Which of the following refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into individual jobs?

According to Michael Armstrong “Job Design is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities on the methods to be used in carrying out the job in terms of techniques systems and procedures and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his …

The process by which managers create a specific type of organizational structure and culture so a company can operate in the most efficient and effective way. The process by which managers decide how to divide into specific jobs the tasks that have to be performed to provide customers with goods and services.

The four types of organizational structures are functional divisional flatarchy and matrix structures.

Why? No one single person should decide on where the information security belongs within the organization. Within different departments there should be someone making decisions on where the information security function belongs depending on the need of that department’s goals and resources.

When managers organize divisions according to the type of customer they market their products to they adopt a product structure. The characteristics of an organization’s human resources are an important factor in determining the type of organizational structure.

Which of the four principal managerial tasks can help William understand his performance in the other three tasks? The controlling task also helps managers evaluate how well they themselves are performing the other three tasks of management—planning organizing and leading—and take corrective action.

Span of control also called span of management is the term used in business management particularly human resource management. The term refers to the number of subordinates or direct reports a supervisor is responsible for.

The division of work is the course of tasks assigned to and completed by a group of workers in order to increase efficiency. Division of work which is also known as division of labor is the breaking down of a job so as to have a number of different tasks that make up the whole.

What is the process of identifying particular tasks and assigning them to individuals departments divisions?

Organizing involves assigning tasks grouping tasks into departments delegating authority and allocating resources across the organization. During the organizing process managers coordinate employees resources policies and procedures to facilitate the goals identified in the plan.

Who comes under lower level management?

Lower Level Management is also known as supervisory or the operative level of management. According to R. C. Davis “Supervisory management refers to those executives whose work has to be largely with personal oversight and direction of operative employees.” Their activities include the following: 1.

How are the jobs divided in the organization?

Work specialization sometimes called a division of labor refers to the degree to which an organization divides individual tasks into separate jobs. It allows the manager to take complex tasks and break them down into smaller more precise tasks that individual workers can complete.

Is the process of increasing the number of tasks in a job?

Job enlargement is a job design technique wherein there is an increase in the number of tasks associated with a certain job. In other words it means increasing the scope of one’s duties and responsibilities.

How can having an organized division of labor or distribution of tasks in a group activity help you?

The division of labor allows individuals and firms to specialize and to produce more for several reasons: a) It allows the agents to focus on areas of advantage due to natural factors and skill levels b) It encourages the agents to learn and invent c) It allows agents to take advantage of economies of scale.

Is dividing work activities into separate job tasks?

The process of dividing work into separate jobs and assigning tasks to workers is called division of labor. … The degree to which the tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs is called specialization.

How does a company maintain the Organising process and its structure for dividing duties of employees in an Organisation?

Improved work technology modifies pattern of authority-responsibility relationships and helps in improving work performance of employees. 5. Encourages growth of the enterprise: Organisation structure provides the framework within which an enterprise functions.

What establishes the division of labor in an organizational chart?

The five directors all report to the president. This establishes the division of labor in the organizational chart. For example the directors of marketing and finance/accounting have very different specialized skill sets. Organization in which line managers make decisions and staff personnel provide advice and support.

What is organizational design management?

Organizational design is a step-by-step methodology which identifies dysfunctional aspects of work flow procedures structures and systems realigns them to fit current business realities/goals and then develops plans to implement the new changes. … A clear strategy for managing and growing your business.

Which of the following is a mechanism of control for organizational culture?

socialization. Mechanisms of control for organizational culture include values norms and socialization. … Management by objectives is a mechanism of control for behavior control.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the organizational culture in a tall organization?

Which of the following is a characteristic of the organizational culture in a tall organization? It lays emphasis on obeying authority. The idea behind the concept of job enrichment is: increasing workers’ responsibility increases their involvement in their jobs.

What is selection and its process?

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidates from those who apply for the job. It is a process of offering jobs to desired candidates. Once the potential applicants are identified the next step is to evaluate their qualification qualities experience capabilities etc. & make the selection.

What are the steps in the selection process?

Selection Process

  1. Step 1: Job Design. …
  2. Step 2: Position Description. …
  3. Step 3: Forming a Selection Committee. …
  4. Step 4: Recruiting. …
  5. Step 5: Initial Screening of Candidates. …
  6. Step 6: Phone Video or other Pre-Interview Options. …
  7. Step 7: Campus Visits and In-Person Interviews. …
  8. Step 8: Recommendation for Hire.

What is recruitment and selection process in HRM?

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM designed to maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer’s strategic goals and objectives. It is a process of sourcing screening shortlisting and selecting the right candidates for the required vacant positions.

What is the process by which managers create a specific type of organizational structure and culture?

organizing is the process by which managers establish the structure of working relationships among employees to allow them to achieve an organization’s goals efficiently and effectively.

When managers increase the number of tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor This is referred to as job?

Job enlargement

Increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor. Idea behind it is that increasing the range of tasks performed by a worker will reduce boredom and fatigue and may increase motivation to perform at a high level.

What is decision making in management?

A decision-making process is a series of steps taken by an individual to determine the best option or course of action to meet their needs. In a business context it is a set of steps taken by managers in an enterprise to determine the planned path for business initiatives and to set specific actions in motion.

Job Design and Analysis

Job Design

Job Design in Organizations

IELTS Listening – Multiple Choice Question Type

Which of the following refers to the degree to which organizational task are subdivided into individual jobs?

Work specialization describes the degree to which activities in the organization are divided, and then subdivided, into separate jobs.

Which of the following is the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs quizlet?

sometimes called division of labor, is the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs.

Which type of organization sub divides tasks into separate jobs?

Explanation: Work specialization is defined as a division of labor where the organization separate the jobs for the individuals and divide the tasks accordingly.

What refers to the degree to which activities in an organization are subdivided into discrete tasks to make efficient use of organizational resources and employee skills?

Explanation: B) Work specialization indicates the degree to which activities in the organization are subdivided into separate jobs. Work specialization makes the most efficient use of employees' skills.


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