Which of the following statements best describes how the epidemiologic transition affects the demographic transition quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (66)

    Which of the following types of distortion is most prominent in the Mercator?

    Relative Size

    Which of the following statements regarding the problem of distortion is correct?

    The shapes of different areas might be distorted on a flat map.

    Which of the following examples is considered a formal region?

    Areas that share a dominant language.

    A teacher wants to display a map showing paths of international migrants across oceans. Which of the following map projections would be most useful for this purpose?

    Robinson project

    Which of the following is the best example of a vernacular region?

    The U.S. South

    Which of the following types of scale refers to a line marked to show the actual distance on Earth's surface represented on the map?

    Graphic Scale

    Which of the following is an example of a toponym?


    Which of the following definitions correctly describes geographic information science?

    The development and analysis of data about Earth using satellite and other electronic information.

    Which of the following statements regarding the term culture is correct?

    Culture consists of beliefs, material traits, and social customs.

    Which of the following locations is the master reference time for all locations on Earth?

    Greenwich, England

    Which of the following statements correctly describes the site of a location?

    The city is located on top of a hill.

    Which of the following statements regarding the prime meridian is correct?

    It passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

    What is a challenge in identifying formal regions?

    Generalization makes it difficult to recognize differences.

    Which of the following terms refers to the scientific method of transferring locations on Earth's surface to a flat map?


    The statement, "My dorm room is across from the dining hall," is an example of?


    Which of the following was a Muslim geographer who prepared a world map in A.D. 1154?

    Muhammad al-Idrisi

    Which of the following statements regarding time zones is correct?

    Time zones are based on lines of longitude.

    Why does expansion diffusion occur more rapidly today than in the past?

    Innovations in communications technology

    Which of the following is the best example of the uniform global landscape?

    A multinational retail store using the same store layout at every location

    Two neighborhoods each have 30 homes on an 80-acre plot of land. The homes in Neighborhood A are located in a circle around a central park area and are relatively close together. The homes in Neighborhood B have large yards and are spread evenly across the 80-acre piece of land. Which of the following statements about the distributions of these neighborhoods is correct?

    The neighborhoods have the same density.

    The arrangement of a feature in space is known as its


    Which of the following resources is considered renewable?

    Solar Energy

    An Italian immigrant moves to the United States and opens one of the first American pizzerias. Which of the following types of cultural diffusion is this an example of?


    Which of the following situations is an example of contagious diffusion?

    A web video of a bunny chasing a dog "going viral"

    Earth's crust is located in which of the following physical systems?

    The lithosphere

    A company creates the first self-driving car, but no one buys it. Years later, another competing manufacturer improves on the original design and sells millions of vehicles. This is an example of

    stimulus diffusion

    Which of the following terms describes a piece of land created by draining water from an area?


    Which of the following examples displays a linear pattern?

    Homes and businesses located along a light rail track

    A researcher believes that a humid climate caused the development of a distinctive indigenous clothing style. This is an example of

    environmental determinism

    Which of the following factors most contributes to uneven development?

    The globalization of the economy

    Which of the following is an example of a hearth?

    A village inventing a new cooking method that diffuses along trade routes

    Which of the following businesses is an example of a transnational corporation?

    A company that has its headquarters in Europe, its research division in the United States, its production facilities in Mexico, and ships goods all around the world.

    A particular neighborhood block is 1 square mile and contains 10 homes, each spaced closely together in a circular arrangement. What is the density of homes in this neighborhood?

    10 homes per square mile

    Which of the following distributions could be described as dispersed?

    A rural area where farms are located far from one another

    Which of the following situations is an example of globalization?

    An American fast food restaurant opening in Eastern Europe

    Charles Lindbergh took 34 hours to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. The flight takes around 8 hours. This is an example of?

    Space time compression

    A group of living organisms and the nonliving spheres with which they interact is an


    Which of the following is a key pillar of sustainability discussed in the United Nations reports, Our Common Future, commonly referred to as the Brundtland Report?

    Economic Growth

    The statement, "Trees should be protected and should not be used by humans," is an example of which of the following environmental philosophies?


    Two friends see each other and communicate more than they do with a third friend who lives across the country. This is an example of ?

    distance decay

    A researcher is examining how men and women perceive city landscapes differently. Which of the following branches of geography is most concerned with this type of research?

    Humanistic Geography

    What is zero population growth?

    When birth rates equal death rates and natural increase approaches zero

    Which of the following epidemic phenomena undermines the extension of life expectancy that is described in Stage 4 of the epidemiology transition?

    More sedentary lifestyles

    Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that will contribute to the continued improvement in life expectancy of older people in Stage 4 of the epidemiology transition?

    More non-nutritious food

    Which of the following types of countries is likely to institute population policies, including education and health-care initiatives aimed at reducing birth rates?

    Countries that can afford such programs

    Select the Demographic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example:

    In the United Kingdom, women have on average been waiting until their later years to marry and have children, reducing the overall fertility rate to just at the replacement level. Coupled with continuing advances in health care that continues to keep the death rate down, what stage is the UK likely in?

    Stage 4

    Which of the following descriptions explains why health conditions vary around the world?

    Each country has its own set of resources and responses to care for their sick.

    Which of the following terms represents the societal shift most responsible for the decline in death rates?

    Medical revolution

    Select the Epidemiological Transition Model stage that best represents the following example:

    In Sweden the top five causes of death are heart disease, stroke, dementia, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

    Stage 3

    Which of the following terms refers to the distinctive health threats that accompany each of the different stages of the demographic transition?

    Epidemiological transition

    The Chinese government drafted the One Child Policy in 1979 as a reaction to the experience of which of the following stages of the demographic transition?

    Stage 2

    The two areas of criticism around Malthus's theory can be interpreted as faulting Malthus for having a limited understanding of the dynamics around what phenomenon?


    Which of the following factors is a primary reason for a decline in birth rates in developed countries?

    Higher proportions of women using family planning methods

    Nearly a century after the start of the Industrial Revolution, Malthus wrote his Essays on the Principle of Population in 1798, just a few decades after Europe and North America entered into which stage of the demographic transition?

    Stage 2

    Which of the following types of countries likely has the lowest IMR?

    Developed countries

    Which of the following labels is applied to the group of geographers and other scientists who highlight the rapid population increases since the 1950's, underscored by accounts of the wide variety of resources being depleted?


    Select the Epidemiological Transition Model stage that best represents the following example:

    In Medieval Central Asia, the rapid spread of disease occurred because of the relatively unsanitary conditions and the "disease spillover" of humans and animals intermingling closely.

    Stage 1

    Select the Demographic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example:

    In Bolivia, there is cultural and religious disapproval of contraception, so birth rates are very high. Further, the country tends to have comparatively high infant mortality rates and a low life expectancy because of limited food and water; however, death rates are slowly declining. What stage would Bolivia be in?

    Stage 2

    Which of the following proportions of world population do the combined populations of India and China constitute?


    Among developed countries, most offer health care as a government-provided public service. Which of the following developed countries is a notable exception to this custom?

    United States

    Which of the following terms represents the age-specific mortality of proportion of a population set against another demographic total?

    Infant mortality rate

    Which of the following statements is the most accurate description for the Demographic Transition?

    A process where birth, death, and natural increase rates change in a society

    Which of the following examples best characterizes the possible Stage 5 of the epidemiological transition?

    An evolution in infectious diseases that become more resistant or rapidly mutate could bring an increase in the death rate.

    When a population is in decline, which of the following would be considered a likely effect of that state?

    A high proportion of elderly persons

    Which of the following countries is experiencing a negative natural increase rate due to a political legacy of state-led family-planning programs to reduce birth rates coupled with relatively high death rates that have been attributed to unhealthy metrics like high pollution levels as well as high rates of alcoholism and drug addiction?


    In which stage of the demographic transition do some demographers propose that population decline occurs as the birth rate declines to below the replacement rate?

    Stage 5

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