Which of the following statements accurately describes one of the movements shown in the model?

Which of the following statements accurately describes one of the movements shown in the model?

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Which of the following statements accurately describes one of the movements shown in the model?

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Which of the following is NOT an example of passive transport? The movement of water through the membrane channel aquaporin. Na+ ions being pumped out of the cell. The movement of glucose across the cell membrane by the GLUT-1 transporter. Na+ ions flowing into the cell through an ion channel.


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which of these is not an example of passive transport, the movement of water through aqua foreign sodium ions pumped out of the cell, the movement of glucose by the gluts, one transporter or sodium ions flowing through an ion channel. So passive transport does not require us to put in energy, so does not require an energy input because it is diffusion, which means it is down the electrochemical gradients active transport. The opposite means pumping something against it's gradient and pumping is a very common word for it, which is why the answer is B so the movement of water through aquamarine water is not lipid soluble. It cannot diffuse directly through the membrane. So we have simple diffusion which is where things can just go straight through the membrane. But a lot of things cannot. So simple diffusion, we used to go straight through the membrane, but anything that is not lipid soluble cannot do this. And that's why we also have facilitated diffusion. Thanks. So, passing through a channel or assisted by a transporter. But this is not using energy. So it's not using a teepee and it's not a secondary active transport, which is where you let one ion or molecule go down its gradient and you take the energy released from that to power a pump that's still active. So this is again down the gradient and that's what we're seeing for a aqua por ins are channels that let water go down their gradient through the membrane sympathy. So sodium ions aren't lipid soluble because we're charged. So they need to go through a channel if the channel is open, it's passive, the sodium ions can pass through down there electrochemical gradients and finally see. So see as an example of this transporter, it helps glucose get across with some membrane, but again, it is down the gradients. It is passive. If you see the word pump, you're looking most likely at active transport. So when the sodium ions are pumped out of the soul, that means energy is being put in to get them up there gradients.

Which would be involved in facilitated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion is the diffusion of solutes through transport proteins in the plasma membrane. Channel proteins, gated channel proteins, and carrier proteins are three types of transport proteins that are involved in facilitated diffusion.

Can ions freely dissolve across the lipid region of the cell membrane?

Ions can freely dissolve across the lipid region of the cell membrane. Gases such as N2, O2, and CO2 require embedded transport proteins to dissolve across the lipid region of the cell membrane.

Which molecular substance is actively transported across the plasma membrane?

Substances that are transported across the cell membrane by primary active transport include metal ions, such as Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+. These charged particles require ion pumps or ion channels to cross membranes and distribute through the body.