Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between fundamentalism and political violence?

  • School University of Oregon
  • Course Title PS 201
  • Pages 103
  • Ratings 100% (8) 8 out of 8 people found this document helpful

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25.Which of the following best represents the relationship between fundamentalism and political violence?a.Fundamentalists tend to use guerrilla warfare directed against the state instead of terrorist violenceagainst civilians.b.Political ideologies can be categorized as fundamentalist more easily than as religious groups.c.Fundamentalists that seek change in the political status quo almost always resort to violence.d.Extreme forms of fundamentalism may use violence, but it is a mistake to associate fundamentalismdirectly with violence.e.Fundamentalists tend to target civilians instead of state institutions when using violence.ANS:DDIF:DifficultREF:Political Violence in Context: Faith, Terrorism, and RevolutionOBJ:Explain how religion and political violence sometimes become linked.MSC:Understanding26.Which of the following statements about the concept of “cosmic war” is accurate?a.It represents religious fundamentalists’ end goal of bringing about apocalypse.b.It is often bound up with political conspiracy theories.c.It largely rejects concepts of good and evil in favor of “believers” and “nonbelievers.”d.It is sometimes bound up with religious belief but is often espoused by secular terrorist groups.e.Ethnicity is a core component of cosmic war.

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Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between fundamentalism and political violence?

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Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between fundamentalism and political violence?
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ANS:BDIF:ModerateREF:Political Violence in Context: Faith, Terrorism, and RevolutionOBJ:Explain how religion and political violence sometimes become linked.MSC:Understanding27.The 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe, with the exception of Romania, serve as an example of revolutions:a.that failed to overthrow the state.b.with very limited or no violence.c.that ultimately reduced personal and political freedom.d.that were motivated by deep political fundamentalism.e.that did little to change the basic institutions of the state.ANS:BDIF:ModerateREF:Forms of Political ViolenceOBJ:Compare revolution and terrorism as forms of political violence.MSC:Understanding28.In which of the following ways must the study of terrorism necessarily differ from the study of revolutions?a.There is less focus on outcomes.b.There is greater focus on institutional causes.c.Ideational explanations are less emphasized.d.There is less concentration on individual actors.e.Strategic outcomes are focused on more than tactical components.ANS:ADIF:ModerateREF:Forms of Political ViolenceOBJ:Compare revolution and terrorism as forms of political violence.MSC:Applying

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Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between fundamentalism and political violence?

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