Which of the following teacher behaviors is least likely to support student motivation to learn

This type of transfer is when learning in one situation facilitates learning or performance in another situation.

When something learned in one situation hinders a person's ability to learn or perform in a second situation, the person is experiencing this kind of transfer:

A learner acquires new knowledge or skills by building on more basic information and procedures through this type of transfer: 

When knowledge of one topic affects learning a second topic, even though the first isn't a prerequisite to the second, this type of transfer is occuring:

When a learner encounters two problems with similar characteristics and similar underlying structures, the learner utilizes this type of transfer: 

When a learner encounters two problems with similar underlying structures BUT different in their surface charactertistics, the learner utilizes this type of transfer:

Both near and far transfer are instances of this kind of transfer where the original learning task and the transfer task overlap in some way.

The original task and the transfer task are different in both content and structure leading to this type of transfer: 

All of the following are components of a problem EXCEPT:   Goal   Rewards   Givens   Operations

4 Steps of Wallah's problem solving

  • Preparation
  • Incubation
  • Inspiration
  • Verification

For which one of the following individuals is behavior clearly affected by an incentive?

Blake does several extra-credit projects to ensure his A in sociology.

Under some conditions, negative feedback can increase students’ intrinsic motivation to perform school tasks. The four teacher statements below all present negative feedback. Choose the statement below that is most likely to promote intrinsic motivation.

“I know you have the ability to write a better essay than this, Janet. Let me give you some suggestions about what you might do differently next time.”

Luis suffers from extreme test anxiety. Three of the statements below probably describe Luis. Which one does not?

As he takes a test, he looks closely and carefully at the wording of each test question.

Mr. Lopez, a third-grade teacher, wants to enhance his students’ intrinsic motivation to learn classroom subject matter. Three of the following strategies should accomplish this goal. Which one is not likely to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation to learn?

Mr. Lopez promises his students that they can have free time at the end of the day if they do well on their spelling tests.

At try-outs for the school musical production, Trudy would like to gain the leading role, but she knows that several other girls are trying out for the same role. Trudy instead auditions for the chorus, confident that she can make it without any difficulty. With this information in mind, which one of the following is most likely to be true about Trudy?

She has a high motive to avoid failure and a low motive for success. 

Which one of the following students is displaying extrinsic motivation?

Caryn wants to become a varsity soccer player so others will admire her.

Carlton often gets so wrapped up in a video game that he has little or no awareness of events going on around him. An entire afternoon can pass by very quickly as he meets one challenge after another in his video-game world. Carlton’s motivation state can best be characterized as involving:

Karin and her mother live on welfare in a poor, inner-city neighborhood in Detroit. Karin is quite bright and highly motivated, and she really wants to get a college education. However, she knows that, on average, students from low-income homes perform more poorly on the SAT tests than students from wealthier homes. When she takes the SAT, she is so nervous that she has trouble concentrating on the test items, and as a result her scores are lower than they should be. Which of the following concepts best explains what has happened to Karin?

Which one of the following is the best example of hot cognition?

Getting excited when you read about a possible cure for Alzheimer’s disease

Several teachers complain, “Our students just aren’t motivated.” Is it possible that these teachers are describing their students accurately?

No, because virtually all students have motives of one kind or another.

Choose the teacher below who is most likely to promote a sense of autonomy in his or her students.

Ms. Andre provides several possible organizational schemes that students can use, if they wish, to organize their oral presentations.

Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivation in instructional settings. Which one is false?

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are mutually exclusive: Students who have one are highly unlikely to have the other. 

Whenever Elliot thinks about science, he also thinks about how much he likes science. Which one of the following statements best explains this situation?Term

In the brain, people’s affective responses to topics may be closely connected to their knowledge about those topics.

For which one of the following individuals is behavior clearly affected by an incentive?

Blake does several extra-credit projects to ensure his A in sociology.

Three of the following testing practices are consistent with the textbook’s discussion regarding motivation and classroom assessment practices. Which one is not?

Give students increasingly difficult questions or tasks when they get high scores.

The four statements below describe effects that motivation may have on cognition and/or behavior. Three of the statements are accurate. Which one is not necessarily accurate?

Motivation enhances memory for information irrelevant to the task at hand.

You go to an art museum on a Sunday afternoon. Other things being equal, which one of the following pictures are you most likely to remember?

A man with a bloody, gruesome chest wound

Which one of the following situations best illustrates the role of drive reduction in behavior?

After not having had time for either breakfast or lunch, Adam eats three hamburgers and a plateful of french fries for dinner.

An eighth grader named Marianne consistently refuses to do difficult classroom assignments because she’s afraid of failing at them. Which one of the basic needs described in the textbook is Marianne most clearly trying to address?

Three of the following statements are accurate descriptions of how competition affects motivation and affect. Which statement is not accurate?

Losers in a competitive situation are likely to attribute their losses to their own lack of effort.

Mr. James gives weekly quizzes in his social studies classes. Which one of the following boys is most likely to develop learned helplessness about his performance on those quizzes?

Benjamin studies very hard, but due to a reading disability he has trouble understanding what he reads and usually fails the quizzes in spite of his efforts.

Frank is a good student. He attributes his success partly to studying long hours and partly to his intelligence ("High achievement runs in the family," he says). From the perspective of attributions, three of the following statements are likely to be accurate descriptions of Frank. Which one is probably not an accurate description?

Because he learns quickly, he relies primarily on rote learning strategies.

Identify the student who most clearly has a mastery goal rather than a performance goal.

When given the choice between taking an easy class or a more challenging one, Cora chooses the challenging one.

Virginia is 7 years old. Georgia is 14 years old. Both girls like to write short stories, but neither is a very writer. Virginia is more likely than Georgia to believe that:

She can become an excellent writer if she continues to work at it.

A student who has developed learned helplessness about his or her spelling ability is most likely to say which of the following?

"No matter how much I study words, I can't remember how to spell them."

Three of the following teaching strategies are likely to promote performance goals. Which one is likely to promote a mastery goal?

Helping students see that they're making progress in their persuasive writing

Three of the following characterize students with a performance goal. Which one characterizes students with a mastery goal?

Concluding that you need to work harder when you fail

John has just failed a test-in a sense, his test performance has been punished. From the perspective of attributions, is John likely to work harder to pass his next test?

Yes, provided that he believes his test performance is the result of something he didn't do but could do next time

Roxanne and her teammates consistently lose basketball games by a very close margin. Roxanne believes that their losses are always due to bad calls by the referees. With this information and the typical nature of students' attributions in mind, identify the statement below that is most likely to be an accurate description of Roxanne?

She feels resentment toward the referees.

For the past three years, 16-year-old Susan has set her sights on becoming an electrical engineer. Which one of the following statements about Susan is consistent with research on career goals?

Susan worries about whether she'll be able to handle both her career and motherhood.

Three of the following teaching strategies are likely to promote performance goals. Which one is likely to promote a mastery goal?

Helping students see that they're making progress in their persuasive writing

Which one of the following girls is most likely to attribute a low exam grade to an external cause?

Donna thought she knew the material even though she really didn't.

Mr. Richardson does not expect much of his students from a poor, inner-city neighborhood. Given what we know about the effects of teacher expectations, which outcome is most likely?

His students are likely to achieve at a lower level than they would otherwise.

Shawn has to run the 50-yard dash in physical education. He thinks he has little chance of winning the race but worries about what his friends will think when he loses. Considering research about learners who have an entity view of ability, select the course of action Shawn is most likely to follow.

Intentionally run slowly.

Three of the following statements describe advantages of challenging tasks for motivation. Which statement does not accurately describe the motivational effects of a challenge?

Although challenges promote little or no intrinsic motivation, they promote considerable extrinsic motivation.

When 15-year-old Valerie discovers that she earned an A on last week's assignment, she expresses pride to her teacher and explains that she worked very hard on it. On the way home from school, however, she tells her friends that she didn't put much effort into the project at all and so is quite surprised about her high grade. From the perspective of research on attributions and image management, how can we best explain Valerie's conflicting statements?

She knows that her teacher values hard work but that her friends do not, and she tailors her explanations accordingly.

Which one of the following statements best characterizes contemporary motivation theory?

It considers the cognitive factors that underlie motivation.

Attribution theorists tell us that, in general, when people don't know why they have been successful or unsuccessful at a task, they are apt to:

Seek out possible explanations for their success or failure

Three of the following examples illustrate ways in which self-regulated learners can control their own motivation. Which one does not?

Linda enjoys doing her math homework, but she finds her Spanish homework boring.

John has just failed a test-in a sense, his test performance has been punished. From the perspective of attributions, is John likely to work harder to pass his next test?

Yes, provided that he believes his test performance is the result of something he didn't do but could do next time

Which one of the following is the best example of a student attributing success to an internal factor?

Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test; she's proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.

Three of the following statements are accurate descriptions of the effect interest has on learning and performance. Which one is not accurate?

Interest promotes performance goals rather than mastery goals.

Three of the following conditions appear to be important for the development of a learner's internalized motivation. Which one of the following is probably not an important condition for internalized motivation to develop?

The learner is capable of abstract thought; from a Piagetian perspective, the learner has advanced to the formal operations stage.

Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for forming expectations and attributions for student performance. Which one is not consistent with the textbook's recommendations?

Depend primarily on informal, subjective impressions to assess students' achievement.

Three of the following are examples of social goals. Which one would not necessarily be considered a social goal?

Robert is eager to learn everything he can about terrorists and their personalities.

Mark and Meg are two eighth-grade students who have just failed a math test. Considering gender differences in students' explanations for failure, how are the two students likely to explain their poor test performance?

Mark will attribute his failure to a lack of effort, thinking, "I didn't study very hard because I don't care about getting good grades." Meg will think, "I'm just not very good at math."

People often have multiple goals toward which they are striving. Under such circumstances, they may do any three of the following. Which one are they least likely to do?

Become so frustrated that they don't accomplish any of their goals

Which one of the following attributions can be classified as internal, stable, and, uncontrollable?

Concluding that you just weren't cut out to be an athlete

Three of the following statements accurately describe how a child can acquire learned helplessness in a particular domain. Which statement is not a likely explanation of learned helplessness?

A child has consistently focused on mastery goals, without regard for important performance goals.

Three of the following illustrate a product goal toward which learners might strive. Which one illustrates a process goal?

Trying to get one's form right in serving a tennis ball

From an expectancies/values perspective, which one of the following boys is most likely to want to learn how to swim?

Drew is pretty sure he can learn to swim if he tries.

The textbook recommends that teachers encourage students to set and work toward proximal goals. Which one of the following illustrates a proximal goal?

Learning the symbols for all the elements in a chemistry class

If we consider factors that promote interest, three of the following teaching strategies should be beneficial. Which one will not be beneficial?

Intersperse boring material with entertaining jokes about your personal life.

Which one of the following students clearly has a mastery goal rather than a performance goal?

Cal doesn't worry about making mistakes as long as he knows he's making progress.

Which of the following strategies below that a teacher can use to help students build self

Verbal persuasion - Teachers can boost self-efficacy with credible communication and feedback to guide the student through the task or motivate them to make their best effort. Emotional state -A positive mood can boost one's beliefs in self-efficacy, while anxiety can undermine it.

Which of the following is the best example of intrinsic motivation?

An example of intrinsic motivation would be reading a book because you enjoy reading and have an interest in the story or subject, rather than reading because you have to write a report on it to pass a class.

Which one of the following is the best example of extrinsic motivation?

Being paid to do a job is an example of extrinsic motivation. You may enjoy spending your day doing something other than work, but you're motivated to go to work because you need a paycheck to pay your bills.

Which one of the following alternatives best describes differences between students with a mastery orientation and students with learned helplessness?

Which one of the following alternatives best describes differences between children with a mastery orientation and children with learned helplessness? Children with a mastery orientation set high goals and seek challenges. Children with learned helplessness underestimate their ability and set low goals.


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