first impression about products.

C. It usually involves asking respondents to select a choice from a set of responses.

D. Data from such research can be easily summarized in percentages, averages, or other statistics.

E. It is generally associated with survey research that involves yes or no questions.

It includes recording consumers' first impression about products.

Which of the following statements is true about qualitative research?

A. It provides the marketer with responses that can be presented with precise estimations.

B. It studies the dynamic interplay of peoples' feelings and ideas.

C. It usually involves asking respondents to select a choice from a set of responses.

D. Data from such research can be summarized in percentages, averages, or other statistics.

E. It is generally associated with survey research that involves "yes" or "no" questions.

It studies the dynamic interplay of peoples' feelings and ideas.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative research?

A. It includes direct observation of consumers in choice or product usage situations.

B. It studies the dynamic interplay between peoples' feelings and their resulting actions.

C. It is generally associated with survey research that involves "yes" or "no" questions.

D. It includes recording consumers' first impression about products.

E. It is used to formulate and define a problem more clearly.

It is generally associated with survey research that involves "yes" or "no" questions.

Mary Hills would like to ask respondents a series of open-ended questions that will help explain the respondents' feelings and thoughts on the subject of child labor. Mary Hills is carrying out a _____ research.

A. deductive

B. qualitative

C. tertiary

D. secondary

E. analytical


In the international arena, the greatest problem in sampling stems from:

A. the lack of adequate demographic data from which meaningful samples can be drawn.

B. the lack of expertise in designing sampling layouts for a non-domestic market.

C. the higher probability of foreign government intervention in the sampling process.

D. the inability of international market researchers to speak foreign languages.

E. the difficulty in determining sample size suitable for the relevant foreign market.

the lack of adequate demographic data from which meaningful samples can be drawn.

In many Asian cities, there are no street maps, some streets are not identified, and some houses are not numbered. Which of the following aspects of market research is this situation most likely to affect?

A. Product enhancement analysis.

B. Situational analysis.

C. The optimization process.

D. The sampling process.

E. The decentralization process.

The sampling process.

Which of the following types of samples should be used when detailed and accurate information is not available for a sampling universe?

A. A derivatized sample.

B. A cluster sample.

C. A convenience sample.

D. A systematized sample.

E. A probability sample.

A convenience sample.

The most universal survey research problem in foreign countries is the _____ barrier.

A. technological.

B. legal.

C. cultural.

D. literacy.

E. language.


A toy manufacturer conducted a survey to estimate the market demand for its specialized wood-based toys in a foreign country. For the survey, it interviewed all the households of the four largest cities of that country without making any distinction between those with children and those without. The market demand forecast based on this survey failed to match the actual demand for the toys. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this failure?

A. Difficulty in defining the research objective.

B. Unwillingness of the respondents to reply to survey questions.

C. Difficulty in translating the responses.

D. Inappropriate sample selection.

E. Lack of appropriate methods for analyzing the data.

Inappropriate sample selection.

Back translations may not always ensure an accurate translation because of commonly used idioms in both languages. Which of the following types of translation is used to overcome this problem?

A. Serial translation.

B. Decentering.

C. Linear translation.

D. Complimentary translation.

E. Parallel translation.

Parallel translation.

Marketers use three different techniques to ferret out translation errors in marketing research questionnaires ahead of time. Which of the following is one of those techniques?

A. Simultaneous translation

B. Serial translation

C. Back translation

D. Linear translation

E. Re-centering

Back translation

Marketers use three different techniques to ferret out translation errors in marketing research questionnaires ahead of time. Which of the following is one of those techniques?

A. Simultaneous translation

B. Parallel translation

C. Serial translation

D. Linear translation

E. Re-centering

Parallel translation

In _____ translation, more than two translators are used for the back translation; the results are compared, differences discussed, and the most appropriate translation selected.

A. parallel

B. complimentary

C. linear

D. random

E. back


Decentering is a hybrid of _____ translation.

A. parallel

B. simultaneous

C. linear

D. random

E. back


In _____ translation, the questionnaire is translated from one language to another, and then a second party translates it again into the original, and the two original language versions are compared.

A. serial

B. parallel

C. back

D. simultaneous

E. complimentary


Mark Bressler is having great difficulties with his company's advertising in Japan. As a representative of Jerry Motors, he believes that it is entirely proper to use American campaigns in the Japanese market. He was surprised to learn that a slogan "Body by Arnold" (the company that makes external structures for Jerry Motors) loosely translated in Japanese to mean "Corpse by Arnold." Which of the following problems did Mr. Bressler experience with his company's advertising in this scenario?

A. Improper syntax

B. Improper colloquialisms or slang

C. Improper grammar

D. Improper local language

E. Improper translation

Improper colloquialisms or slang

In the _____ method, successive translation and retranslation of a questionnaire takes place, each time by a different translator, and the version that is finally used and its translation have equally comprehensive and equivalent terminologies in both languages.

A. serial translation

B. triangulation

C. back translation

D. netnography

E. decentering


Alex is engaged in research involving countries that have different languages, economies, social structures, behavior, and attitude patterns. Alex is most likely engaged in _____ research.

A. geographical

B. anthropological

C. psychological

D. sociological

E. multicultural


Systematic monitoring of chat rooms, blogs, and personal websites to assess consumers' opinions about products and services is known as _____.

A. tomography

B. serigraphy

C. vitreography

D. netnography

E. lithography


By systematically monitoring chat rooms, blogs, and personal websites to assess consumers' opinions about the new line of health drinks that his company has launched, Harry is engaging in the practice of _____.

A. tomography

B. serigraphy

C. vitreography

D. netnography

E. lithography


Which of the following represents a severe limitation when the Internet is used for primary research?

A. The cultural background of the respondents cannot be identified accurately.

B. The educational qualifications of the respondents cannot be identified accurately.

C. The respondents can assume false identity.

D. A sample universe composed solely of Internet respondents represents a potential bias.

E. Using the Internet for primary research is the most expensive way of conducting primary research.

A sample universe composed solely of Internet respondents represents a potential bias.

According to the text, today the real power of the Internet for international marketing research is the:

A. reduction in the time required for completing primary research.

B. reduction in the cost of conducting primary research.

C. increase in response for surveys conducted using the Internet.

D. ability to overcome legal barriers to conducting primary research.

E. ability to easily access volumes of secondary data.

ability to easily access volumes of secondary data

Given the greater uncertainties and data limitations associated with foreign markets, two methods of forecasting demand are particularly suitable for international marketers. Which of the following is one of those methods?

A. Probabilistic forecasting

B. Expert opinion

C. Simulation

D. Extrapolation

E. Scenario building

Expert opinion

Which of the following is a method of demand forecasting that is particularly suitable for international marketers?

A. Probabilistic forecasting

B. Analogy

C. Simulation

D. Extrapolation

E. Scenario building


The key to using expert opinion to help in forecasting demand is _____, that is, comparing estimates produced by different sources.

A. indemnification

B. simulation

C. morphing

D. modeling

E. triangulation


The _____ method for estimating demand assumes that demand for a product develops in much the same way in all countries as comparable economic development occurs in each country.

A. reference class forecasting

B. analogy

C. morphing

D. scenario building

E. triangulation


A toy manufacturer has excellent sales figures for its toys in country P but inadequate figures in the neighboring country R. In country P, per capita consumption is known to increase at a predictable ratio as per capita gross domestic product (GDP) increases. If per capita GDP is known for country R, per capita demand for the toys can be estimated using the relationships established in country R. Which of the following methods of forecasting does this example illustrate?

A. Probabilistic forecasting

B. Reference class forecasting

C. Expert opinion

D. Analogy

E. Linear regression


To deal with problems in analyzing and interpreting research information in the international marketplace, the marketing researcher must possess three talents. Which of the following is one of those talents?

A. The ability to work within assigned budget.

B. Creative talent for adapting research methods.

C. Proven talent to use and apply advanced statistics.

D. Superior logical ability.

E. The ability to extrapolate home-country data.

Creative talent for adapting research methods.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of decentralized research management?

A. The accuracy of the information gathered cannot be verified.

B. Various international laws restrict decentralized research.

C. It increases the cost of conducting the research.

D. Large-market studies may dominate decisions about global standardization.

E. Decentralized research has higher probability of translational errors.

Large-market studies may dominate decisions about global standardization.

One disadvantage of decentralized research management is possible ineffective communications with _____.

A. field personnels

B. home-office executives

C. customers

D. local agencies

E. foreign agencies

home-office executives

In Japanese corporate culture, which of the following constitutes a typical significant impediment to averting and responding to a crisis?

A. Employees like to work on their own rather than in a group.

B. Opinions of all the employees are to be taken into consideration before taking a decision.

C. Decisions are generally taken by lower level employees who directly deal with the problem.

D. It is hard for those lower in the hierarchy to question their superiors.

E. The process of decision making is extremely complex and time consuming.

It is hard for those lower in the hierarchy to question their superiors.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Japanese corporate culture?

A. Employees like to work on their own rather than in a group.

B. Opinions of all the employees are to be taken into consideration before taking a decision.

C. Decisions are generally taken by lower level employees who directly deal with the problem.

D. The process of decision making is extremely complex and time consuming.

E. The focus on consensus and group makes it hard to challenge what has been decided.

The focus on consensus and group makes it hard to challenge what has been decided.

Which of the following countries has hierarchical, relationship-based corporate culture?

A. Germany

B. France

C. South Korea

D. Switzerland

E. Australia

South Korea

The public, face-saving truth is known as _____ in Japan.

A. kanban

B. tatemae

C. keiretsu

D. zaibatsu

E. honne


In Japan, _____ refers to the factual truth, irrespective of the damage it might do to the all-important social relationships within and between Japanese companies.

A. kanban

B. honne

C. keiretsu

D. zaibatsu

E. tatemae


The text describes four kinds of company—agency—customer relationships that might be used to bridge the cultural barrier that is present in most international marketing research. Which of the following is deemed to be best suited for managing the cultural barrier across the chain of communication?

A. company—agency—customers

B. company—agency—local agency—customers

C. company—foreign agency—customers

D. company—foreign agency—Internet—customers

E. company—Internet—customers

company—agency—local agency—customers

Which of the following is a reason why secondary foreign data may be unreliable?

Researchers often do not know the language in which the data is available. Which of the following is a reason why secondary foreign data may be unreliable? Official statistics may reflect pride rather than practical reality. the data gathered previously may use categories that are too broad or too narrow.

What is the most common method of primary data collection outside of the United States?

Face-to-face interviewing remains the most common method for conducting primary research outside the united states.

What are the three types of market research?

Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

Is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering recording and analyzing?

Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful to marketing decision making.


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