Which of the following technologies is your new mobile phone payment device most likely to use?

Which of the following best describes DSL connections?

  • uses fiber-optic cable to provide extremely high-speed Internet access to a user’s physical, permanent location
  • uses long-distance digital telephone lines to carry multiple signals over a single line; only medium to large companies can afford them
  • transmits at fast speeds on existing standard copper telephone wiring; popular for small business or home user
  • a service that carries voice, data, video, and multimedia at a high speed; used by telephone networks and the Internet

Answer: transmits at fast speeds on existing standard copper telephone wiring; popular for small business or home user

Which of the following has the fastest maximum transfer transmission rate?

  • 802.11ad
  • 802.11g
  • 802.11ac
  • UWB

On a network such as the one illustrated in the accompanying figure, some servers perform a specific task and can be placed w/ other servers to perform multiple tasks. What are these kind of servers called?

  • dedicated
  • unique
  • multitasking
  • baseband

Which of the following kinds of modems is a modem that sends and receives digital data over and information to and from a digital line?

  • broadband
  • wireless
  • baseband
  • access

Which of the following is true of DSL?

  • It uses a line that is shared with other users in the neighborhood.
  • It has widespread availability.
  • Users share DSL nodes with up to hundreds of other users.
  • It is a popular digital line alternative for the small business or home user.

Answer: It is a popular digital line alternative for the small business or home user.

Which of the following is a transmission media on which data, instructions, or information travel?

  • communications path
  • communications channel
  • communications flow
  • communications route

Answer: communications channel

Your school computer library has a network that connects computers and devices within a few small rooms. What type of network does it likely use?

  • MAN
  • LAN
  • VAN
  • WAN

Answer: LAN (local area network)

Which of the following technologies is your new mobile phone payment device most likely to use?

  • NFC
  • Bluetooth
  • Token ring
  • WiMax

Which of the following terms is the time it takes a signal to travel from one location to another on a network?

  • frequency
  • symmetry
  • latency
  • delay register

Which network type connects each computer and device to a central device?

  • a bus network
  • a ring network
  • a core network
  • a star network

Which of the following is a central communications device that allows computers and devices to transfer data wirelessly among themselves or to transfer data wirelessly to a wired network?

  • wireless link
  • router
  • integral point
  • wireless access point

Answer: wireless access point

You are purchasing a new mobile phone, and are learning about categories of cellular transmissions. You ask the sales person what the ‘G’ stands for in the categories 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. What does he reply?

  • gigabytes
  • generation
  • global
  • geographic

Network servers and web servers are examples of what type of server?

  • client servers
  • resource servers
  • dedicated servers
  • device servers

Answer: dedicated servers

Which of the following statements best describes the Ethernet network standard?

  • no central computer or device on the network should control when data can be transmitted
  • computers and devices on the network share or pass a special signal in a unidirectional manner and in a preset order
  • describes rules for dividing messages into small pieces, called packets
  • computers on a network cannot communicate unless they share the same form of translation

Answer: no central computer or device on the network should control when data can be transmitted

As shown in the accompanying figure, what is the term for a network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, country, or the world, using a variety of wired and wireless transmission media?

  • variable area network (VAN)
  • wide area network (WAN)
  • metropolitan area network (MAN)
  • local area network (LAN)

Answer: wide area network (WAN)

You run a large network in which it is important to keep a duplicate of the central devices in case the primary one fails. What category of network topology does this network use?

  • star network
  • core network
  • ring network
  • bus network

Which of the following is the maximum transfer transmission rate for communications satellites?

  • 2.56 Mbps
  • 2.56 Gbps
  • 25 Gbps
  • 2.56 Tbps

Which of the following did Sven Mattisson and Jaap Haartsen invent?

  • WiMAX
  • Ethernet
  • Bluetooth

  • IrDA

What term is used to describe the time it takes a signal to travel from one location to another on a network?

  • bandwidth
  • transmission performance
  • access time
  • latency

What term describes the process in which two or more computers or devices transfer data, instructions, and information?

  • digital cybering
  • digital channeling
  • digital connecting
  • digital communication

Answer: digital communication

Which of the following is a LAN that uses no physical wires?

  • PLAN
  • WLAN
  • TLAN
  • BLAN

Answer: WLAN (wireless local area network)

Which statement best describes how the RFID standard works?

Two connected network devices use infrared light to create a direct frequency.

  • The network uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object, animal, or person.
  • A node on a network must have an individual ID code that can communicate with other ready devices.
  • The network uses reference devices instead of actual devices to speed up the transmission process.

Answer: The network uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object, animal, or person.

What is a sending device?

  • a device that accepts the transmission of data, instructions, or information
  • a device that initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions, or information
  • a device that connects to a communications channel
  • a device on which data, instructions, and information travel

Answer: a device that initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions, or information

Which of the following is a 4G standard?

  • UMTS
  • LTE
  • EVDO
  • CDMA

Which of the following has the fastest transfer rate?

  • Fractional T1
  • ATM
  • T3
  • FTTP

Which of the following statements best describes the Ethernet network standard?

  • computers and devices on the network share or pass a special signal in a unidirectional manner and in a preset order
  • no central computer or device on the network should control when data can be transmitted
  • computers on a network cannot communicate unless they share the same form of translation
  • describes rules for dividing messages into small pieces, called packets

Answer: no central computer or device on the network should control when data can be transmitted.

Which of the following is a simple, inexpensive network that typically connects fewer than 10 computers?

  • hard network
  • interpolated network
  • MAN
  • peer-to-peer network

Answer: peer-to-peer network

Which of the following is an earth-based reflective dish that contains the antenna, transceivers, and other equipment necessary for microwave communications?

  • microwave station
  • planetary dish
  • domestic carrier
  • interstellar transport

Answer: microwave station

Which of the following kinds of devices is any type of hardware capable of transmitting data, instructions, and information between a sending device and a receiving device?

  • linkage
  • baseband
  • communications
  • dial-up

Answer: communications devices

Which of the following terms identifies any network based on the 802.11 family of standards?

  • IEEE
  • Wi-Fi
  • FireWire
  • mesh

Which of the following is true of the installation of a network like the one shown in the accompanying figure?

  • It must span a smaller distance than a WLAN network, but it is easier.
  • It can span a larger distance than a P2P network, and it is easier.
  • It must have built-in wireless capability or the appropriate wireless network card, USB adapter, or other wireless device
  • It is an internal network that uses Internet technologies

Answer: It must have built-in wireless capability or the appropriate wireless network card, USB adapter, or other wireless device

What is the approximate distance most Bluetooth devices can be from each other to communicate, without using additional equipment?

  • 8 feet
  • 33 feet
  • 80 feet
  • 100 feet

How many wired and/or wireless computers and mobile devices might a router be able to connect?

  • more than 200
  • more than 450
  • more than 500
  • There is no limit.

Which is the best description of a coaxial cable?

  • dozens or hundreds of thin strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit signals
  • a cohesive cable connected at axis points
  • one or more pairs of copper wires bundled together
  • a single copper wire surrounded by at least three layers

Answer: a single copper wire surrounded by at least three layers

Which of the following technologies is your new remote control most likely to use?

  • IrDA
  • Bluetooth
  • RFID
  • TCP/IP

Which of the following can detect problems—such as why traffic is flowing slowly—on networks that use the TCP/IP protocol?

  • packet sniffer software
  • bit monitoring scripts
  • torrent flow apps
  • Ethernet analyzers

Answer: packet sniffer software

Which of the following best describes DSL connections?

  • uses long-distance digital telephone lines to carry multiple signals over a single line; only medium to large companies can afford themb.
  • a service that carries voice, data, video, and multimedia at a high speed; used by telephone networks and the Internetc.
  • transmits at fast speeds on existing standard copper telephone wiring; popular for small business or home user
  • uses fiber-optic cable to provide extremely high-speed Internet access to a user’s physical, permanent location

Answer: transmits at fast speeds on existing standard copper telephone wiring; popular for small business or home user

Which of the following is the least likely technology PANs would use?

  • special USB cables
  • Wi-Fi
  • peer-to-peer
  • Bluetooth

Which of the following has a port to which a cable connects in order to coordinate the transmission and receipt of data, instructions, and information to and from the computer or device containing it?

  • network interface card
  • router
  • connector
  • transmitter

Answer: network interface card

Which of the following has the fastest transfer rate?

  • ISDN
  • DSL
  • FTTP
  • Cable

Digital communications describes a process in which two or more computers or devices transfer all of the following EXCEPT ____.

  • networks
  • instructions
  • data
  • information

Which of the following is true of DSL?

  • It uses a line that is shared with other users in the neighborhood.
  • It is a popular digital line alternative for the small business or home user.
  • Users share DSL nodes with up to hundreds of other users.
  • It has widespread availability.

Answer: It is a popular digital line alternative for the small business or home user.

Who invented the Ethernet?

  • Robert Metcalfe
  • Bill Gates
  • Larry Ellisond
  • Steve Jobs

Which of the following offers an alternative to infrared communications with high bandwidth transmissions?

  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
  • cellular radio
  • IrDA

Which of the following statements is not true of Wi-Fi?

  • Wi-Fi sometimes is referred to as wireless Ethernet.
  • Even if two products are Wi-Fi Certified, they must share the same platform in order to communicate.
  • In open or outdoor areas free from interference, computers or devices should be within 300 feet of each other to be able to communicate.
  • When a Wi-Fi network accesses the Internet, it works in conjunction with the TCP/IP network standard.

Answer: Even if two products are Wi-Fi Certified, they must share the same platform in order to communicate.

Contactless payment uses this technology.

Transmission media that uses wire, cable, and other tangible materials to send communications signals.

Standard that specifies how wireless devices communicate over the air in a wide area.

Kind of network that is sometimes called a file sharing network.

Transmission media that sends communications signals through the air or space using radio, microwave, and infrared signals.

Consists of a single copper wire surrounded by at least three layers.

A network standard that specifies how two devices use short-range radio waves to communicate at high speeds with each other.

Kind of cable designed to reduce noise.

This kind of device contains a small chip that allows it to communicate with other similar devices.

Mobile computers and devices, such as a mouse, printer, and smartphone, often have this kind of port to enable the transfer of data from one device to another using light waves.

A wireless transmission medium that distributes radio signals through the air over long distances.

Type of lines that can be either analog or digital.

Protocol that defines how a network uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a person.

A form of broadcast radio that is used widely for mobile communications.

To prevent unauthorized users from accessing files and computers, many routers are protected by these.

Category of cellular transmission that transmits digital data at speeds from 9.6 Kbps to 144 Kbps.

Examples of standards in this category include EDGE and UMTS.

Can be negatively affected by the distance between two points, the type of transmission media, and the number of nodes through which data must travel.

The core of this kind of cable consists of dozens or hundreds of thin strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit signals.

Category of cellular transmission that transmits digital data at speeds up to 100 Mbps.

What kind of communications device sends and receives data and information to and from a digital line such as ISDN and cable?

An ISDN modem sends digital data and information from a computer to an ISDN line and receives digital data and information from an ISDN line. A DSL modem sends digital data and information from a computer to a DSL line and receives digital data and information from a DSL line.

Which network type connects each computer and device to a central device such as a hub or switch?

Star topology has become the dominant physical topology for LANs. The star was first popularized by ARCNET, and later adopted by Ethernet. Each node is connected directly to a central device such as a hub or a switch, as shown in Figure 5.17.

What is the approximate distance most Bluetooth devices can be from each other to communicate without using additional equipment?

The range of the Bluetooth® connection is approximately 30 feet (10 meters). However, maximum communication range will vary depending on obstacles (person, metal, wall, etc.) or electromagnetic environment. NOTE: Not all audio devices are supplied with Bluetooth capability.

What is a receiving device?

A device that allows the transmission media to receive data is termed as receiving device. An example of receiving device is a computer or mobile device that receives the data.


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