Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making?

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Terms in this set (47)

Simon's description of decision making consists of which four stages?
A) planning, financing, implementation, and maintenance
B) planning, design, implementation, and maintenance
C) intelligence, design, choice, and implementation
D) intelligence, design, financing, and implementation

Sets with similar terms

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Mintzberg outlined three categories of managerial roles:
A) interpersonal, informational, and decisional.
B) leading, deciding, and controlling.
C) operations, management, and executive.
D) cultural, organizational, and technical.
E) negotiator, spokesperson, and entrepreneur.

As discussed in the chapter text, the three main reasons that investments in information technology do not always produce positive results are
A) management support, technical logistics, and user compliance.
B) organization, environment, culture.
C) information quality, information integrity, and information accuracy.
D) information quality, organizational culture, and management filters.
E) organization, culture, and technology.

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making?

1) Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision


1.A) Improved decision making creates better products.

2.B) Improved decision making results in a large monetary value for the firm as numerous

small daily decisions affecting efficiency, production, costs, and more add up to large annual


3. C) Improved decision making enables senior executives to more accurately foresee

future financial trends.

4.D) Improved decision making strengthens customer and supplier intimacy, which

reduces costs.

5.E) Improved decision making creates a better organizational culture.

Answer: B

2) When there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it is said to


1.A) undocumented.

2.B) unstructured.

3.C) documented.

4.D) semi-structured.

5.E) ad-hoc.

Answer: B

3) If you can follow a definite procedure to make a business decision, you are making a(n)

________ decision.

1.A) ad-hoc

2.B) procedural

3.C) unstructured

4.D) semistructured

5.E) structured

Answer: E

4) Which type of decision is calculating gross pay for hourly workers?

1.A) Semi-structured

2.B) Procedural

3.C) Structured

4.D) Unstructured

5.E) Ad hoc

Unstructured decisions are novel and nonroutine, and there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making them.

Nội dung chính

  • Which phase of decision making finds or Recognises a problem need or opportunity?
  • Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision making works?
  • Which of the following is not one of Simons four stages of decision making?
  • When there is no well

Answer: TRUE

A structured decision can be made by following a well-defined set of procedures. No “feel” or intuition is necessary.

Answer: TRUE

Middle management face primarily unstructured decisions.

Answer: FALSE

Structured decision making is most prevalent at lower organizational levels.

Answer: TRUE

Operational managers tend to make more structured decisions.

Answer: TRUE

Improving the quality of high-value decision making by an executive will save an organization far more money than improving the quality of lesser-value decisions made at a lower level.

Answer: FALSE

The intelligence phase of decision making consists of discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization.

Answer: TRUE

The implementation phase of Simon’s decision making model includes choosing among solution alternatives.

Answer: FALSE

The first stage in Simon’s decision-making process model is the design stage.

Answer: FALSE

The classical model of management does not address what exactly managers do when they plan, decide things, and control the work of others.

Answer: TRUE

MIS typically produce fixed, regularly scheduled reports based on data extracted and summarized from the firm’s underlying transaction processing systems.

Answer: TRUE

DSS primarily address structured problems.

Answer: FALSE

What-if analysis works forward from known or assumed conditions.

Answer: TRUE

Backward sensitivity analysis software is used for goal seeking.

Answer: TRUE

Data visualization technologies help distill large amounts of information into easily read textual lists.

Answer: FALSE

DSS are a special category of GIS.

Answer: FALSE

A geographic information system is a decision support system designed specifically to work with spatial information.

Answer: TRUE

GDSS facilitate the solution of unstructured problems by a set of decision makers working together as a group in either the same location or different locations.

Answer: TRUE

Web-based tools for videoconferencing and electronic meetings are the primary tools for GDSS.

Answer: FALSE

During a GDSS meeting, the attendees control the use of GDSS tools.

Answer: FALSE

Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making?

A) Improved decision making creates better products.

B) Improved decision making results in a large monetary value for the firm as numerous small daily decisions affecting efficiency, production, costs, and more add up to large annual values.

C) Improved decision making enables senior executives to more accurately foresee future financial trends.

D) Improved decision making strengthens customer and supplier intimacy, which reduces costs.

Answer: B

When there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it is said to be

A) undocumented.

B) unstructured.

C) documented.

D) semistructured.

Answer: B

The type of decision that can made by following a definite procedure is called a(n) ________ decision.

A) structured

B) unstructured

C) semistructured

D) procedural

Answer: A

Which type of decision is deciding whether to introduce a new product line?

A) structured

B) unstructured

C) recurring

D) nonrecurring

Answer: B

Which type of decision is calculating gross pay for hourly workers?

A) structured

B) unstructured

C) semistructured

D) none of the above

Answer: A

The decision to approve a capital budget is an example of a(n) ________ decision.

A) semistructured

B) unstructured

C) structured

D) undocumented

Answer: B

The decisions involved in creating and producing a corporate intranet can be classified as ________ decisions.

A) procedural

B) unstructured

C) structured

D) semistructured

Answer: D

Checking store inventory is an example of a(n) ________ decision.

A) semistructured

B) unstructured

C) structured

D) none of the above

Answer: C

Simon’s description of decision making consists of which four stages?

A) planning, financing, implementation, and maintenance

B) planning, design, implementation, and maintenance

C) intelligence, design, choice, and implementation

D) intelligence, design, financing, and implementation

Answer: C

Which phase of decision making finds or recognizes a problem, need, or opportunity?

A) design

B) intelligence

C) choice

D) implementation

Answer: B

The five classical functions of managers are planning, organizing, deciding, controlling, and

A) coordinating.

B) leading.

C) managing.

D) negotiating.

Answer: A

In contrast to the classical model of management, behavioral models see the actual behavior of managers as being more

A) systematic.

B) informal.

C) reflective.

D) well organized.

Answer: B

Behavioral models of managers find that, from observation, managers

A) perform often fewer than 100 activities a day.

B) operate best with standardized, predictable, printed information.

C) create a formalized, hierarchic structure of contacts to provide filtered information.

D) typically work in a fragmented manner, with only 10% of activities exceeding an hour in duration.

Answer: D

Mintzberg’s classification of managerial roles outlines which three main categories?

A) interpersonal, informational, and decisional

B) symbolic, decisional, and interpersonal

C) symbolic, interpersonal, and technical

D) technical, interpersonal, and informational

Answer: A

The role of liaison falls into which of Mintzberg’s managerial classifications?

A) decisional

B) informational

C) interpersonal

D) symbolic

Answer: C

The role of entrepreneur falls into which of Mintzberg’s managerial classifications?

A) decisional

B) informational

C) interpersonal

D) symbolic

Answer: A

According to Mintzberg, managers in their informational role act as

A) figureheads for the organization.

B) leaders.

C) nerve centers of the organization.

D) negotiators.

Answer: C

Which of the following managerial roles is notsupported by information systems?

A) liaison

B) nerve center

C) leader

D) negotiator

Answer: D

As discussed in the chapter text, the three main reasons that investments in information technology do notalways produce positive results are

A) management support, technical logistics, and user compliance.

B) organization, environment, culture.

C) information quality, information integrity, and information accuracy.

D) information quality, organizational culture, and management filters.

Answer: D

The concern that data values of an information source fall within a defined range reflects which quality dimension of information?

A) accuracy

B) integrity

C) validity

D) consistency

Answer: C

The concern that the structure of data is consistent within an information source reflects which quality dimension of information?

A) accuracy

B) integrity

C) validity

D) consistency

Answer: B

MIS typically produce

A) new ways of looking at data that emphasize change, flexibility, and rapid response.

B) fixed, regularly scheduled reports based on data extracted from the organization’s TPS.

C) solutions to semistructured problems appropriate for middle management decision making.

D) assumptions, responses to ad hoc queries, and graphic representations of existing data.

Answer: B

An information system for a building company that tracks construction costs for various projects across the United States would be categorized as a type of





Answer: B

Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision-making works in high-velocity decision environments?

A) All four steps of the process are handled by software algorithms; humans are eliminated from the decisions because they are too slow.

B) The first three steps of the process are handled by software algorithms and the final step is handled by experienced managers.

C) The first two steps of Simon’s framework are eliminated and the final two steps are handled by software algorithms.

D) All fours steps are performed by humans with the support of high-speed, high-volume DSS and ESS.

Answer: A

Which types of decisions are automated for high-velocity decision-making?

A) highly-structured decisions

B) semi-structured financial decisions

C) unstructured financial decisions

D) all of the above

Answer: A

Which of the following is a disadvantage of high-velocity, automated decision-making systems?

A) inability to handle high volumes of decisions

B) inability to handle structured decisions

C) inability to handled semi-structured decisions

D) inability to control themselves and respond to new environments

Answer: D

Which of the following types of systems would be used to present senior marketing executives with in-depth information about customer retention, satisfaction, and quality performance.





Answer: D

Measures defined by management and used to internally evaluate the success of a firm’s financial, business process, customer, and learning and growth are called

A) benchmarks.

B) KPIs.

C) the balanced scorecard method.


Answer: B

The management methodology of using a firm’s strategy to generate operational targets for the business and measuring progress towards them using the firm’s enterprise systems is called

A) benchmarks.

B) KPIs.

C) the balanced scorecard method.


Answer: D

The chapter case discussing the Montgomery County public school system illustrates the use of

A) MIS to achieve greater operational excellence.

B) ESS to enable better decision making.

C) DSS to enable better decision making.

D) GDSS to enable greater efficiency.

Answer: C

Which of the following best describes the term business analytics?

A) the infrastructure for collecting and managing business data

B) the tools and techniques used to analyze and understand business data

C) software developed exclusively for business management

D) information systems involved in business decision making

Answer: B

Which of the following statements best describes the term business intelligence?

A) the infrastructure for collecting and managing business data

B) the tools and techniques used to analyze and understand business data

C) software developed exclusively for business management

D) information systems involved in business decision making

Answer: A

Business intelligence would be useful for analyzing and decision-making in which of the following situations?

A) deciding what marketing techniques are most successful with high-value customers

B) identifying the most efficient methods for packing and delivering finished products to destinations

C) forecasting the effect on sales given projected future variations in weather and other environmental variables

D) all of the above

Answer: D

Which of the following companies is not one of the top five producers of business intelligence and analytics products?

A) Sun

B) Microsoft



Answer: A

Which of the following is notone of the six main elements in the business intelligence environment discussed in this chapter?

A) managerial users and methods

B) organizational environment

C) user interface

D) data from the business environment

Answer: B

Backward sensitivity analysis software is used for

A) supply chain optimization.

B) historical what-if analysis.

C) goal seeking.

D) reverse forecasting.

Answer: C

A pivot table is a

A) spreadsheet tool that displays two or more dimensions of data in a convenient format.

B) type of relational database.

C) chart tool that can rotate columnar data quickly and visually.

D) tool for performing sensitivity analysis.

Answer: A

Which type of information system uses data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps?





Answer: A

As discussed in the chapter case, the system used in South Carolina to estimate and map the regional damage and losses resulting from an earthquake was a type of





Answer: C


A) are designed to allow meeting attendees to share their thoughts in real-time with their peers.

B) support decisions that require knowledge about the geographic distribution of resources.

C) are typically used with geographically dispersed attendees.

D) implement structured methods for organizing and evaluating ideas.

Answer: D

An essential component in the ability of GDSS to contribute to a collaborative environment is

A) allowing users to contribute simultaneously.

B) using structured methods for evaluating ideas.

C) identifying users informally.

D) the guarantee of user anonymity.

Answer: D


A) require a small number of attendees in order to maintain high levels of productivity.

B) enable increasing a meeting size without reducing productivity.

C) include specific procedures for priority ranking the order in which participants can respond.

D) utilize shared desktop computers to foster collaboration.

Answer: B

The information system used by Caesar’s Entertainment, which combines data from internal TPS with information from financial systems and external sources to deliver reports such as profit-loss statements, impact analyses, is an example of





Answer: B

The leading methodology for understanding the really important information needed by a firm’s executives is called the ________ method.

A) digital dashboard

B) balanced scorecard


D) data visualization

Answer: B


A) support the structured decision making of senior executives.

B) have the ability to drill down into lower levels of detail.

C) easily integrate data from different systems.

D) are primarily driven by information derived from a company’s transaction processing systems.

Answer: B

Which of the following is notone of the five main analytic functionalities of BI systems for helping decision makers understand information and take action?

A) production reports

B) business case archives

C) parameterized reports

D) forecasts, scenarios, and models

Answer: B

Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on production reports for their decision-making needs?

A) operational employees and supervisors

B) senior managers

C) analytic modelers

D) business analysts

Answer: A

Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on the drill-down functionality of BI for their decision-making needs?

A) IT developers

B) managers

C) operational employees

D) business analysts

Answer: B

________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system.

A) Dashboards and scorecards

B) Paramaterized reports

C) Reports and the drill-down feature

D) Scenarios and models

Answer: A

A well-designed ESS will allow management to

A) have greater span of control.

B) assign lower levels of management greater control.

C) reduce their need to review lower levels of operation.

D) all of the above.

Answer: D

Which phase of decision making finds or Recognises a problem need or opportunity?

The intelligence phase of decision making consists of discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization. The implementation phase of Simon's decision-making model includes choosing among solution alternatives.

Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision making works?

Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision-making works in high-velocity decision environments? All four steps are performed by humans with the support of high-speed, high-volume DSS and ESS. Only the initial step is performed by the software; the final three steps are handled by humans.

Which of the following is not one of Simons four stages of decision making?

When there is no well

1) Unstructured decisions are novel and nonroutine, and there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making them.

What best describes the business value of improved decision making?

Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making? Improved decision making results in a large monetary value for the firm as numerous small daily decisions affecting efficiency, production, costs, and more add up to large annual values.

Which phase of decision making finds or Recognises a problem need or opportunity?

The intelligence phase of decision making consists of discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization. The implementation phase of Simon's decision-making model includes choosing among solution alternatives.

Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision making works?

Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision-making works in high-velocity decision environments? All four steps are performed by humans with the support of high-speed, high-volume DSS and ESS. Only the initial step is performed by the software; the final three steps are handled by humans.

When there is no well

1) Unstructured decisions are novel and nonroutine, and there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making them.