Which of the following statements about the reach and frequency of magazines are correct?

1) Which of the following groups of people are NOT involved in the development of an advertiser's media plan?

E) advertiser's operations staff

2) Which of the following refers to information such as demographic profiles of current customers, response to previous promotions, product sales and distribution patterns, and the budget of how much can be spent on media?Term

3) A valuable tool for media planners, ________ is provided by companies such as MRI and is usually organized by product category and cross-tabulated by audience groups and their consumption patterns.Term

4) Which of the following is a standard research display format that allows multiple variables of related data to be grouped together? Term

5) Which concept refers to marketers tracking how much competing brands spend on media compared to how much they are spending on their particular brand?Term

6) One type of media-related information about markets is the broadcast coverage area for television, which is called a(n) ________ and is referred to by the name of the largest city in the area.Term

C) designated marketing area (DMA)Definition

7) A designated marketing area (DMA) assignment is based on ________.

E) which city provides the majority of the households' TV programming

8) Which of the following is a written document that summarizes the objectives and strategies that guide how media dollars will be spent?Term

9) When developing a media plan, a planner considers ________, which include exposure to traditional mass media, word of mouth, place-based media, in-store brand exposures, and interactive media.Term

10) ________ media are chosen based on metrics such as GRPs and CPMs, while new media depends more on factors like brand experience, involvement, and personal impact. Term

11) What is the first of the four basic steps in media planning?Term

D) identifying the target audience

12) ________ describes what a company wants to accomplish regarding the delivery of its brand messages and their impact on the target audience.Term

13) Which concept describes the percent of people exposed to a brand message one or more times within a specified period of time?

14) If a company wants to increase the percent of people exposed to its message during its media campaign, then the company is trying to increase its ________.

15) Which of the following is typically the place to start when setting objectives for a media plan?

16) The ________ of a specific media vehicle is the percentage of that vehicle's audience that matches the brand's target market.Term

17) The number of people in the vehicle's audience who are neither customers nor prospects is called ________.

18) Which concept refers to the repetition of message exposure?

19) Which two methods do media planners use to estimate the frequency of a schedule?

D) average frequency and frequency distribution

20) Which of the following statements is false regarding average frequency and/or frequency distribution?

A) Most planners prefer to use average frequency instead of frequency distribution.

21) What is a general rule of thumb regarding the number of exposures needed for a message to sink in?

22) Which concept refers to adding frequency to reach until reaching a level where people respond?

23) Media planners determine the most cost-effective media mix that will reach the target audience and satisfy the media objectives through the ________.

24) A media strategy that involves high ________ would involve creating broad exposure using many media vehicles, while a strategy involving high ________ would be narrower in focus with a more limited list of media vehicles. Term

25) Most brands use a variety of targeted media vehicles known as a ________.

26) Which of the following is NOT a reason most organizations need a variety of ways to get their messages out to their customers?

A) A media plan would not be able to attain the desired level of reach and frequency if it relied on just one medium.

27) What type of schedule is used when proportionately more of the marketing budget is spent in special regions or DMAs?

28) Which of the following is an index of the relative consumption rate of a particular product category in a particular market?

B) category development index (CDI)

29) Which of the following is an index which estimates the strength of a brand in various geographical areas?

C) brand development index (BDI)

30) When is it advisable to use newspapers in the media plan?

A) The product has a news element, such as new features or formulation.

31) When is it NOT advisable to use magazines in the media plan?

E) There is a need to demonstrate the product.

32) When is it advisable to use out-of-home media in the media plan?

D) There is a need for a situational, place-based message.

33) When is NOT advisable to use radio in the media plan?

B) There is a need to demonstrate the product.

34) When is it advisable to use the Internet in the media plan?

C) The target audience is difficult to reach with traditional media.

35) Prospective customers for a product or service have one or more ideal times and places at which they can be reached with an advertising message. This ideal point is called a(n) ________.

36) Which media scheduling decision relates to factors such as seasonality, holidays, and days of the week?

37) What concept refers to the amount of time allowed before the beginning of the sales period to reach people when they are just beginning to think about seasonal buying?

38) What concept refers to the production time needed to get the advertisement in to the medium?

39) Which of the following is NOT a media scheduling strategy media planners must consider?

40) Other than timing, what are two other important scheduling strategies?

A) duration and continuity

41) If an advertising period is too long, ads may suffer from ________, which means the audience gets tired of them and stops paying attention.

42) ________ refers to the way the advertising is spread over the length of a campaign.

43) Which schedule spreads the advertising evenly over the campaign?

44) Which type of schedule is designed to intensify advertising before a buying aperture and then to reduce advertising to lower levels until the aperture opens again?

45) After the schedule has been worked out in terms of what media run when and for how long, these decisions are ________.

D) plotted on a media flow chart

46) Which of the following is characterized by alternating periods of intense advertising activity and periods of no advertising?

47) The period of time during which there is no advertising during a flighting schedule is called a ________.

48) If a flighting strategy works, there will be a ________, which means that consumers will remember the product across the gap until the next advertising period begins.

49) What decision criterion do media planners use to help decide how much to budget in each DMA or region and for each target audience?

50) In the case of designated marketing areas (DMAs), weak markets may be given more than their share of media weight in the hopes of strengthening the brands in these markets, a practice known as ________.

51) ________ indicate the weight, or efficiency, of a media plan by estimating the reach and frequency.

D) Gross rating points (GRPs)

52) The estimate of ________ adjusts the calculation of an audience to exclude waste coverage so it more accurately reflects the percentage of the target audience watching a program. 

C) targeted rating points (TRPs)

53) Which calculation of efficiency is an estimate of the cost of getting 1,000 impressions?

54) What does CPM stand for?

55) To be more precise and determine the efficiency of a potential media buy, planners often look at the ________.

A) targeted cost per thousand (TCPM)

56) What two figures are needed to calculate CPM?

D) cost of an ad and estimated audience reached by media vehicle

57) Which is a method of comparing media vehicles by estimating the cost of reaching 1 million households based on a program's rating points?

58) ________ techniques enable marketers to determine the relative impact of a media mix on product sales by using computer models that calculate the weight of a media schedule and optimize the schedule for the greatest impact. 

59) Media planners may strive to create ________ in a media plan, which means the various media work together to create coherent brand communication.

A) cross-media integration

60) Which of the following refers to the way radio reinforces and re-creates in a listener's mind a message that was originally delivered by other media?

61) Which of the following is the most important function of media buying?

B) matching the media vehicle to the strategic needs of the message

62) Which of the following is a function of a media buyer?

E) negotiate cost and make the media buy

63) Which of the following is NOT a function of a media buyer?

E) design and promote advertising campaigns

64) With the current trend toward using other forms of marketing communication in addition to advertising, buyers often demand additional promotional support; these activities are sometimes called ________.

C) value-added media services

65) Media buyers must bargain for ________, the locations in magazines and other print media that offer readership advantage. 

66) Policies of compensating advertisers for errors, such as missed positions or errors in handling the message presentation, are known as ________.

67) Magazines and newspapers have clearly set production deadlines called ________.

68) The growth of media buying services as separate companies that specialize in media buying has shifted the way the media industry is organized. This is referred to as ________.

D) unbundling media services

69) Why have several advertising agencies unbundled their media buying function?

C) This allows media groups to work for clients who may be competitors to some of those handled by the agency.

70) Media companies that have brought the planning and buying functions back together offer ________.

71) Media planners examine client information, market research, competitive advertising expenditures, media kits, media coverage area, and consumer behavior reports before media decision-making begins.

72) The broadcast coverage area for television is called a designated marketing area (DMA) and is referred to by the name of the largest city in the area.

73) The four basic steps in media planning are targeting, setting media objectives, developing media strategies, and analyzing the metrics of a media plan.

74) Media objectives refer to the repetition of message exposure.

75) The two basic media objectives are reach and frequency.

76) Reach is the percentage of people exposed to a brand message one or more times within a specific period of time.

77) The number of people in the vehicle's audience who are neither customers nor prospects is called wasted reach.

78) In terms of frequency, a general rule of thumb is that it takes more than 10 exposures for a message to sink in.

79) The idea behind the concept of effective frequency is that you add frequency to reach until you get to the level where people respond.

80) Developing a media strategy is the fourth and final step in developing a media plan.

81) One reason that organizations use a variety of ways to get their messages out to consumers is the fact that some people reject certain media.

82) In most cases, the media plan will identify special regions or cities to be emphasized with a heavy-up schedule, which means proportionately more of the budget is spent in those areas.

83) It's best to use radio for advertising if you want to reach an upscale, well-educated audience and the product has a news element, such as new features or formulation.

84) National television is an effective advertising outlet to reach a wide, mass audience.

85) Aperture is the point where a consumer has an opportunity to connect with a brand and respond in some way to a brand message

86) When considering scheduling strategies, the most important questions are when to advertise, how long, and how often (timing, duration, and continuity).

87) A pulsing strategy is the most severe type of continuity adjustment and is characterized by alternating periods of intense advertising activity and periods of no advertising.

88)Media planners often use a decision criterion called weighting to help them decide how much to budget.

89) Gross rating points (GRPs) indicate an approximate measure of the reach and frequency of a media plan, as well as the plan's efficiency.

90) The measure of gross rating points (GRPs) doesn't include any waste coverage or audience members outside the target audience.

91) Cost per thousand (CPM) is a measure used to determine the effectiveness of a media vehicle.

92) The cost per point (CPP) is calculated by multiplying the cost of the ad by 1,000 and dividing that number by the readers in the target audience.

93) Media selection has little to do with the brand message.

94) A true global medium does not currently exist.

95) Media buyers should be consulted early in planning, as they are a good source of information on changes in media.

96) Media buyers negotiate rates, preferred positions, and extra support offers on behalf of their clients.

97) Once the media purchases have been made, the media buyer is no longer involved with the advertising campaign.

98) Program preemptions, missed closings, and/or technical problems caused by the media often lead to the offer of make-goods to the advertiser.

99) Multichannel deals are a result of media convergence that allow advertisers to purchase media across all platforms with a single deal.

100) Unbundling media services has allowed media groups to work for clients who may be competitors of those handled by the agency.

101) Information provided by various media is most useful for media planners because it best reflects the true value of the medium to advertisers.

102) Average frequency gives the planner the best picture of the plan's performance.

103) The frequency distribution method is more revealing, and thus more valuable, than the average frequency method.

104) The tighter the focus on a target market, the more difficult it is to find appropriate media to deliver a relevant message.

105) Planners typically make heavier advertising allocations in weak sales areas because these are the areas that promise the greatest growth.

111) Christie was gathering the information needed for the media plan for a client. She most likely found the ________ to be a good information source for demographic profiles of current customers, previous promotions, and the budget.

112) One study assessed consumers' regard for specific brands and related that score to the brand's advertising expenditures relative to competitors' expenditures. The study found that all of the top brands in a given product category also represented the largest percentage of total advertising spending in a product category relative to competitors. What was measured in this study?

113) As Janice developed a media plan for a client, she gathered ________ as part of her research from Claritas PRIZM system.

E) consumer behavior reports

114) Sam is developing a media plan for a shoe company that just went national. What is his first step in developing the media plan?

A) identifying the target audience

115) Henry is employed at an advertising agency and was approached by a company that recently became national. The company wanted to advertise exclusively on television. Henry suggested that the company's media plan instead use several media vehicles, known as a(n)________.

116) Jamie is a media planner for an advertising agency. The guiding principle he uses to determine a client's media plan is that advertising is most effective when it reaches the right people at the right time with the right message. What concept is this principle based on?

117) The newspaper in Panama City, Florida, The News Herald, charges national advertisers $45.00 per column inch. On Sunday, which is the day most national advertisers would want to advertise, this newspaper has a circulation of 70,000 households. Calculate CPM for one column inch. 

118) The newspaper in Panama City, Florida, The News Herald, charges national advertisers $45.00 per column inch. On Sunday, which is the day most national advertisers would want to advertise, this newspaper has a circulation of 70,000 households. Of these households, 40,000 are in one advertiser's target audience. Calculate the TCPM for one column inch for this advertiser. 

119) On Wednesday nights, one TV hit commanded the highest advertising rates for the network TV season, charging advertisers $658,333 per 30 seconds. During one Wednesday in April, the hit show had almost 25 million viewers. Calculate CPM for this Wednesday in April.

120) On Wednesday nights, a hit TV show commanded the highest advertising rates for the network TV season, charging advertisers $658,333 per 30 seconds. This ad cost was based on an average rating of 16.3 for this program during the previous TV season. The hit show reached an audience of almost 25 million viewers during one week in April. Calculate the CPP.

121) A television advertisement for life insurance uses the song "Time" by Alan Parson's Project and shows a family sharing tender moments together. The company also uses the same song in its radio ads in the hope that it will reinforce and re-create the message in the listener's mind. Which concept best describes this situation?

122) Rachel is creating an international media plan for her client. Which of the following is NOT true concerning global media planning?

B) The Internet is the only true global medium

123) Recently a local breaking-news story ran on a television channel instead of a scheduled advertisement. The media buyer compensated by promising the client an equally valuable spot to replace it or reimbursement. What is this policy known as?

124) If a local business wants to advertise extensively in a local market, wants to reach an upscale and well-educated audience, needs room for explanation, and is unconcerned with the quality of the image, what medium would best suit its advertising needs?

125) 28th Avenue Wine & Spirits decided to start advertising its business, but it does not have a large budget to devote to it. However, the company's sales are seasonal, with the highest sales occurring between Thanksgiving and New Year's. If 28th Avenue Wine & Spirits would like to have a media presence all year round, which continuity schedule would you recommend to make the most of the budget?

126) If there were one weekly insertion in all the magazines for a four week period, what would the total insertions be for the plan?

127) 70% of Magazine A's readers are part of the target market for a certain advertiser. This percentage represents Magazine A's ________ for this advertiser.

128) Some members of a certain advertiser's target market subscribe to all three magazines, so they would likely see each ad placed in each magazine. Other members of the audience, however, may not see the ads at all. The media planner for this advertiser has divided the total target audience into five sections and estimated how often members of each section will be exposed to the ad. This is called ________.

A) frequency quintile distribution analysis

129) What are the total gross rating points (GRPs) for this media plan, assuming that each magazine carries a weekly ad insertion for a total of four weeks?

130) How many unduplicated readers are there for the three magazines?

Which of these is an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium quizlet?

T One of the main advantages of using magazines as an advertising medium is their selectivity, or ability to reach a specific target audience. Magazines are the most selective of all media except direct mail. The more successful a magazine, the greater the amount of clutter it contains.

How do you work out the reach of a magazine?

The formula for readership is RPC multiplied by circulation. Suppose a magazine has a circulation of 150,000 and a RPC of 2.5. This gives a readership of 375,000.

Which of the following statements about clutter in magazine advertising is true?

Which of the following statements about clutter in magazine advertising is true? they attract more ad pages.

Which of the following is an advantage of advertising in magazines?

Magazine advertisements tend to have a much longer shelf live than other print ads. Audience targeting is one of the main advantages of magazine advertising because certain groups of people are often more likely than others to be interested in a particular good or service.

Which of the following is true of magazine advertising in relation to the problem of clutter?

Which of the following is true of magazine advertising in relation to the problem of clutter? It is not as serious an issue for magazines as for radio or TV. Media buyers primarily evaluate magazines on the basis of: their ability to deliver the advertiser's message to as many people as possible in the target audience.