Which of the following statements is correct regarding the average visual acuity of infants?

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Terms in this set (95)

Nearly twice as many synaptic connections are made as will ever be used. Unused connections will be


T/F. The cephalocaudal pattern is the sequence in which the earliest growth occurs in the middle trunk and progresses outward to the head and feet.


The process of myelination begins ____ and continues into______.

prenatally, adolescence

Which of the following promote motor activities during the second year of life?

Independence, extensive environmental exploration, self-initiated interaction with others

The neuroconstructivist view states that which of the following factors influence brain development?

Biological processes, plasticity and context, cognitive development

The typical newborn sleeps

16-17 hours a day

Sudden infant death (SIDS) usually happens during


Which of the following factors is NOT a risk factor for SIDS

Using a pacifier when going to sleep

Research has shown that ______ has multiple benefits for infants, such as a lower risk of respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections.

breast feeding

___________ are built in reactions to stimuli that govern the newborns movements in an involuntary and automatic way.


The ______ reflex occurs when the infants cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the infant then turns its head toward the side that was touched.


the ___ reflex enables newborns to get nourishment before they have associated a nipple with food. It also serves as a self-soothing or self-regulating mechanism.


Gross motor skills

involve large-muscle activities

Posture is a dynamic process that incorporates all of the following, EXCEPT:

awareness of others

Skills that involve finely tuned movements that require finger dexterity are called:

fine motor skills

Which of the following activities is NOT considered a fine motor skill?

Riding a tricycle

_____ occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors.


Perception is defined as the ________ of what is sensed.


An infant hears a new sound and responds with interest. After repeated exposure to the same sound..


AN infant becomes habituated to the patterned picture on the wall. How can dis habituation be achieved?

rotate the photo 90 degrees

Which of the following techniques is not a procedure used to study sensation and perception in infancy?

Sensorimotor reactivity method

Which of these is the earliest age at which infants are possibly capable of discriminating some colors?

4-8 weeks

Which of the following statements regarding sensation of smell in infancy is true?

infants cant recognize their mothers smells at birth but develop the ability within several days of birth.

sensitivity to taste occurs

before birth

The action of a child crawling across the room to grab a colorful toy would be an example of inter modal perception because it:

integrates information from multiple sensory modalities

The eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, and skin are all considered to be :

sensory perceptors

The interpretation of sensory information is called


Which of the following is NOT a common way that a researcher identifies whether or not an infant is experiencing habituation and dis habituation?

Brain wave activity

t/f. intermodal perception involves receiving information from a single sensory modality.


many people attend a concert. According to the definition of perception, the people will interpret the experience.


t/f. Perception occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors


grasping, strategies for problem solving, driving a car, and balancing a budget are all examples of _______,


assimilation occurs when children use _______ schemes to deal with new info or expereinces


a child calls all winged creatures birds, including bats and butterflies. Her mother teaches the correct terms for diff animals. WHat Piagetian concepts>


One day, a child takes a drumstick and hits a toy drum. Several days later, he is presented with a drumstick and toy....


which of the following statements about disequilibrium is TRUE>

marked by inconsistencies

according, Piaget, at what age does the sensorimotor period end?

24 months

t/f. object permaneance is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.


What is the sensorimotor substage in which infants tend to make A- not B errors more frequently?

coordination of secondary circular reactions

In Piaget's theory, _______ is the grouping of isolated behaviors and thoughts into a higher-order system.


At the beginning of the snsorimotor stage, ___ have little more than reflexes with which to work.


Renee Barranquilla used a research method that involved violation of _______ to measure infant's understanding of causality.


Baby Michelle looks intently at her mother,who is singing a song. WHat is Michelee demonstrating>


________ attention occurs when two individuals focus on the same object or event.


Andrew is an 18 month-old boy. His mother has been cleaning the house. Andrew watches her vacuum, wash the windows, and sweep the floor....

deferred imitation

which of the following involves the retention of information over time>


memory without conscious recollection is known as:

implicit memory

What type of memory refers to the conscious memory of facts and experiences?


WHat must infants have in order to make generalizations about objects?


A baby puts small shapes into a box and large shapes into a different box. This is known as:

perceptual categorization

Which of the following is not a component of language>

pereceptual categoraztion

_____ is the ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.

infinite gerativity

order the sequence of babies sounds during the first year of life, beginning with the earliest form.

crying, cooing, babbling, use of holophrases, telegraphic speech

_______ first form of vocalization an infant makes, starting at birth.


The sounds that infants make to express pleasure during interactions with a caregiver are called _______.


________ is the production of strings of consonant - vowel combinations


an infant waving bye-bye is an example of _____


research shows that an infant can understand words that refer to body parts, such as "hand" but they cannot yet speak these words.

receptive vocab

words a child uses are called ________ vocab


the rapid increase in vocabulary that begins at approx. 18 months of age is called the:

vocab spurtt

which of the following statements is true regarding telegraphic speech?

telegrpahic speech is not limited to two words.

the two lobes of the brain associated with language are the ________ lobe and the __________ lobe.

frontal, temporal

what is the term for loss of impairment of language processing:


Chromsky believed that children are born into the world with a language

acquisition device

Which of the following statements regarding child-directed speech is not true?

Parents purposefully speak in child-directed speech since it is difficult to do when talking to infants

the rephrasing or restarting of something a child has said, perhapbs in the form of a question


A child says, "Me sleepy." The parents responds, "yes your are sleepy" This is an ex. of which language acquistion strategy?`


what is the term for identifying the names of objects when speaking to a child?


When infants correctly find an object hidden in one location and continue to look in that location even when they see..

A-not B error

______ is the replication of behavior after a time delay of hours or days.

deferred imitation

________ are ideas about what categories represent.


The "vocabulary spurt", when it happens, usually occurs b/2 ________ and 24 months.


the regions of the brain associated with language are located in the _____ hemisphere


Which theorists believed that humans are biologically prewired to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way?

noam chomsky

a child says, "me want food". His mother responds, "what kind of food do you want?


to enhance a childs aquisition of language, parents may use a strategy called "Expanding". which is ________ what a child has said in a linguistically sophist acted form.


order the motor development milestones beginning with the earliest motor skill....

lying on stomach, rolling over, supporting some weight, sitting with out support, standing without support, standing alone

order the following stimuli from most time watched to least time watched as identified in research by Fantz...

faces, black/white pattern, high contrast red, low contrast, color white

The type of motor skills that involve finger dexterity are called ____ motor skills


the ______ view states that environmental conditions and biological processes influence development


if you were analuzing results of a sleep study in which the part. began the sleep cycle with REM sleep and spend 50% of the time in REM sleep

birth - 3months of age

Piaget believed that cognition is ________ different in one stage compared with another


___________ memory involves knowledge of how to crawl, walk, and jumo


the ecological view of perceptual development holdgs which of the following views

perception is directori

which of the following research methods are used to assess an infants attention to sound?

orienting response and tracking, high amplitude to sucking

which of the following statements is correct regarding the visual acuity of infants?

an infants visual acuity by one year of age approximates that of an adult

according to dynamic systems theory. which of the following are critical to an infants creation of new motor behaviors?

environmental support for the skill, infants motivation, body;s physical properties and possibilities, development of the nervous system.

while seeking cognitive equilibration, children are constantly engaging in which of the following

assimilation, accommodation

myelination for________ pathways occurs rapidly after birth and is completed in the first six months. Myelination for _____ pathways in not completed until 4 or 5 years of age.

visual, auditory

current view of perceptual-motor coupling in infants is

dynamic systems view

considered behavioral scheme?

baby sucking its thumb

according to the dynamic systems theory, motor development is an ________ process


an infant will spend about ____ of her sleep in a REM sleep cycle

one - hald

which of the following are possible explanations for why infants make A-not B errors?

infants have failures in memory, tend to repeat,

the technique of eye-_________ consists of eye movements that follow a moving object and can be used to evaluate an infants early visual ability


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Which of the following perceptions involves integrating information from two or more sensory modalities like vision and hearing?

This is intermodal perception, which involves integrating informa- tion from two or more sensory modalities, such as vision and hearing (Gergely & others, 2019). Most perception is intermodal (Bahrick, 2010; Kirkham & others, 2012).


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