Which of the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to print and electronic means of communication that carry messages to widespread audiences *?

the ways in which people respond to one another, whether face-to-face orover the telephone or on the computer.

Whichterm is used by sociologists to refer to any of the full range of sociallydefined positions within a large group or society?

Anascribed status is a social position:

that is assigned to a person by society without regard for the person’sunique talents or characteristics.

status that dominates others and therebydetermines a person’s general position in society.

Whichterm is used to refer to incompatible expectations that arise when the sameperson holds two or more social positions?

Whichof the following would be an example of a social institution?

mass media, the government, the economy, the family, and the health caresystem

Ascribedstatuses may be based on an individual’s:

unique talents or characteristics

Anachieved status is a social position:

achieved largely through our own efforts

Functionalprerequisites are:

1. Replacing personnel. 2. Teaching new recruits. 3. Producing anddistributing goods and services. 4. Preserving order. 5. Providing atmaintaining a sense of purpose.

Whichof the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to print and electronicmeans of communication that carry messages to widespread audiences?

Tosociologists, which of the following is a major concern regarding the massmedia and social policy?

Whichsociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass mediais to provide socialization, enforce social norms through public events, andcreate social stability and cohesion through collective experiences?

Whichof the following would the functionalist perspective most likely view ascreating the greatest collective experience?

Thefunction of media advertising is to support the economy, provide informationabout products, and underwrite media costs associated with:

Whichsociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass mediais to provide socialization, enforce social norms through public events, andcreate social stability and cohesion through collective experiences?

Whichof the following would the functionalist perspective most likely view ascreating the greatest collective experience?

Thefunction of media advertising is to support the economy, provide informationabout products, and underwrite media costs associated with:

Whichof the following terms refers to the phenomenon whereby massive amounts ofcoverage result in the audience becoming numb and failing to act on theinformation regardless of how compelling the issue was presented?

Whichsociological perspective(s) would be most likely to emphasize that the massmedia exacerbate many divisions in our society, including those based ongender, race, ethnicity, and social class?

Whichmedium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping?

Whatis the term used to describe the set of cultural beliefs and practices thathelps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests?

Whichof the following would be a common way for television to create stereotypes?

The types of people they cast to play certain characters and thecharacteristics the characters portray. Ethnocentrism.

Whichsociological perspective is more likely to study the media’s influence onsociety from the microlevel to determine how social behavior is shaped?

Theterm “social control” refersto:

the techniques and strategies for preventing deviant humanbehavior in any society

Whichof the following has a role in maintaining social control?

Laws, dress codes,organizational bylaws, course requirements, and the rules of sports and games.

.“Sanctions”are defined as:

penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm

Whichsociological perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not operateif massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct?

Socialcontrol carried out casually by people through such means as laughter, smiles,and ridicule is known as:

Socialcontrol carried out by authorized agents—such as police officers, judges,school administrators, and employers—is called:

Devianceis behavior that:

violates the standards of conduct or expectations of group orsociety

Whichof the following is an example of deviance?

Alcoholics, compulsive gamblers, and mentally ill, being late for class,wearing jeans to a formal wedding

.“Deviancedefines the limits of proper behavior.” This statement represents the view ofwhich sociological perspective?

InRobert Merton’s terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforcebureaucratic regulations can be classified as:

Asociologist studies how a teacher’s attitudes toward particular studentsaffects students’ performance. Students of similar abilities who are “teacher’spets” perform at a high level, and students who are viewed as “troublemakers”perform poorly. This would illustrate which explanation of deviance?

Social disorganizationtheory (?)

Animportant tenet of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals orgroups have the power to define labels and apply them to others. This viewshares the emphasis on the social significance of power as purported by the:

criminal law for which some governmental authority applies formalpenalties

Acondition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth,prestige, or power is called:

Whichof the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to a structured rankingof groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power insociety?

Anindividual’s salary and wages are referred to as:

an inclusive term encompassing all a person’s material assets includingland, stocks, and other types of property

Anascribed status is a social position

assigned to a person by society without regard for the person’s uniquetalents or characteristics

Asystem of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others isknown as:

Whichof the following terms is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank that arerelatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?

Aclass system employs a social ranking based primarily on:

economic position in whichachieved characteristics can influence social mobility

Capitalismis an economic system in which:

the means of production are held largely in private hands and he mainincentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits

Whichterm is used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the meansof production?

KarlMarx used the term “proletariat”to refer to:

MaxWeber uses the term “class” torefer to people who share a similar level of:

Yourinstructor stated in class that there actually may be 9socio-economic classes.

Intragenerational mobility

involveschanges in social position within a person’s adult life.

In 2011 374 people were booked into the Howard County Jail.

Which sociological perspectives would be most likely to emphasize that the mass media?

Sociology chapter 6.

Which term is used by sociologists to refer to any of the full range?

Which term is used by sociologist to refer to any of the full range of socially defined positions within a large group or society? Status.

Which sociologist is first identified the effects of viewer fatigue and created the term narcotizing dysfunction?

The term narcotizing dysfunction was identified in the article "Mass Communication, Popular Taste and Organized Social Action", by Paul F. Lazarsfeld, and Robert K. Merton.

Which sociologist studied the social composition of audiences to explain how an audience interprets news coverage?

The narcotizing dysfunction of the media was discovered in the 1980s after the deluge of cable news programming. In his study of the social composition of audiences, which of the following characteristics did sociologist Darnell Hunt suggest would be most likely to affect the interpretation of news coverage?