Which of the following statements accurately describes corporate social responsibility CSR )?


At SAP, we believe that no single company can tackle the world’s most pressing challenges alone. Partnerships are integral to the DNA of SAP. We foster meaningful connections to make an impact on society, as you will discover in the following story about the DreamOval Foundation in Ghana.

Through the SAP Social Sabbatical program, one of our signature Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, we try to create sustainable change that continues to yield dividends long after the direct engagement is completed. The examples provided in the article below are a testament to the efforts around creating the opportunities for partnerships to grow and flourish. We can clearly see that bringing passionate individuals, whether they are SAP employees or our nonprofit partners, can result in that continuous cycle of impact and results.

There is a famous quote from Henry Ford about coming together, staying together, and working together to achieve sustainable outcomes. This sentiment accurately describes the essence of this – or any – successful partnership.

I trust that you will enjoy this article. May it spark new ideas for partnerships and long-lasting societal impact around the world. Thank you once again to Francis and the DreamOval foundation team for their continued partnership with SAP.

Hemang Desai Global Program Director, SAP Social Sabbatical portfolio SAP Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

How a Partnership with SAP Is Transforming the DreamOval Foundation and Education in Ghana

Ever the insightful leader, Winston Churchill, in this profound quote, aptly summarizes the mindset shift that resulted from our first encounter with PYXERA Global through its facilitation service for Global Pro Bono (GPB) programs. The meeting set the DreamOval Foundation on a new path by connecting us with SAP in early 2016. The partnership materialized when three pro bono consultants through the SAP Social Sabbatical for executive engagement program arrived in Accra, Ghana in April of that year to provide their time and talent. During two weeks of immersion, they focused on a series of targeted recommendations to expand the scope of our teacher training initiative.

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”

In the time since, the effect of this union on the DreamOval Foundation – a Ghanaian nonprofit that implements education programs to help Ghanaians thrive – has been transformative. We always wanted to be bold in our ambition to close the skills gap in Ghana, and now we have the tools, perspective, and confidence to realize these dreams. The ripple effects of the engagement, beyond newly streamlined processes and a growth road map, include entirely new initiatives for the foundation.

Prior to the immersive engagement, DreamOval was spinning its wheels trying to scale its education strategy. But the learnings and recommendations breathed new life into our mission by helping us to advance it with greater purpose. The Ghanaian government now officially recognizes our teacher training certification for teacher promotion. Through the experience of working with the public sector, our capacity to offer free information and communications technology (ICT) training has also grown, allowing DreamOval to drive deeper social impact across Ghana and beyond.

Now one year after the engagement with the executive pro bono team, the DreamOval Foundation is proud to report 100% growth of its ICT education solutions during the recently held iTeach training for teachers.

Females in Tech Initiative

As part of the DreamOval Foundation’s mission to reach the underserved, we recently embarked on a new endeavor, the Females in Tech Initiative (FemiTI). The program aims to introduce young women from underprivileged communities to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and the Internet of Things (IoT). The inaugural class of FemiTI, which is sponsored financially by SAP and inspired by the SAP Social Sabbatical program, will include 200 young women who will be introduced to STEM education to help close the skills gap. More importantly, it will provide them with skills that could subsequently support a broader opportunity to impact their communities.

SAP and the Power of Pro Bono

SAP is among a growing number of multinational companies engaging in GPB programs designed to achieve a triple impact where the company, pro bono participant, and host organization all benefit in a multitude of ways. For SAP, the sabbatical program has defined education, particularly in bridging the digital divide, as an overarching objective for its global engagement.

It is in this way that SAP inspired a new partnership for the DreamOval Foundation, with another sabbatical host client, the enterprise development nonprofit Socialab, based in Colombia. We met at the PYXERA Global Engagement Forum held in Washington, D.C. this fall, and the potential to deepen our impact through partnership was clear. The collaboration will seek to replicate FemiTI in Colombia to reach underserved Colombian girls. We are eager to go global in our education efforts and we trace our trajectory of impact back to our experience with GPB.


Our introduction to GPB through PYXERA Global has brought us immense benefit, the extent to which we honestly cannot quantify. The impact of the 2016 exchange with SAP will continue to improve lives in Ghana as we drive our programs within the country and across West Africa.

We are inspired by this collaboration and continued relationship with PYXERA Global, and we agree with the following statement from Oscar Wilde: “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” This is not meant to suggest that GPB is another form of charitable giving. We recognize that it is much more than this, but we know that the act of engaging on a human level holds tremendous value, and the world needs more of that.

Today, that one encounter with SAP has brought us great opportunities. We continue to bask in the energy to support others in reaching the pedestal of success. As SAP has had a tremendous impact on the DreamOval Foundation, the momentum charges forward through our mission to educate, empower, and support thriving individuals and communities.

Which best describes Corporate Social Responsibility CSR )?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the idea that a company should play a positive role in the community and consider the environmental and social impact of business decisions.

Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities that comes under CSR?

Hence emotional is not a dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility.

What is the purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility quizlet?

Corporate social responsibility is the managerial obligation to take action to protect and improve both the welfare of society as a whole and the interest of organizations. a companies obligation exert a positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.

Which of the following is not Corporate Social Responsibility?

Culture is not one of the three factors of Corporate Social Responsibility. Culture is not one of the areas in which organizations have corporate social responsibility. The three factors of CSR are environment, economy, and society. These are often referred to as planet, profit, and people.


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