Which of the following u.s. industries is not yet greatly challenged by foreign competitors?

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Sustainability refers to the extent that an organization's operations and actions ________ the natural environment.

A) protect B) mend C) preserve D) reflect good stewardship of

Business ethics, ________, and sustainability issues are interrelated and impact all areas of the comprehensive strategic-management model.

simply happens so organizations should determine how to best manage the phenomena

Bad ethics can ________ strategic plans.

________ are the individuals primarily responsible for ensuring that high ethical principles are espoused and practiced in an organization.

Strategists such as CEOs and business owners

Which of the following companies ranks among those against whom some of the largest payouts for class-action legal fraud suits ever were judged?

All of the following business actions are considered to be unethical EXCEPT

preventing environmental harm

Which of the following business actions is considered to be unethical

Unethical activities that plague online commerce include all of the following EXCEPT

A code of business ethics is

sorely needed in light of a new wave of ethical issues including product safety, employee health, and sexual harassment.

Simply having a code of ethics

is insufficient to guarantee that employees behave in an ethical manner.

Which of the following is NOT a way that companies can help create an ethical culture in their organization?

Discouraging whistle-blowing

________ refers to policies that require employees to report any unethical violations they discover or see in the firm.

Responsibility for encouraging ethical decision making and ensuring ethical behavior in a firm lies with

both a firm's strategists and its managers

More and more firms believe that ethics training and an ethics culture

create strategic advantage

Ethics training programs should contain which of the following

A) Messages from the CEO or business owner emphasizing ethical business practices B) The development and discussion of codes of ethics C) Procedures for discussing unethical behavior D) Procedures for reporting unethical behavior

Firms can align ethical and strategic decision making by

monitoring departmental and corporate performance regarding ethical issues.

bestowing a gift to influence the recipient's conduct.

The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and a new provision in the Dodd-Frank financial regulation-law allows company employees who bring cases of financial fraud, such as bribery, to the government's attention to receive ________ percent of any sum recovered.

The United Kingdom's new Bribery Law

stipulates that failure to prevent bribery is an offense.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, ________ percent of all firms sampled had no restrictions on boss-subordinate love affairs at work.

According to the text, the first social responsibility of any business is to

make enough profit to cover the costs of the future, because if this is not achieved then no other social responsibility can be met.

Social policy can best be defined as

the responsibilities a firm has to employees, consumers, environmentalists, minorities, communities, shareholders, and other groups.

Which of the following was among the most admired companies for social responsibility in 2012 according to Fortune magazine?

________ was socially responsible in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan in 2011; it also was able to get supplies to people who needed them following Hurricane Katrina.

Firms should strive to engage in social activities that

The percentage of persons age 65 or older exceeds 20 percent in Japan, Italy, and

Japan's prescription for dealing with problems associated with an aging society includes

reversing the old-fashioned trend of keeping women at home.

Japan is suffering from a decline in overall economic production

since worker productivity increases are not able to offset declines in number of workers.

If a firm has a bad sustainability record this will

cause investors to closely scrutinize the firm.

Which state generates the greatest number of megawatts of wind power

A document that discloses to shareholders information about a firm's labor practices, product sourcing, energy efficiency, environmental impact, and business ethics practices is known as

It is ________ for a business to provide a sustainability report annually to the public

Walmart encourages its employees to adopt "Personal Sustainability Projects" like weight-loss or smoking-cessation support groups, illustrating that

employee wellness can be a part of sustainability

All of the following are reasons that workplace romance can be detrimental to workplace morale and productivity EXCEPT

increased quality and quantity of work can occur

Managers and employees today must be careful not to ignore, conceal, or disregard a pollution problem or they could

increased quality and quantity of work can occur

Managers and employees today must be careful not to ignore, conceal, or disregard a pollution problem or they could

A) be fired. B) be demoted. C) be held indirectly responsible for their firm's pollution. D) have their firm turn on them in a quest for leniency.

It has become ________, since uniform standards defining environmentally responsible company actions are rapidly being incorporated into our legal landscape.

more and more difficult for firms to make "green" claims when their actions are not substantive or even true

Which is a rule from the Wall Street Journal article "The New Rules of Flirting"?

Do not make physical contact with the person you are flirting with, unless it is within a desired relationship

Alaska and oil companies contend that protections for polar bears ________.

are diminishing opportunities for Alaska energy development

What challenge facing all organizations requires managers to formulate strategies that preserve and conserve natural resources and control pollution?

Special natural environment issues include all of the following EXCEPT

spreading computer viruses

In an effort to manage ecological challenges, many companies are

moving environmental affairs from the staff side of the organization to the line side

Environmental advocacy groups now have ________ Americans as members.

Preserving the environment should be a permanent part of doing business for which of the following reasons?

More lenders are examining the environmental liabilities of businesses seeking loans.

A proactive environmental policy is likely to lead to

The ________ is a network of the national standards institutes of 147 countries, one member per country

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

ISO has legal authority to enforce its regulations' implementation.

________ is a set of standards in fields such as environmental auditing, performance evaluation, and labeling, that is adopted by thousands of firms worldwide to certify to their constituencies that they are conducting business in an environmentally friendly manner.

The European Parliament in late 2012 voted with an overwhelming 566-47 margin to

eradicate the practice of shark finning

The average level of union membership across the whole of the European Union, weighted by the numbers employed in the different member states, is ________ percent compared to about ________ percent in the USA.

Mass communication and high technology have ________ in diverse cultures worldwide.

created similar patterns of consumption

In an industry that is, or is rapidly becoming global, the riskiest possible posture is to

remain a domestic competitor

Organizations that conduct business operations across national borders are called

multinational corporations

The strategic-management process for multinational firms is ________ for purely domestic firms, and the process is ________ for international firms.

conceptually the same as; more complex

The ________ opportunities and threats that face a multinational corporation are almost limitless.

A) social B) cultural C) environmental D) political

The various opportunities and threats that face multinational corporations are almost limitless, and the number and complexity of these factors ________ the number of products and the number of geographic areas served.

drastically increase with

Multinational corporations face unique and diverse risks, which include all of the following EXCEPT

favorable foreign court interpretations of contracts and agreements.

Communication between domestic headquarters and overseas operations is often made difficult by

A) geographic distance. B) cultural differences . C) variations in business practices. D) national differences

The U.S. government's OPIC

offers insurance to offset some risks of doing business internationally.

All of the following are potential advantages to initiating, continuing, and/or expanding international operations EXCEPT

foreign operations could be seized by nationalistic factions

Which of the following is a potential advantage of conducting international operations?

Competitors in foreign markets may not exist, or competition may be less intense than in domestic markets

________ can enable firms to learn the technology, culture, and business practices of other people and to make contacts with potential customers, suppliers, creditors, and distributors in foreign countries.

A firm's power and prestige in domestic markets may be significantly enhanced if the firm competes globally

which can translate into improved negotiating power among important groups.

All of the following are potential disadvantages to initiating, continuing, or expanding business across national borders EXCEPT

foreign operations can absorb excess capacity, reduce unit costs, and spread economic risks over a wider number of markets

Strengths of competitors in foreign lands are often ________, and weaknesses are often ________.

underestimated; overestimated

In 2012, ________ African countries held democratic elections.

Which of the following statements is NOT true

Markets are shifting slowly and in many cases diverging in tastes, trends, and prices.

________ countries are market leaders in labor-intensive industries and ________ offers abundant natural resources and rapidly developing markets

Most economists argue that protectionism ________ the world economy because it ________ trade among countries

Protectionism involves countries doing all of the following EXCEPT

liberalizing restrictions on the import of foreign goods.

What percent of the world's population lives outside the United States

In which of the following industries is the USA NOT yet greatly challenged by foreign competitors?

The world population that lives outside of the USA is growing ________ the U.S. population.

________ recently cut its corporate tax rate by five percentage points, leaving ________ with the highest corporate tax rate among all the nations in the world.

provide strong incentives to avoid and evade taxes

Foreign revenue as a percentage of total company revenues ________ in hundreds of U.S. firms, including ExxonMobil, Gillette, and Citicorp.

The domestic food industry ________, so Kraft Foods is focusing on foreign acquisitions

Joint ventures and partnerships between domestic and foreign firms are

What percent of the world's population lives in the United States?

Which of the following U.S. industries is NOT yet greatly challenged by foreign competitors?

Which U.S. industry is already greatly challenged by foreign competitors?

The lowest cost source for precision machinery is

________ is a process of doing business worldwide, so strategic decisions are made based on global profitability of the firm rather than just domestic considerations.

In South Korea, activities involve concern for ________, or harmony based on respect of hierarchical relationships, including obedience to authority.

In Europe it is generally true that the farther ________ on the continent, the more participatory the management style.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding European workers and workplaces?

Many Europeans respond enthusiastically to pay-for-performance, commission salaries, and objective measurement reward systems.

In general, U.S. managers feel the day has been productive if it is spent

rushing to meetings and conferences

Marketing managers in Japan see making a sale ________ the selling process

Americans place an exceptionally high priority on ________ whereas many foreigners place more worth on ________.

) All of the following are things that many cultures around the world value more than the competitiveness that is so important in the USA EXCEPT

U.S. managers in Japan have to be careful about ________, whereby Japanese workers expect supervisors to alert them privately of changes rather than informing them in a meeting.

Desire for ________ is a part of the social fabric in worker-manager relations in Mexico

Whereas ________ businesses embody individualism, achievement, competition, and informality, ________ businesses stress collectivism, continuity, cooperation, and formality.

How does life in Mexico compare to life in the United States?

Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of most Japanese managers?

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Japanese concept of Wa?

Discussions potentially disruptive to Wa are generally conducted in very formal settings

Which group generally softens up executives with praise before they criticize?

Which of the following nations has the highest corporate tax rate?

To avoid paying U.S. taxes on income made in other countries, many U.S. companies are ________ outside the USA but ________ inside the USA.

In which of the following industries is the US not yet seriously challenged by foreign competitors?

44) The U.S. furniture manufacturing industry is not yet greatly challenged by foreign competitors.

Which of the following is a potential advantage of conducting international operations quizlet?

Which of the following is a potential advantage of conducting international operations? foreign countries. competes globally, which can translate into improved negotiating power among important groups.

What percentage of the world's population lives outside the United States quizlet?

1. About 95 percent of the world's population lives outside the United States, but many U.S. companies, especially small businesses, still do not engage in global trade.