Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?

Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?

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Chapter 10: The Civil War

  1. Which of the following states seceded from the Union after Lincoln was elected but before he came to office?
  2. South Carolina
  3. Virginia
  4. Arkansas
  5. Tennessee

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  1. What was the immediate cause of the secession of Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee from the Union?
  2. the Emancipation Proclamation
  3. Lincoln’s call for additional troops after Confederate soldiers seized Fort Sumter
  4. Lincoln’s inauguration speech in which he denounced slavery and proposed to abolish it completely
  5. Frederick Douglass’s speech in New York in May 1857 wherein he spoke of slavery’s doom
  1. Which of the following statements BEST captures northerners’ attitude toward emancipation at the beginning of the Civil War?
  2. The majority of white northerners recognized from the onset that victory in the war could be accomplished only if the slaves were freed.
  3. Despite the resistance of a few partisan opponents of the Lincoln administration, most white northerners viewed the emancipation of slaves as the single most important objective of the war.
  4. Opposition to emancipation was strong in the North, particularly in regions settled by white southerners and among white laborers.
  5. Although northern Democrats consistently demanded that the government make emancipation its priority, the most conservative Republicans in power insisted on keeping emancipation off the table until late in the war.
  1. How did militant abolitionists view Abraham Lincoln during the election of 1860 and the first year of the Civil War?
  2. They believed that he shared their principles and that his antislavery policies were strong and good.
  3. They applauded his stance on slavery, though they lamented that Congress would not allow him to take stronger measures to end it.
  4. They believed that he was too willing to push through antislavery measures without considering the effects they would have on white northerners’ support for the war effort.
  5. They often opposed his policies, which they believed did not take a sufficiently firm or consistent stand against slavery.
  1. Which of the following statements BEST characterizes Lincoln’s stance on emancipation through the spring of 1862?
  2. He ordered his generals to emancipate all the slaves in any southern territories that they conquered.
  3. He issued a decree abolishing slavery in the Border States in order to establish his authority to abolish slavery in the South.
  4. He unsuccessfully urged Congress and the Border States to implement a plan of gradual compensated emancipation.
  5. He did not officially endorse a policy of emancipating slaves in rebellious territories, but he tacitly supported Union generals who emancipated slaves on their own initiative.
  1. Throughout most of the war, Lincoln believed that emancipation had to be coupled with
  2. the voluntary emigration of freed people from the United States.
  3. the granting of full political rights to freed people.
  4. economic reparations to compensate freed people for their years of unpaid toil.
  5. government initiatives to promote racial equality.
  1. Lincoln issued his preliminary emancipation proclamation five days after a Union victory at which battle?
  2. Gettysburg
  3. Antietam
  4. Shiloh
  5. Corinth
  1. On which date did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation officially take effect?
  2. September 22, 1862
  3. January 1, 1863
  4. July 4, 1864
  5. April 14, 1865
  1. In 1864, the proposed Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery
  2. was passed by the Senate but blocked by the Democrats in the House.
  3. was vetoed by Lincoln, who worried about its effect on the loyalties of the Border States.
  4. was unanimously passed by both houses of Congress.
  5. was blocked by the combined resistance of Lincoln and the Senate.
  1. A federal policy developed by General Rufus Saxton in late 1862 did all of the following EXCEPT
  2. grant former slaves access to land on which to grow crops.
  3. provide former slaves with tools to grow crops.
  4. require former slaves to grow a certain amount of cotton for government use.
  5. offer former slaves legal title to lands abandoned by Confederates.
  1. African American women’s activism resulted in the formation of organizations such as the Contraband Relief Association that were known for _____.
  2. going south to minister to those formerly enslaved
  3. setting up special camps for blacks at Grand Junction, Tennessee
  4. ensuring that former slaves received payment for their work in plantations
  5. contracting out black labor
  1. Peter Herbert and Mary S. Peake were prominent examples of southern blacks who
  2. provided educational opportunities to contrabands.
  3. assisted Union forces as guides and spies.
  4. engaged in sabotage to undermine the Confederate war effort.
  5. tended to sick and wounded Union soldiers.
  1. In what year did Lincoln alter his policy to allow the Union army to enlist black soldiers?
  2. 1861
  3. 1862
  4. 1863
  5. 1864
  1. Of the roughly 186,000 blacks who enlisted in the Union army, how many came from slave states?
  2. 162,000
  3. 134,000
  4. 84,000
  5. 21,000
  1. With regard to the production of food, the states of the Confederacy
  2. enjoyed a significant advantage over the Union because of their massive acreage of arable land.
  3. found it difficult to shift from the production of cash crops to the production of food, especially since slaves refused to learn the techniques of grain production.
  4. adopted a policy whereby slaves were granted access to small parcels of land in return for growing grains to feed the Confederate army.
  5. passed laws that turned over all the arable land in the South to the production of cotton, which was traded for food and other essential goods.
  1. What did the phrase “running the Negroes” mean in the context of the Civil War?
  2. removing slaves from the path of Union troops to make it harder for the slaves to escape
  3. forcing infirm and elderly slaves to leave a plantation so that they did not deplete the plantation’s dwindling provisions
  4. encouraging slaves to escape to Union lines in order to gain their freedom
  5. sending large groups of male slaves to the front to provide logistical assistance to the Confederate army
  1. Which enslaved pilot of the steamer the Planterintentionally surrendered his vessel to Union forces before beginning work for the Union navy?
  2. William Walker
  3. Robert Smalls
  4. Patrick Cleburne
  5. Rufus Saxton
  1. Which of the following statements about the Confederacy’s impressment of slaves is MOST accurate?
  2. Throughout most of the war, President Davis refused to sanction the impressment of slaves because he viewed it as a violation of the very rights for which the Confederacy was fighting.
  3. Slaves looked forward to being impressed because they were treated better in the military than they were at home.
  4. Although the Confederate government tried to impress slaves into service, the state governments refused to do so, obstructing the efforts of the federal government.
  5. The resistance of slaveholders, who often refused to relinquish their slaves, helped to render the policy of impressment ineffective.
  6. Which of the following statements about southern blacks’ contribution to the Confederate military effort is LEAST accurate?
  7. Even from the beginning of the war, a few local southern authorities allowed blacks to serve in the military.
  8. In some instances, free blacks formed their own companies and offered their service to the Confederacy.
  9. Many white southerners opposed enlisting black men into the military not only because they feared armed rebellion but also because enlistment would imply equality.
  10. Although some states considered enlisting free blacks, none went so far as to propose arming slaves.
  1. On March 13, 1865, President Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy signed into law an act that
  2. abolished slavery throughout the South.
  3. called for additional troops regardless of their race.
  4. allowed for the summary execution of any black person found outside his or her master’s plantation.
  5. conscripted almost every male slave into combat service.

Chapter 11: Promises and Pitfalls of Reconstruction

  1. What effect did the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment have on suffrage in the South?
  2. It threatened to expand the influence of the southern states on the federal government by nullifying the Three-fifths Compromise.
  3. It explicitly granted voting rights to black men though continuing to deny suffrage to all women, white or black.
  4. It did not explicitly grant voting rights to black men but did lessen the federal representation of the states that denied voting rights to black men.
  5. It cemented the dominance of the northern states by barring ex-Confederates from voting in federal elections or holding federal office.
  1. Which of the following statements about Lincoln’s Reconstruction policy is LEAST accurate?
  2. According to his policy, a state could return to the Union once one-tenth of its citizens who had been eligible to vote in 1860 swore an oath of loyalty to the United States.
  3. Lincoln’s policy required the southern states to accept the abolition of slavery as a condition of returning to the Union.
  4. Lincoln insisted that the southern states grant voting rights to black Union veterans as a condition of returning to the Union.
  5. Lincoln granted amnesty to most former Confederates, but not to certain high-ranking government and military figures.
  1. When he ascended to the presidency in 1865, Andrew Johnson
  2. extended pardons to thousands of Confederates.
  3. used his executive powers to punish the plantation elite whom he blamed for the Civil War.
  4. became a staunch champion of freedpeople’s political and civil rights.
  5. signed into law the Wade-Davis Bill, which Lincoln had earlier rejected.
  1. The Black Codes implemented by the southern states under Presidential Reconstruction did all of the following EXCEPT
  2. deny blacks the right to vote.
  3. deny blacks the right to testify against whites in courts of law.
  4. permit judges to take black children away from unfit parents and give them over as apprentices to white employers.
  5. deny blacks the right to enter into contracts.
  1. Which of the following statements about conditions in the South in late 1865 and early 1866 is LEAST accurate?
  2. Terrorist bands of white southerners calling themselves Regulators and Jayhawkers attacked black people with impunity.
  3. The U.S. Congress affirmed the policies of Presidential Reconstruction, thus allowing the worst abuses against southern blacks to continue unchecked.
  4. Elections in the South in late 1865 sent dozens of leading Confederate figures to Congress, including the former vice president of the Confederacy.
  5. In early 1866, the U.S. Congress repudiated the federal elections held in the South in late 1865.
  1. All of the following groups supported the enfranchisement of southern blacks in 1866 EXCEPT
  2. black and white abolitionists.
  3. northern Republicans.
  4. Johnson and his supporters in Congress.
  1. Which of the following actions by President Johnson led to the determination of Congress to take control of Reconstruction?
  2. his criticisms against the disenfranchisement of black men
  3. his dedication to ensuring justice for former slaves in courts
  4. his unprecedented support to the proposed Fourteenth Amendment
  5. his spiteful criticisms about Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and other northern leaders
  1. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 did all of the following EXCEPT
  2. divide the ex-Confederate states into five districts governed by martial law.
  3. require the ex-Confederate states to appoint a certain number of black citizens to offices in the state governments.
  4. require the ex-Confederate states to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment as a condition of being readmitted to the Union.
  5. require the ex-Confederate states to hold new constitutional conventions with delegates chosen by universal male suffrage.
  1. The Fourteenth Amendment divided the members of the abolitionist movement primarily because it
  2. penalized the states for abridging the voting rights of men but not those of women.
  3. included no enforcement measures, essentially making it a dead letter.
  4. failed to restore to African Americans the rights stripped from them by the DredScott
  5. guaranteed naturalized citizens the same rights as native-born citizens.
  1. Which constitutional amendment ostensibly guaranteed black men throughout the nation the right to vote on an equal basis with white men?
  2. the Thirteenth Amendment
  3. the Twelfth Amendment
  4. the Fourteenth Amendment
  5. the Fifteenth Amendment
  1. How many black men served in the House of Representatives between 1869 and 1901?
  2. 12
  3. 20
  4. 36
  5. 45
  1. Which state elected the largest number of black members to the House of Representatives?
  2. South Carolina
  3. Louisiana
  4. Virginia
  5. Georgia
  1. During Reconstruction, South Carolina witnessed
  2. the election of a black man as the governor of the state.
  3. a majority of black representatives in the state’s legislature.
  4. a majority of black senators in the state’s senate.
  5. the fewest political gains for African Americans of any ex-Confederate state.
  1. During Reconstruction, black men in Mississippi served in all of the following positions in the state government EXCEPT
  2. as governor.
  3. as secretary of state.
  4. as speaker of the house.
  5. as lieutenant governor.
  1. With regard to politics, black women during Reconstruction
  2. briefly enjoyed the right to vote at the height of congressional radicalism.
  3. vocally expressed their opinion on important matters and tried to influence political decisions.
  4. had no engagement with and little interest in political affairs, like all women of the time.
  5. sometimes attempted to quietly influence their male relations but carefully avoided overstepping the established bounds of women’s political participation.
  1. The Civil Rights Act, passed in 1875, stipulated that
  2. African Americans could not be denied equal access to public houses and public transportation.
  3. businesses that employed more than two dozen workers could not discriminate against African Americans in their hiring practices.
  4. publicly funded schools must be equally open to both white and black students.
  5. homeowners and landlords could not refuse to sell or rent their property to black citizens.
  1. Which of the following statements about the Freedmen’s Bureau is LEAST accurate?
  2. It provided rations to freedpeople while ignoring the plight of white refugees.
  3. It oversaw dozens of hospitals and contributed millions of dollars to provide health care for former slaves.
  4. It was the first large-scale federal welfare program in the United States.
  5. It supervised labor relations between ex-slaves and their employers.
  1. Which of the following statements BEST captures attitudes toward the education of freedpeople during Reconstruction?
  2. Although the Freedmen’s Bureau tried to interest freedpeople in education, most southern blacks were more concerned with earning a living than with schooling.
  3. The Freedmen’s Bureau almost single-handedly established, funded, and supervised a school system for southern blacks.
  4. Although freedpeople eagerly sought education, the agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau refused to support their goals and required all former slaves—men, women, and children—to enter into labor contracts.
  5. Freedpeople often took the initiative of creating their own schools but depended on financial assistance from the Freedmen’s Bureau and northern churches.
  1. Which black southern university was named after the head of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
  2. Fisk University
  3. Hampton Institute
  4. Howard University
  5. Biddle Memorial Institute
  1. Which of the following statements about the education of freedpeople in the Reconstruction era is LEAST accurate?
  2. The schools established to educate freedpeople sought to inculcate the values of the free labor system.
  3. Many white teachers focused as much on altering blacks’ dialects and worship behaviors as on teaching them to read and write.
  4. Large numbers of northerners traveled south to educate freedpeople, and the majority of white teachers in black schools were from the North.
  5. The movement to educate freedpeople was crippled from the outset by the refusal of the federal government to provide money or other assistance to black schools.
  1. In the context of southern black churches during Reconstruction, which of the following is true of church buildings?
  2. They served as branches of the Freedmen’s Bank.
  3. They were burned to the ground as they were found to be points of origin of the smallpox virus.
  4. They served as the venue for political conferences and assemblies.
  5. They were leased out to former slaves.
  1. Economically, most freedpeople in agricultural regions associated freedom primarily with
  2. the ownership of land.
  3. the right to earn good wages.
  4. the right to enter into contracts.
  5. the right to learn a skilled trade.
  1. A persistent rumor spread through the South in 1865 and 1866 that the federal government would provide freedpeople with
  2. ten dollars for every year they had been slaves.
  3. forty acres of land and a mule.
  4. free transportation to northern industrial centers.
  5. their own territory in the Southwest.
  1. Which of the following statements about the Southern Homestead Act of 1866 is MOST accurate?
  2. The act distributed public lands exclusively to freedpeople.
  3. Black families gained the most land through the act in states with the largest black populations.
  4. Although the act opened lands to both whites and blacks, it was blacks who benefited the most.
  5. Thanks in part to the act, between 4 percent and 8 percent of all freed families owned their own land by the mid-1870s.
  1. After gaining their freedom, black families preferred that female members
  2. work side by side with men in the fields.
  3. find work as domestics in white households.
  4. stay home and tend to their household.
  5. find jobs in the new factories being built by northern capitalists.
  1. Which of the following statements about gender and race in the South during Reconstruction is MOST accurate?
  2. Almost half of the black families in this period lacked a male head of household.
  3. In black families, matriarchal authority was more prevalent than patriarchal authority.
  4. When dealing with the Freedman’s Bureau, men tended to complain about individual mistreatment, whereas women complained about the mistreatment of members of their families.
  5. Whites criticized black women who emulated white women by staying at home instead of working for wages.
  1. Which of the following statements about sharecropping is LEAST accurate?
  2. The system proved to be an inefficient method of production, and the South never again produced as much cotton as it had before the war.
  3. The system emerged as a compromise between masters and freedpeople, who preferred the semblance of freedom that it gave compared to the close supervision and uncertain recompense associated with wage labor.
  4. The system did not give freedpeople direct ownership of land, but it did allow them to live on a given plot and keep a portion of the crop that they produced on it.
  5. The system cast many freedpeople into a cycle of ever-growing debt from which they stood little chance of escaping
  1. Which of the following is true of the Freedmen’s Bank?
  2. The bank was headquartered in Memphis.
  3. The bank closed in March 1874.
  4. The process of bookkeeping was inaccurate and done by incompetent people.
  5. Only black employees were hired as bank staff when the bank opened.
  1. The two most powerful white supremacist terrorist organizations during Reconstruction were the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and
  2. the Constitutional Union Guards.
  3. the Pale Faces.
  4. the White Brotherhood.
  5. the Knights of the White Camelia.
  1. Which of the following statements about white supremacist organizations in the 1870s such as the Ku Klux Klan is MOST accurate?
  2. The organizations had to operate in secrecy because they had little support among the broader white community.
  3. Despite initial resistance to terrorist tactics from blacks, the organizations’ terrorist methods proved increasingly effective at subverting black political participation.
  4. Frustrated with the slow pace of progress in the South and the costs of Reconstruction, the federal government took no action to thwart the rise of white supremacist groups.
  5. Local governments were fully capable of ending these organizations’ activities, but none showed the desire to do so.

Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?

Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?

Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?

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Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?
Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?


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Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?
Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?


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Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?
Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?


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Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?
Which of the following statements best captures attitudes toward the education of Freedpeople during reconstruction?


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Which black Southern University was named after the head of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Howard University, a historically all-black school in Washington, D.C., was established in 1867 and named for Oliver Howard, one of its founders and the head of the Freedmen's Bureau. He served as the university's president from 1869 to 1874.

Whose inauguration in 1877 is generally used to mark the end of Reconstruction?

The Compromise of 1877 gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency in exchange for the end of Reconstruction in the South.

What effect did the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment have on suffrage in the South quizlet?

What effect did the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment have on suffrage in the South? Nullified the three-fifths compromise, making it possible for the south to have greater congressional representation.

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What was the relationship between the civil rights movement and the labor union movement during the 1940s? Labor unions often worked closely with civil rights organizations, and also provided early training in the forms of mass protest which would be employed in the later civil rights movement.