Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?

                Professor John Krieg

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Click to email: Professor Krieg                                                           Parks Hall 307, (360) 650-7405


Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Some of My Economic Research

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Center for Education Data and Research

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Teacher Education Learning Collaborative
        TELC Overview

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Western Washington University Homepages

WWU Home Page
Department of Economics Home Page

Office of Survey Research



Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Class Related Links
Economics 206:  Introduction to Microeconomics

Economics 207:  Introduction to Macroeconomics

Economics 307:  Intermediate Macroeconomics

Economics 311:  Money and Banking

Economics 325:  Labor Economics
Economics 375:  Introduction to Econometrics
Economics 406:  Topics in Microeconomics
Economics 407:  Topics in Macroeconomics
Economics 445:  The Economics of Education
Economics 470:  Economic Fluctuations and Forecasts
Economics 475:  Econometrics

MBA 503:  Macroeconomics

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
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Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Professor Krieg with a Fei

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Iowa Electronic Markets--Fun way to learn about economics and make money (maybe)

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Economic Information and Data

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Current Economic Information

Freakonomics:  The Blog of Steven Levitt

Greg Mankiw's Blog

Steve Landsburg

The Marginal Revolution

John Cochrane
James Hamilton
Dave Giles (Econometrics Beat)

La Griffe du Lion (An Analysis of Diversity Issues from a Statistical Viewpoint)

Brad DeLong

Overcoming Bias (Robin Hanson)

Wolfram Blog

Econometrics By Simulation

Casey Mulligan

Profit of Education



Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Other Interesting Information

Economic Jokes

Economic Humor via Yoram Bauman

Economics Articles of Interest

Federal Debt to the Penny (ok, this might be important)

General Knowledge Exam Results

The Baby Name Wizard

Strange Maps

Spurious Correlations

Lowering the Bar: Legal Humor


Retraction Watch

Richard Hanania

Volokh Conspiracy

Ignoble Prize Winners

Darwin Awards

Minding the Campus

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
My Favorite Comics


Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Astronomy Blogs and News

NASA Picture of the Day
Aurora Forecast
Nine Planets
Naked Eye Planets
The Jodcast
Earth and Sky
University of Nebraska Astronomy Simulations
University of Colorado Physics Simulations
Mars Data and Maps

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Other Information

Datsun Roadsters

National Association of Scolars (Peter Wood)

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Important Links

The Big-Ten's Best:        Navy:              Quacker Backers:           Be a Cub Man:            Rip /City:


Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?
Which of the following scenarios would be considered an investment according to economists?

Which would be considered an investment according to economists?

What Is Investment? By investment, economists mean the production of goods that will be used to produce other goods. This definition differs from the popular usage, wherein decisions to purchase stocks (see stock market) or bonds are thought of as investment. Investment is usually the result of forgoing consumption.

Which of the following is included in the Economist definition of investment quizlet?

Terms in this set (55) Which of the following is included in the economist's definition of investment? The purchase of new machines, factories, or houses.

Which of the following is included as investment in GDP?

In calculating GDP, investment does not refer to the purchase of stocks and bonds or the trading of financial assets. It refers to the purchase of new capital goods, that is, business equipment, new commercial real estate (such as buildings, factories, and stores), residential housing construction, and inventories.

Which of the following scenarios will shift the investment demand curve right quizlet?

Answer: The two scenarios in which the investment demand curve will shift right are: the expected return on capital increases and firms are planning on increasing their inventories.