Which of the following specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship?

Chapter 3 Database Design Flashcards ionicons-v5-c

attribute inheritance.

The property by which subtype entities possess the values of all attributes of a supertype iscalled:A) hierarchy reception.B) class management.C) attribute inheritance.D) generalization.


Which of the following is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or moresubtypes?A) MegatypeB) SupertypeC) SubgroupD) Class

Define one vehicle entity type to hold all entities.

Given the following entities, which of the choices below would be the most complicated?Automobile: VIN, EngineSize, NumberOfDoors, NumberOfPassengers, FuelType, TransmissionSUV: VIN, EngineSize, NumberOfPassengers, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, TransmissionTruck: VIN, EngineSize, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, Transmission, PayloadA) Define one vehicle entity type to hold all entities.B) Define a separate entity type for each entity.C) Define a supertype called vehicle and make each of the entities subtypes.D) Keep only the Truck entity type.


The process of defining one or more subtypes of a supertype and forming relationships iscalled:A) specialization.B) generalization.C) creating discord.D) selecting classes


The process of defining a more general entity type from a set of more specialized entity typesis called:A) generalizationB) specialization.C) normalization.D) extrapulation.

partial specialization

The ________ rule specifies that an entity instance of a supertype is allowed not to belong toany subtype.A) semi-specializationB) total specializationC) partial specializationD) disjointedness

total specialization

The ________ rule specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member ofsome subtype in the relationship.A) semi-specializationB) total specializationC) partial specializationD) total convergence

Total specialization

Which of the following is a completeness constraint?A) Total specializationB) Partial generalizationC) Total recallD) Partial hybridization


A(n) ________ constraint is a type of constraint that addresses whether an instance of asupertype must also be an instance of at least one subtype.A) disjointB) overlapC) completenessD) weak

disjointedness constraint

A ________ addresses whether an instance of a supertype may simultaneously be a memberof two or more subtypes.A) disjointedness constraintB) disjoint ruleC) partial specializationD) total specialization

subtype discriminator

An attribute of the supertype that determines the target subtype(s) is called the:A) determinant.B) subtype decision.C) disjoint indicator.D) subtype discriminator.


The ________ rule states that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (ormore) subtypes.A) disjointB) overlapC) partial specializationD) total specialization

overlap rule

The subtype discriminator is a composite attribute when there is a(n):A) overlap rule.B) disjoint rule.C) partial specialization.D) full specialization.

only one supertype.

In a supertype/subtype hierarchy, each subtype has:A) only one supertype.B) many supertypes.C) at most two supertypes.D) at least one subtype.


In a supertype/subtype hierarchy, subtypes that are lower in the hierarchy inherit attributesfrom not only their immediate supertype but from all ________ in the hierarchy.A) subtypesB) supertypesC) constraintsD) dimensions

require customization

Packaged data models:A) are ready to use right out of the box.B) require customization.C) allow partial specialization.D) cannot be used for most applications.

universal data model

A generic or template data model that can be reused as a starting point for a data modelingproject is called a(n):A) packaged data model.B) universal data model.C) enterprise data model.D) collection data model

essential components and structures are already defined.

Using a packaged data model, projects take less time and cost because:A) less personnel are required.B) essential components and structures are already defined.C) there is more time taken to model the enterprise.D) packaged data models only run in Oracle.

more one-to-one relationships give the data model more flexibility.

All of the following are advantages of packaged data models EXCEPT:A) packaged data models can be built using proven components evolved from cumulativeexperiences.B) projects take less time and cost less.C) the data model is easier to evolve.D) more one-to-one relationships give the data model more flexibility.

utilize all business rules that come with the packaged data model.

All of the following are steps to using a packaged data model EXCEPT:A) identify the parts of the data model that apply to your data modeling situation.B) utilize all business rules that come with the packaged data model.C) rename the identified data elements.D) map data to be used in packages with existing data in the current databases


When identifying the parts of the packaged data model that apply to your organization, oneshould first start with:A) entities.B) attributes.C) primary keys.D) relationships

data profiling

A good method for identifying inconsistencies and finding hidden meaning in the customizedpurchased data model is:A) data analysis.B) data volume usage analysis.C) user interviews.D) data profiling

M:N relationships - many-to-many

In packaged data models, strong entities always have ________ between them.A) weak entitiesB) 1:1 relationshipsC) 1:M relationshipsD) M:N relationships

total specialization; overlap

In packaged data models, all subtype/supertype relationships follow the ________ and________ rules.A) partial specialization; disjointB) total specialization; disjointC) total specialization; overlapD) partial specialization; overlap


In the figure below, which of the following apply to both OUTPATIENTs andRESIDENT_PATIENTs?A) Checkback_DateB) Date_DischargedC) Patient_NameD) XML


In the figure below, which of the following is a subtype of patient?A)OutpatientB) PhysicianC) BedD) Date_Hired


In the figure below, to which of the following entities are the entities "CAR" and "TRUCK"generalized?A) MakeB) VehicleC) ModelD) Price

total specialization.

The following figure is an example of:A) partial specialization.B) completeness.C) total specialization.D) disjointness

partial specialization.

The following figure is an example of:A) partial specialization.B) disjoint completeness.C) total specialization.D) transunion constraint.


In the figure below, the patient must be either an outpatient or a resident patient. This is anexample of the ________ rule.A) disjointB) specializationC) generalizationD) overlap

subtype discriminator

The following diagram shows:A) total specialization.B) partial specialization.C) the overlap rule.D) subtype discriminator

the overlap rule.

The following figure shows an example of:A) the disjoint rule.B) the completeness rule.C) the underdog rule.D) the overlap rule

A rental unit can be an apartment, house or just a rental unit; it may not be more than one atthe same time.

Which of the following statements is true about the figure shown below?A) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and cannot be both at the same time.B) A rental unit can be an apartment, house or just a rental unit; it may not be more than one atthe same time.C) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and could be both.D) A rental unit can be an apartment, a house or just a rental unit. It could be both an apartmentand a house at the same time

A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and could be both.

Which of the following statements is true about the figure shown below?A) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and cannot be both at the same time.B) A rental unit can be an apartment, house or just a rental unit; it may not be more than one atthe same time.C) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and could be both.D) A rental unit can be an apartment, a house or just a rental unit. It could be both an apartmentand a house at the same time.

supertype/subtype hierarchy.

The following figure shows a:A) disjoint constraint.B) completeness constraint.C) supertype/subtype hierarchy.D) spindle constraint

A person can only be a faculty, student or staff

Which statement is true about the following diagram?A) A person can only be a faculty, student or staff.B) A student can be both an undergraduate and a graduate student at the same time.C) All attributes of person and student are inherited by undergraduate.D) All attributes of graduate are inherited by person.


The following figure is an example of total specialization.


The following figure is an example of the overlap rule


There are three separate discriminators in the following diagram because of the overlap rule.

What rule specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship?

Total specialization specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship.

Which of the following specifies that an entity instance of the supertype does not have to belong to any subtype?

Total specialization specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship. Partial specialization specifies that an entity instance of the supertype does not have to belong to any subtype, and may or may not be an instance of one of the subtypes.

Which of the following specifies that each instance of an entity type must have a unique identifier that is not null?

42) A primary key is an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each instance of an entity type.

What defines the relationship between a supertype entity and the subtype entities?

A supertype is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes. A subtype is a sub-grouping of the entities in an entity type that is meaningful to the organization and that shares common attributes or relationships distinct from other subgroups.