Which of the following statements regarding the PA oblique scapular Y projection of the shoulder joint is are true?

The radiograph illustrates an AP projection of the scapula; abduction of the arm moves the scapula away from the rib cage, revealing a greater portion of the scapula than would be visualized with the arm at the side.

A number of bony structures are identified: the acromion process (A), the humeral head (B), glenoid fossa (C), scapular spine (D), clavicle (E), supraspinatus fossa (F), acromioclavicular joint (G), scapular notch (H), coracoid process (I), inferior angle/apex (j), body/costal surface (K), lateral/axillary border (L).

When the arm is placed in the AP position, the epicondyles are parallel to the plane of the IR, and the shoulder is placed in external rotation. In this position, an AP projection of the humerus, elbow, and forearm can be obtained; it places the greater tubercle of the humerus in profile.

For the lateral projection of the humerus and the internal rotation projection of the shoulder, the arm is internally rotated, elbow somewhat flexed, with the back of the hand against the thigh, and the epicondyles are superimposed and perpendicular to the IR. The lateral projections of the humerus, elbow, and forearm all require that the epicondyles be perpendicular to the plane of the cassette.

Which of the following projections requires that the shoulder is placed internal rotation?

The lateral projection of the humerus places the shoulder in extreme internal rotation with the epicondyles perpendicular to the IR and demonstrates the lesser tubercle in profile.

Which of the following should be demonstrated in a true AP projection of the clavicle?

-The AP projection of the clavicle should demonstrate the clavicular body/shaft and its two extremities: the sternal extremity and its associated sternoclavicular articulation, and the acromial extremity and its associated acromioclavicular articulation.

How many degrees should the foot be rotated for the AP oblique projection of the foot?

Ankle AP Oblique Lateral Rotation Position of patient Seat patient on table with affected leg extended. Position of part Place plantar surface of patient's foot in vertical position, and rotate the leg and foot 45 degrees laterally. Rest foot against a foam wedge for support, and center ankle joint to IR.

Which of the following projections require that humeral Epicondyles be Superim posed?

The lateral projections of the humerus, elbow, and forearm all require that the epicondyles be perpendicular to the plane of the cassette.